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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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TikiAno posted on 12/24/2014

Wow... Mod Bob = off the charts. The other Bobs, of course, are pretty great, too.

Have yourself a very Merry (Tiki) Christmas!!!!

RVICTOR posted on 12/24/2014

Mele Kalikimaka Wendy and Dan!

RVICTOR posted on 12/24/2014

Mele Kalikimaka Wendy and Dan!

hang10tiki posted on 12/24/2014

Abstract Bob
Way kool

bigbrotiki posted on 12/24/2014

Wendy, the Tiki Bob machine! Not meant to say your boundless creativity has anything automatic. In fact, each time you sink your hands into clay and form it into an individual Tiki Bob likeness, you are replaying the ancient creation myth of Tiki himself!:

"A Ngati Awa (Whakatane) version states that the first man was made by Tiki from a mixture of his own blood and clay, and a variant Ngati Tuwharetoa version says that the first man was made by Tikiahua out of red clay….In Polynesia, we find that in the Marquesas, Mangareva, and Easter Island, the first woman was made out of earth or sand by Tiki."

Mele Kalikimaka, Dan & Wendy!

P.S.: Looking forward to seeing the TIKI MODERN Bob painted :)

hang10tiki posted on 12/25/2014

Merry Xmas you two

danlovestikis posted on 12/25/2014

Mele Kalikimaka aka Merry Christmas Everyone

The sun is shining and although it is cold and windy for California we just took a nice walk. I've got an hour before we join our friends to celebrate another good year. I wish it were so for everyone but let's hope that the next year turns all illness and misfortune around. I wish everyone joy and happiness.


TikiAno I'm so happy that the Abstract deconstructed mod Tiki Bob who lost his head has been well received. I thought that maybe you all would think I'd lost mine!
We are waiting for a wonderful photo update of Tiki Ari to be posted here. I have the used car photo imprinted in my mind. You could post it too.

RVICTOR Mele Kalikimaka to you as well. It's so fun that Sven Kirsten aka bigbrotiki is watching your mug design come to life.

hang10tiki thank you and SewTiki for the card. It was much appreciated. I was lazy this year and I apologize.
Tiki Bob thanks you as do I for the kind words on his appearance.

bigbrotiki Mele Kalikimaka and thank you so much. RVICOR and I will enjoy knowing that you are watching your design become 3D. I relieved to not be thrown in jail by all your fans in the tiki police. Thank you for allowing this 1/1 mug.

hang10tiki may you day be filled with fun.


It's been fun taking a couple of days off. I'll be back to posting tomorrow. I think it would be fun to see some of your Christmas photos show up here. Did any of you get a tiki as a present?


For fun I clicked on a random page in my posts. 288 and guess what I got to see kingstiedye with the Rat Fink Tiki mug I made for him smiling at me and then
Tiki Hula grinning that he won a contest and then photos as he started his Shrunken Head Fez Volcano bowl. I smiled right back at them.

The biggest surprise was as I scrolled down I found the photo of our Christmas dinner from last year. Now that was special.

Here's a photo from this years celebration.

Once again my your day be joyful and bright. Wendy and Dan

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-12-25 11:16 ]

lunavideogames posted on 12/25/2014

Mele Kalikimaka!

hang10tiki posted on 12/25/2014

Xmas road trip
Look who is getting an Xmas eve makeover

kingstiedye posted on 12/26/2014

merry christmas to wendy and dan!

danlovestikis posted on 12/26/2014

lunavideogames Mele Kalikimaka to you too. Now on to the New Year and it should be a fun one.

hang10tiki what an interesting photo. I love to restore things. I always dream of going to San Francisco to redo Tiki Bob in the classic colors.

kingstiedye did you look back at page 288? It was fun to see your photos again. I hope you had a wonderful day, I saw your tiki loot on fb enjoy!

I just saw this on fb and thought it was the best one ever. Who makes these? Is it the same guy who sell at DOB's Marketplace?


I'm showing Tiki Bob's that I made before starting on the Wish List. For this next one I got out my Hawaiian Dictionary

and found the words I was looking for. These words will be added to the coconut that Tiki Bob holds.

Hau'o Inu

Dan wasn't around and my hands got to messed up for photos while I built the arms. Once I was clean Dan showed up and took photos for me as I worked.

