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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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danlovestikis posted on 08/22/2013

Thanks hang10tiki, it's one of my favorite photos from the trip.

My goal with these vacation photos is to give everyone an overview of the San Diego area and the event. There is so much to see and do that arriving early makes the trip complete. Here are some odds and ends and then I'll get back to the hotel and event tomorrow.

Just driving around town there is a lot to see. We took the free bridge to Coronado Island.

The famous Hotel Coronado.


The view of the island and San Diego from the bridge.

We wanted to go to Mission Beach to pick up some tikis for ebtiki which were at Freaky Boutiki.
Here's the outside of the store.

Inside I grabbed the bag and took off.

At the tourist end we found this miniature tiki golf place.

I would like to build these in my backyard.

Not bad, I mean Dan of course.

We didn't go indoors, maybe next time.

Then we had lunch at a place called Breakfast on the Beach.

Next up was Seaport Village.

We watched this man balance these rocks. We did donate to take the photos.

I missed the shot but you should have heard everyone scream when a bird lit on top of one of the rocks. Nope it didn't fall.

We didn't get our parking validated when we bought a hot dog and a nose pencil sharpener. This was a mistake. Parking for 50 minutes cost $8.00.

Now it was time to visit Balboa Park and the Museum of man. However we saw these new moms exercising in front of a different museum and thought how funny.

The top of the museum.

Everywhere we looked we were reminded of tiki. How many bowls do you have that resemble this?

The guy in the back corner looked like my cannibal woman in the pot.

Dan and a relative.

This is very similar to MadDogMike's cannibal swap skull. The card said some survived this surgery. Just think no anesthesia!

I need to go glaze crawl mugs before it heats up outside too much so I'll stop now. I hope it's ok to share our vacation with you all. I really enjoy posting and sharing these. Thank you for the visit, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-08-22 08:42 ]

lunavideogames posted on 08/22/2013

Looks like you had a fun time in San Deigo. Next time make sure to get your parking validated in Seaport Village, the cost after validation is only $1. I am glad you got to visit so many cool places. The Tiki Minigolf is very new, I haven't had a chance to check it out yet. I wonder how long it will last? Maybe it will still be there next year for you and Dan to putt around at! :)

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 08/23/2013

Thanks so much for taking us along on your vacation.
You have such a wonderful point of view & you & Dan
help make beautiful scenery!

littlegiles posted on 08/23/2013

It is always so much fun to follow along on your trips with the pics. Thanks for taking and sharing all those photos!

  • Dale
hang10tiki posted on 08/23/2013

You had to know someone would do it

danlovestikis posted on 08/23/2013

lunavideogames we forgot to validate but never again! I wanted to play the golf game just to see what it looked like inside the building. If you do please post photos here. It was a great trip.

WaikikianMoeKele ah Kele you always bring a smile to my face, thank you.

littlegiles it really is my pleasure. I've always liked to see others vacation photos because they helped me decide on future trips. However we seem to be unable to pass up tiki events. Too many friends to hug and visit when compare to just some place to see.

hang10tiki Dan and GROG must be related! Good Job.

I showed Dan my posts of the vacation last night and he found lots of incomplete sentences and a few that made no sense. Oh well the pictures were good.

Backing up again. Our first day in San Diego we always go to Ocean Beach to look for tikis. I believe that lunarvideogames is across the street from this shop. I didn't remember that and we missed having a visit while he worked.

The lamp shade belongs to Dan along with the lamp. He found three in this shop he couldn't resist. I got tired of my hat so he was wearing it too. We found more tikis next door. I'll eventually post photos of these and other tiki loot from the trip.

Along the walk to get a Acia (spelling?) berry smoothie I took this photo of a youth hostile. It reminds me of high school.

This is Dan's favorite vintage car so I snapped a photo.

The walk along Ocean Beach.

We drove to Old Town San Diego. It is a fun place to shop and dine. We had a fun meal in a courtyard.

During the walk around the square Dan heard a favorite Mexican song playing and we followed it to a stage where it was being sung live with a Karaoke machine. We listened a few songs before we left.

