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The show me your Witco thread.

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Kailuageoff posted on 04/15/2014

That wahine carving is my favorite Witco piece. The tikis are cool, but nothing says "aloha" like a hula girl. Nice score.

ZenMondo posted on 04/29/2014

I found this piece in a thrift store in Anaheim, CA. I had no idea what it was, it just appealed to me greatly on an aesthetic level. I assumed it was probably carved by some SCA or Ren Faire nut in the 1970s as a one-off piece. When putting it in the trunk, did I notice a brand burned into it that read, "Witco Inc. Mount Vernon, Wash. U.S.A." After I got home and some work on the google machine, did I realize what treasure I had found.

I still do not know much about Witco, outside of what I learned reading this thread (and my efforts to obtain Tiki Modern have been fruitless as I discovered the county I recently moved to, has a library system that does NOT participate in Inter-Library Loans)

I realize it is "Not Tiki" but I love it none the less. And even though I obtained it for $39 (it had a $100 price tag on it, but we were told that was not what it was for sale for, or even what the store owner obtained it for -- we were told he buys lots at estate sales where the individual items are sold at a discount when bought in such a manner) I am not gonna head to Ebay. Right now my partner and I are house shopping, and I look forward to giving this guy a permanent place to hang.

I would love to know more information about this piece.

Sunny&Rummy posted on 05/03/2014

I wish I had an extra $875 lying around to pick up the awesome Witco world map I ran across in an antique mall today.

Pele Paul posted on 05/05/2014

On 2014-04-14 17:09, Kailuageoff wrote:
That wahine carving is my favorite Witco piece. The tikis are cool, but nothing says "aloha" like a hula girl. Nice score.

thanks my friend!! yea I love her!!! My GF's brother has one without the orange background and she's broken off at the bottom by about 2 feet, tried to get it off him, but he wouldn't part with it, so I got my own!!!

TikiReno posted on 05/07/2014

I had to relieve this footsoldier from his post at the SALVATION ARMY today!

I found him crucified like Jeebus on a huge wood panel with wood screws. The employees removed it for me and I donated the panel back.

Huge win! And priced to move!

Is this the God of Good Fortune?

Big Kahuna posted on 05/14/2014

Witch Doctor

Mids&Mods posted on 05/15/2014

[ Edited by: Mids&Mods 2014-05-15 20:49 ]

happy buddha posted on 05/16/2014

Not witco. Not tiki either, imho

Big Kahuna posted on 05/16/2014

Not even close!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/16/2014

I concur....

tikiskip posted on 05/16/2014

It looks like a fraternity hazing paddle.
"Thank you sir may I have another"

"I wonder what it is that always makes the Rodneys choose the wrong side"

KAHAKA posted on 05/16/2014

That could be THEE furthest from a Witco on this thread.

Trad'r Bill posted on 05/16/2014

Deleted? Aw man, I wanted to see it lol

Mids&Mods posted on 05/19/2014

[ Edited by: Mids&Mods 2014-06-05 20:21 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/19/2014

Mids&Mods, no one was laughing at your expense, you just got straight & blunt answers to your question
(Not Witco & Not Tiki) I assure you no one intended any disrespect.

I can also assure you most of the Witco experts are right here on Tiki Central
so your first post wasn't a winner, well then maybe your next post will be or the one after
nothing to get bent out of shape about & welcome to Tiki Central by the way!

We just seem gruff on the outside, but once you get to know us, you will realize we are a fun bunch
but also gruff on the inside! :lol:

Humuhumu posted on 05/19/2014

I already posted this first guy on the thread for my home bar, but here you go:

It's a Witco table lamp, but its lampy bits have long been gutted (no complaints from me, I like him better as-is). Got him off eBay a few weeks ago. I call him Telly because I think he looks like this guy:

I love, love, love him. I plan to buy some fake fruit to keep in his bowl.

My other Witco:

Nice classic Witco stool, found him on Craigslist.

