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Star Wars tiki bar

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Surf tiki posted on 02/26/2014

So I'm finally getting a room I can do up in the new house we move into this weekend and I'm planning on doing it up in a combo of my two favorite things Star Wars and tiki. The working name so far is The Dagobar. In rum, peace you will find.

Hoping I can find some inspiration on here somewhere on tying it all together. I've got some ideas but feel free to throw anything out there that pops in your head.

Longboard posted on 02/26/2014

DagoBar? You Italian?


tikilongbeach posted on 02/26/2014

Longboard, it's a play on Dagobah, but I think you know that. The system that Yoda retreated to after the Jedi Purge and where Luke went to get his Jedi training.

Yep, I'm a nerd.


[ Edited by: tikilongbeach 2014-02-26 07:37 ]

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 02/26/2014

On 2014-02-26 05:55, Surf tiki wrote:
So I'm finally getting a room I can do up in the new house we move into this weekend and I'm planning on doing it up in a combo of my two favorite things Star Wars and tiki. The working name so far is The Dagobar. In rum, peace you will find.

Hoping I can find some inspiration on here somewhere on tying it all together. I've got some ideas but feel free to throw anything out there that pops in your head.

Surf, dat’s a clever name (“DagoBar”), lookin forward to seeing your progress.
Lori, Mahalo for your-input. I always enjoy your posts.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-02-26 11:07 ]

Longboard posted on 02/26/2014

Honestly, I don't know anything about Starwars.


happy buddha posted on 02/26/2014

Surf tiki posted on 02/27/2014

Awesome pic! I already have a few ideas to try to tie the two together. I'm going to do a stormtrooper (or mandelorian) mask with a moko and there's a guy that has a awesome blog called Surfing Trooper that's going to send me some hi res pictures I can print out. Pretty much just going for if there was a tiki bar in the Star Wars universe. It will have some sort of bamboo rack by the door to hang your blasters and light sabers from and Im thinking maybe some 8x10 "autographed" head shots from characters from the movies that would have visited.

[ Edited by: Surf tiki 2014-02-26 18:05 ]

[ Edited by: Surf tiki 2014-02-26 18:10 ]

VampiressRN posted on 02/27/2014

Congratulations on securing your bar space...or should I say space bar. So many folks blend other passions in with Tiki, so you will certainly get lots of ideas here. (I have a little Vampire mixed in with my Tiki.) May the rum be with you.

hottiki posted on 02/27/2014

In lieu of hanging Japanese glass fishing floats, you can substitute globes, planets, Death Stars, etc. Perhaps string lights on the ceiling in the shape/pattern of a pinwheel like the Milky Way...

hang10tiki posted on 02/27/2014

Vamp- that was classic
HotTiki- u da man


VampiressRN posted on 02/28/2014

Those are great hang10...especially like Mr. Bali Hai and the last Moai.

Get to building on that bar...we got your back!!!

Pele Paul posted on 02/28/2014

OMG!!!! toooooo funny!!! cant wait to see the new star wars tiki bar!!!! that's a great idea and probably the first one on here!!!!

bamalamalu posted on 02/28/2014

Genius. Great name, too.
I'm a little afraid to show the husbandbot this thread!

TikiAno posted on 02/28/2014

Awesome- and great to see a new bar discussion (w/o any pics) get such a response. I love the name. Jon/ Hang10, amazing photoshops. The last one almost killed me.

So many options for this bar, look forward to seeing it happen.

Though not tiki at all, there's a fantastic R2D2 cooler that's floating around (on Ebay, etc) that could be filled with rum...? (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Star-Wars-R2-D2-Pepsi-Cooler-NIB-/331139132171)

All the best from San Dago....

Surf tiki posted on 02/28/2014

Thanks for all the positive feedback! These pics will be the main pieces to tie it all together.

It won't be so much a bar (since it's the guest room) as a place for me to geek out to my TV shows and movies. I've got a good number of tiki/surf items I'll stick in there and somewhere I still have a box of my Star Wars action figures I can stash all over the place. I also saw an almost 3' Darth Vader the other day I'm going to get and put a toddler Hawaiian shirt on. There's also a local guy that does really cool abstract Star Wars paintings that I think my wife is going to have do one for me. And yeah, I have the stormtrooper, Chewie, Yoda and Darth Vader goblets to mix in with my tiki mugs.

[ Edited by: Surf tiki 2014-02-28 07:41 ]

tikilongbeach posted on 02/28/2014

Maori Stormtrooper helmet.

