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Trader Dick's is closing -NOT being replaced by a Sportsbar

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mrsmiley posted on 12/18/2013

But a cowboy bar. Will close soon if Gilleys is supposed to open in Spring! NOOOOOOO! Trader Dicks in John Ascuagas Nugget is going to be replaced by Gilleys mechanical bull! http://www.ktvn.com/story/24243456/sparks-nugget-to-add-gilleys-saloon-dance-hall-bbq

bigbrotiki posted on 12/18/2013

Ouch! Well, frankly, it is amazing that it lasted that long.

""It's an exciting time for all of us here at the Nugget," says new President and CEO Carlton Geer. "We feel confident that vibe will translate to all of our guests who experience Gilley's."

The vibe:

We are NOT excited! …wonder what is gonna happen to all those vintage Tikis.

AceExplorer posted on 12/18/2013

On 2013-12-18 06:55, bigbrotiki wrote:
We are NOT excited! …wonder what is gonna happen to all those vintage Tikis.

We can only hope that they will allow some of us to rescue those tikis.

Jungle Trader posted on 12/19/2013

A Cowboy Bar. Well shit howdy, giddy up.

Big Kahuna posted on 12/19/2013

Crap! Hopefully they'll sell or auction off the good stuff, so some of us can rescue it.

TikiHula posted on 12/19/2013

Haha, Vic you may be the only person on here half way excited about Gilly's opening :wink:

Jungle Trader posted on 12/20/2013

Yep Mike.

forgotten tikiman posted on 12/20/2013


TikiTnT posted on 12/23/2013

We emailed the manager at the Nugget and they said late January or early February for a close date. So with that, is anyone interested in going up for a last hurrah, soon? The Fun Train doesn't start up until early February, so road trip carpool, Amtrak ? Ideas?

TikiVato posted on 12/23/2013

On 2013-12-23 10:50, TikiTnT wrote:
We emailed the manager at the Nugget and they said late January or early February for a close date. So with that, is anyone interested in going up for a last hurrah, soon? The Fun Train doesn't start up until early February, so road trip carpool, Amtrak ? Ideas?

My wife and I visit my brother in Reno several times a year including MLK weekend. Trader Dick's is always a must stop for us. We will be there the weekend of January 17, 2014. Tnt or any other TC'ers can contact me if you will be there that weekend.

tikiyaki posted on 12/25/2013


VampiressRN posted on 12/25/2013

Heading up for one last fling with the Sac Ohana. Thanks for putting this trip together Mike...I have my room already. Hope they will be open to passing on a few items to the Tiki enthusiasts...we can only hope. I want a menu...and a Tiki.

Looks like we have a couple of weekends covered (January 11th and January 18th)...see you there!!!!

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[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2013-12-28 16:23 ]

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TikiReno posted on 12/31/2013

Please post or message when you're going to be there -this local will meet up with you!

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TikiMaxton posted on 01/09/2014

NOOO!!! We spent one of our most memorable New Years there! No way I can get down there this weekend. Very sad.

TikiHula posted on 01/10/2014

Looks like the big get together is Saturday night if you can make it.

TikiVato posted on 01/13/2014

On 2014-01-09 18:52, TikiHula wrote:
Looks like the big get together is Saturday night if you can make it.

How did it go? Any pics?

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Otto posted on 01/25/2014

I'm gonna try to make it there tomorrow/ Saturday Jan 25

Closing date is set for Feb 8

TikiVato posted on 02/04/2014

Just read this in the Reno Gazette-Journal: If folks want some of those glasses, they’ll need to head down to Trader Dick’s and order a Tahitian dreamsicle, a mahalo or a lethal zombie. Despite rumors bobbing about (on a sea of rum and pineapple juice), the Nugget is not auctioning off its tiki-ware. Instead, the property is retaining much of it for future tiki events; the remainder is being sold in bulk to a restaurant industry dealer. Trader Dick’s is closing Febuary 8, after Saturday’s dinner service.

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 02/04/2014

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-02-04 12:36 ]

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 02/04/2014

On 2014-02-04 12:31, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:

On 2014-02-04 11:04, TikiVato wrote:(on a sea of rum and pineapple juice)

Robert Louis Tiki Vato, Very good!