Another Craigslist purchase. I'm Norwegian, so I had to have some Viking Witco! Hangs over our bed, hopefully anchored well enough to not come crashing down on our heads in an earthquake.

Mids&Mods posted on 05/20/2014

[ Edited by: Mids&Mods 2014-06-05 20:19 ]

hang10tiki posted on 05/21/2014

ATP- well put sir
humu- awesome
Mids- it's great when you find the history of a find
Keep looking

Mids&Mods posted on 05/21/2014

[ Edited by: Mids&Mods 2014-06-05 20:21 ]

Big Kahuna posted on 05/21/2014

May I also extend a welcome to you, Mids&Mods. Keep hunting & keep poking around TC. I think you'll find it both informative & enjoyable.

gooneybird posted on 05/28/2014

Here's a Witco 'Tahitian Lovers' my wife found at a local vintage store:

and after recovering the background and repainting the pink parts:

nimereht posted on 06/22/2014

found these in the wild yesterday for an amazing price. someone tried to sell them to an african art place in an antique mall sort of place. they weren't interested so they sold them to the little antique shop across the hall. unbelievably the shop had them for 6 months and no one bought them...

(sorry the pics are sideways, not sure why!)

tedtiki posted on 06/22/2014

Lookin good Gooney!

TWANGtiki posted on 07/07/2014

This is my first post (and not really Tiki...although I love Tiki and have been a lurker for years) and is Witco related. Does anyone know anything about these, or can anybody identify them? They surely HAVE to be Witco, right? - My latest find...

bigbrotiki posted on 07/07/2014

Yes, Witco. Asian. Cool backgrounds. Photo too dark. If I come across them in any catalogs I will post more.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2014-07-07 09:57 ]

TWANGtiki posted on 07/07/2014

Thanks bigbrotiki! I'll try to snap some better pics to post when I get a chance.

TikiAno posted on 07/19/2014

A friend of a friend is a swap meet flipper, looking for mostly mid century furniture. I always tell him to keep an eye out for Witco or tiki stuff. He called me yesterday, telling me he found what he thought was a Witco piece. He described it as a "tiki mask with mosaic tiles behind it", then told me he couldn't take any photos of it (vendor's rules). Since I hadn't seen it in person, I wasn't sure of the value- or what the actual piece was- or even if it had the Witco stamp/ marking. The vendor was asking $200. I googled what he described to me over the phone without any luck, then (light bulb), I went and opened up my copy of Tiki Modern.

This was as close to what I thought it could be, so I texted him the photo (bonus of working from a home office)

I sent him the photo, he sent me this back a while later.

It was a match. Once he heard it was in Tiki Modern, he bought it from the vendor, then sold it right after to someone who saw him walking away with it. Who knew Witco was so hot in San Diego?

Sven, thanks for providing not only great reading material, but a great resource guide!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 07/30/2014

a friend of mine just scored this set of witco for a $100 in indiana. this set is from the last catalog year of witco - 1976. the transition to a more scandanavian, dark / light colored wood use had begun that year but this style never really took off. I've included the picture from the book tiki modern as reference.

and here's a pic from the catalog

Tattoo posted on 07/30/2014

On 2014-07-29 18:01, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
a friend of mine just scored this set of witco for a $100 in indiana. this set is from the last catalog year of witco - 1976. the transition to a more scandanavian, dark / light colored wood use had begun that year but this style never really took off. I've included the picture from the book tiki modern as reference.


Tipsy McStagger posted on 07/31/2014

you might want to close your eyes for this one- not for the weak of stomach.

this bench was also part of the set i posted the other day. I don't know what to make of it.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/31/2014

Definitely on the dark side of Witco, but someone will get it for the name
this is where I usually go on about 1970s Porn-Style Witco, but you have heard it before....

