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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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danlovestikis posted on 10/07/2013

MadDogMike right after I took that photo she slapped his face!

hang10tiki always. We'll have fun with you in November.

lunavideogames how can you be when you live and work near the ocean, we are jealous!
I'm happy I could bring your vision into being.


I really appreciate the notes, thank you so much.


We are having a lot of fun getting ready for the Sacramento Crawl. If you signed up for a mug but are not attending I will send you a PM or email next week.
I'm looking forward to seeing if my regulars who each year drink from my mugs have the strength for this huge and heavy one.


A few months back I made a bowl and volcano. Dan took the volcano and put it in his largest Gecko bowl.

It was a little large for my bowl anyway. He grabbed it so fast I never got a photo of it in the bowl.

Twice around the outside of the bowl it says Tiki Island. So now I'll need to make a volcano that represents that name.

The inside of the bowl is red hot lava with cooling edges.

Here's the new volcano in progress.

Day one.

I rolled out some clay. I had the choice of digging out the clay with the melon scoop or pressing in the ball and moving it around.

First I did the bottom opening 2/3rds of the way in.

Then I pressed it in until I thought there was 1/2 inch left for a bottom.

Next I just used my fingers to expand the bottom into a volcano mountain shape and did the same at the top. To make the peaks I added more clay.

I kept a plastic baggie under it so I could pick it up without it sticking to the bowl.

When I got to this point I let it sit covered with a plastic bag until the next day.

Day two.

I just kept adding clay and building ridges.

I also make four straw holes that are in the bottom part.

I made two blanks that I'll carve into tikis as soon as they are firm enough. Now, having the bowl say Tiki Island will make since.

I'd be lost without Tiki Central and everyone who checks in here. Thank you, Wendy

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 10/08/2013

You & Dan looked like you were having a great time on your latest adventures, but then,
you & Dan almost ALWAYS look like you are having a great time!

I'm amazed (as always) by how you have the vision to build up the volcano.
Although when I first glanced at it (especially so close to Halloween) I thought ghost.
So now to me, it is Tiki Ghost Island or Ghost Tiki Island. lol


zerostreet posted on 10/08/2013

Wow! That relief work you're doing is awesome Wendy!

danlovestikis posted on 10/08/2013

WaikikianMoeKele I should make a ghost mug with tikis. That sounds like fun. We do have a great time. We try to play together since we are also best friends.

zerostreet it's fun to find out that carving a dry clay mug works out just fine.

Thank you two for writing, I like to answer comments, makes my day, cheers, Wendy


Kele here we are playing again. At the beginning of summer we tried to go to the Folsom zoo. It turned out to be a special day for Firemen and school kids and we couldn't get in. So we went yesterday and found that they had closed it for maintenance. Of course that wasn't on the web page that I checked. So Dan and I went to the adjoining park and played there.

Then we went on to search for tikis in the gold rush town of Folsom. Not a single tiki and all the antique stores were out of business except one. Bummer.


Back to the MadDogMike December Album Cover Swap

Now that I had the tracing done I started to carve it out.

Clear up to the bottom of the lettering.

Then the rest of the lettering.

A wet brush is wonderful for smoothing after carving.

Now I'll just let it dry.


LoriLovesTiki posted on 10/09/2013

I'm really enjoying learning about the carving of a dry mug! I feel like (because its dry) I can see everything so clearly and am learning so much about your carving techniques.

Thanks so much for teaching all of us so much!

hang10tiki posted on 10/09/2013

Great updates
See you in November...


WaikikianMoeKele posted on 10/09/2013

ditto what Lori said... Learning so much from you.

And love watching you & Dan play

danlovestikis posted on 10/09/2013

LoriLovesTiki, you touched my heart. I love sharing. I have learned a lot by making mistakes. I hope I can eliminate them for everyone else.

hang10tiki you are my rock.

WaikikianMoeKele we sure do try to play some each day. Last night we took a walk to buy brown rice. It's good to have a goal.


Thank you all for posting so I could answer, Wendy


I've finished off the volcano by carving the little tikis.

I started off with this smooth volcano which is now leather hard.

I used big grain sandpaper and pressed and twisted it all over the surface.

My first little tiki is similar to Mort's in San Diego.

Next I did a Moai.

The sculpt is finished and now it will slowly dry in a plastic bag placed over it loosely.


We are getting ready for the Sacramento Crawl activities. The crawl mugs are in the trunk of the car ready for deliveries at each stop.

Please bring cash. $70 each for your pre-ordered mugs. We'll do out of town shipments next week after our flu shots. Get them if you can, they work!

Thank you for your visit, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-10-09 08:12 ]

tikilongbeach posted on 10/09/2013

I love the look of the volcano with the tikis at the base. Thank you for sharing.

