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The Return Of Big Kahuna

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Big Kahuna posted on 09/08/2013

Fair Warning! I'm plotting a return to the Tiki Mecca of SoCal. Hide your women & your rum. You've been warned!!!

hottiki posted on 09/08/2013

[ Edited by: hottiki 2015-10-13 20:18 ]

Big Kahuna posted on 09/08/2013

Is that an invitation?

hottiki posted on 09/09/2013

Yes BK, and there's even a hammock ...we are three miles from Trader Sam's....so could do a double header...save room on your card

Big Kahuna posted on 09/09/2013

You've got a deal, Tom!

tobunga posted on 09/09/2013

When are you heading out to So. Cal? Hopefully your travel dates will correspond with some tiki events out here on the west coast!

We always enjoy your visits to our sunny shores! Any other stops on your itinerary besides Trader Sam's?

See you soon!

Big Kahuna posted on 09/10/2013

I'm hoping to catch the opening of Tonga Hut Palm Springs, but I can't seem to get confirmation on the date.

Big Kahuna posted on 09/10/2013

Soooo, I'm thinking of hitting Disneyland. I've never been to the original ETR. Anyone else interested?

lunavideogames posted on 09/11/2013

Let us know when you might be there. Lots of people love to frequent Trader Sams and a bunch of us have season passes to Disneyland. I am sure we could get some people there.

I would be more than happy to have you over to my home bar in San Diego, I will make you a Mai Tai and invite some San Diego ohana over. If you come down here, my wife and I are always looking for any excuse to go to Bali Hai as well. We have a good group of people having monthly meet ups at Bali Hai the first Monday of each month if you are in town then.

Just keep me posted. We have an extra room too that may be free. Enjoy your visit if I don't see you!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/12/2013

Rick! look forward to catching up with ya!

Big Kahuna posted on 09/16/2013

OK, tentative dates are 11/12-11/19. Anyone got any suggestions for activities?

SandraDee posted on 09/16/2013

On 2013-09-16 07:12, Big Kahuna wrote:
OK, tentative dates are 11/12-11/19.

I love how you are coming during the height of blizzard season in your part of the country.

Good luck with those dates!!

Big Kahuna posted on 09/16/2013

It's never blizzard season that time of year, unless I'm travelling! Last year it was a freaking hurricane! The snow hit the day I got back!

SandraDee posted on 09/16/2013

On 2013-09-16 11:55, Big Kahuna wrote:
It's never blizzard season that time of year, unless I'm travelling! Last year it was a freaking hurricane! The snow hit the day I got back!

Mother Nature is obviously trying to tell you to MOVE OUT WEST :)


On 2013-09-16 07:12, Big Kahuna wrote:
OK, tentative dates are 11/12-11/19. Anyone got any suggestions for activities?

According to the Don the Beachcomber calendar, The Hula Girls will be at the Dagger Bar on Saturday 11/16

Calendar: Don the Beachcomber

Big Kahuna posted on 09/16/2013


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/16/2013

Sounds like we can plan a Don's meetup for the Hula Girls show
on Nov. 16th. let us know when you have a general idea for a schedule
and I will put that together, Rick.

Big Kahuna posted on 09/16/2013

Wait! Is that the same night Tonga Hut Palm Springs is scheduled to open?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/16/2013

Not sure if the Tonga Hut PS has a solid opening date yet?

Big Kahuna posted on 09/16/2013

We'll work it out. Always fun at The Dagger Bar with Spike & the gang. Last time I saw them there was the Saturday night before Art died. :cry: Is there any kind of anniversary memorial planned? Do we know when the "Art The Beachcomber" mug will be released?

Big Kahuna posted on 10/09/2013

Booked my flight, today! Flying into LAX 11/12 PM & leaving 11/19 AM.

Big Kahuna posted on 10/22/2013

So far, I've got Hula Girls At Don's on 11/16, ETR probably 11/14, Slot Car Racing in Buena Park, visits to several home tiki bars, Don's 11/18, Tonga Hut 11/17. Any other bright ideas? Anyone daring enough to go ice-skating with me?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/22/2013

Hellz Yea!

Big Kahuna posted on 10/22/2013

You're on! Now, we need to get some chicks to go with us!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/22/2013

Oh wait! I wasn't talking about the Ice Skating, I was talking about you coming to town
did I mention my bad knee?

