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The Hut....The inside done .... outside begins...

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 11/14/2013

On 2013-11-13 12:13, ErichTroudt wrote:
I may be a hoarder.....

naw... you’re a wheeler-dealer!

ErichTroudt posted on 11/15/2013

A peek up at about a 1/3rd the ceiling...not finished yet.....(fishnet really doesn't show up good in the pics)....

my shenanigan assistant....

VampiressRN posted on 11/17/2013

Way to go assistant!!!!

ErichTroudt posted on 11/22/2013

TikiAno posted on 11/22/2013

Awesome details. Love the door, where did you find that?

Love all the wheels, too. You're wheely doing a great job with this bar.

TikiAno posted on 11/22/2013

Awesome details. Love the door, where did you find that?

Love all the wheels, too. You're wheely doing a great job with this bar.

ErichTroudt posted on 11/25/2013

ErichTroudt posted on 12/17/2013

ceiling basically finished, just need to do some cosmetic work on the light kit on the ceiling fan...

Monkeyman posted on 12/17/2013

Keep up the good work. Nice job on the ceiling.

AdOrAdam posted on 12/17/2013

Great ceiling job all over, I really like this hanging barrel:

On 2013-11-22 14:15, ErichTroudt wrote:


nomeus posted on 12/30/2013

On 2013-05-19 18:28, ErichTroudt wrote:

islands and king in the woodwork? thats pretty sick

ErichTroudt posted on 12/30/2013

Thanks. Each beam has a theme...hawaii, PNG, Rapa Nui, Moari, and a south pacific beam, that mixes fiji, cook islands, tahiti, tonga, samoa all in one beam.

Right now I'm building shelves....saws, grinders, fire, dark stain, etc to give them a driftwood used look.

TikiAno posted on 12/31/2013

I agree with nomeus, I dig the beams. Amazing detail throughout onthebeams, and I. Especially like all of the different details/ decor found above. Look forward to seeing more!

Zinctiki posted on 12/31/2013

Killer work! This was one hot year, and in Yucaipa... whoa. Now that it's cooler I hope to see more!

Pele Paul posted on 01/01/2014

Wowsers!!! that's totally awesome!!! looks like a cool hotel or dive bar!!! I love your metal ship's door too, soooooo cool!!!!!

ErichTroudt posted on 01/01/2014

Thanks for the nice words... it honestly helps motivate me..... I'm glad people are diggin it.

next are Ship door hinges to make it functional, finish the lauhala matting on the wall, more shelves and eventually the floor.

In the meantime I'm visioning my Disney tiki room area, and if I have enough talent and money to pull it off.
(it will be nice to see my 2 drummers...they are still in the original boxes)

ErichTroudt posted on 01/06/2014

Got the hinges made for the ship door. They work great, plenty strong to hold that 85,000 pound door...(okay maybe not that heavy, but its gotta 200-300 pounds)and the door is swinging nicely.
Now I can finish the closet and put bamboo, matting, and shelves on the east wall.

TIKI DAVID posted on 01/06/2014

On 2014-01-06 00:10, ErichTroudt wrote:
Got the hinges made for the ship door. They work great, plenty strong to hold that 85,000 pound door...(okay maybe not that heavy, but its gotta 200-300 pounds)and the door is swinging nicely.
Now I can finish the closet and put bamboo, matting, and shelves on the east wall.

I hope they are 'thru bolted' with a steel plate on the back side.
NOT just lagged in.

"Pets are welcome,Children 'MUST' be on leash" TD

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2014-01-06 05:34 ]

ErichTroudt posted on 01/07/2014

It is bolted thru. The closet walls are into the wall studs and the floor. The door is bolted thru a 4x4 and a 2x4 so it goes thru both walls. The gussets on the hinges take all the strain from the door weight pushing down. Hinges are made from 3/8 steel. All welded by a professional. A lot of planning and thought went into it, which is why its taken so damn long to do lol.

Tiki Toli posted on 02/23/2014

Great Work, love the ceiling. I can only hope mine comes out half as nice.

ErichTroudt posted on 02/24/2014

Thanks Tiki Toli, I hope you end up as happy with yours as I am with mine.