The photos spoke for themselves so there wasn't anything to say except HAPPY HOLIDAYS from Wendy and Dan.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 12/27/2014

Merry Christmas Wendy, Dan & all your followers!

hang10tiki posted on 12/27/2014

Cheers to you, Dan-0 and Bob

danlovestikis posted on 12/27/2014

LoriLovesTiki thank you. I just saved your facebook photo with your bangs, my favorite hairstyle. Very cute.

hang10tiki cheers and fish faces to you. An inside joke!


Herrrrrrrrrrrrres Bob. This is one of my favorites.

I found these photos in my tattoo book. Sorry it's blurry.

I just started carving the designs that I liked best.

So Tiki Bob is one big arm tattoo.

I only have a couple left and then I'll be sharing the work on Wish List #5.

We are heading fast towards 2015 and all my Tiki Bob's are 2014's and not finished! Oh well.

Cheers, Wendy

MauiTiki posted on 12/27/2014

On 2014-12-25 14:20, hang10tiki wrote:
Xmas road trip
Look who is getting an Xmas eve makeover

I hope they put the bone back in his nose!!

Happy New Year Wendy and Dan!

hang10tiki posted on 12/28/2014

Wendy- you might have to start doing real tattoos soon
Lookin good

MauiTiki- I didn't see the nose bone lyin around

Wendy- here are a few pics from our quick Xmas San Diego trip

danlovestikis posted on 12/29/2014

MauiTiki Happy New Years to you too.

hang10tiki Dan said I could draw tattoos on him with a felt pen. Someday I'm doing to do just that!
Your photos are too good to be real. I wish we could have been there with you and Janelle. Hey
what's SewTiki up too besides playing with her slim husband?


I have 4 inch tall Tiki Bob statues that I use to make bowls. I took one of these and opened up the top of the head to make a small mug/shot glass.

Then I cut a piece of clay to make a bottom.

I smoothed it in place and

started turning Tiki Bob into a peanut mug.

All done and posing.

I worked all week on Tyber Tiki's wish. I have one Tiki Bob left to post and the the Wish List photos begin right along with the new year.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 12/29/2014


New lil Bob Peanut looks happy

This morning it was 28 degrees on our walk

danlovestikis posted on 12/30/2014

hang10tiki that looks like something out of a batman movie. We went for a walk today in 50 degree weather and I needed a ski mask. I've never owned one but I'm ready to try that out. I really like this scary photo.


I've come to the end of Tiki Bob mugs made when I had downtime to relax without projects pending.

I started by changing this small 4 inch Tiki Bob into a mug from a statue. Then I worked to add the first hand.

I added a second hand.

After putting a little tiki mug in the left hand I left the mug sit overnight so the hands could firm up.

It's a Shaka Hang Loose mug. Did I spell that correctly?


Starting tomorrow I'll be posting Wish List #5 progress report photos. I better get to work! Cheers, Wendy

Tyber Tiki posted on 12/30/2014

Happy Holidays Wendy!

I am really looking forward to following the progression of wish list #5 in the new year and cannot wait to see your interpretation of my wish list request. As with all of your work I am sure it will be incredible.

Have a very happy New Years!


hang10tiki posted on 12/30/2014

Wendy- there are several theories to the origin of the SHAKA
I like this one

According to the Honolulu Star-Bulletin,
prevailing local lore credited the gesture
to Hamana Kalili of Laie,
who lost the three middle fingers of his right hand
while working at the Kahuku Sugar Mill.
Kalili was then shifted to guarding the sugar train,
and his all-clear wave of thumb and pinkie
is said to have evolved into the shaka
as children imitated the gesture.


danlovestikis posted on 12/31/2014

Tyber Tiki I have been working on your Wish and the photos start today.

hang10tiki well that was an interesting story. I'll always think of it when I see this used in greeting. Thank you.


Wish List #5 Progress Report Begins Today


Thus begins the story of kingstiedye aka Bullet and Tyber Tiki.

Bullet came to our home to discuss his two Wish List projects. But first he wanted to go to the tiki jungle room to show us something that he knew we had missed since his last visit.

First though I wanted a photo with him. Thank you Dan for allowing me my hobby of hugging everyone I can get my hands on.

