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Has today's TC crowd lost it's original warmth?

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Dustycajun posted on 05/05/2009

On 2009-05-04 08:43, little lost tiki wrote:
Has TC lost it's Original Warmth...

Judging from the huge crowd at Bamboo Ben's NOONER...
it is actually WARMER and FRIENDLIER than ever!

If you mean warm like cooked lobster, then hell yes the TC crowd is warmer than ever after "The Nooner"!

On 2009-05-04 11:52, Swamp Fire wrote:

On 2009-05-03 23:24, tikithomas08 wrote:
in retrospects, sunscreen would have been a good call.

Can you say "Farmers Tan"

That's a pain that's gonna linger. Ouch!


little lost tiki posted on 05/05/2009

the best part of the NOONER was teling everybody that that the HOBO VILLAGE was located...in the heart!
because everyone has a little hobo village in their heart....

bigtikidude posted on 05/05/2009

I'm feeling the warmth.

:up: Poly Pop and Bigtikidude

actually I thought it was pretty funny.
I call my self a bigfoot all the time.
and bigfoot and Chewbacca have to be related somehow.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2009-05-05 10:45 ]

GatorRob posted on 05/08/2009

On 2009-04-24 22:23, RevBambooBen wrote:
The east coasters are a friendly bunch indeed!

No we aren't. We just pretend so you won't go snooping around, telling us how we should treat our women, laughing at our puny little waves. We know how you people operate and we don't like it. Not one little bit.

What's that? You're here on vacation and have money to spend?


KreepyTiki posted on 05/08/2009

It's weird, but I find that tiki events can be really variable, at least for me. But I need to stress the "at least for me", 'cause it probably IS just me.

Recently, for example, I had an absolute BLAST at the Don The Beachcomber opening, the Tiki Bar TV 4th Birthday party at The Warehouse, and at the Trader Vic's L.A. pre-opening. 3 events -- 3 fantastic times. Then, for whatever reason, I left Bamboo Ben's Nooner last Sunday feeling let down and depressed.

And why? Again, it was probably ME. No -- scratch that. It was DEFINITELY me. 'Cause the event itself ROCKED, as did the bands! There was a huge, festive, fun-loving crowd there and Ben was the perfect host, making himself available and helpful to everybody (and I assume the same was true of Mrs. Boo -- I just haven't MET her yet -- oddly enough, after all these years). But sometimes all it takes is one or two awkward encounters to taint the whole experience.

A perfect example of that was when I attempted to chat with Holden at his Tiki Farm booth. Now, I'd had nifty chats with him at other recent events, but he wasn't a VENDOR at those. But at the Nooner... Well, that was a futile experience from the get-go because he was SWAMPED with people every minute wanting either to chat or to buy something. And so, rather than just sayin' "aloha" & goin' my merry way, I stood there and stood there and... And all to NO avail 'cause he was never NOT busy and swamped. And so I ended up feeling ridiculous for wasting all that time when I could have been visiting with other TC'ers who were not VENDING!

Live and learn. But that doesn't mean that TC'ers OR the events have lost their friendliness, it just means I needed to refocus and just move on to other things/people. Finally I DID do that at the Nooner and had nifty chats with Doug Horne & other artists during their less swamped moments, and kool reunions with some of my fellow attendees. But, by that time, my lack of sunscreen had caught up with me and I had to either head back home to West L.A. or risk ending up on the menu at Red Lobster!

And I've had similar experiences at a few other events over the years as well, having two nifty days at Oasis, let's say, vrs. a couple so-so days at the SAME Oasis. So there ya go... Like I said, it's just me. But at the time it CAN seem like it's all THEM! :wink:

Cheers & Mahalo :drink: :tiki:

RevBambooBen posted on 05/09/2009

Self portrait at the Nooner.

Next time we're getting more help so we can be able to chat with everyone

more than 4.5 seconds. It was crazy busy!

palapala posted on 08/03/2009

I have to bump this thread.
I feel that some folks in the Seattle area TC group are elitist and exlusionary.
they knowingly turn their backs on you.
You know who you are...
I'm a sensitive soul, and it makes me feel brused and sad every time it happens.
I guess I just don't understand how anyone can be so clique-ish and knowingly separate... It's like the "cool kids club" in school all over again.