TikiAno posted on 10/09/2013

Holy cow! The Art Swap mug's detail is amazing, I almost don't want to see it glazed. Okay, I do, but not really.

THe Volcano piece is great, too. I always have trouble carving heads from raw forms, look forward to your step by steps for direction/ inspiration.


hang10tiki posted on 10/09/2013

Volcano lookin Kool
Love the lil tikis on it


WaikikianMoeKele posted on 10/10/2013

Ditto on what Hang10tiki said...

I think it amazing how you find objects to make textures on your clay...
really opens one's mind to the possibilities.

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 10/10/2013

Ditto on what Hang10tiki said...

I think it amazing how you find objects to make textures on your clay...
really opens one's mind to the possibilities.

danlovestikis posted on 10/10/2013

tikilongbeach I'm beginning to like carving tiny tikis. I'm happy you like these.

TikiAno you new tool will work well for carving small tikis and so does a tooth pick or other wooden point. Water and a brush to remove bits of clay and you are on your way. Glad you like them. Your thread has me interested in press molds.

hang10tiki you and I have so many ideas and not enough time. I'm enjoying your swap art coming to life.

WaikikianMoeKele when we go on tiki hunts I also look at all the kitchen tools to see what I can use with clay. Today is a great day with everyone giving me thumbs up.

Thank you all so much for giving me a lift and inspiration to keep on going.

Back to the MadDogMike Album Cover swap mug step by steps.

After using water to smooth my carving I let it dry. Some detail is lost when smoothing this way so I go back over my work with a wooden pick and do a bit more carving.

Before I bisque fire I'll sand and fine tune all my work again. So this is not totally done.

I used the same tool to outline the lettering and then to make scratches in the background.

Then where I wouldn't bump into any carvings I used this tool to continue the scratching around the backside.

Done for now. I'll finish my other projects and then I'll fine tune and bisque fire them all together.

Rough bottom will be sanded too.

Cheers, Wendy

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 10/11/2013

Wendy! You like the miniature tikis!?!

My other major obsession (besides tikis) is miniatures!

& I will start looking at the kitchen utensils (oddly, I'm thinking of a particular scene from "Stripes" lol)

hang10tiki posted on 10/11/2013

I like the details in the art swap mug

hiltiki posted on 10/11/2013

Love, love, love the volcano. I'm a volcano fan. Can't wait to see it finished.

danlovestikis posted on 10/11/2013

Comp. broken, crawl started, may be down for awhile. 1 letter in 10 seconds, screen scrolling colors. Curser sticks.

Thank you Kele, Hang10 and hiltiki. Cheers, Wendy

lunavideogames posted on 10/11/2013

We need to pool our resources and get Wendy another option. Smartphone? Tablet?

Sorry about your pc that is sad news. :(

Is there a pc technician in the house that can troubleshoot her problems???

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2013-10-11 12:05 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 10/12/2013


The SPATULA treatment!!!


thanks for the laugh :)


danlovestikis posted on 10/12/2013

lunavideogames Tiki Hula said he would come repair my computer on Monday. Then this morning I turn it on again ( re-boot #15 ) and it was fine. I'm worried that I've been hacked. But meanwhile I can post again. This dang computer is only a year old and should be fine. Thank you for your concern, you are a sweetheart.

LoriLovesTiki The SPATULA treatment!!! Always.


Just before the crawl began we had Moai Mike and Polynesian Pattie come over for a quick tour.

Mike brought us a mug he had Bosko make for his 60th birthday.

I sold them their mugs from my car trunk.

They flew in for our crawl from Southern California. So we showed them the jungle room

and the tiki hut of mugs.

I think our crawl is so much fun that it's like Christmas morning each day. I woke up at 5 am and I wish it were starting right this minute. Instead I'll share some photos with you.

Our day began in Modesto at Minnies bar and restaurant. This was built by the same man who built the Stockton Islander. It was named for his wife and has never closed down. We had an excellent meal and at the end Diane and CDTiki treated everyone to their meals and drinks. Thank you two that was over the top!

This root ball tiki is by Vic of Jungle Trader out of Turlock. It is out back of Minnie's.

As the day began are group of small but with each stop it grew.

In this photo is CDTiki, Diane, myself and Dan.

Our second stop was at the home of CDTiki-Duane and his wife Debbie. It's a high end tiki art gallery.

Speaking of ends CD was comparing his mug to Dan's but dressed you just can't tell.

Diane was pouring drinks on the patio

while Dan and Abstract Tiki chilled by the pool.

Vic, Wendy, Tiki Cleen and Tiki Hula-Mike


This stop was at The Blue Kahuna's-Gregory's home. I continued to sell my mugs on the street. This is Marone tiki and his love Debbie.