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2014-08-04 19:26 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 07/31/2014

It was Witco's attempt at Scandinavian Modern, which at the time was becoming fashionable:



Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/31/2014

As a Danish born Scandinavian, Someone who has been around
"Danish Modern" since the late 50s, they didn't even come close
to the aesthetic & will forever be the ire of my criticism. :)

happy buddha posted on 08/01/2014

Holy lime velvet batman!!

Say what you will about the excesses of Witco. You put that couch in any room in your home and dare somebody NOT to comment on it. :)

bigbrotiki posted on 08/01/2014

On 2014-07-31 14:07, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
As a Danish born Scandinavian, Someone who has been around
"Danish Modern" since the late 50s, they didn't even come close
to the aesthetic & will forever be the ire of my criticism. :)

Hey - It was BLONDE wood, right? Blonde wood = Swedish modern! It's simple! :D

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/01/2014

Well you won't find it at Ikea, so who wants some meatballs? :)

TikiAno posted on 08/04/2014

Tipsy, that is the best sofa I have ever seen. Done. Over and out. I've seen the one in Tiki Modern, but I always like seeing alternate designs (no doubt there are dozens, if not more) from ones in Sven's Bible. :)

Meatballs make anything better, no?

keigs20 posted on 08/05/2014

Sweet couch Tipsy!!!!! Defiantly a rare find. These were some of the last items Witco made before closing the doors. So I'm pretty sure there is not a lot of them out there.

Tikisgrl posted on 08/17/2014

New Witco lamp. Does anyone know what the shade looked like?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/17/2014

Well ideally it looked like this.....

But in reality most Witco lamp shades were pretty ugly late 1960s or 1970s style
like an avocado green burlap shade, your better off finding a cool
1950s shade to replace whatever was originally on it.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2014-08-17 15:13 ]

Tikisgrl posted on 08/19/2014

Thanks Atomic Tiki Punk. I should probably have mentioned that the lamp is almost 4 feet tall. It's a bit larger than a table lamp, but not quite a floor lamp. I was also thinking about the right shape on the lamp shade also. I was hoping that Sven would magically appear with the catalog picture.

[ Edited by: Tikisgrl 2014-08-18 18:56 ]

The Granite Tiki posted on 08/19/2014

I couldn't find it in Sven's book, but almost all the lamps that are similar (sort of similar anyway) have a simple white long canister like lamp shade.

CORRECTION, look what I just found online!

[ Edited by: The Granite Tiki 2014-08-18 20:10 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/19/2014

I have never seen a Witco lamp with those shades, they have always been a single color plain cylindrical type shade
does anyone here, have one?

mikehooker posted on 08/26/2014

Can anyone help identify this carved fish wall art? The store I bought it from called it Witco but the serial number on the back is FF-100 so I'm not sure it's legit. A quick search on this site and Google haven't revealed any answers. Someone on Pintrest had a similar piece with two smaller fish they attributed to Witco. The frame is 5' long.

happy buddha posted on 08/26/2014

It's Witco

uncle trav posted on 08/26/2014

On 2014-08-26 07:16, mikehooker wrote:
Can anyone help identify this carved fish wall art? The store I bought it from called it Witco but the serial number on the back is FF-100 so I'm not sure it's legit. A quick search on this site and Google haven't revealed any answers. Someone on Pintrest had a similar piece with two smaller fish they attributed to Witco. The frame is 5' long.

The Hawaiian Inn in Daytona Fl has some Witco pieces very similar to yours on display in the hotel. Seen in this thread on page two.

mikehooker posted on 08/29/2014

Cool, thanks guys.

VampiressRN posted on 08/29/2014

That is a wild sofa Tipsy. I have been working on embracing Witco for the last couple of years. The only piece I have ever liked was the world map, which I finally bought. My therapy for trying to love Witco is looking at the Elvis Jungle Room occasionally. To me, it is the ultimate in gaudiness and somewhat painful to look at.

Here is pictures of my map in the home of the gal that sold it to me. It is now in my dining room which is decorated with maps.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2014-08-29 11:02 ]

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