What the hell happened to the sprit of ALOHA????

Life is too damn short to treat people badly...

I'm now feeling nervous about the upcomming Tikikon on Portland, because I'm not really known by many folks.. It can be hard to make connections in a new social environment.
Please, someone out there give me a reason to feel better about this!

little lost tiki posted on 08/03/2009

it's probably just you.palapa!

You and Kreepytiki should hang out!

at the pappy Haggler's booth in the Artist Alley this Oasis
Squid and i will have a purchase line
and a chit-chat line
that way,we can rake in all the purchases first
and then...
when ALL the items have all been sold
We'll sit and chaw the fat with y'alls...


woofmutt posted on 08/03/2009

In any group of people who a common interest as a "bond" there's going to be lots of variances in likes and friendliness. This is true whether it's Tiki, dogs, old cars, or religion. (Big churches are well known for having cliques and attitudes and those are people who claim to share a common faith that makes them better people.)

Do you really think that all the people at a cat show are great friends or even friendly towards each other just because they happen to like cats?

Just because someone is into Tiki and you're into Tiki doesn't mean they're going to be into you. You can't take it personally.

There have always been people on Tiki Central who, judging from their posts, I have never been interested in getting to know. And at Rockabilly shows and some Tiki events it's been fairly clear to me that there are others who have no interest in talking to me. How do I know? The classic "Excuse me..." and they walk off 3 feet to either stand and stare into space or talk to someone who they obviously consider to be much cooler than me.

I could take it personally but I'd really rather people were bluntly honest than pretend to be friendly while quietly thinking I'm a dork and wishing there was someone cooler to talk to. (Or pretending to be happy to see me after they'd previously given me the brush off.)

You pretty much can't change people's preferences about you. You can only decide to not act like them.

When I show up at an event and see the people who made it clear they had no interest in me I just look right past them and have a good time anyway.

Focus your time and energy on your actual friends and loved ones and not on people you assumed would be lovely and friendly but who proved themselves otherwise.

hiltiki posted on 08/03/2009

Or you can do what I do when I go to a Tiki social gathering. I usually take my laptop computer with me and I usually find a place to sit and I get a nice tropical drink, some munchies and I get on Tiki Central and I get on Shout and I find someone to chat with while I am sitting at the party with all the tiki loving people. This definitely makes me feel included.

KeithH posted on 08/03/2009

On 2009-08-03 13:43, woofmutt wrote:
In any group of people who a common interest as a "bond" there's going to be lots of variances in likes and friendliness.

woofmutt is 100% accurate here. I've been running an event for a group of people with a very specific interest for the past decade +. Over the years I've met some REALLY great people that I keep in touch with on a regular basis... but I've also met some others that I don't even miss after the event is over. I am very glad that everyone is not the same (with the same level of likes/dislikes etc). Imagine how boring this world would be.

Just because someone doesn't have the exact same likes and dislikes that you do isn't a bad thing. Talk to them for a while and you might even find a new like (or even a dislike) that you didn't know you had and then move on to talk with someone else.

On 2009-08-03 13:10, palapala wrote:
I'm now feeling nervous about the upcomming Tikikon on Portland, because I'm not really known by many folks.. It can be hard to make connections in a new social environment.
Please, someone out there give me a reason to feel better about this!

palapala - I totally know how you feel on this one. This will be my first Tiki Kon too. I've not yet met anyone in the local area either. Rebecca and I are a bit nervous as we do not know what to expect from this group. You are more than welcome to join us at the "newbie table". :)

GiantRobotTiki posted on 09/25/2009

On 2009-04-19 08:41, Hau 'oli Tiki wrote:
This is regarding the awesome show we attended last night at the fantastic Don The Beachcomber’s. Tikiyaki Orchestra was awesome! (love their karate PJs!) And Don’s was brilliant with an essence of vintage tiki I haven’t felt since the Royal Hawaiian. The drinks were great, the food was fab, the music was superb.