Dan has built little villages with the smalls in his collection. On his last visit here Bullet put a tiny Rat Fink into one of them. We didn't notice dang it. He took us over to show us his secret.

So very cute, thank you so much Bullet.

Next on the agenda was to let Bullet see what the Wish List #5 projects looked like in my work binder.

He was impressed with what Tyber Tiki had ordered. This is a lamp that is in New Zealand. He asked if I could make one here.

Distant view.

This is a sculpture I did a while back that was purchased from me at Don the Beachcombers Marketplace in Huntington Beach.
Typer Tiki wants his lamp/mug glazed to look like this.

Bullet invited us to his home to see some tikis similar to Tyber Tikis request. The more inspiration the better.

He also showed us that he had acquired the very first design that Bosko had ever produced. Excellent.

He had this ceramic sent from New Zealand for me to view and

several carvings.

Can I make this lamp? I think it will be on the order of the Homer Simpson mug. It will be huge and take a lot of thought on how to make it work. I do so love a challenge.

Should I post tomorrow or should we all go celebrate the new year?

Cheers, Wendy

TikiAno posted on 12/31/2014

Looking forward to seeing this lamp happen! Man, I should have picked up more Maori art when I was in NZ back in '97 (or so). Beautiful designs all over!

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year! Thanks for all the Tiki art, inspiration, and help!

Just for you, Tiki Ari started partying early..... I thought I should post it here....

Tyber Tiki posted on 12/31/2014

Wow Wendy!

The Maori carvings are amazing...excellent research. I am humbled to be around such tiki heavywieghts, as my tiki collection is only nearing 50 mugs. I am really excited to follow the wish list progress in 2015.

Have a great New Years holiday!

Tyber Tiki

hang10tiki posted on 12/31/2014

Mini Rat Fink gets to live in the jungle. Lucky lil dude.
The next one should be great, can't wait to see it

Ano- great pic and shirt

Happy New Years to you Wendy and Dan-0
And the same for all the viewers of THE show

danlovestikis posted on 12/31/2014

TikiAno here's a secret. My sister went to New Zealand. For $80 US dollars she could have gotten a 4 inch cast in plaster tiki. She said it was the cheapest one she saw. If you watch Collecting Tikis Buzzy seems to find them all the time here in CA and I'll bet you he could get a stack for $80 because on and off we have too. You were lucky to have a trip there.

The lamp is my biggest challenge since Homer Simpson. I'll do my best to make it work.

Thank you likewise.

Tiki Ari is sooooooooooo cute. Keep posting so we can watch him grow up. Happy New Year.

Tyber Tiki here's the start of your Wish List project. I was happy to get it started before the new year began.

There are times that Dan wishes that he had a smaller collection. We let our get out of hand. At least it's all displayed nicely. Dan does all that, I don't touch his tikis.

hang10tiki where your morning walk photos? Any snow to share?


Wish List #5 Progress Report for Tyber Tiki's HUGE lamp/mug.

When I was asked to do this project I thought it through and decided that no one would want to pay me for the hours it would take to make just one of these. So I talked to Tyber Tiki and it was decided that I would sculpt it and then make a mold. He would get number one from the mold and then I would continue to make more of them as they are ordered. Hopefully that will work out.

So now the work begins!!!

First I decided how big to make this based on two things. One was when I printed a photo of the lamp on 9 x 11 paper it looked just right and two I needed to be able to carve in a lot of detailed designs.

To start I found some old 70mm film cans from back when I worked in diagnostic imaging. I stacked them and taped them together into a log.

I planned to use Romo sculpters clay but at a garage sale I had bought some fun clay and it would work as a start. I use that wooden tool to save my thumbs.

I would stick it in place and then spread it with the tool.

It was just enough to go around the bottom. Now I'm starting a layer of the Romo Clay #1. It is really similar to the bright clay in texture. It's being made in the USA now so it's cheaper than it used to be.

You can't tell by the photos but I spent weeks doing this. It was tiring on my hands and arms. I keep building layer upon layer.

Now I whipped out the photo to see it I was getting it to the right height.

One layer.

Two layers on the way up.

Getting there day after day.

Hurray to tippy top.

Filling in the last pieces at the top.

