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Tiki Torture Bamboo Bar

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IDoVoodoo posted on 04/15/2014

Hello! I have always wanted my own Tiki Bar and have been following Tiki and collecting mugs for about fourteen years now. My Wife and I were able to buy a house in the Bay Area about a year ago, and my dream of a Tiki Bar got that much closer. It's a three bedroom house, and since we don't have kids, my Wife got one room and I got the other; to do whatever we wanted! Being that we just bought the house, we had no money to build though. I had to convince my Wife to let me build if I could source most of the materials for free, or very little cost. I harvested and cut all the bamboo myself; talk about a lot of work! The most expensive part of the build were the screws!

The bar top is a reclaimed, very old, fence. It was being thrown out and I took it all, then sorted out the best, coolest pieces. I only lightly sanded it to remove any potential splinters, but left the patina, then sealed it.

The fish tank was free too; I resealed it with fresh silicone. The lava rock bottom was free too!

Tiki Torture Bamboo Bar also doubles as my workstation. I built a desk behind the bar that house my Dell pro series computer and dual Dell monitors.

The Bar isn't complete; I have not finished the back bar shelving, and I am also installing an in-wall saltwater tank between the bar and family room; you will be able to see thru to the other room!

I hope you enjoy and keep in mind, it isn't pro grade, it was done for very little money out of pocket. :)

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I built a small shelf to hold all the power plugs for the fish tank equipment.
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I have more mugs, but here are some examples.
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This is a vintage fish lamp with a REAL vintage 3-tier shade; the shade is worth triple what the ceramic lamp is worth, and it was lovingly given to us by some very close Family friends!
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My real and beautiful Japanese, hand-forged, Sword. I did not put reed on this wall because this is the location of the near future in-wall saltwater tank. I am still debating between an Octopus, or Sharks!
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A little dark and blurry, but this is my workstation.
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komohana posted on 04/15/2014

On 2014-04-14 22:35, IDoVoodoo wrote:
I harvested and cut all the bamboo myself; talk about a lot of work!

Couldn't agree more.

Really like the speakers hidden behind the bamboo on the bar front.

The rest looks great so far and recycling good second-hand materials is an activity
very close to my own heart, well done mate.

p.s. Go the Sharks!!

[ Edited by: komohana 2014-04-15 03:14 ]

IDoVoodoo posted on 04/15/2014

Thank you for the kind words! I know I need some more custom Tiki elements, like some carved wall treatments, or some matting along the bottom instead of my walls just being all reed. I am hoping to do some router work; after buying a router that is. My style and "things" aren't pure Tiki; my Wife and I love Mexican Dia de Los Muertos Art and figures, so there is a little different feel to it.

And I wish I had burnt the joints of the bamboo. Oh well, live and learn.

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littlegiles posted on 04/15/2014

I think it looks great and has a nice feel to it. Love the elevated fishtank. Haven't seen that done before.

  • Dale
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komohana posted on 04/15/2014

I like the look of the plain bamboo, besides,
the more detail you add the less people will notice the finish on the bamboo.

Router work is fine too but you can get some good effects from painting etc.
and the same applies, the more things there are to draw your attention the less
you will notice the smaller details.

For example, the fish tank together with it's pillared stand are such a striking combination
the eye is drawn to it and not the computer screens behind it.

Now that you're on the hunt for more, I'd be willing to bet that more will present itself.

Best of luck !!

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Pele Paul posted on 04/15/2014

wow, very very cool!!!!!!

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MaukaHale posted on 04/15/2014

MacGyver would be very proud of what you've done and I think the "Professor" would be too!

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Dagg posted on 04/15/2014

Nice job!

However... Id be a bit concerned with that tank above my head, living near a fault line. Id put in some lateral supports. Just my 2 cents

Looks good tho. cheers

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SandraDee posted on 04/15/2014

Really great job you have done so far.