Darth Vader helmet painted by Shag.

Surf tiki posted on 02/28/2014

I love that the trooper helmet has Boba Fett range finder on it.8)

tikilongbeach posted on 02/28/2014

Surf tiki, I think it has the rangefinder because Daniel Logan, the kid that played young Boba Fett, helped design the helmet.

Surf tiki posted on 03/10/2014

starting to collect some items now that we're all moved in. Painting is going to pose an issue since I doubt my wife will let me paint the baseboard or closet doors. Maybe a fabric cover for the doors will work. Most of the art will be either mugs or paintings/pictures so I need to find some more dimensional stuff. Did some fun little photoshoppy type stuff this weekend.

I've got an old bamboo serving tray I'll probably mount one of them to and hang up.

ToddVegas posted on 03/11/2014
Surf tiki posted on 03/27/2014

First ever "commissioned" piece. Awesome custom limited edition tangaroa sculpt/painting from Zerostreet, AKA Tiki Tower, AKA Robert Jimenez.

[ Edited by: Surf tiki 2014-03-26 18:02 ]

MissClaireTiki posted on 03/27/2014

Your concept is really interesting, please post some pics of your progress.

[ Edited by: MissClaireTiki 2014-03-27 10:28 ]

Surf tiki posted on 03/27/2014

At the moment it's just a lot of stuff waiting to go together. Found a paint I like yesterday so hopefully the wall will get some color in the next few days.

Surf tiki posted on 04/23/2014

Finally made some progress. I'm sure the art will continue to move around until I find the right layout but at least it's going up. Have a few pieces from TC members in there. Sam Gambino print, BenzArt mug, framed post cards and multimedia piece from Robert Jimenez. I converted the trooper helmet in the water lilies to a painted canvas print and it came out really cool. It will never go full out matted walls style tiki lounge since it is the guest room as well as the "man cave" and I frankly don't like the smell. Have a vintage record player on the way to spin tunes on also. I also need to build a rack to hang my light sabers from (weapons free area) and put up a shelf for my collection of beer and wine bottles with skulls on them (totally unrelated to the rest of the room).

spiked posted on 05/01/2014

This is the best ever!!!!!!! Love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

There was an idea I had for a while while I was doing ceramics; I wanted to make a mystery drink bowl with Vader helmets as legs, but more moai looking? The bowl would have been a half of Death Star.
I suck at sketchin, but you get the idea...

Can't wait to see more!!! This is right up my alley...

Thanks for sharing! :)


Surf tiki posted on 05/01/2014

Thanks, it's certainly going to be a work in progress. Got a old WW2 era steamer trunk the other that that I put on it end in the corner to hold the record player and and I'm still waiting on a Boba Fett pinup print. It's going to be an effort in trying not to go tooo Star Wars since that's way easier to find around here than tiki stuff. Debating wall mounting the TV so that I can put a frame around it with a cover to hide it.

jimsflies posted on 05/16/2014

I thought of your build when I came across these party lights:

zerostreet posted on 01/14/2015

Hey! Just came across this! Nice use of my postcards!

danlovestikis posted on 01/15/2015

Well this is fun to see. Good work by both you and Robert. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 01/25/2015


VampiressRN posted on 01/25/2015

Looking fantastic...love the Maori helmet!!!

Those R2D2 lights are cute!!!

hang10tiki posted on 12/30/2015



Surf tiki posted on 12/30/2015

On 2015-12-29 21:25, hang10tiki wrote:


I'll try to get some more of my stuff framed and put up this weekend and shoot some pics.

Yoshi posted on 06/06/2016

tikiskip posted on 06/07/2016

I'm not a Star wars person but that is kinda cool.

creativenative posted on 07/24/2016

Couple of things. The next Star War film, "Rogue One" (to be released this winter will have a tropical planet in it and the images are incredibly South Seas looking (although filmed in the Maldives). These imagines will be ideal for framing and mounting on a Star Wars/tiki bar wall. The following images were just released to Comic-Con and to the public.

And for music, I found this cool album from Japan
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Yes an ukulele version of Star Wars music.
Here's the link but from there who has to track it down to buy. Japan music tends to be expensive but this seems to be well worth it.

Remember the new creative guy at the Star Wars franchise is J.J. Abrams the creator of "Lost", a South Seas set popular TV show.

[ Edited by: creativenative 2016-07-24 01:33 ]

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TU posted on 01/03/2017

How's the room coming along?

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