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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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Holler Waller posted on 08/08/2013

Happy Happy!

zerostreet posted on 08/08/2013

Happy Birthday Wendy! Hope you have a great one!

swizzle posted on 08/08/2013

Happy Birthday from down under Wendy. Have a fascinating day.

MadDogMike posted on 08/08/2013

WENDY!!! I cant believe I missed your birthday and didn't get your card out on time :( I'll have to bring it to Oasis with me (didn't I do that last year too? :lol: )
Happy birthday anyway!

EDIT - I never did like the Duncan Concepts. They do become glossy without a clear coat and they run, I'm not sure why they are considered an underglaze? I use the Duncan CoverCoats and have never had a problem.

Clay, the oldest and most divine art media;
"And now, from the clay of the ground, the Lord God formed man" Genesis 2:7
Pirate Ship Tree House

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2013-08-08 14:55 ]

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 08/08/2013

The Happiest of Happy Birthdays to Wonderful Wendy!

It amazes me how really shiny silver that silver glaze is.


Professor G posted on 08/08/2013

Happy birthday, Wendy. You've created many, many, many beautiful mugs as well as the Happiest Thread on Tiki Central. Thanks always for all the fun.

Gene S Morgan posted on 08/09/2013

Happy birthday Wendy ... Wish I could be 29 again as well ... Hope you had a good day .... Gene

littlegiles posted on 08/09/2013

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite little lady mug maker! I wish I had won the Lottery. I would have flown out to CA just to give you a big birthday hug and then flown back home.

Hope you had a very special day and I'm sure Dan spoiled you rotten. :)


  • Dale
tigertail777 posted on 08/09/2013

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WENDY! Hope you have a mai tai tiki-riffic day! :drink: :)

TikiRootsRocka posted on 08/09/2013

Happy bday Wendy!!!

TikiAno posted on 08/09/2013

Happy Birthday Wendy!!! Sorry for the late wishes, first time on TC today. I hope you had a wonderful day filled with hugs, cake, cookies, and tikis. Oh, and Dan, too! :)

The latest kiln load looks amazing- love the pumpkin orange glaze test tile. I've never had great luck w/ underglazes. I will check w/ someone who does lots of glazing detail work and see what underglazes she uses- that being said, it might be colored slip that she works with?

In any case, look forward to seeing you next week!

Bruddah Bear posted on 08/09/2013

I hope you had a nice birthday Wendy!

Those crawl mugs are really something. I don't comment on your thread very often, but wanted to say I am awed by the amount of work that you two do, and your devotion in keeping this thread going, bringing us all along with you on your journey.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 08/09/2013

Sorry I missed your birthday, Wendy! I got a new puppy and he's been keeping me busy. I hope you had a fabulous day!!!

the guy on the left is a 4 month old mixed breed rescue that we saved from a kill shelter in NC. He's named Harvey after the Mets pitcher. The dog on the right is our 5 year old Chug named Pudgie.

danlovestikis posted on 08/09/2013

First off I had a wonderful birthday, especially because you all sent me well wishes here. Thank you very much (: I logged on a bunch of times just to read the next one. I smiled all day yesterday and today. I'll just answer any other messages now.

GROG these are new 06 glazes and they did turn out well on the chip. BIG Hugs at Oasis.

Atomic Tiki Punk (:

Holler Waller (:

zerostreet (:

swizzle I saw you ask for someone to pass on hugs from you at Oasis. If you send me the list I can do it. I'll be doing the same for ZERO TIKI

MadDogMike Yep, but in person is fun too. Dan and I celebrate the entire month. (:

I have always used the Duncan Cover Coats and only had them run with a pale colored bulk clear glaze which I now avoid. So it is back to Cover Coats and the dark green clear glaze.

WaikikianMoeKele finding new glazes is such fun. (:

Professor G (:

Gene S Morgan I like the reference to 29 especially since I now qualify for social security.

littlegiles I want to win the lottery too and build a home that looks like the Stockton Islander. I'm so flattered you would have used some for me!

tigertail777 (:

TikiRootsRocka (:

TikiAno Duncan Cover Coat works really well. I was trying to avoid having to also do 2 layers of clear glaze and instead I ended up with more work than that to fix them. (:

Bruddah Bear (((:

LoriLovesTiki oh cute puppy and dog. Our cat keeps us busy. She is a princess, no queen who has us wait on her.