Big Kahuna posted on 02/24/2014

That door is amazing! Keep us updated!

ErichTroudt posted on 02/24/2014

Thanks, I've actually got quite a bit accomplished lately... the closet is completely done on the inside (except the light shade), and the outside of the closet is almost done. I got a great ship light for above the closet door.

All the walls in the hut are almost finished in Lauhala Matting and routed boards to cover the seams. Few more shelves are done too.

I spent a lot of time super planning out everything...and this week I actually had to back track and take some things down to install a new idea... (but the idea was so cool and totally worth doing)...this week will be spent retro fitting the old work back in around the new project.... blah....but it will be totally worth it....

not the greatest pics, and they are kinda outdated already as there are things not seen in this pics that are done...bamboo pole borders, etc.. but here's the inside of the closet and the new light...
closet ceiling

closet wall

closet wall

closet floor

closet shelves

Light above closet door


ErichTroudt posted on 03/12/2014

So in 2005 I bought 2 of the Enchanted Tiki Room Drummers that Disney released. My old hut was too small so I never unpacked them and they have been sitting in their original boxes.

When I started building my new hut 2 years ago I had the idea of incorporating them up high in the eaves of the hut. I knew it would look cool, but there were issues, plans changed and I abandoned the idea.

So a couple of weeks ago my Dad said, "hey I thought you were putting your drummers up there?".... I told him I had scrapped the plan, and how it would be tough, require pulling down about 3 days worth of work..excuses excuses...
He basically reminded me it would be worth it and threw in something along the lines of "don't be a sissy" and to get to work.

So 3 days of work came down in 15 minutes (which kinda made me sick to think about) and I built a massive 2x12 shelf lagged into the top plate, supported by 4x4 beams lagged into re-enforced studs, some routing, fire and stain. Then I spent a day retro fitting everything back in.

So then I decided the Drummers and my vision would never look complete without the Middle Guy. I can't carve to save my life. Everytime I've done it, it looks like the work of a blind monkey with a hatchet.... but I route decent enough...so using different depths of wood and routing I set about to create the center drummer....

About a week of work, all scrap wood, a little blood, and $30 in feathers...... still needs a few lighting tweeks.... but thru the cigar smoke and the low lighting... he came out decent enough.....

Tikis play the drums.....

Dagg posted on 03/12/2014


MaukaHale posted on 03/12/2014

Very well done!

Q-tiki posted on 03/13/2014

That is badass. Glad you went for it!

Mahalo for sharing.

ErichTroudt posted on 03/25/2014

I added another carved piece to the disney area....

a carved piece to cover the lauhala matting seam and shelves for all the disney mugs and statues will be next....

littlegiles posted on 03/25/2014

Your attention to details just makes the whole thing awesome! Love what you did with the drummers and the "middle guy" and the new carved piece is really cool.

I love the fact that visitors in your realm can sit there and always find something new to look at.

  • Dale
ErichTroudt posted on 03/26/2014

Thanks everyone...

The other day I was thinking about how crazy it was going to look when I decorate it with the hundreds of mugs, ashtrays, coco joes, masks, statues, menus and the tiki room disney stuff.....

Over 100 boxes sit in the garage filled with mostly vintage pieces from 20 years of collecting, just waiting for the construction to be done....

Plus several more nautical lamps....hundreds of abalone shells and conch shells....

I don't even remember everything I have...lol

MissClaireTiki posted on 03/27/2014

The middle drummer you made is amazing!. Can't wait to see what you'll do next.

ErichTroudt posted on 04/08/2014

not in decorating mode yet, still need a few more shelves, new door and floor....but I made a frame for my disney tiki poster.
I had never made a frame before, and wanted to get a practice one in before a special project...it came out okay, I learned a lot... I kept the design simple not to over power an already busy picture...It will look cool enough in the disney area surrounded by all the tiki room and trader sams mugs...eventually... meanwhile it can be kept company by the rip-off tascano, tiki room statues from big lots from years ago.... :wink:

Tiki Tex posted on 04/16/2014

Did I hear that right? Over 100 boxes?? WOW. My wife and I just moved into a new house (with an attached "man cave" that is being re-made into a tiki bar) and I thought I was bad with around 30 boxes of stuff!