Now for the bottom. I nice thick layer.

I cut off the extra after it was all in place.

Dan said this mug will take two hands to lift. Well remember it will shrink 10 percent. So about an inch in height and 1/2 inch in diameter.

Here's a good comparison photo!

Oh My Gosh tonight will be a good time to turn in early and rest up for another clay day!!!

Cheers, Wendy

LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/01/2015

Happy New Year Dan, Wendy & the viewers of the best thread on TC!!!

May 2015 bring you all good health, happiness and tiki goodness!

danlovestikis posted on 01/01/2015

LoriLovesTikis I could read messages like that all day long and never get bored! Thank you.


Wish List #5 Progress Report on Tyber Tiki's HUGE Maori mug/lamp.

There are a lot of steps to making this Wish come true. After making the cylinder shape it was time to form
the flat panel for the surface where the tiki goes.

I just stared adding clay and

then smoothing clay.

Since I am making the tiki the same size as the photo I used it to place the second corner.

I added more clay and then

I smoothed it too.

After an examination I found that it was curved so I added a whole layer of clay

and smoothed it and

added and smoothed again.

I turned it over and smoothed the bottom.

Another step ahead is a really good feeling. Cheers and Happy New Year. Wendy and Dan

hang10tiki posted on 01/02/2015

That's going to be HUGE

VampiressRN posted on 01/02/2015

As always Wendy, your skills are amazing and your eye for design is great. Kudos to you for your great customer service to everyone to help them get their dream mug.

TikiAno posted on 01/02/2015

Wendy, wow- that's quite a big piece to work on. Going to be cooool....

Jon, sorry I missed you in SD. Next time definitely give a shout. when it's warmer there's another great spot to check out, owned by same folks who own Ironside.

I saw Mr. Bali Hai getting some more work done today. For you, Wendy, a few pics of Tiki Ari...

It was Ari's first trip to the Bali Hai (well, ex-utero), and he had a lot to choose from on the menu..

He decided to go for something simple...

Family portrait. Hopefully he'll get a job there when he's older and he can slip me a drink on occasion....

Wishing all a Happy and Healthy (and Tiki) New Year!

Wendy, looking forward to reading more of you and Dan's adventures....

hang10tiki posted on 01/02/2015

David- OMG those pics are awesome...

danlovestikis posted on 01/02/2015


hang10tiki it is huge. Dan is worried we won't be able to move the mold once it is made. We never had to mold Homer Simpson.

VampiressRN Ahh, I do so love filling wishes. My wish is that you and I can reach our goals this year. You motivated me and I'm starting today. I'm giving up caffeine diet sodas which don't work but taste soooooo good. Nope I'm going to do it, now.

TikiAno that Tiki Ari is so lucky to have fun parents who include him in all that they do! Keep posting. I would like to follow the adventures of Tiki Ari. When will he make his first finger painting of his hands and foot prints?

hang10tiki I agree with you.


Progress Report Wish List #5 Tyber Tikis HUGE mug/lamp.

I decided to do the bottom next so I turned it over. Boy oh boy is it heavy.
I used another film can to mark where I would removed clay.

I took it off and I had a nice round guide.

I started digging out the clay.

Not bad.

I used a pumpkin carver to dig out my name.

Next I sharpened the sides with a stick.

Now it's time to turn it over...Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!

Professor G posted on 01/02/2015

That mug's going to need wheels.

Happy New Year to the Happiest Thread on TC.

Tyber Tiki posted on 01/02/2015

Hi Wendy,

Was out of town the last few days and just catching up. Wow, the mug is going to be beautifully big! It is so fun to watch your projects as they progress, and now I'm a part of them - too cool!

Tyber Tiki

[ Edited by: Tyber Tiki 2015-01-02 14:55 ]

hang10tiki posted on 01/03/2015

Lookin good and great lettering

hang10tiki posted on 01/03/2015

Cold walk this morning

Our fish has a new friend to hang out with

lunavideogames posted on 01/03/2015

Wendy, I like the indented signature on your last picture. You are very precise with your mug making abilities. I could never do what you do.

Cheers and happy new year!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/04/2015

Love that Shaka mug! Your numerous reinterpretations of Bobs make me love him so!!