We are packing for Oasis and leaving soon to visit relatives along the way. So soon I'll be writing but not posting photos. So here are a few for now.

The joke in my family is that Dan takes me shopping for a birthday present and he always comes home with the loot.

The tag on this said, "This is NOT a tourist tiki". It is really nice, the bottom has felt so we
don't know if it is signed. It is light weight like coconut.

He also found a Tonga Room Fairmount Hotel San Francisco Pepper shaker so he bought it too.

On my birthday a new restaurant opened and we were the first customers. It was a Marie Calendar's that was jutted and now looks spectacular.

It was a fun day out.

Back to opening the kiln. Notice that evil glint in Dan's eyes. He'd just said, "This one is for me"! So using a crystal glaze on top of three layers of brown worked really well.

Same for putting the Concepts under-glaze in the lettering. It didn't run.

This is the mug for Dan's best friend.

It has his badge number.

You can't tell here but this new glaze sparkles as you move the mug.

I finished painting the two women necklaces with enamel paint and baked them. I gave Dan the one I liked least

and saved this one for hang10tiki for noticing I'd done 250 pages here. Deal is he has to wear it for a day at Oasis. I haven't heard from him yet. hang10 deal???

I was able to save the faces on this bowl with enamel paint the same way.

Dan found a place to display it.

The person who ordered this bowl disappeared. I hope he is alright. Dan put it into his collection but knows if the gentleman comes back he's allowed to buy it.

That's it for today. Thank you all again for making my birthday feel very special. I treasure all my friends on TC. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-08-09 17:28 ]

hang10tiki posted on 08/10/2013

Happy Bday to the best chick on TC
U da bomb
See u at Oasis


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/10/2013

All the Wahini's have a great vintage style, they came out great Wendy.

danlovestikis posted on 08/10/2013

hang10tiki Dan would say I resemble that remark but that would be conceited so I'll just say thank you for not calling me an old hen! I'm looking forward to seeing you and Jonelle too. Are you going to wear the necklace?

Atomic Tiki Punk thank you so much I'm always trying to keep my work from looking as if it was made today.

This is the last post with photos until we return from Tiki Oasis. Last night we work up with a dog going crazy like we had a prowler. I'm going to arm my house sitter with water balloons and an electrical taser. Of course my cat is a killer too.

I'm looking forward to seeing many of you again and new people too. Please come tap me on the shoulder, at any time, for a visit. John-O met came up to us during dinner at the Islands and we had a great visit. You all mean so much to me. Please say come up and say hi.

Guess what I made a few Bob's a while back and here are a few more to share.

This is Tiki Rum Bob. He is a bit different from my Rum Barrel Bob which Dan took.

This one has four bands instead of two.

The rivets stand out instead of carved in.

The writing is at the bottom.

It says Tiki Rum Bob on the back and then on the bottom.

I really like doing my own versions of PNG Bob's.

A while back I did a Maori Bob for Steve Soto in purple. These take forever to carve but I like this design so much I wanted to do another in a different color.

After blocking in the pattern

I just start carving in the design.

Looks like my cat was keeping me company the whole time.

I called this June Bob because that is the month I carved it. Silly huh? When I was a kid I used to catch June Bugs under the street light and let them crawl in my hands. It had a fun tickle feeling.
So June Bug / June Bob

My last one is Somethings Fishy Bob.

He has a mouth ready for a kiss.

Lots of scales

that had their sharp edges smoothed with a wet brush.

A messy bottom.

So that's it for photos until we return from Tiki Oasis 13. I'll have a lot of photos to share from the event. I'll be reading this thread every day while we are gone so I hope to hear what you are all up to.