Well friends I have to get ready to leave now. We are meeting friends for lunch. We also got a call that there is an Islander Bumatay mug waiting for us at an antique store. We need to rush there before it's gone. We sign up on all the wish lists and they do call us back. That is how we got the huge black tiki in the nook where I glaze.

Bye for now. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-08-23 09:13 ]

MadDogMike posted on 08/23/2013

Great pics Wendy. I love "Dan and the Giant Leaf" too. That last picture you just posted, with the glass window in the floor so you can see the original foundation, Teresa and I were on that very spot in Old Town a few weeks ago :)

danlovestikis posted on 08/24/2013

MadDogMike what a bummer that we were not there together. Partially because we didn't notice the glass window in the patio and we were there a long time. Also because spending time with you and Teresa is always a pleasure.

Here goes more on our trip to Tiki Oasis 13. These are all things that are available in San Diego.
These photos show our day at the San Diego Zoo in Balboa Park. This is one of the world's best zoos. Not only that the foliage in the park is worth more than the animals with many endangered varieties.

We started out the day as soon as the gates opened. We looked at the map and jumped on a double deck-er bus. For $44 you have access to these buses with a guided tour of the zoo.

We guessed right when we choose our seats. Facing forward get on the right side. You can stand up during the ride but we had the best view for most of the ride.

From the map we could tell that half of the zoo is hot and half is tropical.

We like tropical best. By riding the buss we could see where we wanted to walk later on. Every day the elephants get a manicure. One worker feeds the elephant treats to keep it in position while the other does the toes. They also weigh and check out other body parts to make sure they are OK.

Also included in the price are unlimited tram rides. As soon as we got off the bus we were able to get on the tram. The end of the ride didn't have a line so we stayed on and rode it back. After that a line formed so we were done riding for the day.

The map has a list of all the places to eat in the park. From the tram we could see the top of Albert's restaurant. We decided it was time to walk there.

The walk was beautiful just like Hawaii.

The restaurant was actually below the top deck. When you looked out you just saw trees and other plants. The food was good.

As we continued our journey Dan kept saying we are in Hawaii, this is beautiful. All that is missing are tikis
and then we came out of the tropical forest to find one.

We decided that we should look at some of the animals.
We found a huge Koala exhibit. They sure are sleepy animals. If one moved a millimeter the whole crowd would exclaim ohhhh it moved.

Back to the forest and more plants. Ohhhhh another tiki!

I use photos of plants in my paintings so I took a lot of them.

A lady offered to take our photo together at the end of our day. We saw 1/2 of the park in 5.5 hours. It was enough for this year.

Tomorrow finishes our photos of the rest of our Tiki Oasis 13 and then its back to ceramics.

Thank you for your ride along on our journey, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 08/25/2013

Are you sure these photos were taken in SD?
Looks like Dan-0's Jungle Room

GROG posted on 08/25/2013

hang10tiki posted on 08/25/2013

Silly Grog

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-08-25 07:57 ]

danlovestikis posted on 08/25/2013

hang10tiki we wish.
GROG you know Dan loves these as do I, thank you.
hang10tiki and lovable too.

For me Tiki Oasis is about the people. For Dan it is about the people and tiki hunting. We always seek out Buzzy and Christina.
Each year he gives a pinup to his fans. We hang them all in what we call the Buzzy Bedroom. MadDogMike and Gecko have slept here.

Entering the room with all the pinups of Buzzy.



As I went through my photos I found that I couldn't remember everyone's name. Please help me out here. If I didn't post your name please copy the photo and then add your name. Oasis was 3000 to 5000 people here are a few.

The Lobby when we arrive at Tiki Oasis 13

Chippy(with the mug I made for him) HB Tiki and CY

Coffee and the mermaid, Dan was in heaven.

Moai Mike with Polynesian Patti and Dawee Tiki

Kahaka...did I get it right?

Brenda's Tiki Hut who is part of our Sacramento Ohana

I was with you during the Sacramento Crawl, names please. Cathi on he right.

Hugging Kinny so tight the photo flipped.

Dan, Kinny and MadDogMike

Jonelle and Crazy AL

Bosco and little lost tiki. I couldn't resist getting Kinny's wonderful painting. He even gave me a friends discount. Thank you Kinny.

I gave hang10tiki a topless necklace and he wore it for a day. Dan had one too and got lots of comments.

