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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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TikiHula posted on 04/02/2014

Ahhh - how do you do it all Wendy? You are a sculpting machine and I'm so excited to start glazing I can't spit! :)

KTD and I are very lucky indeed to be able to spend days with Dan and Wendy...and we know it!

muskrat posted on 04/02/2014

that is so amazingly cool. i will patiently wait for my mug of goodness you have created.
i am so excited.
let me check with molly if we want to give up our spot or have an albert's as well.
i'll let you know by tomorrow.
thanks a gazillion.

danlovestikis posted on 04/02/2014

LoriLovesTiki thanks so much Lori. I've been hanging out here with so many men its good to have a woman pop up again. Where's Vamp?

TikiHula I love the inside joke. May your spit return because we will start glazing on Saturday!

muskrat terrific. I'll be watching for your post today.


On April Fools Day Dan told me he was going to only shave half of his face from now on. NOT!

Tiki Hula said he'd eat his whole meal all at once NOT!

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE stuck on tikis and loving it!

Yesterday I opened the molds for the last two Sacramento Crawl mugs that I needed to make.

I'm half way through the run of Fogcutter mugs that I need to pour for Tiki Atari's kickstarter project.

I cleaned up and re-carved the two crawl mugs as usual and

put them on the shelf to dry. It's wonderful to be so far ahead of schedule this year. I plan to have a relaxed summer.

I went back into the house and cleaned up the nook room.

I separated out all the Wish List projects from everything else I have made along the way.

I got set up to start glazing Wish List #4.

Then in the afternoon we poured the fogcutter mug and four Bob's. I'll stock pile Bob's for some future time.


Awhile back when I needed a Rat Fink model kingstiedye brought me many. Most of them were missing their noses.
I told him I would repair them. Since tikis break too I'll show you how Dan and I fixed this one.

This shows two of them with the noses broken off.

To make the nose stay on I needed something to stick the nose onto. So I put some industrial strength cement on the tip of the nose and hung him upside down to make it elongate.

Dan found a drill bit the right size.

I held the nose in place while he drilled.

Once the hole was the size of the cement drip we stopped.

I added cement into the nose with a toothpick.

I stuck it on and used tape to hold it in place.

I mixed these two paint colors together and

painted around the nose.

kingstiedye its ready to pick up, come for another visit.


Time to get back to work, cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-04-02 09:05 ]

muskrat posted on 04/02/2014

that rat-fink is incredible.
so me n molly discussed the crawl mug and we agreed we will give up #41.
the one you made us is just so uber-cool we won't need another.

hang10tiki posted on 04/03/2014

It's catching on

MadDogMike posted on 04/03/2014

Wendy the Viking looks AWESOME!!!! Is it too late for some Norse Runes?

Sorry to scare you with the oleander story :wink:

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/03/2014

Ratfink RAWKS!!!!!!!
Really awesome work.

Hey, am I seeing the numbers right? You are over a million hits!?!
That's soooo awesome!
Wow, this site has history!
FB didn't kill Tiki Central.
I think we will out last FB... like we did MySpaced.

Tiki Tribe forever!

danlovestikis posted on 04/03/2014

muskrat fixed you on the list. That's a plastic Rat Fink owned by kingstiedye. He loaned it to me when I was working on one for TikiWahini.

Here is her drawing and my sculpture.

hang10tiki horrors, I'm so glad he decided to finish his shave after the photo!

MadDogMike you did a good job with that photo on facebook. I'll look over the list to see if I should put some on the sculpt, its not yet dry.

Tiki Shark Art repairing Dan's chipped tikis is how I found my way into this art form. Our friend kingstiedye has a huge Rat Fink collection and has broken off many noses. I won't find a career in this copy written art form but it is fun to repair them.

(Really awesome work.) in doing repairs?

I'm not a facebook fan. I think that Tiki Central is the gold standard for all things tiki and facebook just can't come close.

I'm thrilled with 1,000,000 and you'll be next.

Tiki Tribe forever! I'm a member, I'm a member!!!

Thank you all for the visits, Wendy

Hi Friends, I'm not going backwards I'm still setting up to glaze. I just have a few projects that I haven't posted yet that will show up here until I have glaze photos ready to go.

Continuing on with by using up the things I cast that I didn't use for Wish List #4 I made a 3 Hula Girl Missionary's Downfall bowl.

I cleaned up the bowl and the women so that they were ready to assemble.

I trimmed off part of the head and cut off her toes.