Cheers, Wendy

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 08/11/2013

Now that I've finished my Art Swap piece, I can come over here & post.
I really like the carved Maori Bob & the Something's Fishy Bob!
Have a great time at Tiki Oasis!

hang10tiki posted on 08/12/2013

Like all the new Bobs
See u 2 soon


danlovestikis posted on 08/12/2013

WaikikianMoeKele I've been missing you. Remember all the Hallmark ornaments. My great-niece is due to have her first baby so I gave her all the rest of them (around 100) and she's so excited.

I had a lot of fun carving those Bobs, I'm glad you like them.

hang10tiki that girl wants to hang around your neck! Bob wants you to wear her too.

We had a wonderful day. We drove clear to Monticeto and enjoyed a visit with my nephews family and now we are checked into our hotel in Ventura. It looks like there is a carnival on the beach that we will check out tomorrow.

I hear Oasis in the distance calling us. Cheers, Wendy

Chippy posted on 08/13/2013

Sorry I have not posted in a while, and I feel terrible I missed your birthday Wendy.

The Bob's all look great.

Hope to see you at Oasis.

danlovestikis posted on 08/13/2013

Hi Everyone, we are at the Event Hotel. We are going to play in San Diego for a few days until everyone arrives.

I have tikis here for:
Tiki Ano
Aquatic Safrinaught
Mahalo Tiki

You need to find me here to score your loot.

We are having fun. Our visit with family was one of our best. This week will pass fast and then its back to work.

Hugs from Tiki Oasis 13 from Dan and Wendy

HB TIKI posted on 08/13/2013

Happy belated birthday Wendy, will see you at Tiki Oasis. Roger and Margi

lunavideogames posted on 08/13/2013

Happy birthday Wendy! Sorry I am a little late, but I was out of town for one of my fun weddings. Only 2 more this year :)

I hope you guys are enjoying my town. Let me know if you need anything and I will see you in a couple of days!

danlovestikis posted on 08/14/2013

HB TIKI Thanks Roger. We are looking forward to seeing you both. We miss Marketplace too, its been a busy summer.

lunavideogames weddings are sure better than funerals. We are loving being tourists in your town. See you soon.

We started off the day at the Bali Hai. We had lunch while looking at the Ocean.

Then we went to Balboa Park and found a million other people there so tomorrow we will go very early so we can find a parking space. It's been years since we were at the zoo and museums so we'll try again.

We left and went to Ocean Beach to antique shop for tikis. Dan loves lamps and he found three. I don't know where they can fit but he had to have them.

Lastly we went to Old San Diego and had dinner. I really enjoyed listening to Dan order in Spanish.

I'll share lots of photos when we are back home. San Diego is a great city. Cheers, Wendy

little lost tiki posted on 08/14/2013

Happy Birthday Wendy!
Sounds like your stay in San Diego is PERFECT!
Can't wait to see you and give you a BIG HUG!!!!

TikiAno posted on 08/14/2013

Wendy, welcome to SD! Look forward to seeing you later this week- unless you want to go try throwing some pottery earlier. :)

Talk soon,
David/ Tiki Ano

hang10tiki posted on 08/14/2013

See you guys tomorrow at the Bali Hai with a Mai-Tai in hand...


lunavideogames posted on 08/14/2013

Did you find any tikis in Ocean Beach? Should have stopped by to say hi to me :)

See you soon!

danlovestikis posted on 08/15/2013

little lost tiki I'm so sorry to tell you that I'll need more than one hug, after all its my birthday month! I can't wait.

TikiAno thank you so much but we are on the move, every day is action packed and Dan doesn't really do art. See you this week.

hang10tiki we will be there long enough to register and then may cut out early. We had lunch there yesterday and happy hour tonight. We beat the crowds. I'll bring your boxes in case we do meet up (:

lunavideogames I'm sorry I don't have any addresses with me so I don't know where you are. In Ocean Beach Dan found a set of lamps that look like huts and when you open the doors each had a tiki inside. Those could have been added but there's no way to tell. At the same place he bought another huge lamp that looks like Mr. Bali Hai. It was made in 1959 and Dan fell in love with it. At the antique store next door he found a few things at the tikiman booth in the back. One chipped tiki from Saipan. So hunting was good and I bought a Acai berry smoothie that I get every year. See you at Oasis.