In the lobby with Mrs. Atomic Tiki Punk and MDM.

This is the famous Atomic Tiki Punk.

Tiki Ano who brought me some glaze, thank you!

I visited the Eric October booth.


MP and John Moulder.

Holden owner of Tiki Farm.

Ron and wife.

MadDogMike showing us his over the top terrific swap piece.

Caren and Fabio.

Smokin Tiki and hang10tiki

Mahalo Tiki

Bowana Dan bought out his bowls.

Thor with his new skull mug snd built in straw.

Doug Horne with lunarvideogames.

Tiki Tony and wife.

Tiki Diablo.

Danny G. a wonderful ceramicist.


Dan bought Notches volcano bowl. It's magnificent.

Dang it I flipped Notches Moai.

MDM, Dan and GROG. Check out GROG's cartoons in Tiki Magazine.

We had dinner with Mahalo tiki Nelson, Mary and Tiffany.

On our side of the table we had MadDogMike. He treated us! Thank you Mike.

I am not going back to check spelling etc. I need to sign off and get to work. I appreciate your visit. Tomorrow more of Dan's trip loot.
Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-08-25 13:39 ]

hang10tiki posted on 08/25/2013

I was wondering who got it,
I should have known...

GROG posted on 08/26/2013

When you take photos of/with Doug Horne, send 'em to me before you post. I always Photoshop him to make him a head or two taller than he is in the photos. :)

TikiAno posted on 08/26/2013

Wendy, thanks for the great photos of Oasis- and of SD. I have to say, I've spent quite a bit of time at the Zoo (work there quite a bit) and have never seen a tiki there. Have to find them next time (or find out if they have more behind the scenes). I agree, the botanical exhibits at the SD Zoo are amazing, so much to see. Koalas are nocturnal (I think), thus a lot of snoozing during the day- I was there for an evening event and they were pretty active. Great seeing you and Dan enjoying San Diego!

I love Ukulele Bob- he's enjoying enjoying his time in his new home sitting next to another Wendy Bob. (You can slightly see one of your Moai masks to the right, too).

(this is my attempt at Bob's facial expression:)

Grog, the Doug Horne photo is amazing (he's almost that tall, anyway....) :)

[ Edited by: TikiAno 2013-08-26 15:15 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 08/26/2013

As always, I really enjoy your event pictures! It's like being there. (A little bit.) thanks for always sharing.

Speaking of which I will post my Hawaii pictures in the Tiki travel forum soon. I met 5 TC people while I was there and got to visit many cool places, went a tiki tour with Phillip Roberts and got mugs from La Mariana, Mauitiki, Beachbumz and Gecko, plus more. Thanks for recommending a visit to Gecko's studio, it was really cool and he and his family were so nice. We met little Gecko too. It was a GREAT trip!

Gene S Morgan posted on 08/27/2013

I finally got to some decent WiFi so I could check out all of your new photos. It is so much fun to go along with the adventures of Dan and Wendy ... Gene

danlovestikis posted on 08/27/2013

hang10tiki he made a deal in the parking lot shhhhhhh

GROG I didn't notice you had made him larger until I looked at the original. He is so tall.

TikiAno this was a perfect and cute photo. I love seeing my work in the hands of collectors posted here. Thank you big time. I'm glad you got Ukulele Bob. Eventually I'll be posting my test of the glaze you brought me at Oasis, another thank you. We will go back to the zoo next year and wait until it's dark so we can see them move.

LoriLovesTiki oh I wish I had been there. I haven't met Kainoa yet. He is such a clone of his dad. La Mariana is such a cool place, did you see the black velvet painting of Ailie? You visited my favorite Maui guys too. I know your trip was excellent. I'll watch for your photos.

Gene S Morgan thank for this visit. I'm glad you got the message about pink!

lunarvideogames requested to see what Dan bought when we were in his town Ocean Beach so here are Dan's treasures.

One is in the tiki jungle room and the other in his garage man cave.

This lamp says the company on the back with the year 1959. Dan loved how exotic it looks.

He found a place in the tiki jungle room for this huge lamp.

We received four gifts on our trip.

The first was from HB Tiki he made an umbrella to celebrate the occasion. Thank you Roger we really like it.

