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Big Kahuna posted on 09/10/2013

Love it, Tom!

hang10tiki posted on 09/11/2013

I need a drink in your bar...

Pele Paul posted on 09/11/2013

where did you get your nautical pillars? or did you make those? Ive been looking for old telephone poles to no avail !! lol super cool pix, love the ship painting in the back too

Pele Paul posted on 09/11/2013

also, what is the size of your bar room? it looks huge, if u don't mind me asking what was the room before??? love love love it!!!! wanna do the same to my garage once it cools down!!! thanks for the inspiration!!!!


hottiki posted on 09/11/2013

[ Edited by: hottiki 2015-10-13 19:50 ]

Pele Paul posted on 09/12/2013

cool, im coming out your way and hit your swap meets lol, cool stuff

VampiressRN posted on 09/12/2013

Simply fabulous!!!!

hang10tiki posted on 09/12/2013

Getting in the car now :)

Ps- every time I go out sporting one of your necklaces YOU get a ton of compliments!

Pele Paul posted on 09/12/2013

On 2013-09-11 14:59, hottiki wrote:
Thanks Tigertail, I am I guess...it fills the day and makes me happy...it's good therapy mentally and physically. Running around to swap meets helps keep the blood pumping. I have met many interesting and remarkable souls in the course of Tiki hunting.

Hang10tiki...Any time your thirsty head on over !!

Pele Paul ....The pilings are yellow cedar that has been debarked, burned, and brushed. The reason Edison and the like refrain from giving out old poles is because of the creosote soaking they go thru. Somebody got some poles and burned them like firewood and ruined it for everyone. You can get a hold of a Tree Service outfit and beg some logs off them. To buy heavy timber and fashion pilings is almost cost prohibited.
The Tapahut is about twelve foot by twenty five foot and I am ready to maybe explan it's borders. It had been a Sunroom, all purpose room, library, catch-all, storage room type of place.
Yes !! The Velvet !!!... A good day at the swapmeet...a Velvet Tall Ship underway...for ten dollars...like I said, keeps the blood pumping !!

Thanks so much on the intel, lol, Ive got a funny story about Creosote, Ive got a vintage bottle of cough medicine, #1 active ingredient; Chloroform #2, CREOSOTE!!!! WTF??? doesn't surpres a cough, it puts ya in a Coma!!!!
well now I need to find some cedar logs, or maybe I'll start chopping down trees as I need them!!!
cant wait to see your expansion program on the bar, Im cleaning out my garage right now!!!!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/12/2013

Tom!.......just Tom! Hella-Cool, Daddy-O.

Bruddah Bear posted on 09/12/2013


I have two words for you... Peeler Cores.

What are they? The heartwood remnant of a log that has been planed down to create veneer to laminate into plywood. They have an unfinished surface that can mimic the appearance of a pier piling or telephone pole that hasn't been treated with creosote. They are generally sold by lumber yards or home improvement centers for use to construct rustic boarders for flower beds, retaining walls, fence posts/rails, etc. I think Home Depot may have pressure treated 6" dia. peeler cores in an 8' length for under $20. I've seen smaller dia. ones of cedar and some with flats cut into opposite sides (see above pic), but the larger, round ones are the ones you want.

And Tom, great job on your tiki space.

[ Edited by: Bruddah Bear 2013-09-12 16:10 ]

hottiki posted on 09/24/2013

[ Edited by: hottiki 2015-10-13 20:10 ]

Big Kahuna posted on 09/25/2013

Awesome, Tom! Can't wait to belly up to that bar!

hang10tiki posted on 09/28/2013

Lookin good bruddah

hottiki posted on 01/29/2014

[ Edited by: hottiki 2015-10-13 19:42 ]

tikilongbeach posted on 01/29/2014

Tom-very cool!
I was happy to get a parrot for my lounge area. Fez Moai is a nice guy.

Big Kahuna posted on 01/30/2014

Love it, Tom!

Fez Moai posted on 01/30/2014

Wow, that is a serious bar! The barrel looks great hanging there and I'm glad you like it. We should hit up some flea markets together some time.

hottiki posted on 01/31/2014

[ Edited by: hottiki 2015-10-13 19:44 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/31/2014

Now that's a cool bunch of righteous Tiki Folk!
Tom the Hut is looking Hut-licious too.

hottiki posted on 01/31/2014

[ Edited by: hottiki 2015-10-13 19:48 ]

hottiki posted on 01/31/2014

[ Edited by: hottiki 2015-10-13 19:48 ]

Big Kahuna posted on 01/31/2014

[ Edited by: Big Kahuna 2015-10-13 20:45 ]

hottiki posted on 01/31/2014

[ Edited by: hottiki 2015-10-13 20:08 ]

hang10tiki posted on 01/31/2014

How much rice would all that soy sauce cover?


Dagg posted on 01/31/2014

Looks like fun!

Love the space, cheers :drink:

WestADad posted on 01/31/2014

Great looking place! And the barrel is killer!


Big Kahuna posted on 02/01/2014

Be careful what you wish for, Tom. You just never know when I'll show up on your doorstep!

VampiressRN posted on 02/01/2014

Fabulously cluttered...looks like good times in Tiki paradise!!!

WooHooWahine posted on 02/02/2014

WooHoo! I want to go on a Field Trip to The Tapa Hut :)

Bongo Bungalow posted on 02/02/2014

BK... you've got it goin' on!

tikipaka posted on 02/02/2014

This is awesome! Love it.. Love everything about it!

Pele Paul posted on 02/02/2014

I have only one thing to say..............................right click, save; right click, save; right click, save!!!!!! love love love it!!! ok, that's three things!!!!!

Big Kahuna posted on 02/02/2014

Tom built this masterpiece! All I did was take some photos. If it looks exotic & inviting, then I did my job, because it is!

Longboard posted on 02/03/2014

Tiki museum or killer bar. Either way, you knocked it out of the park


SoCal Savage posted on 02/03/2014

So dense, so layered, so Tiki. Amazing!

Murph posted on 02/04/2014

Love it!!!!

You got layers upon layers!

TikiSpeer posted on 02/04/2014

An amazing Collection.

hang10tiki posted on 02/05/2014

Where do I sign up for a drink ticket?

hottiki posted on 02/05/2014

[ Edited by: hottiki 2015-10-13 19:35 ]

VampiressRN posted on 02/05/2014

Wow...I am speechless...just an awesome collection...and I dig that Bali Hai Guy!!!

Pele Paul posted on 02/05/2014

hey Hottiki, what was this room originally? Family room? also what are the dimensions of it, if you don't mind me asking?! Im so jealous of some of the folks who have basements on here! Id love to have a basement but then I guess Id have to put up with freezing cold winters, tornados and such!! Oh well, heres hoping I find a house with a 3 car garage!!!!

Big Kahuna posted on 02/05/2014

Hey, Pele! I'll trade my basement for SoCal any day!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/05/2014

What's a basement?

hottiki posted on 02/06/2014

[ Edited by: hottiki 2015-10-16 09:22 ]

Pele Paul posted on 02/06/2014

oops sorry, I totally forgot, that's what happens when you get old!!! you start to forget things................and.........................French toast please

Big Kahuna posted on 02/06/2014

ATP, get on a plane & I'll show you when you get here!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8e2554124f0d1830625df8e10abad657?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiAno posted on 02/06/2014

On 2014-02-05 15:17, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
What's a basement?


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