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Pukapuka (Danger) Room USN WWII inspired office

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Pele Paul posted on 05/14/2014

Pukapuka is a coral atoll in the Cook Islands in the Pacific Ocean, with three small islets threaded on a reef that encloses a beautifully clear lagoon. It is the most remote island of the Cook Islands, situated about 1140 kilometres northwest of Rarotonga. It is a triangular atoll with three islets comprising little more than 3 square kilometres of land area. On this small island an ancient culture and distinct language has been maintained over many centuries. Pukapuka's closest prehistoric associations appear to be with Samoa and other islands to the west. The traditional name for the atoll was Te Ulu-o-Te-Watu ('the head of the stone'), and the northern islet where the people normally reside is affectionately known as Wale (Home).

I decided to make my office, which leads to the garage the WWII South Pacific sub/PT-Boat/land based aircraft Poly-Pop room. it will lead out to the garage where the theme will continue with Hawaii during WWII, then out to the Jungle cruise yard. still need to paint, put up the rattan and bamboo. the Sub, flag and flotation collar are all from the movie; The incredible Mr. Limpet, and since its been so hot outside, I decided to do some work inside.....

Big Kahuna posted on 05/15/2014

Great stuff, man!

hiltiki posted on 05/15/2014

I agree, I like everything you put up in your threads including this one.

Pele Paul posted on 05/15/2014

thanks guys,
yea really need some OD green and Naval gray paint for the walls and some thatching, I hate seeing white walls, it drives me nuts!!!

Kailuageoff posted on 05/15/2014

Great collection. Looks museum quality.... Thanks for sharing an do update as you move along.

Ojaitimo posted on 05/15/2014

Pele Paul,that is a great collection you have. Being in the Navy forty years ago and into Tiki since I can remember, some of your collection brought back many personal memories. Lived on Okinawa in 1969 and the Scout troop I was with would go to battlefields around the island. This camp out were about to land on the island Admiral Is, where in a WW2, Ernie Pyle was gunned down. This guy really is an unsung hero. He wrote a column that GI's read in the Stars and Stripes until a Japanese machine cut him down on the beach I was going to land on. There I was in a Higgins boat with the dropping ramp. Peering over the top, I thought about those guys about to storm the beach over twenty years before. Many of them made it after all of the island campaigns and it was these soldiers who returned to the states and for awhile every town in the United States had a Tiki bar. The Tiki Ti bar in Los Angeles serves a drink called the Blood and Sand. Today if you order it, everyone chants Toro but I'll bet when Ray Buen introduced the drink that the beach battles were remembered not the bull fights

Pele Paul posted on 05/15/2014

On 2014-05-14 23:38, Ojaitimo wrote:
Pele Paul,that is a great collection you have. Being in the Navy forty years ago and into Tiki since I can remember, some of your collection brought back many personal memories. Lived on Okinawa in 1969 and the Scout troop I was with would go to battlefields around the island. This camp out were about to land on the island Admiral Is, where in a WW2, Ernie Pyle was gunned down. This guy really is an unsung hero. He wrote a column that GI's read in the Stars and Stripes until a Japanese machine cut him down on the beach I was going to land on. There I was in a Higgins boat with the dropping ramp. Peering over the top, I thought about those guys about to storm the beach over twenty years before. Many of them made it after all of the island campaigns and it was these soldiers who returned to the states and for awhile every town in the United States had a Tiki bar. The Tiki Ti bar in Los Angeles serves a drink called the Blood and Sand. Today if you order it, everyone chants Toro but I'll bet when Ray Buen introduced the drink that the beach battles were remembered not the bull fights

thank you so so much for your service and kind words sir!!! Funny thing was I spent 11 years in the army, 4 of those in Hawaii where I discovered my love of Tikis! as a kid, I always loved the John Wayne movies set in WWII, especially "They were Expendable" which showed at a local theater during the summer time as part of the Golden age of movies, my friends and I would go and watch all these great classics, then go home and built a PT boat out of old cardboard and wood. Ive always loved the way my two loves tie in together, makes collecting a whole lot easier!!
Currently, Im working on building a bench, which when done, will look like the day room/commo room on one of the islands circa 1944. currently doing a bunch of research trying to find an island base that had both a PT squadron and an air field for land based USN aircraft. I just purchased a load of USN Radio equipment over the weekend as well as the Sub battle flags, I just need to get the correct shade of Navy Gray paint. seems you all had numerous shades, depending on the equipment and if it was to be stored above deck or below deck! I think I missed my calling by not going in the Navy lol.
thanks again for taking time to stop by and see the room!