I wasn't sure I should say anything, but maybe I'm not the only one. I'll stick this in bilge, as I'm sure quite a few members will believe it to be so.

I hate to cast a disparaging word, but not everyone was having a good time. I was really kinda surprised (and sad!) to see so many sour faces! Sitting at the tables, waiting for the music to begin. People out at the main bar, waiting for drinks looked especially annoyed. I was seated at the bar and when I tried to talk to them, I was (somewhat) politely ignored.

I had met a few new people that happened to be there (not TCers) and was filling them in on everything. They commented that we didn't seem to be a very happy group. One gal from Colorado asked if we were a bereavement group! Like cancer survivors or something! I thought to myself she was nuts. But as I really looked around, I could see how she came to that conclusion.

I went up to different people that were sitting around, not chatting, and said hi. I received lukewarm hellos, half hearted hi’s and one cold stare! Two people told me their TC screen names were something outlandish and false. Very aloof and remote! My husband sat alone a few times, saving my seat as I visited the restroom or made runs to the bar for us. Usually, on my return, I would find him engaged in conversation with someone. He said not one person said hi or spoke to him as he sat there alone. This is unusual.

OK. I get that maybe I don’t look just like them…I don’t wear the spiffy 50s mod clothes or the BC glasses that make me look like a cool nerd. I also don’t wear the vintage bark cloth gowns, or anything vintage for that matter. I am not a rockabilly, surf punk, 40s wannabe or pretty much tiki wearing anything. But that used to never be a problem. I wasn’t wearing smelly, torn clothing. I did not look like a dirt bag. I was not inebriated to the point that I was obnoxious. I didn’t look any where out of the norm. What’s up with this?

I’ve been hearing a few grumblings from people that events are overcrowded, impersonal, and somewhat snooty. It’s like a lot of people have become standoffish and inaccessible. Superior acting. Even elitist.

I was drawn to this crowd over 4 years ago because of the warm, friendly, all encompassing manner displayed by each and every one of the lovely citizens of TC. They were just happy to meet and greet any one from any walk of life, no matter what they were wearing, what there job was, or their station in life. I thought it was the mai tais and rum, at first. But as I got to know them, I found it to be a genuine affability that ran through this crowd. We always felt like we could step back to a time when people were civil, polite and welcoming to each other. THAT is swanky.

What gives? Don’t get me wrong. It’s not everyone! But it sure is hard to meet new people nowadays! Is it the economy? The National mood? Is there a conspiracy I'm not aware of to curtail the welcoming of too many of the masses?
I can’t figure it out. I'm kinda heart broken.

Thats interesting that you say that...My sister was always involved with TC for many years. 6 that I can remember. She's made the same comments about some of the events as well. But I guess thats normal for any evolution for a movement like this one. It just happens. People come and people go. Oh well.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/26/2009

oh yes, Plenty of Dicks here, but I gota say, the good ones make up for it, Bamboo Ben & Mrs. Boo are just great people, Holden & Mike are alota fun to chat up, if they have a free moment to talk, Wes,Pua & Charlie have real Aloha! many more, but I have run into lots of rude types to, Bamboo Ben's get togethers tend to be alot of fun, even if it's a small crowd.
So when is the next shindig Ben?

Now Punk & Tiki mix well, like a Mai Tai with attitude.
But what do I know? I am just a punk with a Mai Tai.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2009-09-25 19:39 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/19/2009

On 2009-09-25 19:38, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
oh yes, Plenty of Dicks here, but I gota say, the good ones make up for it, Bamboo Ben & Mrs. Boo are just great people, Holden & Mike are alota fun to chat up, if they have a free moment to talk, Wes,Pua & Charlie have real Aloha! many more, but I have run into lots of rude types to, Bamboo Ben's get togethers tend to be alot of fun, even if it's a small crowd.
So when is the next shindig Ben?