Using sticky clay I stuck her in place.

I did the same for the next woman and

then the next.

I cleaned up the connections and made leis for their necks and made each a skirt.

Then the last one was dressed up.

Different angle.

Top View.

After a couple of weeks dying the feet separated from the bowl so I filled the openings with Magic Mend.

When that dried I sanded the bottoms and sides and added more Magic Mend.

I will do this until it looks perfect.


Thank you for the visit and comments, I appreciate them very much, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-04-03 08:52 ]

hang10tiki posted on 04/03/2014

3 lil hotties there, great bowl

littlegiles posted on 04/03/2014

From the look of those three ladies, that poor missionary never stood a chance. :)

Great looking bowl!

  • Dale
TikiHula posted on 04/04/2014

Wendy and Brad can start the Million View Club - very exclusive.

Someone has got to sip a Missionary's Downfall out of the bowl someday...it's just begging for it!

So excited for Saturday - it's like Christmas. And yes, those ribs were fantastic :)

"But why is the rum gone?!" -Capt. Jack Sparrow

[ Edited by: TikiHula 2014-04-03 19:10 ]

danlovestikis posted on 04/04/2014

hang10tiki It's so big!

littlegiles I've always thought it was the women and not drink.

TikiHula we enjoy your visits. Tomorrow!


I glazed the first piece yesterday but I still have things I've made to share first.

Bee Hive Bob.

After adding the tikis I turned it over and

cleaned up the bottom

Then I added the names and copy write.

I didn't start off to make this a bee hive. I just thought it would be fun to run Bob's rings all the way around.

As I proceeded I could see the bee hive forming.

I made this back when I had a lot going on and my table was a mess.

I started the lid.

I made it a three straw lid.

The bowl was dryer than the lid so I made it larger so that as it shrunk I could whittle it down to the right size.

I printed some photos of bees.

I made the bee with sticky clay and lifted it off the table with the label scraper.

Now with it on top of the lid I was able to add more clay and to shape it.

Wings added.

after a few days I fit the lid.

Now I fine tuned the bee.

Close up.

I plan to glaze this in traditional colors so that it can be a regular Tiki Bob bowl or the lid can be placed on top for a Bee Hive Bob.

I'm so excited to be glazing now. So I'm heading off to play, Wendy

TikiAno posted on 04/04/2014

ohhhhh.... THAT kind of Beehive Bob.

For a second there I was expecting...

LoriLovesTiki posted on 04/04/2014

That Beehive Bob bowl is too cute!

littlegiles posted on 04/04/2014

Gosh Wendy, you have really been cranking out the fun and creative stuff! Reminds me that I really need to buy more lottery tickets. Can't buy fun things without some winnings. :)

Love it all

  • Dale
danlovestikis posted on 04/05/2014

LoriLovesTiki thank you. Oh darn, I left off the stinger!

littlegiles that reminds me I have a ticket to check. When I get on Tiki Central and find that someone took the time to write a note here I feel like I won. Thank you.


Here are a few more creations that I made a few weeks back.

Tiki Hula will be here in a few hours. On one of his last visits he asked if his Sacramento Crawl mug could have an addition.
Since he was here to oversee the work I granted his Wish. He and Dan poured mugs on that day.

I made a disk of sticky clay and cut it in half.

I attached half of the disk and poked in my thumb to make a fire pocket.

I added some slip to make some extra soft sticky clay.

I ran this clay around the bottoms of each pocket to give them more strength.

His modified crawl mug is drying with the rest. One day it will have dual flames.

I ran out of my sea creature necklaces so I cast a few and cleaned them up.

It's time to do some projects with my Moai cast. I cleaned one up and cleaned up a wide bowl.

After that I tuned the bowl over and put the Moai on the bottom and outlined it with a tool.

Next I cut out a section of clay within that outline using my label scrapper.

All done. I left it deep at the top so that this bowl has a natural opening for a hanger if it goes on the wall.

I put sticky clay all over the back edge of the Moai and pressed him down over the opening.

I used a brush to remove the excess clay.

Sealed to the bottom of the bowl it was OK to

turn it over and to spread around the clay inside the opening.

Now I turned it back over and used sand paper to add texture to the Moai.

I also used this new tool.

Using this same tool I ran it around the outside of the bowl over and over again to add texture.


Now it was ready to dry.

Wishing you all a fun weekend with family and friends, Wendy

zerostreet posted on 04/05/2014

Awesome stuff Wendy! That crawl mug is looking great!