Next Loki Tiki gave us a remote controlled multiple extension set so we can plug in a whole bunch of lights at once and turn them on with ease. Thank you Loki.

Each year Buzzy does another pin up and gives one to each fan. We have the Buzzy bedroom so we really need to keep this tradition going. Thank you Buzzy.

Then Tiki Ano brought me a sample glaze that I'd not seen before. I'll post my glaze test soon.

Your are all so dear for writing here and bringing us presents. Tiki people rock. Cheers, Wendy

lunavideogames posted on 08/27/2013

Looks like you guys made the most of your trip! I like all the cool things that you found in OB. I can't believe Dan got that King Ku Bowl! That thing is amazing!

I like the pictures. Thanks for posting the one with me and Doug. I forgot about that one.

danlovestikis posted on 08/27/2013

lunarvideogames you are welcome. We won't forget to come see you if we make it to Oasis 14.

A few years back MadDogMike made this wolfman hand holding a severed vampire head. We won it on eBay and have loved it ever since.
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Next came the contest at Tiki Farm and I decided to use a hand in my design. MadDog must have planted the idea there.
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Now tonight Munktiki has their own version of a hand and mug. If you get one post it here when you get it for us to see.

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6 P.M pst Tuesday 27th 2013


Zombie Hand Bob

This Tuesday August 27th 2013 up for your viewing and buying pleasure is Zombie Hand Bob. Sometimes you need an extra hand when drinking, just so happens this extra "Zombie" hand has a firm grip on a Tiki Bob mug. Don't try prying Bob from these cold dead hands though or you might anger your new Zombie Hand pal (most likely you'll just break it if you do). Just grab his wrist and drink away!
Zombie Hand Bob comes in a bunch of combinations. You'll be able to choose from either Mummified Brown or Zombie Green for your hand. For Bob there will be numerous colors to choose from.
Zombie Hand Bob stands at 10 1/2 inches tall and holds 12 ozs. Grab one of these suckers for just $85!


Only half the edition will be for sale Tuesday night, the rest will be released later and please only 1 per person the first 24 hours of the sale. When ordering please write in the comments during checkout what colors you want. Mugs will be made to order!

tic tic tic .....................the clock is counting down.

Dan's best friend is holding the detective Tiki Bob mug that I made for him. He's been Dan's best friend since 2nd grade. In the photo is his wife Sherry and grandson Trisin. When I married Dan 35 years ago that brought me a best friend and a grandson too. I think Tristin is hoping for a Tiki Bob mug in the future.Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/521d3964.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=4817f4cee96df9386330044b981dcfca
We are doing our best to raise him to love tikis.
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Until tomorrow friends, Wendy

lunavideogames posted on 08/28/2013

I just grabbed a Zombie Hand Bob mug. I will get some pictures as soon as I receive it. Hopefully soon. I don't know if I should have waited for the Raw Lava one though, but I am hoping mine looks cool anyway!

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tikilongbeach posted on 08/28/2013

Zombie hand Bob sold out in less than an hour! Munktiki just posted that on Facebook.

lunavideogames posted on 08/28/2013

It took me 3 tries to order one as well. I started at 6 and it took me 15 minutes to actually get the transaction to work. That seems to happen a lot with their smaller run mugs. I keep getting a server message that says they are having trouble connecting. But I got one so whatever!

danlovestikis posted on 08/28/2013

lunavideogames good for you getting through. I had that problem with getting a room for Oasis. The trick there turned out to be to refresh the page. I learned it too late to get the room I wanted.

I want to share a couple of home projects with you today.

I recently noticed that Dan's collection of usable tiki mugs and glasses in the kitchen were causing the shelves to sag.
He cut some pieces of wood and hid them behind the front piece of wood.
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Hopefully the shelves can't collapse now.
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Hobby Lobby opened in our town so we went there to spend our 40% off coupon (that's how Dan built his jungle room, one coupon at a time)and we found a Hawaiian section. Dan's not quiet, Dan's lots of fun.
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I always have tiki projects on our dining room table. I use the MadDogMike photo studio there and I line up projects and things to ship. So one morning I told Dan that I was going to give away all of my parents china and crystal to my great-niece Michelle. I told him if he would pack it up he could have all the shelves
for his tiki collection.
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He jumped on the offer and packed it all up. He had no problem filling them up.
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When he needs more wall space I'll take down my paintings and let him use the wall too.
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At Tiki Oasis Dan bought bowls from Bowana. One of them had a crack inside the bowl. Bowana discounted it because of the crack. I asked Dan if he would agree to risk a repair on the bowl. He said yes.