Now Punk & Tiki mix well, like a Mai Tai with attitude.
But what do I know? I am just a punk with a Mai Tai.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2009-09-25 19:39 ]


Kon-Hemsby posted on 11/20/2009

Speaking from this side of the pond, I feel that the warmth and celebration at tiki gatherings just seems to get better and better. Maybe it's because we're a smaller group than our friends in the USA, but considering we're the reserved 'nation', we certianly mix well and share the fun times.

HelloTiki posted on 11/20/2009

Unlike other "God fearing peoples", I don't recall any religious wars among the Tiki groups.....yet. Although my "God of Parking" Tiki could probably kick your Tiki's knothole anyday.

woofmutt posted on 12/03/2009

You know scientists have said that if you have lost your warmth a plain whit XL limited edition t-shirt might just be the thing to help get your warmth back. Something like these:

Hello Tiki Central Friends!
well, plenty of you have bugged,bothered and prodded me for some t-shirts
so...whilst working on some coffee mug designs with Brian at Tikitees
we worked out a deal and i got
the below four designs printed on
XL 100% white cotton tees
with a VERY soft hand
in a very LIMITED RUN
of only 9 apiece of EACH design..
This will be a litmus test to see if people actually will wear and enjoy these designs...
So, if we never print em again-you just got a low-run item from a semi-retarded artist
and that's gotta be worth something!
This will be a litmus test to see if people actually will wear and enjoy these designs...

SIMPLY shoot me a PM and we'll go from there...
The cost is $15 apiece (plus shipping)

If you order all four they will be only $13 apiece (plus shipping)
I imagine shipping will be somewhere between 2-5 bucks....

1 maybe 2 weeks

and then I'm gonna throw the remainders up on the website/myspace/facebook etc....

but for now....
These are Limited to only 9 apiece so First Come/First Serve
i may find some other designs that amuse me.....

Please indicate WHICH shirt/shirts you want by title....
If you want me to title and sign the shirt
please indicate WHERE on the garment in your PM
and REMEMBER... these are ALL XL
So if you;re too small....GROW!
If you're too big....SHRINK!
and if you don't have any other complaints.....SHUSH!

and Yes! We do take paypal!
Here are all the shirts laying about on my uncomfortable couch in the studio....

First Shirt... "Four Faces" (Hawaiian)

Second Shirt... "the Nervous Guest" (PNG)

Third Shirt... "the Gossips" (Rapa Nui)

Third Shirt... "the Friend Collector" (Maori)
the pic of the tee shirt got all whited out from the flash... didn't turn out....sorry!

Thanks again!

hiltiki posted on 12/03/2009


RevBambooBen posted on 12/03/2009

can I get a black one in XXXXXXXLG?

little lost tiki posted on 12/03/2009

oh brother.....

beadtiki posted on 12/03/2009

Well, Woof, at least you were able to segue nicely into THIS topic...unlike how you hijacked my incredibly important thread about boredom!

Haole Jim posted on 12/04/2009

'Only been e-hanging here a few months and it seems a nice enough bunch of folks.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/14/2014


tikicoma posted on 02/14/2014

Hey ATP, I would have preferred the kool aid the Pranksters handed out to the one at Jonestown. What flavor are you thinking of serving?

aloha, tikicoma

tikiskip posted on 02/14/2014

Has today's TC crowd lost it's original warmth?

Yes but you could take out TC crowd and put in world or America
and the answer would be yes as well.

I like this line...

"OK. I get that maybe I don’t look just like them…I don’t wear the spiffy 50s mod clothes or the BC glasses that make me look like a cool nerd. I also don’t wear the vintage bark cloth gowns, or anything vintage for that matter. I am not a rockabilly, surf punk, 40s wannabe or pretty much tiki wearing anything. But that used to never be a problem. I wasn’t wearing smelly, torn clothing. I did not look like a dirt bag. I was not inebriated to the point that I was obnoxious. I didn’t look any where out of the norm. What’s up with this?"

tiki mick posted on 02/14/2014

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2016-09-01 09:35 ]

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