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Bahooka items for your home Tiki bar

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Fez Moai posted on 12/03/2013

Hi Everybody! I was able to buy and secure the last remaining barrel lights that hung inside Bahooka. These are over 40 years old and are made of wooden barrels that were cut in half. By the printing on some, they look like they were Scotch barrels and some have the inside charred, which is what they did to add flavor. This is a great chance to get an actual light that was used in Bahooka for over 40 years and add an authentic slice to your home tiki bar, rumpus room, dungeon, etc. I have become friends with one of the new owners and spent the past weekend lugging these home. I do have the pics to prove their provenance as you would want to make sure you're getting the real deal. I'm giving them a light cleaning (compressed air, brush) but will pretty much leave them as is. There are at least 2 different sizes, with the larger ones being pretty heavy. I am a big tiki fan and have lurked on these pages for years, but now I've signed up because I would like to get these out to people who would appreciate their tiki history and not turn them into an outdoor planter. My sister suggested that and I had to tell her to shush. Anyway, I live in the San Gabriel Valley, close to the OC, IE, and LA. I have these neatly stored now, but will go through them and clean them up in the meanwhile. Oh, and I have some of the Parrots that hung about also.

[ Edited by: Fez Moai 2013-12-04 00:04 ]

tikilongbeach posted on 12/03/2013

Pictures are always welcome and they help with the sell.
How much are you asking for the barrels and the parrots?

Fez Moai posted on 12/03/2013

Yeah, I'm on my work laptop right now, so I don't have the pics. When I get home tonight, I'll start posting some up. I've got the barrels, parrots, fiberglass float lights,and some small box lights. I have some friends that are tiki fans that are going to come over so that's why I'm putting out a feeler for now because I'm not 100% sure what's going to be available, but there definitely will be items available, especially the barrel lights. I sure wish I had my own tiki bar right now.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 12/03/2013

Thank you Lori for saying that in a nicer way then I would have....

lunavideogames posted on 12/04/2013

Yeah this should be posted on the Tiki Marketplace section too. But I was kinda sad I didn't grab a parrot or anything so I would take a small piece of Bahooka for my home bar. Let us know what you got and how much and there should be lots of takers.

Did you get the cat puzzle? I would take that for sure :) just kidding.

Slacks Ferret posted on 12/04/2013

I'd be interested in the barrel lamps. I loved the bahooka. Let us know what the costs are. Mahalo.

Big Kahuna posted on 12/04/2013

Would love a parrot out here in Boston. I'm so glad I was able to see Bahooka in person, a couple of times.

tikiskip posted on 12/04/2013

Would like a fiberglass float light but have no idea of price.
When I go to antique and flea markets and there is no price on an item
I don't ask for a price.

I'm one person who would not be disappointed with a fiberglass float light.:)

Fez Moai posted on 12/04/2013

The cat puzzle? I did see a puzzle lying face down on the carpet in the banquet room, but I ignored it. Lol. I want to get the pictures up tonight next to a tape measure so you all can see the dimensions. I'll also try to weigh them also so you can make sure you have a sturdy enough rafter to hang them from.

VampiressRN posted on 12/04/2013

Looking forward to seeing the pictures and hearing the stats...sounds interesting...need to be sure my place & wallet can accommodate.

Fez Moai posted on 12/04/2013

Fez Moai posted on 12/04/2013

Fez Moai posted on 12/04/2013

Packing them into my Toyota

This scurvy scoundrel is my nephew, Adrian. Sitting under the small barrel light.

Fez Moai posted on 12/04/2013

I just rinsed him with water.

Parrot dimensions

Fez Moai posted on 12/04/2013

One of the floats before

And after. Decades of grime accumulated on these.

Fez Moai posted on 12/04/2013

One of the medium floats lit up

One of the large ones

Fez Moai posted on 12/04/2013

Hi everybody! Please bear with me while I clean, inventory, and take pics of everything. I can do this at night after I get home from work and will post more pics as soon as possible. The barrel lights will get a light cleaning whereas I will wash the grime off of the parrots and float lights because it certainly makes a world of difference for those.

lunavideogames posted on 12/04/2013

Thanks for saving those. You should drive them over to the International Tiki Marketplace this weekend, you will likely sell them all. I don't think people care too much about how clean they are since the dust and dirt was Bahookas dust and dirt. So you might not even have to worry too much about their condition.

Here is a link to the Tiki Marketplace going on at Don The Beachcomber in Huntinton Beach this Saturday...


Looks like you might have found it already :)

Fez Moai posted on 12/04/2013

I was thinking of doing that, but do I have to register for that or can I just show up like a pirate with a truck full of booty and sling the goods?

Fez Moai posted on 12/04/2013

Oh, and I'm torn about cleaning some of the items, but it does help to really see the beauty of the lights without the gunk on them. This way people can really see what they get.

lunavideogames posted on 12/05/2013

Show up with them, I don't think anyone will complain. You won't be able to sell inside unless you pay but it might be in good form if you give some to charity, since that is what this one is about. Others have sold from the lot before.

I would take a bucket light, parrot or float for sure though. I don't know the next time I would be able to meet you anywhere this month, it is really busy for me.

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2013-12-04 16:15 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 12/05/2013

It would not be cool just to show up at the Marketplace to sell your items
many vendors sign up & pay for the opportunity far in advance.

If you want to sell there, go over to the Marketplace thread for info
I guarantee you will have issues with the organizers & management
if you just show up out of the blue.

lunavideogames posted on 12/05/2013

Ok, sorry I was wrong. ATP would know better than me since he is a vendor. My mistake.