Thank you all for the notes, I appreciate them very much.
Today we spent 5.5 hours at the incredible San Diego Zoo, then we went to Seaport and walked along the shore. We neglected to get our ticket validated and when we left in 50 min's. parking was $8.00, horrors.
Then we drove over to Coronado Island to see the hotel and then back to the Bali Hai for happy hour. So now at 6:30 PM we are ready to crash and watch TV.

The weather here has been in the low 70's. Such perfect days. One Oasis when Gecko came it was 105 and we kept bringing him bottles of water because his booth had no roof and he was cooking. He's not here this year and we'll miss him again.

Tomorrow the fun starts. Dan and I leave for home Sunday morning so please say hi before Saturday ends. Tomorrow is another play day. Hugs, Wendy

lunavideogames posted on 08/15/2013

Oh yeah, my store is right there across from the the Newport Antique Mall. I was working there yesterday, I thought you might notice it but I guess not. I was busy all day anyway :) maybe next year. But I will see you tomorrow or soon!

I would be interested to see the items you did find! I always look around, but I don't find anything too interesting often.

danlovestikis posted on 08/15/2013

lunavideogames I wish I could have remembered and stopped to say hi. I'll post photos of what we found when we get home. They did a wonderful job of wrapping in paper and then bubble wrap and then putting them into boxes. We are skipping Bali Hai tonight but we'll be at Marketplace when it opens tomorrow.

Today we went to the Museum of Man in Balboa Park. I guess I've seen these things too often. We wish we hadn't gone. The Zoo is paradise and we highly reccomend going there as often as possible for the tropical plants.

We also went to Mission Beach and the ocean walk was fun. Dan's taking a nap. I just turned in my painting for the art show. I see that the hotel is filling up and soon the party will begin.

Cheers, Wendy

tigertail777 posted on 08/16/2013

I hope yer taking pictures! We wanna see all this great stuff. :)

Dan must be a tiki magnet... I swear he finds tiki's where no one else would. :wink:

danlovestikis posted on 08/16/2013

Hi tigertail777, Dan wishes he would find even more. This year there are 100 vendors at this event. We have run into VanTiki, John Moulder, Mahalo Tiki. At a distance we saw Crazy Al and little lost tiki. Today starts all the hugging. The excitement is growing. We register in 45 minutes and get our wrist badges. Only two days left for us and then home on Sunday, it will come too soon. Cheers, Wendy

HT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5133a5466468235d4e1bc1335c25ddab?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Hale Tiki posted on 08/16/2013

WENDY! I'm sorry I missed your birthday, and it looks like you had an absolutely wonderful time. May everyday be that happy. It looks like you are keeping up quite well producing some wonderful pieces. Your Bob's are absolutely fantastic. And really, you're the only reason I got a pair of actual Bobs from the Bal'i Hai in New Orleans a few months ago. I didn't much like Bob for a really long time until I saw yours. Uke Bob V2 turned out great, as did all the PNG-ish Bobs. I can't wait to get another one of your mugs. Unfortunately, getting laid off is really the pits, and I can't wait to be fiscally solvent again. Ah well. Keep on working, and making beautiful things! Everybody loves them. In fact, I was performing at HRHH this past weekend, and Maddy and I took our engagement mugs. I was selling merchandise at my booth, which I share with PopTiki, and he had a few skull mugs out. Well, Maddy and I had ours out, and people kept picking them up, and cooing, and aww'ing, and asking how much they were. One person nearly spilled my drink all over us! Everybody loved them, and I spent quite a bit of time telling them about your mugs. :)

Dan! I'm glad your knee is feeling better. As someone with joint pain like that, I know what a bear it can be. I hope it keeps on, and you keep in the best of health, my friend. I'm thoroughly jealous of your recent finds. That Marq is out of this world! And the pedigree! I hope you snapped a photo of the photo that wasn't for sale. Wow, what a find. And a ton of recent Kava Men. Very cool. I hope to see all of the photographs taken of your collection. Well, and of course, visit it in person one day.