Loki-Tiki posted on 04/05/2014

His modified crawl mug is drying with the rest. One day it will have dual flames.

YES YES, awesome!!!

hang10tiki posted on 04/05/2014

Dan-0s necklaces are getting bigger n bigger

hang10tiki posted on 04/05/2014

TikiHula- perhaps a fireproof straw will be in order

TikiHula posted on 04/07/2014

I was thinking I'd leave it sitting on the bar and use an 18 inch straw so I don't catch my face on fire. Can't wait!!

Mahalo, Wendy for granting my wish :)

FIRE FIRE FIRE...mmm....that'll be cool....more fire.

danlovestikis posted on 04/07/2014

zerostreet ceramics are hard work but oh so fun. You know what I mean now that you do it too. Big smile.

Loki-Tiki Tiki Hula is a photographer and one day there will be lots of his projects on fire.

hang10tiki I'm going to have to try to replicate that photo when it's fired. Good one, he loved it.

hang10tiki looks like his ears will catch fire it he doesn't use a straw! Thank you for the fun photos.


Another productive clay day at the fun house using lots of glaze colors. But I'm still catching up showing you projects that were made a while back.

The Moai always casts as a wall hanging so I have to cut off all the excess clay.

I also add some detail to the arms etc.

Once it is ready I use sticky clay and seal it to the mug. The bottom of the Moai is open so that air can escape.

Large grain sand paper for texture.

Next I carved the whole mug with bamboo and added clay at each joint.

Then using a tool I carved in texture behind all of the bamboo.

All done and time to let it dry.

This one is much lighter that Moai Mike's rocky version.


Now it's time to read more of the book the Historian. I was surprised when it turned out to be a book about Vampires, but it fun.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-04-06 20:27 ]

hang10tiki posted on 04/07/2014

Bamboo Moai is outstanding

littlegiles posted on 04/07/2014

Love the bamboo carvings on the Moai mug. It looks like he is emerging out of a bamboo grove. :)

  • Dale
danlovestikis posted on 04/08/2014

hang10tiki thank you very much.

littlegiles I don't know if there is any bamboo on Easter Island but I hope there is because it's beautiful. Thank you.


Just as I have been posting left over images here while I glaze the Wish List I was making these things from left over casts.
So I had four Moai that needed to be used but I didn't have a bowl for them. So I decided to make them fancy and put in holes for a chord. So they can be wall hangings or really big necklaces.

I brought them in from the garage and cleaned off the excess clay.

I fine tuned them adding larger arms and hands.

Then I let them sit out overnight.

Then I started to carve them one by one.

All done and posing.


Thank you all for getting back to me with your glaze choices. I'm making a lot of headway now. Cheers, Wendy

Bowana posted on 04/08/2014

Cool carves on the Moais, Wendy!


TikiHula posted on 04/08/2014

They should have grown bamboo on Rapa Nui. Seems like no matter how much you cut it down, it always grows back quickly :)

Wendy, those moai carvings are so cool - never seen anything like them!

hang10tiki posted on 04/08/2014

Welcome to Wendy Island

Doc Aikane posted on 04/08/2014

Wendy (and Dan) - Friends of mine have been telling me to check out this website, so I finally logged on and started exploring. I came across your thread and couldn't stop reading. Thanks for all the updates here - I look forward to seeing more photos of your work (and works in process) as you post. You have a new fan!

TikiAno posted on 04/08/2014

Holy texturing! Haven't checked in in a few days, so lots to look at. Love the Moai Bowl, and the carved Moais are phenomenal. Can't wait to see how you glaze those, especially over the texture on their bodies!

TikiHula, dig the flame holders in your mug!

DooWop posted on 04/08/2014

The bamboo Moai Mug- Oh My! I love it! Your carving is so beautiful!
And those carved Moai- Wendy, those are fantastic! I LOVE the first one!
It is so much fun to sit back and watch you be creative!

hang10tiki posted on 04/08/2014

Mark me down for a huge Moai necklace


hang10tiki posted on 04/08/2014

CT done
All good news
I'm fine


danlovestikis posted on 04/09/2014

Wow, I am having so much fun reading all these messages. It's so worth the time to post when days like this occur.

Bowana they were fun to do too. You've been making some great art with Gecko. See you at Oasis?

