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Zerostreet's Tiki Art!

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Tipsy Yeti posted on 08/24/2013

Here's hoping, they look great!

zerostreet posted on 08/25/2013

On 2013-08-24 10:42, Tipsy Yeti wrote:
Here's hoping, they look great!

Thanks Tipsy! Well the Moai cracked again...I fired it with 3 of my Stowaway mugs and they came out fine. So....the only variable that I can see is the design of the mugs....Maybe my Moai's nose is too large? Is there such a thing as a kiln/ceramic incompatible shape? I'd love to hear thoughts!

As to the Stowaway mug...Wasn't too pleased with my glazes so I'll be offering these up as Artist Proofs. The dark one is sold.

danlovestikis posted on 08/25/2013

The dark mug looks terrific. You can re-glaze the light ones and fire again.
If the nose on the Moai was thicker than the rest of the mug that could crack it.
Slow firing helps prevent the cracking. Wendy

zerostreet posted on 08/25/2013

On 2013-08-25 08:00, danlovestikis wrote:
The dark mug looks terrific. You can re-glaze the light ones and fire again.
If the nose on the Moai was thicker than the rest of the mug that could crack it.
Slow firing helps prevent the cracking. Wendy

I don't think it's thicker...it's just long! Anyway I'll be listing one of the light ones and reglazing the other. Thanks Wendy!

zerostreet posted on 08/25/2013


Juggling a few projects including this new cigar box painting.

Gene S Morgan posted on 08/27/2013

Robert ... I have been trying to figure your cracking problem. It is so odd that a slip cast mug would consistently crack. You mentioned that you thought the nose was too long. Is it possible that the mold could have a place (like in the nose) that forms in such a way that a void is created? Also is the plaster you use of really good quality? Perhaps there are some impurities in it that cause the greenware to dry irregularly. That may lead to week spots. Because of that, the mold may be the problem. Also, have you tried to fire them using a simple glaze (like a clear) to see if they crack? An old glaze may have gone out of solution and not be firing on evenly applying uneven pressure as it cools. I'm racking my brain .... sorry if I seem to be shooting in the dark.

So glad the barrels came out ... cool stuff .... Gene

MadDogMike posted on 08/27/2013

Robert, I got nuthin'. I can't image it's the shape. Since it's slip cast, it should be uniform thickness. I guess a mold imperfection is a plausible theory, hard to say. You have used that glaze on other items and they didn't crack? Very frustrating!

The rest of the stuff is looking really cool though ~ the cigar box and the barrels. I even got on FaceBook with my son's account (don't tell ATP or GROG) and checked out your Mars Attacks cards. The level of detail you are putting into them is amazing for the number of cards you have to do.

Badd Tiki posted on 08/27/2013

Have you tried firing one without glaze?

Glaze and clay need to be matched well for same shrinkage. The only way to say it's the clay's fault is a full fire without glaze. If it still cracks you need to fix clay (probably slower firing, etc..)

If not then you need to work on the glaze, or try something else.

Good luck!

zerostreet posted on 08/27/2013

Gene, Mike and Badd Tiki! Thanks so much for the input. I don't think there is anything wrong with the mold. If anything I'd say more the design of the mug...not sure if that matters. These have all survived the bisque firing with no issues...no cracks or anything. Miles of Munktiki suggested to me that perhaps the glazes I'm using are not compatible. He suggested I do 1 glaze inside and out. So I will be trying that. Wendy has also offered to fire one for me so I'l be sending her a bisqued, glazed mug ready to go.

Thanks for the help! We'll crack this case soon! I hope! :D

Here's the latest on my Kava Kava painting:

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swizzle posted on 08/28/2013

I'm going to go with the glazes not being compatible also. Recently i had one of my Bob'O'Nuts crack. There were four in the kiln and two were done in a custom colour for someone and it was one of those but why the other one didn't crack i have no idea.

Other than that the only time i've ever had any mugs crack in the glaze firing was when i first started ceramics. The four that it happened to all had the same brand glaze on the inside (different colours) but the glaze on the outside was one brand on one mug and a different brand all together on the other three (the same green in this case). Since then i have mixed various brands together, inside and out and never had a problem.

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tigertail777 posted on 08/28/2013

The stowaway mug is awesome! The little detail of the eye peeking out of the bottom is great!

Of course I absolutely dig the Mars Attacks! stuff! The Martian at the tiki bar is GREAT!

This latest painting... forgive me... I don't understand the reference... so it looks like a cross between Punch of Punch and Judy fame, and witchie poo from HR Puff N Stuff. So, umm yeah nightmare fuel. Sorry... sorry... I guess that shows my age doesn't it? :lol: The painting is great, but if only it would stop looking at me like that... that hideous grin, that blind clouded and pale vulture eye...

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zerostreet posted on 08/28/2013

Thanks Swizzle! I'll be trying a different glaze soon.

Tigertail. Kava Kava are from Easter Island....and they are kinda creepy. Here's a few pics to help you sleep well tonight.