Big Kahuna posted on 10/22/2013

Spit on it! Walk it off! Rub some dirt in it!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/23/2013

You damn Bostonians & your Witchcraft!

Big Kahuna posted on 10/31/2013

Anyone got any reasonable, clean hotel suggestions? I could really use your help. I don't want to stay at The Goodnite Inn in Whittier, again!


Going way back to this thread, there is a list of lodging which is within stumbling distance to Don the Beachcomber

Tiki Central: Sunset Beach lodging

You got to scroll down a bit

Big Kahuna posted on 10/31/2013

Thanks, King.
Is Downey safe?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/31/2013

Did you pick a general base of operations yet?
what area's are you thinking about, so better to advise you on
Man, I wish we had an extra bedroom here...

Big Kahuna posted on 10/31/2013

I've stayed in Whittier, the last 2 years, because it was centrally located, but not exactly 5 star accommodations.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/31/2013

I would not want to stay in Downey, so you want to be central to LA & Disneyland area's ?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/31/2013

Would staying in downtown L.A. be an option?

Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles is a bit pricey $200 a night
super cool upscale hotel with some major history

But on a budget just down the street is http://www.stayonmain.com/
it is a hostel/hotel and very nice on a budget, we had a downtown L.A.
history/bar walk that John-O organized last month & many of us stayed there
everyone whom did liked it, modern & clean, Cole's is right around the corner.

tikilongbeach posted on 10/31/2013

The Pacific Inn in Seal Beach is nice and close to the freeways. You can even walk to the beach. Its on the same street as a tiki apartment building and its a short drive to Don the Beachcomber.


Do you need to be somewhat close to Whittier and Downey? Just East of Whittier and Downey is Buena Park. It's the home of Knott's so there is lots of lodging and since the Halloween Haunt is over, it is off season so it would be inexpensive. And this would include Knott's own hotel.

Knott's Hotel

And you can go down Valley View to PCH to get to Don the Beachcomber's. Or East on Katella to get to Disneyland and Trader Sam's.

Big Kahuna posted on 11/01/2013

Thanks, again, King. I think Buena Park will be my base of operations. I'm looking at Besthost Inn, Day's Inn Buena Park & Baymont Inn Anaheim. They all look like decent values. Any input? I'm looking for clean, safe & economical. I don't need any amenities, just a place to sleep & shower.

[ Edited by: Big Kahuna 2013-11-01 06:53 ]

Big Kahuna posted on 11/01/2013

I'm getting negative feedback on Buena Park. Is it a bad area?

Big Kahuna posted on 11/01/2013

Ramada Costa Mesa is looking like a possibility. How's that area?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/01/2013

Well Costa Mesa is my turf, I don't know about the hotel, but the area is nice
parking & food is not an issue & it is clean & safe in most of the whole city.

tiki mick posted on 11/02/2013

On 2013-11-01 10:06, Big Kahuna wrote:
I'm getting negative feedback on Buena Park. Is it a bad area?

Check out the radisson suites hotel buena park on beach blvd.

It's like a smaller version of the place they have tiki oasis at.


Big Kahuna posted on 11/05/2013

Welp! Narrowed it down to Torrance & Costa Mesa. Expedia had a two day 25% of sale at the Ramada, Inn Costa Mesa, for some reason. Sixty-Eight bucks a night! Costa Mesa it is!

bigtikidude posted on 11/08/2013

Hey BK,
If ya'd like to stop by my place In Anaheim and see my tiki room
And mug collection etc. shoot me a email.

I dunno what yer schedule is, but I'm off Mondays n weekends.
Jeff btd

Bora Boris posted on 11/14/2013

Big Kahuna on Sunset Boulevard.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/14/2013

I felt the disturbance in the force
when you got into town Rick, we be seeing you!

Big Kahuna posted on 11/15/2013

Lock up your women & your rum! Not necessarily in that order!

Big Kahuna posted on 11/15/2013

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/18/2013

Rick & Luke paid a little visit to the Atomic Tiki Lounge
along with Doug & Stacey for a warmup to Don the Beachcomber
Saturday night.

Doug, Rick, Luke, Stacey & Nancy

Gorgeous Stacey

Rick & Luke with Cocktails...

The Handsome & Dapper Doug Horne

The Fabulous Jungle Ginger (Nancy) complete with Cocktail...

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