Malibu-tiki posted on 05/20/2014

Looking as awesome as ever mate. Never ceases to amaze me. You have a real talent.... Hope all is well with you

tikilongbeach posted on 05/20/2014

These would fit in with your WWII theme. Sea mine, hand grenade and a bomb shot glasses.


Pele Paul posted on 05/26/2014

VampiressRN posted on 05/27/2014

Wow...amazing collection and so appropriate to visit on Memorial Day. CHEERS

Pele Paul posted on 05/30/2014

On 2014-05-26 18:40, VampiressRN wrote:
Wow...amazing collection and so appropriate to visit on Memorial Day. CHEERS

Thanks so so much!!! yea had a chance to pick up some paint and some thatch, gonna have to start putting up some pics as I go!! got a lead on some really cool WWII USMC camouflage to use as curtains!!!

thefallenbuddha posted on 06/15/2014

Hey Paul!

Long time no see!

The new room is looking great, and I really like the WW2 Tiki bar / office room theme!
It has given me a few ideas for my own home project!

Just curious, but why did you choose "Pukapuka" as opposed to other islands?

Pele Paul posted on 06/16/2014

On 2014-06-15 09:00, thefallenbuddha wrote:
Hey Paul!

Long time no see!

The new room is looking great, and I really like the WW2 Tiki bar / office room theme!
It has given me a few ideas for my own home project!

Just curious, but why did you choose "Pukapuka" as opposed to other islands?

Hey Buddy!!! I heard you got in a terrible accident in Japan??? hope your ok! do u plan on coming out to Ft Mac in July?
Yea I chose Pukapuka for the name which translate to "danger" in English, one I get everything dialed in I will prob change it to one of the names of the RON bases used by the PTs, still got paint for the walls, some rattan, tearing up the carpet and redoing the wood floor, putting up the captured Japanese flags, and getting all my WWII era radio equipment set up, sooooooooon!!!!!

thefallenbuddha posted on 06/16/2014

Hey Paul!

Yes, I learned a guy on a bicycle (me) and a guy in a car (other guy) don't mix!
But, I am doing ok now.
I won't make Ft. Mac this year, but will be back in LA in August for a few weeks during the Japanese obon holiday season. It would be great to check out your new place, if it is convenient for you at that time. I can bring beverages!

Your upcoming plans sound pretty cool!
I've been planning to turn part of my grandmother's old place in Long Beach to a "war" themed tiki home bar for a long time (it is one of my projects for when I move back to California), so I am really looking at your work for inspiration!

Pele Paul posted on 06/18/2014

sure bro,
Your welcome anytime!!!! come out and spend the night, Ive got an actual guest bedroom now with a real bed, lol!!!
Ive got all kinds of extra stuff too, boxes, crates, ammo boxes, jerry cans, a few bombs, military chairs all kinds of goodies and ideas for ya to copy lol!!! my pad is your pad!!!

Pele Paul posted on 07/22/2014

had a chance to put up a little paint on the wall to see if I like it as well as some matting on the door and cupboard

gabemaita posted on 10/07/2014

this is awesome. Where do you find all this stuff for this room and the rest of the place? really love your themes. and your last house rocked. must be nice to be able to start all over.

Pele Paul posted on 02/01/2015

On 2014-10-06 17:36, gabemaita wrote:
this is awesome. Where do you find all this stuff for this room and the rest of the place? really love your themes. and your last house rocked. must be nice to be able to start all over.

thanks! yea Ive had alot of it, but always am looking for more, there are quite a few militaria shows each month, along with friends who know what Im looking for are always happy to help out! i havnt had much chance to post lately been trying to find more work, and have been busy pulling up the carpet and redoing the hard wood floors, but will have some more pix soon!!!