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-02-04 12:37 ]

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tikilongbeach posted on 02/04/2014


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Pity the poor Mason jar of today. Pity, too, the short pour glasses, assorted tumblers, sleek columns and other glassware now populating restaurant tables. Those vessels have nothing on the tiki mugs — grimacing gods, swaying palm trees, amply bosomed hula girls and other Polynesian kitsch — that once brimmed with potent tropical drinks at tiki restaurants across the country.

Trader Dick’s in John Ascuaga’s Nugget is one such restaurant, a tiki lollapalooza featuring a thatched bar, Polynesian-inspired carvings, dark woods, a flurry of fronds, tropical flowers, thickets of bamboo shooting for the ceiling and, garnishing the dining room in silent fury, tiki carved to resemble the Hawaiian god of war. The waitresses never wore sarongs, though they might have.

But the kitsch is coming to a close. After being in business nearly 60 years, an incredible run in the restaurant trade, Trader Dick’s is closing after Saturday’s dinner service to make way for Gilley’s Saloon, Dance Hall & BBQ, a country-western spot. Last night, friends of the house gathered at Trader Dick’s to say farewell to blue lagoons, scorpion bowls for four and puu puu platters.

“It’s unusual the restaurant lasted so long,” said Carlton Geer, the Nugget’s new president and CEO after the property’s sale last December. “Trader Dick’s was a great concept for decades, but there’s an evolution with food and drink products, and it was time to move on to the next concept, Gilley’s. For the demographic we’re trying to appeal to, country-western is perfect.”

Customer memories
Trader Dick’s originally opened across the street from the current Nugget in 1958. The restaurant took inspiration from Don the Beachcomber, which opened in Hollywood in the 1930s, and the Trader Vic’s chain that began in Oakland.

By the 1950s, tiki culture — a kitschy decorative and dining take on Polynesian art and food — had become hugely popular in the United States, fueled by military personnel returning home from the Pacific Theater after World War II, James Michener’s “Tales of the South Pacific,” movies like “South Pacific” and easier air travel to Hawaii. Trader Dick’s harnessed this popularity for Northern Nevada
The restaurant hula-ed inside the Nugget in 1973; in 1988, it moved to its current location, a spot with fond (and frequently bibulous) associations for many folks at the farewell party.

“I’ve been coming here for the last 25 years,” said Dian VanderWell of Reno. “After I turned 21, all four of us came here and got the scorpion” — rums and tropical juices in a giant communal glass bowl — “and drank it with all the straws sticking out. Another time, we had a Christmas party here for my husband’s company, and we scorpioned it up.”

Despite her fond memories, VanderWell said she hadn’t been to Trader Dick’s in several years, an admission made by several guests at the party, and something that likely contributed to what Geer, the Nugget president and CEO, described as Trader Dick’s “trending downward” customer numbers in recent years.

Debbie McCarthy of Reno said she’d been coming to the restaurant almost as long as VanderWell, but unlike her fellow partygoer, McCarthy said she was still a regular. “I love the music and the dancing. I’ve danced so many hours here. I also love that you can take the tiki glasses home.”

New home
If folks want some of those glasses, they’ll need to head down to Trader Dick’s and order a Tahitian dreamsicle, a mahalo or a lethal zombie (there’s 25 percent off check totals through Saturday). Despite rumors bobbing about (on a sea of rum and pineapple juice), the Nugget is not auctioning off its tiki-ware. Instead, the property is retaining much of it for future tiki events; the remainder is being sold in bulk to a restaurant industry dealer.

The fish in Trader Dick’s 30-foot fish tank — the colorful angelfish, the darting humuhumus — are moving on Sunday to their new home at Scheels, where they’ll be quarantined a bit before swimming into the general piscine population.

Last night, people without reservations began arriving at Trader Dick’s well before 5 p.m. Could they be accommodated? Not until well past 8 p.m., alas. The tables were already booked, many, no doubt, by folks who also wanted to bid farewell to kitsch.

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MaukaHale posted on 05/11/2014

Trader Dick's lives on as The Noodle Hut at the Nugget. Walls are up and they are building a "Gilley's" but the Noodle Hut and its Tiki's hang on.

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Dustycajun posted on 05/11/2014

Thanks for the update! Good to see some of the Tiki remains.


Big Kahuna posted on 05/12/2014

Well. I guess that's something.

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