I couldn't tell if the crack was in the glaze or in the glaze and into the bisque. If it was in the bisque then this wouldn't work. I wanted to add glaze and do the firing and cooling very slowly to see if it would repair.
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I picked a complimentary glaze and painted one layer. I didn't know how many layers were present and glaze that is too thick can crack.
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This glaze dries a pretty pink.
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After firing with a 10 hour preheat and a 12.5 hour ramp and cooling over night until it was down to 130 degrees we found a beautiful solid bowl.
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I had Dan wrap it in towels so that it would cool slowly down to room temperature. He put the wrapped bowl in our 80 degree garage.
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The next day when he unwrapped it we found the crack had reformed and
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was now visible on the bottom. So now I think that the crack was into the bisque also.
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We gambled and we lost. Dan likes this bowl so much that he is still displaying it in his collection.

Roge is back to work on resin projects. He just made some sun-catchers. I'm going to post them now on Marketplace.

Cheers, Wendy

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tigertail777 posted on 08/28/2013

So much cool stuff.... love all the pics from your trip.

Have to give you a hand on posting about the zombie hand mug (and cannot believe I am the first to roll out this old cornball joke). :lol:

Really sorry to hear about the Bowana bowl it looked so beautiful when you took it out of the kiln. Again this is why I could not do your line... I would end up shattering half the stuff I made to smithereens out of frustration. If I had all the things go wrong for instance that are happening to poor Zerostreet right now with his mugs I would hang my hat and call it quits. I've almost destroyed some of my paintings in the past because of frustration, so to me to do all this kiln stuff requires the patience of a saint.

I guess that's part of what keeps me tuned in on the edge of my seat to the Wendy and Dan show. :wink:

TikiAno posted on 08/28/2013

Dang, sorry to see what happened to Dave's (and Dan's!) bowl. The new glaze layer looked great- wonder if your kiln temp made a difference on the body of the piece? (High/low fire difference?)

Still looks great, maybe Dan can have the cracked side towards the back of the shelf... ? Thanks for posting all....

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Bowana posted on 08/29/2013

When I saw this picture, my heart sang. :)
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When I saw this picture, my heart broke. :(
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That's a really great glaze that compliments the outside color of the bowl perfectly.
I wonder if it cooled to rapidly?
Sorry to see it end up this way. If Dan still likes it enough to display it, that makes my day!
Thanks for thinking so much of it that you attempted to fix it.

Anyways, nice to see you at Oasis!


hang10tiki posted on 08/29/2013


Sorry the Bowie bowl cracked

You both make great TIKI


danlovestikis posted on 08/30/2013

tigertail777 ups and downs but no matter what we learn from our mistakes.

TikiAno I did everything right to try to repair the bowl. Long preheat and a super slow ramp. It cooled to 130 degrees before we opened the kiln. Then we wrapped it up to hold in the heat for the rest of the day. If I could do it over again I would have left the kiln closed until it was room temperature inside. I'm sure someday I'll be trying this again.

Dan did put it on a shelf with the good side out.

Bowana/Bowie I didn't know you had a nickname. I think it would have benefited from slower cooling. I shouldn't have followed the 130 degree rule with this bowl.
It is a beautiful bowl even cracked.

hang10tiki those were Dan's words too. When he wrapped it up it was perfect so it was really sad to uncover it and find the crack. Oh well.

Back to work on the Sacramento Crawl mugs.