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tigertail777 posted on 08/28/2013

HOLY MOTHER OF.... Gee thanks for that Zero!

KIND of creepy he says. I am thinking there could be an entire horror movie franchise around these things. You made it look cute and cuddly. :lol:

Okay I see the source material now... I get it... but I will send you the bill for my shrink. :wink:

Glutton for punishment I know... but what are they supposed to represent? I mean is there a legend or story behind them?

zerostreet posted on 08/30/2013

Let me google that for you :D


On the periphery of TIKI. Some of you may have heard of GOLD DUST LOUNGE (they played Hukilau this past June). They're a great South Florida band mixing surf, exotica, spy...Russell Mofsky, the band leader and guitarist, is running a Kickstrater campaign for their new album. I've painted the cover for it. Click the link below to hear some of the amazing tracks (Hidden Lake is my favrite) from the record and maybe pre order the album! There's also a of of kind pledge opportunity to purchase a 1/1 print plus a pencil study of the cover.


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zerostreet posted on 08/31/2013

It was suggested to me to try the same glaze inside and out on the Moai mug. I did and it survived! Not sure if that's the true issue, I'll be doing a bit more experimenting. Barrel are coming out fine!

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zerostreet posted on 09/03/2013

Just a head's up! The 15% sale at the Tiki Tower store ends tonight.


Also I have one Stowaway mug left, in Mossy Green (mugs are not included in the sale).

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Tiki Tower
The Art of Robert Jimenez

[ Edited by: zerostreet 2013-09-02 18:34 ]

zerostreet posted on 09/09/2013

Looks like a one color glaze is the way to go if I don't want these Moai blowing up! Hope to list these at the store soon!

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danlovestikis posted on 09/09/2013

Problem solved? It looks really good in red. You worked hard to get to this point. I hope it goes perfectly from now on. Cheers, Wendy

zerostreet posted on 09/10/2013

On 2013-09-09 08:28, danlovestikis wrote:
Problem solved? It looks really good in red. You worked hard to get to this point. I hope it goes perfectly from now on. Cheers, Wendy

Thanks Wendy. Well, I've fired a few in the last week or so and when using the same glaze inside and out it hasn't cracked. So I think I'm going to go that route. I think I'm only going to do about 20 of these and retire the design. I'm working on a few new ones!

Just listed these at the store. Red is sold. More coming soon.

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MadDogMike posted on 09/10/2013

Glad to see that's working out Robert. Now what happens if you use the same brand and type of glaze (Duncan Envision for example) but just in a different color?

zerostreet posted on 09/15/2013

On 2013-09-10 10:38, MadDogMike wrote:
Glad to see that's working out Robert. Now what happens if you use the same brand and type of glaze (Duncan Envision for example) but just in a different color?

Excellent idea Mike! I'll be trying that. In the meantime. Toffee! This glaze looks nice...got a lot of pinholes in the interior. Glazed and fired again and they are kinda still there...

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danlovestikis posted on 09/15/2013

Did you soak it first in water? Otherwise the tiny holes that caused them would still be working their magic. It's really hard to make holes go away. That's why I pound the outside of the mold with a rubber mallet as the slip is poured inside. You get to learn all the pitfalls on your first two mugs. It took me since August 2010 to find them all! Wendy

zerostreet posted on 09/15/2013

On 2013-09-15 15:49, danlovestikis wrote:
Did you soak it first in water? Otherwise the tiny holes that caused them would still be working their magic. It's really hard to make holes go away. That's why I pound the outside of the mold with a rubber mallet as the slip is poured inside. You get to learn all the pitfalls on your first two mugs. It took me since August 2010 to find them all! Wendy

No I'm gonna start doing that. They are hard fill up aren't they. You brush glaze and in a second the whole is there again.

I haven't tried the rubber mallet...if this keeps up I may try a sledgehammer! :D

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Tiki Tower
The Art of Robert Jimenez

[ Edited by: zerostreet 2013-09-15 15:52 ]

danlovestikis posted on 09/20/2013

No sledgehammer for you when mugs look this good coming out of the kiln.

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About those holes. They look tiny but you can't rub them out with your finger when the clay is wet. You have to open them up and then fill them in with clay.
Here's what I mean.

Once you fire one of these holes you can't fill it with glaze. So you search for them when you are working with your piece.
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The eye is opened.
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Open the lip hole.
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Fill them with clay and smooth and sculpt them to look good.
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If you miss one you can sometimes hid it by using a glaze that is multicolored. One color you will always have it show.

Thank you very much for the mug, we will treasure it, Wendy and Dan

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-09-19 21:12 ]

zerostreet posted on 09/25/2013

Thanks Wendy! You're step by step with pics is invaluable!

Here's a sketch for a future painting. Tangaroa and a sneaky chimp!

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MadDogMike posted on 09/25/2013

Awesome, we haven't seen a chimp from you in a while!

zerostreet posted on 09/26/2013

On 2013-09-25 13:43, MadDogMike wrote:
Awesome, we haven't seen a chimp from you in a while!