[ Edited by: Pele Paul 2015-01-31 17:55 ]

oohaahtikitiki posted on 02/04/2015

What an awesome collection!

I was leery of posting my plans for fear of offending (as it isn't really technically all 'tiki'), but our 'lounge' is going to be similar in theme to yours, the "Corsair Cabana". I wanted it to look like something Grandpa and his buddys would have set up when he went on his senior trip in the Pacific courtesy of Uncle Sam during the 40's. The bar itself is going to look like it's made from a GPW shipping box, and I want to somehow find coconut logs to put around the poles in the basement, so there isn't an overflow of bamboo...

Thank you for sharing and inspiring!


Pele Paul posted on 02/04/2015

my pleasure Jason, anytime you need anything, Ive got quite a few original pix from the South Pacific of real bars, EM and officers areas, as well as just cool stuff they would have in their AO.


uncle trav posted on 02/04/2015

Great office !! This Mark 9 depthcharge I saw a while back at an antique store would make a great end table.

Longboard posted on 02/05/2015

The depth charge is bad ass.

Wish it was in California, I'd snap that up.


Pele Paul posted on 02/05/2015

I agree that is a bad ass idea, an end table with a depth charge !!! too cool

oohaahtikitiki posted on 02/06/2015

Hmmm... Kzoo isn't that far from here. Road trip! :wink:

It would be a cool addition!


Pele Paul posted on 11/06/2015

I need that depth charge for a table!!! re-opening the room soon..........more paint and chairs coming

Pele Paul posted on 11/06/2015

last pic of the shelf above the door before I take it down and paint....

WWII wood Cruiser

close up showing the WWII Japanese air raid siren...

W8N2Surf posted on 11/11/2015

Great theme, I really look forward to the development of you other areas as well. Side note, my grandfather was in the first medic crew that flew into Nagasaki after the bomb was dropped. He took a sword from a Japanese general, which my Dad still has mounted in his office. Sharkskin handle, all the details, but the blade is actually military issue, but sharp as a razor still to this day. Your collection reminded me, so I thought I would mention it.

Pele Paul posted on 11/20/2015

had a chance to paint last weekend, went with a real tiki green for the walls and a nice mid century modern blue for the ceiling, so hate white walls, much like Bamboo Ben!!
I wanted to get these up but been busy doing 12 hour shifts at work....

painting 90% done, the new improved danger room lounge....

my early 1960s bar and stools, found for $17.00
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top of the bar, this was the 1st night I was done about 1:00 AM having a Blue Hawaiian or two...
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sub battle flag
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moved two wicker chairs into the room also
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out of focus Tiki that looks like Roger from American Dad..
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large Japanese flag
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The WWII and post USN radios.....
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tikilongbeach posted on 11/20/2015

Your WWII collection would look really cool with lauhala mat on the walls. I love the items that you have.

Pele Paul posted on 11/20/2015

On 2015-11-20 08:15, tikilongbeach wrote:
Your WWII collection would look really cool with lauhala mat on the walls. I love the items that you have.

Thanks! Yes, thats the next step, gonna do half/half painted walls and lauhala as well as Im painting the doors and furniture to look like it was assembled from Navy wood ammo crates....

Pele Paul posted on 11/20/2015

On 2015-11-11 08:09, W8N2Surf wrote:
Great theme, I really look forward to the development of you other areas as well. Side note, my grandfather was in the first medic crew that flew into Nagasaki after the bomb was dropped. He took a sword from a Japanese general, which my Dad still has mounted in his office. Sharkskin handle, all the details, but the blade is actually military issue, but sharp as a razor still to this day. Your collection reminded me, so I thought I would mention it.

thank you sir! love to see a pic of your grandfathers captured sword!!

Pele Paul posted on 12/13/2015

two new pix, starting to put stuff back on the walls, have some older masks I wanna hang up, and a WWII USMC shelter half im making into curtains, and some rattan matting for the walls....

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VampiressRN posted on 12/14/2015

Looking better all the time.

VampiressRN posted on 04/17/2016

What would you call this style of decor. I am planning a similar style in my garage.