Once inside I found Choptop and The Blue Kahuna.

Debbie, Marone Tiki and Choptop were strange at the same moment!

I didn't get a great photo of his tiki bar. I was trying to show that he has a bunch of my ceramics in his collection.

On the way to the last stop we swung by our home again so that Vic and John who flew in from Colorado for the crawl could see our home. This is inside the man cave that Dan built.


Last Stop of the day was at the home of Dr. Tiki Mojo-Dave and his wife Eva. The home was over the top with tiki everywhere. I am so sad I missed getting a photo of Dave. Help me out Ohana.

Deb and Sandy.

Vic-Jungle Trader and Sean-Chief Bartender.

Cathi, Brenda's Tiki Hut and Eva.

Eva, wife of Dr. Tiki Mojo and cloudmonkey.


I feel so lucky to have gotten my computer back for now. I may have to get a tune up and to have it checked for hacking. Meanwhile I'll leave it on and post as often as I am able.

Thank you all for joining us on Day one of the crawl. There are two more days to go and I can't wait for more hugs. Cheers, Wendy

lunavideogames posted on 10/12/2013

Wendy, you can get some good PC antivirus software for free. Check out CCleaner and AVG for free virus protection. Update and run them regularly and you shouldn't have too many problems. Here are links to them. Good luck and I am glad you got it working again!



WooHooWahine posted on 10/12/2013

WooHooo!!! Great Pics.....Keep Posting :) Wish We Were There!!!!

hang10tiki posted on 10/12/2013

Looks great
Wish we were there
But I did get the newest biggest member of the family.
I'll be drinking out of it tonight in your honor!
Have fun
Keep the pics Rollin


This mug is HUGE...

Hi Dan-0

Family photo

cdtiki posted on 10/12/2013

Great photos Wendy. Diana and I loved having you guys over. Love the mug!

Jungle Trader posted on 10/12/2013

I was gonna use the phrase "over the top" but you used it twice already. So I will say your place is "off the charts". I could hang in the jungle room long time. Thanks for the tour Wendy and Dan.

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 10/12/2013

All of your pics are wonderful, but of course this one is my favorite! :D

On 2013-10-12 06:35, danlovestikis wrote:

Speaking of ends CD was comparing his mug to Dan's but dressed you just can't tell.

You all look like you're having such a great time,
at least the rest of us can accompany you virtually.

Enjoy the weekend!


danlovestikis posted on 10/13/2013

lunavideogames thank you for the help. I found out that my computer doesn't need to be turned off at night because it goes to sleep. So when I woke it up this morning - no hangover! Tiki Hula who runs tikiroom.net is coming over on Monday to check this out and to teach me a few things. I'll have him look at your links too. So far I've been protected by the Geek Squad's webroot, I'll know a lot more on Monday.

WooHooWahine I know we'll see you many times before next year's crawl but even still we are looking forward to seeing you here then. Woo Hoo!

hang10tiki OHHHHHHH you know I loved those photos, thank you. I'll take a few myself when we visit in November.

cdtiki thank you CD we all loved being there and treating us all to lunch was over the top. Check out these photos because Day Two had another full size poodle who was very affectionate with John.

Jungle Trader we had such a good time showing you around and showing you where your four mugs are displayed. I especially liked seeing the new tikis you carved for Minnie's.

WaikikianMoeKele everyone has been smiling non-stop. The whole crawl has been a blast and today I'm betting will be the same. Thank you so much for making the use of Dan's Butt so much fun. He's really been enjoying the attention as the mug boxes have been opened up. The guys don't seem to mind, the girls really like it.



Our Day began with brunch at Tower Café. The first Tower Records was just across the street. Dan bought his first Tiki News by Otto there and fell in love with tiki. That started it all for us.

Tower Café is beautiful and decorated with art from around the world. We waited in the garden area.

After we were seated I went over to photograph John, Sandy and VampiressRN.

John and Chuck are here from Southern CA so we had them hang out with us for most of the day. We had fun with our playmates!

As we were leaving we ran into Eva and Dr. Tiki Mojo just arriving for brunch.

We had some time before the next stop so we went to Old Sacramento to walk around.

We had to stop for the Halloween Train to pass.

If we hadn't waited we might have become one of these!

We walked through a couple of shops. The guys found this one very interesting!

Our next stop was at Swanberg's. A very funny name for a terrific Hawaiian clothing shop that also carries tikis, ceramics, books, music. If you come to Sacramento it's a must to stop here. 2316 J street downtown.

We had a bit of time so we went to a few garage sales and then to an antique store. Nope we didn't find any tikis. But woman I found a "like new" leather purse by Espirit for $4 at a garage sale...score!