While the bisque fired mugs were waiting to be glazed I had them under plastic table clothes.
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Even though they were covered I worried that there could be some dust on them.
One by one I carried them into the kitchen and rinsed them off inside and out.
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I put them upside down on trays to keep dust from getting inside.
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I figured that by the next day they would be dry enough but still damp enough to glaze.
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So I took these photos and called it a day.
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Gee, we can't cook in this kitchen we better go out to dinner! Cheers, Wendy

littlegiles posted on 08/30/2013

What a great site to see, all those mugs sitting on the counter. I know in the future we will be looking at some beautiful mugs.

i hate that you had to go out for dinner. Gosh, you suffer so much for your art! haha

  • Dale
hang10tiki posted on 08/30/2013

That's a strong kitchen island
I'm guessing about 250 lbs of Tiki Mugs up there...


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MaukaHale posted on 08/30/2013

Only 42 days left!

danlovestikis posted on 08/30/2013

littlegiles Dan likes a neat home and is horrified by the mess that making ceramics at home brings. However since he takes so many of my pieces he isn't allowed to complain. Dinner out was nice. We went to our favorite Indian Restaurant because they were now offering a buffet two nights a week. We were a bit disappointed to see it was the same buffet they have at lunch. Oh well the food is always excellent.

hang10tiki very close but add in all the water each one sucked up when I rinsed them inside and out.

MaukaHale until the Sacramento Crawl or the birth of my great-great-nephew. They are both coming up! Thank you for the heads up.

We have a lot of tikis and skulls in our backyard. Dan got me yesterday to show that nature had added its own touch of art to our yard.
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In case you don't visit Marketplace often Roge is now had Sun Catchers for sale or special order and is selling them at 2 for the price of one for Tiki Central folks. Here's some photos. All the information about getting one is on Marketplace. The whole thread has the history of chunk lamps with photos of places that had them. Example: Disneyland Bowling.
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Some things just work out well. All the Sacramento Crawl mugs are upside down so why not do the bottoms. Not Dan's bottom, that comes later, just the bottom of the mugs.

It wasn't easy standing up to do these but working from morning until night I got them done in two days. My postings here are close but not always done along with the work.
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I left a small white area where I will number the mugs. I saw that the first one I'd done didn't have the white area so I used a wet paper towel to remove the glaze in the box. Remember I had to do this three times to make it three layers.
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Next I went back and finished off with a strip of glaze under the white area.
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All done and so was I.
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You can see as they dry there are some tiny white areas where bubbles popped. I went back and added glaze to fill these in.

Back to work, thank you for the visit, you are all appreciated so much that I need to keep saying this often. Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 08/30/2013

Sorry bout the bowl guys :( Good trick for numbering the mugs. I wonder if you could also use some kind of self adhesive tag to mask off the area then peel it off when you are done glazing? Cool spiderweb!

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 08/30/2013

The pic of the tikis & spider web is amazing!

I would have thought that you would need to stand on a stepstool to reach the bottoms of those huge mugs.
(& I can't wait for the glazing of the OTHER bottoms, too! hee-hee)


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tigertail777 posted on 08/31/2013

Wendy I just wanted to thank you and Dan for the paints, they arrived today and I cannot wait to start playing around with them. This was incredibly kind of you, thank you! :D

hang10tiki posted on 08/31/2013

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danlovestikis posted on 08/31/2013

MadDogMike hi Mike, the "peel off the label" might work for me in the future, thank you. I carved so many words on each of these mugs that the space left for numbering was different on each mug. I'd actually carved a box on the bottom of each one, none were the same shape. I think sometimes I work harder than I should need too.

WaikikianMoeKele when I read your message Dan went hee-hee too.

tigertail777 you are welcome tiger. I used to paint all the time, now I do ceramics every day. Those paints needed to go where they would be used. I know you'll turn them into something great.

hang10tiki I hope he doesn't get a spider bite!

On our trip Dan found this tiki in an antique shop in Ocean Beach where lunavideogames is located. It had a large chip but I told him to buy it and I'd repair it.
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I found a way to put it into position so that I could use clear fingernail polish to build back the missing part.
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It took five days and around 60 layers to build this up. Each layer is extremely thin. Going slowly also allows you to build up edges. So I was able to keep the right shape. This is an inbetween photo. It had a ways to go.
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Once I had the missing piece replaced with the polish I found paint to match. First layer with the light color.
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The next layer was darker to age the spot and blend it in.
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Next I used an acrylic paint varnish to fix it so the paint wouldn't wash off.
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All done.
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I love that the label says it was made with coral.
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Close up.
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Fixing Dan's tikis is how this became my primary type of artwork. Now I'm addicted.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 09/01/2013

Great repair job

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dartharnie posted on 09/01/2013

As always, thanks for the step by step repair walk through

....I love learning these types of little tricks to fix minor problems with things. I did something similar two weekends ago with a gouge in my headboard. Used wood filler, sawdust and melted crayons to fill it. There was a time when I was younger I would have just said, "duct" it and call it a day.