PS - Have a blast at Tiki O! I wish I was there, but alas, it's not in the cards this year.

hang10tiki posted on 08/16/2013

Love the necklace.....
It's double D good

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Edit was for a typo that Grog missed

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-08-18 09:58 ]

TikiAno posted on 08/17/2013

Wendy, hoping to find you today at Oasis (to get the mug). Please let me know if you have a time/ place to meet- I won't be onsite until around 11-11:30AM?

danlovestikis posted on 08/19/2013

hang10tiki you make the necklace look good.

Tiki Ano I'm so glad we were able to hook up. I hope you'll post of photo of you with the mug here on my thread. Thank you for the glaze, I'll find a good project for it.

We are exhausted and turning in for the night. San Diego to Elk Grove in one shot. It's good to be home. I see a lot of glazing sitting on the table waiting for us.

I'll have photos tomorrow of Tiki Oasis. We had another wonderful trip filled with hugs and smiles. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 08/19/2013

Hi Friends, it is good to be home.

Hale Tiki
Tiki Socialite

Joined: Oct 19, 2004
Posts: 1766
From: Pittsburgh
Posted: 3 days ago; 11:13 am Permalink

WENDY! I'm sorry I missed your birthday, and it looks like you had an absolutely wonderful time. May everyday be that happy. It looks like you are keeping up quite well producing some wonderful pieces. Your Bob's are absolutely fantastic. And really, you're the only reason I got a pair of actual Bobs from the Bal'i Hai in New Orleans a few months ago. I didn't much like Bob for a really long time until I saw yours. Uke Bob V2 turned out great, as did all the PNG-ish Bobs. I can't wait to get another one of your mugs. Unfortunately, getting laid off is really the pits, and I can't wait to be fiscally solvent again. Ah well. Keep on working, and making beautiful things! Everybody loves them. In fact, I was performing at HRHH this past weekend, and Maddy and I took our engagement mugs. I was selling merchandise at my booth, which I share with PopTiki, and he had a few skull mugs out. Well, Maddy and I had ours out, and people kept picking them up, and cooing, and aww'ing, and asking how much they were. One person nearly spilled my drink all over us! Everybody loved them, and I spent quite a bit of time telling them about your mugs.

Dan! I'm glad your knee is feeling better. As someone with joint pain like that, I know what a bear it can be. I hope it keeps on, and you keep in the best of health, my friend. I'm thoroughly jealous of your recent finds. That Marq is out of this world! And the pedigree! I hope you snapped a photo of the photo that wasn't for sale. Wow, what a find. And a ton of recent Kava Men. Very cool. I hope to see all of the photographs taken of your collection. Well, and of course, visit it in person one day.


PS - Have a blast at Tiki O! I wish I was there, but alas, it's not in the cards this year.

Hale Tiki so sorry I missed your post last night. We have lots of friends that have been laid off recently and I was so sad to hear you have added to that list which includes members of our family. We wish you the best of luck in finding your next place. They would be lucky to have you.

Thank you for encouraging me and flattering me and making Dan feel good about his recent tiki finds. I love hearing about your mugs. We loved your designs too and I'm glad I could make them for you. Please post photos here when you have time. I'd like to see them in the wild.

Dan did well hobbling around Oasis. I'm going to unload my photos now and find some of the best to post. We had wonderful hugs but not near enough time to visit with friends. It was a lot of hugs and its good to see you and then on to the next hugs. GROG and little lost tiki are great huggers. HB tiki gave us a precious gift that I'll post. So many to mention. I better get working.

I'll be back later, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 08/19/2013

Wow, I took 349 photos during our trip. Good thing I only post a few because most of them you wouldn't want to see. I'm going to do them in sections. We had a great trip.