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komohana posted on 04/18/2016


Pele Paul posted on 04/18/2016

On 2016-04-17 02:54, VampiressRN wrote:
What would you call this style of decor. I am planning a similar style in my garage.

Militaria is correct or even military collectibles, let me know what you need Im sure I can find it! we have a big militaria show here in may, as well as small ones every month, which is where I found most of my collectibles! id be happy to help ya hunt down goodies for your garage VampiressRN !!!!!!

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tikitonga posted on 04/22/2016

Great concept. I always felt that the Pacific Theater of WWII gave birth to the tiki culture that we have been enjoying ever since. The returning sailors and airman brought home souvenirs and stories of paradise that fueled the fantasy of exotic islands. So I think the military and tiki themes go hand in hand. I myself am a bit of a militaria collector but my focus has mainly been the European Theater. Still, combining the Pacific and Tiki has always been an idea rattling around in my head so it's nice to see it in practice. Nice work!

VampiressRN posted on 04/24/2016

Thanks Paul. I don't have any military items yet, so will definitely be linking with you. We have a big military surplus store here in the Sacramento area so I can always snag something from there. http://actionmilitarysurplus.com/

The garage will definitely be a blended style. It will mostly serve as my music room. I have a lot of things already just need to start organizing. I want to paint the walls and have to build a dividing wall, have the carpet, a large electric fireplace, bamboo stands and the instruments. I will be using this thread as inspiration. Thanks so much for posting all the awesome pictures and offering to help...you are the best!!!

Pele Paul posted on 06/08/2016

On 2016-04-23 17:47, VampiressRN wrote:
Thanks Paul. I don't have any military items yet, so will definitely be linking with you. We have a big military surplus store here in the Sacramento area so I can always snag something from there. http://actionmilitarysurplus.com/

The garage will definitely be a blended style. It will mostly serve as my music room. I have a lot of things already just need to start organizing. I want to paint the walls and have to build a dividing wall, have the carpet, a large electric fireplace, bamboo stands and the instruments. I will be using this thread as inspiration. Thanks so much for posting all the awesome pictures and offering to help...you are the best!!!

You got it VampiressRN, any time, Id be happy to help out any way I can!!!!
Oh almost forgot, I just picked up this little gem last month at a local show for next to nothing; a US 250 lb practice bomb, now to decide what color to paint it, but will def have the bar name on it.......

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hiltiki posted on 06/08/2016

Love it.

Pele Paul posted on 06/08/2016

On 2016-06-08 08:16, hiltiki wrote:
Love it.

thanks so so much!!!

uncle trav posted on 06/09/2016

NICE !! I'd keep it crusty looking. Along the lines of a B-24 after fifty missions over enemy territory. I love this stuff. I have a bunch of inert goodies I have yet to incorporate into the bar. Keep us update.

uncle trav posted on 06/09/2016

Like this :D

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Pele Paul posted on 06/10/2016

On 2016-06-08 17:11, uncle trav wrote:
NICE !! I'd keep it crusty looking. Along the lines of a B-24 after fifty missions over enemy territory. I love this stuff. I have a bunch of inert goodies I have yet to incorporate into the bar. Keep us update.

Yea, Ive got an artist friend who's going to do the art work, then hang it over the bar itself! im hoping to get enough rattan and luau matting material for the ceiling and half walls, to make it look like a 1945 era Officers club or Team House...keeping everything in it circa 1940s looking. Ive got some cool period photos of E-Club and officers lounges/clubs from the pacific just gotta decide how to finish it! of course its never done lol

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jimsflies posted on 06/16/2016

Those bombs are the bomb!

Pele Paul posted on 12/31/2016

thanks buddy!! getting ready to do some routing work after the 1st as well as put up some luau matting.....

Pele Paul posted on 09/03/2017

decided to change the room around and make it just my home bar! added a nice rattan couch and some chairs, took out the computer desk, book shelf and chair Got this WWII painted wall paper runner that actually hung in a USN South Pacific officers Cantina. its 3 foot tall by about 20 feet long. may wanna border it with luau matting or router work....

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[ Edited by: pele paul 2017-09-03 14:21 ]

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