The biggest surprise of the day came when we left for the next stop in Davis, CA. It's Saturday and it's 3:15 PM. There shouldn't be any traffic problems. Well when we left Sacramento se got into a complete freeway slowdown. We inched forward until we found the cause and then traffic took off so fast we couldn't get a photo. It happened to others in our group.

The stall of the freeway was caused by a broken down truck hauling a trailer that was carrying a Huge 9-10 foot tall MOAI!!! We were all yelling looooook as we accelerated past the Moai. Just for we tiki peeps and so worth the slow down.

Next stop was new for all of us and sooooooooo worth the drive.
Thank you Mark and Selena for sharing your home with all of us. Also for all the food and drink you prepared for such a large group.

This is Selena and Moai Mike in her tiki room.

Polynesian Pattie, wendylovestikis(Dan) wearing shell necklaces I found at one of the garage sales and Selena.

John-Maukahale from Colorado had a sweet encounter with Selena's poodle.

Savage Tiki with the crawl mug, Tiki Hula with last years crawl mug and Dr. Tiki Mojo.

A chorus line of mug buyers.

Now we were off to the last stop of the evening. Matt the Cats and Melody.
Here Matt poses with the mug I made for him on the left.

Sandy and Dan in the backyard with the flash.

In the yard with no flash. They serve drinks with lighted ice cubes.

They provided a desert bar and other brought more to add later on.

In one of the tiki rooms.

In the kitchen.


Beth, Amy, Psycho Tiki D and Amy

Psycho Tiki D and VampiressRN.

Vamp had a great idea to thank Duane for starting the Sacramento Crawl 8 years ago. We gathered around to clap for him and then I presented him with a mug I'd made to look like him.

When Duane couldn't run the crawl Marlene stepped in to keep it going. So I surprised her with a custom mug too.

Without these two there wouldn't be a crawl and all of us in the photos would have had a much harder time finding each other.


One last wave goodbye and Dan and I head home to sleep well.

Now I have to hurry we leave for the crawl in 30 minutes. Another terrific day of fun with our dearest friends.

Cheers, Wendy

LoriLovesTiki posted on 10/13/2013

Like everyone outside of the area, I LOVE seeing all the crawl pictures and putting faces to names I know from TC!


lunavideogames posted on 10/13/2013

Yeah it looks like everyone is having a lot of fun. I bet this is one of your favorite tiki events! Everyone looks really happy to get your mugs.

hang10tiki posted on 10/13/2013

Wow wow wow

TikiAno posted on 10/14/2013

Ditto all those comments. Good times, great tiki-ing.

VampiressRN posted on 10/14/2013

Thanks for posting all the great pictures Wendy...had a blast!!!

Tiki Tonie posted on 10/14/2013

Hi Wendy, It was so great to meet you at Mahalo Tiki! You are every bit as nice in person as you have been here at Tiki Central! We look forward to meeting and getting to know the Sacramento tiki group.

Tiki Tonie

Polynesian Paddy posted on 10/14/2013

Loads of fun. Definitely worth the trip up from San Diego.

danlovestikis posted on 10/14/2013

Tiki Centralite

Joined: Jan 11, 2011
Posts: 51
From: Sacramento
Posted: Yesterday; 6:24 pm Permalink

Thanks to all of the Sac Ohana for making our first year hosting (and attending) such a pleasure!

Marlene, Thanks for organizing the event. It was truly great to hang out with such wonderful people this weekend!


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Tiki Centralite

Joined: Feb 20, 2013
Posts: 22
From: San Diego (now living in Elk Grove, CA)
Posted: Yesterday; 7:51 pm Permalink

Much mahalo to all that hosted as well! Much love & aloha to you all!!! \m/

All is Aloha and Aloha is all!

[ Edited by: Lloyd*AloHHHa 2013-10-13 19:53 ]

[ Edited by: Lloyd*AloHHHa 2013-10-13 20:07 ]

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MadDogMike posted on 10/14/2013


Wendy asked me to tell you that she is having some computer problems and is taking it into the shop for repairs. She will post again when she is able :)

lunavideogames posted on 10/14/2013


LoriLovesTiki posted on 10/14/2013


What Luna said.......



WaikikianMoeKele posted on 10/14/2013

On 2013-10-14 16:00, LoriLovesTiki wrote:

What Luna said.......



What Lori said that Luna said...


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/15/2013

I have taken control of your system....
I can sharpen the image to crystal clarity...

Jungle Trader posted on 10/15/2013

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/15/2013

Bruddah Bear posted on 10/15/2013

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/15/2013

zerostreet posted on 10/15/2013

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/15/2013

That's not from the "Outer Limits", Robert.
all shall cease to exist!

zerostreet posted on 10/15/2013

Had a feeling there'd be an objection.

Here you go!

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