My only suggestion is perhaps keep an eye out for more comfy bar stools -Those square corners may start to make one's backside ache :wink:

Love the fish tank also.

IDoVoodoo posted on 04/15/2014

Thanks again for the reassurance on the direction I took it! I see some bars on here and I say WOW out loud! I feel I have a ways to go compared to them!

And to quickly address the fish tank support concerns: rest assured, the whole tank is supported by Simpson brand strong ties to the base, AND four posts to the ceiling as well! You can't see them from the front, but you can from behind the bar. It truly isn't going anywhere; water will definitely fly out in an earthquake though, lol!

I definitely want to explore some cool hanging lamps on here, thanks for the suggestion!

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VampiressRN posted on 04/16/2014

Welcome to TC...you are doing a great job. Putting speakers in the bar front is a neat idea. I love your puffer fish lamp!!!!

IDoVoodoo posted on 04/16/2014

Thanks again!

The one thing that is really bothering me are the WHITE blinds. They are directly behind the bar; I need help. Do I spray paint them brown? Should I buy a more tropical set? Should I try making some basic ones from bamboo and/or reed? Help!!!

And... If anyone in the Bay Area has a jackhammer I could use for a day, I really want to get started on my tropical backyard, which includes a 8'x35' (possibly) sized pond/stream. I have some concrete in the way and I really don't want to swing a sledge. Thanks!

IDoVoodoo posted on 04/16/2014

Here's a pic of the upper supports of the fish tank, screwed to the ceiling, as viewed from behind the bar.

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This is one of the tower speakers, installed behind the bar, firing forward. They are quality Celestion towers, and get real loud!

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I have 4 color changing LED lights mounted under the fish tank, lightly illuminating the bar.

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IDoVoodoo posted on 04/16/2014

So, my gorgeous, young Wife surprised me for my 36th Birthday with a trip to Disneyland, which included Trader Sam's! I had a blast, and also picked up six mugs there; four first editions, and two duplicates that I can actually use! I also had the great pleasure of meeting one of the original Don the Beachcombers bartenders, Mike. Now, I know Mike is on here, but I can't remember his username. If you know it, please PM me, I would love to connect with him on here! Thanks!

Here are some pics! :)

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Frank approves.
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IDoVoodoo posted on 04/19/2014

So, I see these super amazing bars on here, and I am motivated. I just picked up a plunge router. 2hp, variable speed, 1/4 and 1/2 collets.

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 04/19/2014

Great start Ido! Now that you have a router, some hawaiian style moulding around that window would look good if you put silver sun screen film on the glass. What’s behind that window?
Keep the pix coming-looking good!

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 04/19/2014

I think you're off to a good start and the fish tank is very striking. I'd be on the lookout for a cheap bamboo shade for that window - WAY easier than making one yourself!!! I've seen them in Big Lots, Christmas Tree Shops and other discount places in my area.

Have fun!

IDoVoodoo posted on 04/19/2014

Thanks for the tips!

I know ALL the white mouldings and white doors have got to go!

And the window looks out to the front yard/street... not much to look at.

IDoVoodoo posted on 05/15/2014

I got a new swag crackle glass lamp, and a bird cage with a wood Parrot in it.

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littlegiles posted on 05/16/2014

Love the new light!

  • Dale
IDoVoodoo posted on 07/31/2014

I got a matching pair of Peacock Chairs for the Bar; the black leather ones just didn't fit the vibe. Pics in the room to come.

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[ Edited by: IDoVoodoo 2014-07-30 23:19 ]

IDoVoodoo posted on 09/19/2014

Made a trip to Forbidden Island before the sidewalk sale to get a couple mugs before they're gone!
TikiCentral keeps placing my pics sideways....
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[ Edited by: IDoVoodoo 2014-09-19 15:52 ]

IDoVoodoo posted on 09/19/2014

Found an amazing Peacock Chair and matching side table! Very Happy!

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liabungalo posted on 09/20/2014

Very cool. Love the fish tank.