Yeah it's been a bit! Thanks Mike!

I hope to have more mugs ready to list in the store in a week or so. After completing my Mars Attacks cards, Topps asked me to work on Star Wars....so I'm in the middle of a bunch of sketch cards for that...after that's done I'll be back on my Shadow Tiki painting!

danlovestikis posted on 09/26/2013

That's a winner already, Wendy

zerostreet posted on 09/26/2013

On 2013-09-26 13:55, danlovestikis wrote:
That's a winner already, Wendy

Thanks Wendy!

Only a few days to go for the GOLD DUST LOUNGE Kickstarter. Russell and the band and close to their goal. If you haven't given them a listen check it out. There is also a blog post at the Atomic Grog blog. Check it out and pre-order this cool record now! (and check out my cover art!)


zerostreet posted on 09/29/2013

Painting one of my Moai mugs. Should be listing this one on Ebay soon.

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zerostreet posted on 09/30/2013

Trying some new glazes for The Stowaway and The Fractured Moai.

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zerostreet posted on 10/01/2013

Quick sketch inspired by a recent carving (and photo) by Bill Collins.

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danlovestikis posted on 10/01/2013

This on may be a favorite. He actually gives off a vibe of being alive, Wendy

zerostreet posted on 10/03/2013

On 2013-10-01 10:37, danlovestikis wrote:
This on may be a favorite. He actually gives off a vibe of being alive, Wendy

Thanks Wendy! Hope I can paint this soon!

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hang10tiki posted on 10/03/2013

Killer stuff here

zerostreet posted on 10/03/2013

On 2013-10-02 19:36, hang10tiki wrote:
Killer stuff here

Thanks Hang10!

As posted in the Marketplace, I only have a few of my Moai T-shirts left (5 Large) I'm offering free shipping on them, within the US, till they're gone. So pick one up for $15!

Look for a new design soon!
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Tiki Tower
The Art of Robert Jimenez

[ Edited by: zerostreet 2013-10-03 15:25 ]

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tigertail777 posted on 10/04/2013

I'm with Wendy: really dig the sketch, looks like he is meditating. That is going to make a fantastic painting!

zerostreet posted on 10/04/2013

On 2013-10-04 03:30, tigertail777 wrote:
I'm with Wendy: really dig the sketch, looks like he is meditating. That is going to make a fantastic painting!

Thanks! Appreciate it!

Been experimenting with my glazing. This may be my favorite so far. A Worn Green glaze. I have 3 Moai listed at the store right now.

Any MadDogMike's suggestion of trying 2 colors of the same brand worked out. The inside is white and the outside has Leaf Green and Straw Yellow.

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danlovestikis posted on 10/05/2013

It's wonderful to see that your ceramics are working out. We sure do love ours, Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 10/07/2013

A few weeks back I was the proud recipient of some Robert Jimenez Art Awesomeness! (sorry for the delay in posting)
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Very cool Robert, thank you so much :D Love the way the "worn green" turned out too. Keep on experimentin' and pushin' the limits!


zerostreet posted on 10/07/2013

Thanks Wendy! Mike! Things are working out much better that's for sure! I do have an occasional mug or two with pinholes in the glaze, always on the inside. I've refired them and they NEVER seem to fill....I even tried a trick I read about online...spraying with hair spray first.

Here's one of 2 that it recently happened to. I love this Leaf Green glaze so I'll be listing this for sale even with the pinholes in the interior. It looks too good to not be sitting on a shelf! :D

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Here's a newly listed Stowaway in Butter Toffee:

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zerostreet posted on 10/14/2013

Star Wars cards are in the "can". Back to The Shadow!

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MadDogMike posted on 10/15/2013

Glad your cards are done Robert, that looked like a lot of work. The Shadow looks very sinister!

zerostreet posted on 10/19/2013

On 2013-10-14 17:44, MadDogMike wrote:
Glad your cards are done Robert, that looked like a lot of work. The Shadow looks very sinister!

Thanks Mike...here's a better pic of where I'm at.

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danlovestikis posted on 10/20/2013

This is great. This should have been at the Tiki Oasis spy themed event in 2012 but it is actually timeless. You are so good at conveying emotion. Wendy

zerostreet posted on 10/20/2013

On 2013-10-20 10:18, danlovestikis wrote:
This is great. This should have been at the Tiki Oasis spy themed event in 2012 but it is actually timeless. You are so good at conveying emotion. Wendy

Thanks Wendy! I love Pulp art! For some reason this painting is taking a lot out of me and I find I am often taking breaks to do something else. Happened last night and I worked on this Marquesan all night long:

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It's listed at the online store...along with these new 12x12 inch prints of The Greeter:

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zerostreet posted on 10/23/2013

Trying to get this done before the next wave of cards arrive!

THE HEART OF KU....in progress....

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zerostreet posted on 11/03/2013

Getting close to finishing this up! More soon!

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