TikiHula wait a minute, that's how I carve Tiki Bob's. I just moved it over onto my Moai. I plan to re-sculpt this moai and make a new mold so that he'll have a back too. I want to use him for bowls.

Bamboo does take over really quickly. I should google to see if they have it. See you Saturday.

hang10tiki my new favorite place to go!

Doc Aikane thank you so much. We all have fun here. I love to be photoshopped and encourage it. I also beg for those who have my work in their collections to post photos here too. I'm so glad you are joining our party. If you want to see every piece of tiki art I've ever made it's on the Gallery section.

TikiAno names on Tiki Central trigger memories for me, when you write I always think of hot chocolate. I'm so glad that the Moai carvings have been well received. hang10tiki has scooped up the one with the spiderwebb hat and wants it in olive green. I've put it in the pile with the Wish List projects so it will be glazed soon.

DooWop thank you so much. It's fun to do requests but its also fun to just cut loose and go with the clay. Your favorite is the one that hang10tiki just bought.

I should be glazing your mug this week. I show photos in order so you might not see yours for awhile even thought it will be done.

hang10tiki done and got the glaze message too.

hang10tiki I love the CT scan and I hope your condition is contagious!


All your messages have made me so happy. Thank you all for encouraging me to work hard and to keep on posting. Hugs, Wendy


Here's another Tiki Bob. A long time ago when I did the first Zombie Torch mugs I put small palm trees below the Zombie. After seeing those WestADad requested them on a Tiki Bob mug. I've had request for them a lot since then. This time I did a Big Palm Tree Tiki Bob.

I always carefully clean up the Tiki Bob mug I've cast before I start to alter it.

Then I start to add the sticky clay.

I do part of the sculpt upright and then I turn it over to finish the connections of new clay to the mug.

I added coconuts and more palm fronds.

Next came the rings and individual leaves.

All done and time to slowly dry in a plastic bag.

I've had a great night with all your visits. Now I'm off to read and sleep. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-04-08 20:51 ]

hang10tiki posted on 04/09/2014

Palm Bob, very nice...

littlegiles posted on 04/09/2014

It's a beautiful thing when you imagination runs free Wendy! Love the Palm Bob.

  • Dale
danlovestikis posted on 04/10/2014

hang10tiki do coconuts grow in batches of three? I've seen a lot of paintings like that and they influenced me.

littlegiles I'll just have to try it again. See below.


Part one of the South Seas Bowl saga.

I still had a few casts that needed to be used on something. I thought, why not make a bowl with tikis from various islands.
I started with a War God by Joniece Frank of Frankoma pottery. I cut off the back and added sticky clay and

attached it to one of my coconut bowls.

I added to more tikis that she designed, one on each side.

Top view.

I still had a few Moai's left so lets see how they'll fit on the bowl.

I cut off the bodies of the Moai at the right heights.

I attached two of them.

It still needed more. I looked up and saw a PNG mask.

Why not, so I fashioned the shape on the bowl.

Top view.

I started adding detail to the mask face.

Side view shows the nose is a bird.

Next I started to carve in the coconut detail.

At this point I came to my senses and cut the War God loose. It just looked off.

Since I couldn't waste a good war god I built a wall and floor that can hold a tea light candle.

The light needed a place to glow so I cut out the eyes.

Cleaned up and ready to dry.

Tomorrow I'll show you what I did to finish the bowl.

Thank you for the visit, Wendy

littlegiles posted on 04/10/2014

Ok Wendy....things just got a little crazy up in there!! HAHA

Actually I thought that was a lot of fun. So what does the bowl look like now? Did you scrap the whole project and start over? When in doubt just add a Bumatay. :)

  • Dale
dartharnie posted on 04/10/2014

I love the War God candle holder. Put a piece of art glass in each eye and I'll take it...or knowing Dan's proclivity to saying "Yoink!" and taking all your creations for himself, I could just wait 'til the next wish list.

Seriously, though. Great audible!

danlovestikis posted on 04/11/2014

littlegiles I didn't have a Bumatay but see what I did have below.

dartharnie it's yours and now I need a color choice.


I had one more Moai left so that's what took the place of the War God I removed. Since there were a couple of bare spots I added a hieroglyphic and a tape square. All Done and ready to Dry.

After it dried for a few days I carved in the detail from our mask.


At this point I've finished sculpting and everything has been drying. Now it's time to sand and fire.

But first we needed to replace the thermal couple in the kiln. It measures the heat inside the kiln and adjusts accordingly.
This is the new one.