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VampiressRN posted on 09/20/2014

Oh wow...that chair and table are fabulous. Great find!!!

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Thurston Howell IV posted on 09/21/2014

Hi there - just caught up with the work you're doing and it looks just great! I'm envious of your mug collection and that last peacock chair, wow. I want one!!!

Keep doing that voodoo that you do so well.


IDoVoodoo posted on 09/22/2014

Thanks! I'm doing what I can, with the small budget I have!
Anyways, I need to update a couple things I corrected:

No more white door, painted a light tan.
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No more white blinds!
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Vintage Capiz Hanging Lamp behind Bar.
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JenTiki posted on 09/22/2014

Was that the chair that was listed on eBay in Newark?

IDoVoodoo posted on 09/22/2014

On 2014-09-22 14:05, JenTiki wrote:
Was that the chair that was listed on eBay in Newark?

Yes! I live in Newark, so it worked out perfectly.It was on Craigslist as well. The couple I bought it from had it in storage for years and years. It belonged to the Woman's Mother, who purchased it sometime in the 60's, she believes. The couple is in their early to mid 50's, and if their Mother had purchased it, the timing could fit. It is definitely old, but in perfect shape.

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IDoVoodoo posted on 09/24/2014

Built this over the last couple days. Bad Pic.

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IDoVoodoo posted on 09/30/2014

We had a blast at the Forbidden Island sidewalk sale, met Bamboo Ben, and took home a few of his goodies!

Outrigger hanging lamp:
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Bamboo Ben poked me!
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IDoVoodoo posted on 10/09/2014

OK, basic walls need to be less basic. First off, two-tone, then add routered and burned trim. Progress...

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IDoVoodoo posted on 10/18/2014

Time to upgrade my quick built bar stools; on a budget.

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VampiressRN posted on 10/19/2014

Beautiful chairs...makes me want one or two. Things are really coming along at your place...keep up the great work.

IDoVoodoo posted on 10/20/2014

Thank you for the compliment!

IDoVoodoo posted on 10/21/2014

Playing with colored string lights. Outrigger Canoe Lamp by Bamboo Ben!

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IDoVoodoo posted on 10/27/2014

Bar Stool work

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IDoVoodoo posted on 10/27/2014

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IDoVoodoo posted on 10/29/2014

Pulled the carpet from the Tiki Torture Bamboo Bar, now for new laminate! Better for spills!

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IDoVoodoo posted on 10/31/2014

Finally working on the back bar; just had the top and lower frame done.

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IDoVoodoo posted on 10/31/2014

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IDoVoodoo posted on 10/31/2014

More of the new floor.

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hiltiki posted on 11/01/2014

Nice job looking forward to more pictures.

IDoVoodoo posted on 11/04/2014

On 2014-11-01 10:53, hiltiki wrote:
Nice job looking forward to more pictures.

Thanks! I am working on some custom routered/burnt trim for mid wall and baseboard. I have received so much inspiration on here from others; I really appreciate and admire this community. MonkeyMan's router work, Bamboo Ben's style and work, and the Vampiress' Tiki choices and positive comments have all been great, just to name a few!

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danlovestikis posted on 01/15/2015

I just had a blast reading through and looking at all your photos. Your wife must be impressed with all you have accomplished, I certainly am. What did she do with her room? Wendy

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MaukaHale posted on 01/15/2015

On 2014-10-27 00:26, IDoVoodoo wrote:
Bar Stool work

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I really like the idea of the crocodile and the fish. You have a lot of created ideas in your build.

BK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cbe4d0b20172e20787abd20510f9f7a0?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Big Kahuna posted on 01/15/2015

Somehow, I never stumbled upon this thread, before. Very nice work. Great vibe.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8e2554124f0d1830625df8e10abad657?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiAno posted on 01/18/2015

I missed this thread as well! Great build- love all the custom work- bar stools are great. The floor really ties the room together... :)

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