Fez Moai posted on 12/05/2013

That's what I figured. I don't want to step on anyone's Tiki-toes. I've been there a few times as a buyer, so I'll call and see what I can do to get in as a seller. If not, I'm here anyway and we can figure something out.

lunavideogames posted on 12/05/2013

Sounds good. You can PM Soccertiki and see if there are any spots still available. I think your stuff would do well.

Sweetbeak posted on 12/05/2013

Just my opinion, but I wouldn't clean them. Some things in our tiki bar I have cleaned up and some I have left with a little bit a "dirt" patina. It's nice to be able to make the decision yourself : )

[ Edited by: Sweetbeak 2013-12-04 18:47 ]

VampiressRN posted on 12/05/2013

That is quite a haul you have there and I agree...link up with Chris or Karen to get a spot at the ITMP...the items will definitely be well received. FUN!!!

Fez Moai posted on 12/05/2013

That's why I'm torn Sweetbeak. I've only cleaned the two posted on the pics so far. So Soccertiki is the fellow to write to? I'll get to it chop-chop.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/06/2013

On 2013-12-04 18:46, Sweetbeak wrote:
Just my opinion, but I wouldn't clean them. Some things in our tiki bar I have cleaned up and some I have left with a little bit a "dirt" patina. It's nice to be able to make the decision yourself : )

[ Edited by: Sweetbeak 2013-12-04 18:47 ]

This “Chunk” globe and net is from Bahooka’s. I have not done anything to it except hang it up. I was gonna remove the net and make a mcm light fixture out of it. Thankfully, Tikiskip the Light Guru advised against it and that’s how it’s gonna stay, dust and all.

tikiskip posted on 12/06/2013

Sweetbeak's right on this one.

And that light is so cool nui 'umi 'umi even if it is plastic, heck
better than glass I say.
Nice find.

Fez Moai posted on 12/06/2013

There aren't any spots left for tomorrow's Marketplace, but I will be there to deliver some goods to a few people since we're going to be there anyway and it makes sense logistically.

mrsmiley posted on 12/16/2013

Don't clean them. If you have duplicates of the same item, maybe clean one to show how they may clean up and offer your cleaning services t othe buyer if they want it cleaned. Did I miss a price on these items?

lunavideogames posted on 12/16/2013

No, he has not posted any prices despite our requests.

tikilongbeach posted on 12/16/2013

People are posting their Bahooka barrel lamp purchases on Facebook so Fez Moai is making sales. Send FM a PM and see what the prices are.

lunavideogames posted on 12/17/2013

I tried to PM him, but still no prices. Seems kinda sketch to me...

Thanks for the heads up though TLB!

Big Kahuna posted on 12/18/2013

My miserable, rotten, Winter day got a whole lot better, when I arrived home to find this waiting for me. There is now a Bahooka parrot, safe & sound, 3,000 miles from Rosemead.
Thanks, Fez!

Zinctiki posted on 12/18/2013

I managed to get a parrot and a barrel lamp at Don's. Didn't think that would ever happen. Been a Bahooka fan since '81.

Loki-Tiki posted on 12/18/2013

On 2013-12-17 19:41, Big Kahuna wrote:
My miserable, rotten, Winter day got a whole lot better, when I arrived home to find this waiting for me. There is now a Bahooka parrot, safe & sound, 3,000 miles from Rosemead.
Thanks, Fez!

Fantastic, he looks right at home there! I also picked up a couple items from FM at Tonga Hut Tiki Wonderland. I can vouch, he is a good guy.

lunavideogames posted on 12/18/2013

Cool, just seemed strange to me that I asked a bunch of times with no responses. What are the prices you guys got these for?

Fez Moai posted on 12/19/2013

Hi Everybody! I will send you a message Lunavideogames. I've been flying by the seat of my pants and was a last second addition to the Tiki Wonderland at Tonga Hut (thanks Eric!). It was literally the first time I was able to pull stuff out since I acquired these items (except for BigKahuna's parrot, glad you like it!). I tried not to put up more replies here since I was kindly "tsk tsk'd" for not posting this in the Tiki Marketplace thread. I'm hoping to make it out to Don's next month as a vendor. I'm at work right now, so when I get home, I'll put up a thread on Tiki Marketplace with pics and prices. I also was hesitant to do so because I didn't want to be accused of being some random guy coming on board to sell stuff, so I wanted to give it some time.

Big Kahuna posted on 12/19/2013

Just an FYI to everyone. Fez couldn't have been any easier & more pleasant to deal with. Be patient. Most of our lives are pretty busy, this time of year.
Thank You, again, my friend.
I owe you a Mai Tai!

lunavideogames posted on 12/19/2013

Cool man thanks! I didn't want to harass you but I would still like a little piece of Bahooka for my home. I know it is a busy time of year and I didn't mean to insult you or anything. But yeah, please let me know as soon as you can. I will be up in the LA area next week so maybe we could meet up then if your not too busy!

FM Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1c945742e6b32534bf60b3635f6d3542?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Fez Moai posted on 12/19/2013

No worries! I live in the SGV and work in Orange County, so I can meet in a lot of places. My phone number is 626-602-4522.


lunavideogames posted on 01/07/2014

I got a few items from Fez over the holiday. Great guy, thanks for meeting me. Hopefully all the Bahooka stuff will find new homes quickly. PM Fez Moai for your piece of history.

FM Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1c945742e6b32534bf60b3635f6d3542?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Fez Moai posted on 01/07/2014

Thanks for the kind words. I went back on Sunday to pick up more stuff that I left behind. I have abalone shells and metal lanterns that were used to decorate around the bar.

FM Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1c945742e6b32534bf60b3635f6d3542?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Fez Moai posted on 01/13/2014

Ok, I finally put my post up on the Tiki Marketplace thread. Please go there for further information. Thanks!

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