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My little bar by the pool

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TikiRetardo posted on 07/11/2013

[ Edited by: TikiRetardo 2013-07-11 00:09 ]

[ Edited by: TikiRetardo 2013-08-17 07:25 ]

[ Edited by: TikiRetardo 2014-07-06 22:24 ]

[ Edited by: TikiRetardo 2014-07-06 23:25 ]

jimsflies posted on 07/11/2013

Looks great! Looks like a similar size to the one I am building. How does it look behind the bar? Do you have a counter space back there with shelves?

TikiRetardo posted on 07/11/2013

It doesn't have a lot of room for shelves .It is biased forward to get the most room behind it I could .I do have plans for small shelves for bottles but I have not got to that point yet still have to fix the pavers I moved around when I first started . The bar top is about 20 inches wide

LoriLovesTiki posted on 07/11/2013

Love it!

hang10tiki posted on 07/11/2013

Off to a great start
Need some blue balls (floats) above the blue foot sign :)
Have fun


TikiRetardo posted on 07/13/2013

Thanks for the kind words ..........yeah i guess it could have been the Blue Balls Tiki Bar ? :)

Murph posted on 07/14/2013

Lookin' good!

VampiressRN posted on 07/14/2013

Good use for the space indeed. I have a small space behind my bar, and I am thinking organization with quality products is probably the secret to success. Don't forget the Tikis, and have fun.

Welcome to Tiki Central, be sure to check out our Sacramento Crawl and join us in October. http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=44787&forum=17

TikiRetardo posted on 07/15/2013

Oh it needs some tikis for sure ......Its actually quite Un-Tiki right now , I am still trying to get the pavers and shelving done ....I think I have the lighting figured out but ............I will get there :)

TikiRetardo posted on 07/07/2014

Here is some of the shelving behind the bar
over head

TikiRetardo posted on 07/07/2014

sorry about the sideways pics I'm tech-stupid . In the first pic you can see the shelve / glass holder .The second pic was right before I finished the pavers but you can see the shelves at work ?

Tiki_Taka posted on 07/21/2014

It's looking pretty good.
I'm wondering how much you estimate that you save by building a tiki hut yourself rather than buying some ready-made one like the square bamboo hut I saw here:

[ Edited by: Hakalugi - spam link removed - 2014-07-22 00:40 ]

Longboard posted on 07/21/2014

Keep building your bar, buying one is for Squares.

I've found that building a bar is more fun that just drinking at it.

Besides, I doubt that you'll ever be finished with it, if your like most people on this site.

Keep up the good work!


TikiRetardo posted on 07/24/2014

The thing about building your own bar is it can be whatever you want it to be . Mine has two sides it seats about 6 but I always end up with as many people tending bar as i do sitting on the out side . I think for me its like having something to tinker with all the time too .As far as saving money :) I would have saved alot if I would have never found this site .:)

TheBigT posted on 07/24/2014

Nice start. Love you nickname!!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 07/28/2014

I just had to laugh at the comment above about how much $$$ you'd have saved if you hadn't ever found this site. Ain't THAT the truth?!?!?!?

TikiRetardo posted on 08/03/2016

.........a little bartop upgrade

TikiRetardo posted on 08/03/2016

TikiRetardo posted on 08/03/2016

................oops sideways again

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 08/03/2016

T R, that looks good. How did you do it?

TikiRetardo posted on 08/04/2016

............simple as that :)

Bam Bam posted on 08/04/2016

...I absolutely must remember this idea for the future. Excellent!

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 08/04/2016

Mahalo T R. Pictures are indeed worth a thousand words.

TikiRetardo posted on 08/04/2016

I hope it helped some ? The epoxy I used wasn't anything special ( I am sure there is better stuff ). I poured it in layers ,it wasn't too hard to do. The LED lighting is the cheap stuff you find online . I do keep the bar covered most of the time to try and minimize sun damage .......but if it gets ruined it will give me a reason to tear it apart to do something else .

Hearn posted on 08/04/2016

Awesome job. Love it!

Did you encase the LED Strips inside the poured epoxy?

TikiRetardo posted on 08/04/2016

Yep put everything in the trough I created including the lights and started pouring epoxy over the whole deal.......I will admit it came out better than I expected and the seashells had more color after they were submerged in epoxy :)

[ Edited by: TikiRetardo 2016-08-04 10:44 ]

W8N2Surf posted on 09/07/2016

Anyone with a pool needs one of these, good work.

jimsflies posted on 09/07/2016

It looks great. It will be interesting to see how it holds up. I've read that epoxy will yellow/crack with exposure to sunlight. I guess the LEDs should be okay...the strips seem to hold up fairly well. Most of the time the issues I've had are the power supplies or the connections between strips.

TikiRetardo posted on 09/12/2016

The epoxy has been in for about a year and a half .....I am sure it has yellowed some but not much . I live in Northern California so it gets its fair share of heat and sun .I keep the bartops covered with sheets when not in use . The only lighting problem I have had is one of the control boxes filled with water over the winter and had to be replaced .I am currently planning to expand the bar so new tops will have to be made :)

TikiRetardo posted on 09/12/2016

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/72788/57d6421d.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=721002311f69d1d6a366a2e25bff3325

There it is all covered up .....and I apologize for the sideways pic

[ Edited by: TikiRetardo 2016-09-11 22:58 ]

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