Your work is incredible, mahalo for sharing.

Pele Paul posted on 04/16/2014

wow!!! I used photos of your original bar when I decided I wanted an outdoor bar! so loved the look of it!!! I too have way too many boxes of stuff, luckily Ive got about 20 large wood crates, which work well for decorating as well are filled with items to go into the new bar space, I don't think I have 100 boxes, but I do have a 3 car garage space filled to the top with stuff for the new yard and bar space!

keep up the good work and more photos please!!!!!


ErichTroudt posted on 06/30/2014

Okay, time to catch up on this thread..

Me and dad took out the temporary double doors, put in a steel pre-fab single door. Then we put in new walls, insulation and sealant to fill in the space.
(actually dad did most of it because I got something big in my eye and spent most of the day complaining like a little girl)...

Old doors...

new door....

I made a box to cover the ceiling fan and covered the globe in burlap (until I can do something better eventually)

I also made a shade for the closet light....

I did some nautical stuff the the outside of the closet, including adding a pic of the ship the light came off of,

Then came 2 projects having nothing to do with the hut....

The first, Von Franco asked me to build and carve him a frame for the big painting at his Palm Springs art show... 3ft x 4ft by 1 1/2 inches thick... I had 3 or 4 days to pull it off...

At the gallery

Me and Franco

Then I did a fathers day present for Dad. My first non-tiki, polynesian piece. I did a small replica sign of the campground site he has been going to for over 50 years.

Then back to the hut....

I started carving the door trim for the inside... I got a little carried away... Only one side is done so far. approx 20in x 8ft.. Maori spirit house inspired...

Next will be fire, stain, and I'm going to add a clam shell into the board where his hands go...

This will give you the idea of how it will look..

So brings it up to date.... I still have to carve another board to match the other side of the door, put in carpet, and more shelves....I'm already 6 months behind schedule, whats another few months....


VampiressRN posted on 06/30/2014


Slacks Ferret posted on 07/01/2014

That Moari panel is incredible!

hiltiki posted on 07/02/2014

Love the panel. Great work everywhere so far.

ErichTroudt posted on 07/02/2014

Thanks to the 3 of you for the kind words...

We fit the panel next to the door today and cut the hole for the shell... came up with the best idea on the final install.
I'll be burning, staining, installing the shell and permanently putting up the panel in the next week or so...


littlegiles posted on 07/02/2014

Can't wait to see that panel complete. Insane work on that door. Stunning already. The burn and stain will send it over the top.

  • Dale
ErichTroudt posted on 08/29/2014

So I cleaned the hut out completely...

then I had the carpet installed

Then I made up some Baseboards

Then I built a small corner table to hold the Tiki Room Big Figure

Lots of Lauhala Braid to cover all the screw heads in the bamboo

Ordered the material to cover my 5 band pretzel bamboo chairs

Then working on 2 tone staining the door trim

Temporarily hung

So that catches it up... Hopefully this weekend I'll get the door trim permanently hung and the shell mounted in them.
Next will be creating the Top of the door trim, a disguised entertainment center for dvd and cable box, lots more screw heads to cover, change the outlets near the corner table to brown, and a 2 ft tall Ngendei carved for the front of the tiki room table, looking as if he's supporting it up with his feet.

ErichTroudt posted on 09/02/2014

The glue held.... I'm really happy the way this came out

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Longboard posted on 09/03/2014

I'm digging the nautical stuff in your build

great use of the router as well.


VampiressRN posted on 09/07/2014

Wow...it just looks awesome...very professional!!!

ErichTroudt posted on 09/07/2014


It took 3 months, but the door trim is finally completely finished.... I'm really happy with the way it came out....

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hiltiki posted on 09/08/2014

The door looks amazing, nice job. Love the design.

Monkeyman posted on 09/09/2014

FANTASTIC trim work.
Nice to see someone doing something different around here.

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hang10tiki posted on 09/10/2014


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