Today I'll show the Tiki Oasis Art Show 2013

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It's always fun to catch someone taking a close look at your art.
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Over the top great. I kept going back to look.
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This is his business card.
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All the artists that could met up for a meet and greet.
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John Moulder and friend.
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I'm with Miss Tiki Oasis 2013.
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Big Toes art sold super fast.
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Thank you for the visit, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-08-23 00:16 ]

MadDogMike posted on 08/19/2013

Wendy!!! So good to get to hang out with you and Dan, glad you made it home safely. I know it was a SUCCESSFUL trip - you got lots of hugs and Dan got lots of tikis :lol:

lunavideogames posted on 08/19/2013

Yes Wendy, it was great to see you and Dan. I am curious how much stuff Dan walked away with from this weekend. I know I walked away with quite a bit of cool mugs and artwork. Glad you made it home safely and quickly.

zerostreet posted on 08/19/2013

Thanks for the pics Wendy! Your piece has such a nice atmosphere!

hang10tiki posted on 08/20/2013

It was great to see you guys....


danlovestikis posted on 08/20/2013

Zero Tiki, first off I have to confess to you that even though I took your card to Oasis that in the mad party that it was I forgot to say hi to everyone for you. I really had big plans to do that and to get a great photo of hugging GROG. Neither happened. So to all of you who know Zero Tiki and missed him at Oasis he said HI to all of you!

MadDogMike you are so right Mike. You are a great hugger. I just didn't get near enough photos.

lunavideogames Dan is running around finding places for his tiki loot. I'll eventually have photos of the best pieces and I'll post them here including the Ocean Beach lamps. I was happy to see you too.

zerostreet you are welcome. There was so much great art this year it was super to be allowed to exhibit there.

Today I want to back up to the beginning of our trip. I have family in Monticeto and we stopped for lunch there and then continued on to Ventura. We spent the night there so we could visit Ventiki the next day.

Here's Ventura Beach. It was overcast and cool. We have attended Tiki Oasis when it was 105 out. This year the entire week was in the 70's. It was the best ever.
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On the patio of the hotel they used coconut shells to hold the drink menus. Clever.
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When we were looking up Ventiki we found this place in the phone book. Too bad it was closed on Monday or we would have gone there.
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Ventiki was easy to spot.
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It was done up really well.
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I felt right at home when I saw the wall mural outside. I just happened to have photos of my Zombie mug and even a photo of Sven with it.
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The menu.
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Dan scored a mug. Hey, I just saw my reflection in the window.
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Inside was just as fun as the outside.
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I got back to work yesterday on the Sacramento Crawl mug. When I finish all the Tiki Oasis posts I'll be ready to start showing my art work.

Thank you all so much for the visit. Hugs, Wendy

TikiAno posted on 08/20/2013

Wendy, thanks for posting some (of your many) photos- great seeing you & Dan (as well as Mike and everyone else, of course). I will take some photos with Ukulele Bob soon. Your painting for the Art Show looked even better in person (for those that weren't there), great job! Thanks for all the kind words, too.

Glad you made it home safe- along with all of the booty collected on your trip! Look forward to seeing more photos from your trip!

danlovestikis posted on 08/21/2013

TikiAno I thank you for the kind words and for the glaze. I've done the test strip to glaze with some of the crawl mugs. It was a treat to meet up with you.

For the next set of photos I've chosen to show you our visits to the Bali Hai. We didn't go to the Thursday night event. Instead we went there for one lunch and one happy hour preceding the first night party. I am hard of hearing and to preserve what hearing I have left I avoid loud noise that comes with live music. Here are our two visits.

As we approach the Bali Hai you can see the Goof on the Roof who has one red eye.
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The grounds have a few short garden walks.
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We had a romantic lunch.
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The view was of San Diego and the dock.
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The best part is that there are tikis everywhere. Tiki Diablo sold a mug of this tiki at Oasis.
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I love large leaves and Dan too!
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This is the back of the restaurant. We sat at one of these windows.
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This is the view of San Diego.
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Dan and Mr. Bali Hai.
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The food is good here, the place so full of tikis and history. It's on Shelter Island.

More work today. I also need to buy more glaze. The crawl mugs are so large that they are sucking up glaze at 3 times the usual rate.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 08/21/2013

Great photos
Love the one of Dan-O in the big leaf


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