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Russian Exploration of the South Pacific (April Fools)

Pages: 1 9 replies

MadDogMike posted on 04/01/2014

Most of you are familiar with the British exploration of the South Pacific by Captain James Cook in 1769. But you may not be aware that the Russians also made several trips to the South Pacific in the late 1800s in an effort to further their fur trade. During some genealogy research I recently discovered information on my Great-great-grandfather Mikhail Gilbertov who was an admiral in the Imperial Russian Navy. (The Gilbertov family changed their name to Gilbert when they immigrated to America after the February Revolution of 1917). Here he is in St Petersburg with his beloved borzoi Ctpax

In the Spring of 1870, he was captain of the ship “Volosatyye Zver'” on it’s maiden voyage from Vladivostok to Honolulu where he was welcomed by King Kamehameha V. A few years previously, mongooses had been introduced to the Hawaian Islands by Jamaican sugarcane plantation owner W.B. Espeut to help control the rat population. But the mongooses were destructive to the natural birds and especially to the sea turtle population. Admiral Gilbertov and his crews killed thousands of mongooses, sending their furs back to Russia. Due to his work in helping decimate the mongoose population Admiral Gilbertov was awarded the Order of the Honu by King Kamehameha V (seen in this photo)

Third and final photo shows Mikhail relaxing on the beach enjoying a local beverage served in a ceremonial cup by a beautiful island wahini.

When you hurry through life, you just get to the end faster.
Pirate Ship Tree House

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2014-04-01 21:38 ]

arriano posted on 04/01/2014

It doesn't look like your great-great-grandfather put up with any foolishness.

tikilongbeach posted on 04/01/2014


bigbrotiki posted on 04/01/2014

And here's what happened BEFORE:


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 04/01/2014

Mike, are you a Turtle?

TIKIBOSKO posted on 04/01/2014

Mongoose fur? What a very moving tale!

Rum Dog posted on 04/02/2014

That's great news Mike that you have historical ancestral ties to tiki history.

I just checked my roots on ancestry.com. and was disappointed that I don't have any historical ties to tiki like you do. I was however surprised to find out that my great great great grand uncle Bartholomew on my mother's side (twice removed) was at Lexington and Concord at the initiation of the Revolutionary war. He was blind in his right eye and completely deaf in both ears. He naturally did not hear the command "Don't Fire" from his commander, but with his good eye was able to lip read "Fire" and unleashed a round from his musket. How ironic that this shot which started the Revolutionary War and which was later labeled by historians as "The Shot Heard Around the World" was made by my deaf uncle.

Your grandfather looks like quite the distinguished and handsome gentleman. Too bad you didn't inherit his good looks.:wink:

littlegiles posted on 04/02/2014

Well played Mike....well played. :)

  • Dale
MadDogMike posted on 04/02/2014

Happy April Fools Day - thanks for playing along my friends :D
Each year for the Olympics, we host a party themed on the host country. After I made the Czar costume I thought I might as well get one more use out of it.

hang10tiki posted on 04/02/2014

Mike- you didn't answer ATPs question

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