Dan took out the screws and opened the door.

He loosened the screws and

took out the old one and then reversed the process.

Now it was time to so the steps it takes to get ready and then to load the kiln.

I needed to sand and fine tune everything on the table.

Different angle.

I started with Dan's Volcano Tiki Bob bowl.

Next the Moai bowl was sanded

as well as the outside.

Then the Bamboo Moai.

When I was done Dan started to blow off the dust.

It started to rain so I moved under the roof and away from the noise.

South Sea bowl.

Another side.

I had enough to fill the bottom of the kiln.

Dan finished up dusting the last bowl and I

put them on the top shelf. Not a full load but enough.

We've been working hard and it's all coming together.

Soon I'll have some glazing photos to show.

Tomorrow is going to be fun. The first day out of the house in a week except for a walk in our neighborhood.
We are going to the glaze store, my favorite place.

Cheers, Wendy

littlegiles posted on 04/11/2014

That bowl turned out really fun! I love the trips to the glaze store...usually you bring home something fun.

  • Dale
hang10tiki posted on 04/11/2014

Kiln full of fun

TikiHula posted on 04/11/2014

Hang10 - you have tiki mugs on the brain, huh? :wink: Don't know why you had a CT, but I'm glad the results were good.

Wendy - seeing that carving on the moais just looks more impressive to me than on Bob, that's all...and the south seas bowl is awesome. I really like the mask you made on the side.

Glad you like my little addition to the crawl mug, tikiano - any excuse to add fire and I'm there :) It's gonna be fun!

danlovestikis posted on 04/12/2014

littlegiles it was fun at the glaze store. I bought 17 gallons of slip for who knows what projects that will come up in the future. I'm happy you think they are fun. There were no need glazes today but I bought a few that I had used up.
Tiki Socialite

hang10tiki another fun comment. I like that.

TikiHula I'm going to turn that Moai into a stand alone tiki. It was more fun to carve on him than on Tiki Bob. In the future I'll do both. I like PNG style too.

Tiki Ano thank you so much for Dan's birthday surprise. We really like your Kahiki Fireplace trivet but we'll never risk chipping it with a hot plate. It will be in the danlovestikis collection forever.

NOTICE: Dan and I are not going to Tiki Caliente or Tiki Oasis this year. We will be at Tiki Kon in Oregon in July. Please say hi if you see us there.


It's always scary to open the kiln and always a relief to find that nothing blew up.

Everything on the first shelf was fine.

Everything on the bottom shelf was fine.

While Dan filled my wash buckets with water I unloaded the kiln.

I had all of this to wash and then Dan would carry it in to the dining room table.

It was fun to see how far up the volcano the drink level will go.

This washer lady was done for the day.

The very next day it was time to sand and load the kiln again.

Dan and I set up the work station.

I got out my favorite tools for sanding and fine tuning.

This mug is different from all the rest of the Sacramento crawl mugs because while muskrat was at my home he said how much it would mean to him to have Kiki's put on his mug.

I sanded and fine tuned all of these mugs.

Dan dusted them all and I loaded the kiln.

Bottom shelf.

Top shelf.

Two days later we unloaded the kiln and got ready to wash again.

Top shelf A-OK.

Bottom Self A-OK.

This was a relief because Viking Bob had so much clay added.

Now it was time to wash again.

This is Tiki Atari's fogcutter mug. This is one that I worked on until it looked like the master from the 3D printer. I will use it as a map for all the rest of the mugs I do for him.

One of the crawl mugs being washed.

Eventually I will glaze everything on this table plus all the crawl mugs which are adding up on another table.

But first I will glaze everything on the Wish List #4.

The answer is yes we work 7 days a week. We love tiki and all our tiki buddies. Thank you for being there for us.

Cheers, Wendy and Dan

danlovestikis posted on 04/12/2014

Oops I got a double post!

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-04-11 21:33 ]

littlegiles posted on 04/12/2014

I'm just dumbstruck by all that piled up waiting for glaze. What a great sight to see.

  • Dale
kingstiedye posted on 04/12/2014

amazing! i'm looking forward to coming by to glaze my shakers.

GROG posted on 04/12/2014

On 2014-04-12 09:57, kingstiedye wrote:
i'm looking forward to coming by to glaze my shakers.

Your thread is filled with so much sexual innuendo.

Impressive amount of work there. Poor Dan works more now for Wendy the slave driver than before he retired . Hyah! Mush!!

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