Happy New Year!

danlovestikis posted on 01/04/2015

Professor G big smile. It's big but I hope it shrinks well when I start to cast them. This will be the largest mold we have ever made.

Tyber Tiki I'm so glad you are home. I've been waiting for you to chime in. I work on it every day so there will be more continuously.

hang10tiki hopefully I can mold those words well.

hang10tiki that's what I call creative photography. It took a couple of seconds to figure it out. It's cold here too. I had to run a heater in my shed to keep the glaze from freezing. I have a minor in Chemistry and I can't figure out how the cold would effect the elements in the glazes. Maybe they are worried the jars will burst.

lunavideogames there is a tremendous amount of craft to doing art and that's something I could teach. That's why I share here so that everyone who wants to do this can. I was frustrated until I had a lesson from a mold maker named Mike who is a friend of kingtiedyes. Bullet hooked us up and my life changed.

LoriLovesTiki it's so fun to alter Tiki Bob since he was the first tiki mug ever made. We just keep him from ever being forgotten. I'm glad you like him.

There's nothing better than to come here and find messages. Thank you all very much.

Progress Report on Wish List #5 Tyber Tiki's project step by steps. Maori mug/lamp.

The lamp I'm using is a reference. I won't be able to copy the detail the same but the structure will be very similar.

I use the photo to get the size correct. If I didn't do this I might get to the bottom and find I'd run out of room and I would have to add clay and make this even larger. Horrors.

So I make the pieces and check them on the photo.

I held the clay up to the mug structure to see how it would look.

It wasn't quite wide enough so I added clay to the sides.

Then I cut up the photo and checked to see if it now worked with the eyes.

I drew an outline using the photo piece and

cut out the clay to make one eye and

then the other.

The nose detail wasn't working so

I removed it.

Tweaking goes on constantly. Here I saw the nostrils needed to be larger so I added clay and

smoothed it into place with this stick.

This really looks like an alien.

Just before I finished for the day I made the top of the head thicker and more rounded. See more Tweaking.

The tiki is finally started.

Time for a good book. Goodnight, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-01-03 19:37 ]

hang10tiki posted on 01/04/2015


danlovestikis posted on 01/05/2015

Thank you Mr. hang10tiki, it's nice to wake up to one of your messages.


Tyber Tiki's Wish is still in progress and here's the next step. By the way as you view all my tweaks and redo's think of the wood carvers and stone carvers like Benzart who do not get second chances. They do the art of the ancients.

First off I had to think about the lower part of the face.

I put to together the pieces of clay until I had one

big enough.

I cut it out and began

by working on the tongue.

Here's a tweak. I added more clay to round the upper lip

and used the wooden stick to attach it.

Next I did a lot of smoothing and fixed all the undercuts. This will be molded so there can't be any of those.

Once that was done I started adding teeth.

One more step ahead.


Thank you for this visit and until we meet again, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 01/05/2015

Lookin good

Well we wanted to be warm

hang10tiki posted on 01/05/2015

Tyber Tiki posted on 01/06/2015

Looks great Wendy! Your attention to detail is simply amazing and we're blown away at your precise and matching placement of each tiki tooth. I think I cracked a molar over the holidays, any chance you can mold me an extra....just kidding :).

Hello Hang10tiki, me and my better half were in Waikiki back in June and from the looks of your photos it doesn't look like much has progressed with the development of the new International Market Place. Ah, we miss the old IMP dearly, but I guess this is progress.....slow progress. Have a great time in Waikiki!

Tyber Tiki

hang10tiki posted on 01/06/2015

Wendy- here's the rest of day 1
Wish you guys were here

hang10tiki posted on 01/06/2015

TiberTiki- thanx, fun we will have
Here's a better but still sad view

danlovestikis posted on 01/06/2015

hang10tiki the photos really take me back to our last trip there more than a decade ago. We too are sad that it's gone. We always went there for the Korean Barbeque stand. It was so good we sometimes ate there for lunch and dinner.

I sure hope they save the tree either there or move it. What a hard job that would be and shocking to the tree.

Tyber Tiki I've had to make one major change that will show up soon. It was fun that you notice the teeth.

We have erronds this morning so I'll post photos tonight. Meanwhile hang10tiki please keep em comin. Cheers, Wendy

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