BTW, I'm a little giddy to see the Crawl mugs getting some color...yippee

danlovestikis posted on 09/01/2013

hang10tiki it took a lot of patience but the payoff is huge. PS Dan wishes he were photo shopped as much as GROG

dartharnie I feel your yippee and smile, I'm smiling too.


They say you can't teach an old caveman new tricks but I'm going to see if I can. I've sent GROG a box of photoshop books to read while he recovers from his surgery. My hope is that we'll see more of his work here after he learns some new tricks. Best wishes for an excellent outcome of your surgical procedure on 9/11 dear friend. Please read his Blog from the Ohana pages with the link on VampiressRN's infirmary page. He'll keep you laughing.

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Back to the Sacramento Crawl mugs.

I had used 5 jars of glaze so far and that helped me figure out how many more I would need for this project. I figured I needed 11 more so we went off to Alpha Fired Arts to buy them. When I took every jar off the shelf at Alpha and there were 11. I asked them how long before they would get more in because I could have figured it wrong. They said three weeks. I crossed my fingers.
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I shake and stir the glaze and pour it into the mug.
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I let it sit for 15 seconds and then I pour it back into the jar. Every so often I have to add distilled water to the jar because it becomes thicker.
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This is a photo of a frustrating error. I poured the glaze into the mug and then due to fatigue I poured it out without a jar to catch it. I saved most of the glaze.
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So I kept on going until
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I did it again and this time it was on the table and I couldn't save the glaze. Sometimes you have to know when to quit.
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I finished the rest the next morning.
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It is Labor Day weekend so I'd better go do some labor! Cheers, Wendy

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zerostreet posted on 09/01/2013

Wendy, you don't know how helpful these pics are! Thanks so much for sharing your incredible process!

danlovestikis posted on 09/02/2013

zerostreet I can always hope. I didn't show photos of them sitting upside down until no more glaze comes out. That is important because if you let glaze run into the bottom and it becomes too thick it can crack your cast just like turning your mold over too soon.


The Sacramento Crawl mug continues.

Dan is my heavy lifter and he set up so I could start the glazing.
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I put on my lovely glazing outfit.
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The sun moved so Dan got me a hat. It kept falling off and I wasn't very happy.
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I got this many done and then since I've had skin cancer and the top of my nose removed I needed to find a shady place.
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So I moved over to the side of the shed and began to spray both the tiki mugs and the shed.
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I was able to make these pretty photos.
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Dan carried the mugs to the shed.
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More mugs.
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The rest of the mugs.
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30 done and drying in the shed.
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At the end of the day we had this to clean up. It managed to fly through the air and around the shed and to land on the tops of our garbage cans.
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Cliff Hanger...does the glaze come off the shed? Stay tuned for tomorrows episode and we'll both find out! Cheers, Wendy

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 09/02/2013

What happens next????

Wondering minds want to know...


lunavideogames posted on 09/02/2013

Happy Glazer day!!!

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Professor G posted on 09/02/2013

On 2013-09-02 11:20, danlovestikis wrote:

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Cliff Hanger...does the glaze come off the shed? Stay tuned for tomorrows episode and we'll both find out! Cheers, Wendy

How am I supposed to sleep tonight?

You're not kidding about the Bionic Dan doing the heavy lifting: I believe you told me the mugs weigh in at four pounds each?

You two are amazing.

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Bruddah Bear posted on 09/02/2013

Wow, messy over-spray. If you've got the $ and the room, one of these; http://www.spray-booth.com/small-paint-booths-c-41.html would solve a bunch of your spray glazing byproduct difficulties. You two are tiki making machines.

hang10tiki posted on 09/03/2013

I think I see a holy image in the spray
Maybe you could sell the shed on eBay

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