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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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little lost tiki posted on 12/31/2014

Aloha Crew!
Hope you all are having a Wonderful Holiday!

Been real busy with MANY things
(got to meet Zerostreet and El Gato Gomez,tho! What a thrill!)

and unfortunately,
a lot of the Tiki work i cannot share for now
due to secrecy stuff,so..... i apologize!
As soon as the proper authorization arrives
i will share them with you...
BUT! 2015 has some SURPRISES in store
so be patient and Rewards will appear!

Not much eventful since November..
the exhibition went AWESOME!
Even the Closing Reception Docent Tour!
Here's a shot from the Show with the Talented Toesy

and here's one of the TIKI areas of the exhibition
with paintings and woodburns
and even a glass case for exhibiting mugs and whatnot...

Again, Thank you for all the views and comments
Happy to be able share my Tiki side with the ohana..

Speaking of Dear Ohana....

On 2014-10-23 19:11, danlovestikis wrote:
Kinney you kill me. That's beautiful. I need a bigger house with more wall space. I just love the waterfalls. Wendy

Thanks Wendy!
it's not everyone who can say they have a friend who created a homer Tiki mug! And Mahalos for the Pufferfish necklace! Gonna wear it next time we meet up! it's so awesome!You got some hugs coming!

On 2014-11-02 18:18, hang10tiki wrote:
That shield is amazing...............
And the giant billboard piece is killer
U da man

Thanks Brother! it was quite fun showing some bigger
(4 foot or bigger) pieces in the November show...

Well.... it's onto a few new pieces...
(i will be dumping around 40 new drawings on my
soon if you'd like to see some other interests i delve into..)

Speaking of veering off the course
saw a great documentary on Ralph Steadman "For no good reason"
and melding that with a love for the work of Ronald Searle
the work took a messy sidetrack...
as you can see

"Messy Tangaroa"
Pen and ink and watercolor on watercolor paper
Private Collection

"the Lost Table"
pen and ink and Copic marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

Pen and ink and watercolor on watercolor paper

Copic marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

That's all i can share for now...
have a Safe and happy New Years, kids!

http://www.kinnyruzic.com Art Blogs Wishes Fulfilled!
I'm on Facebook too! under my real name Ken Ruzic

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2014-12-31 09:59 ]

hang10tiki posted on 12/31/2014

Messy T looks cool
The other 3, well they made me thirsty :)

danlovestikis posted on 12/31/2014

Just when I thought you had forgotten us... Not! The show looks over the top. I hope you'll do more waterfalls.
I was so sad to miss zerostreet I'm so happy to see that he got to hang out with all you wonderful artists.

Hugs, Wendy

Tabu posted on 01/06/2015

Wow, I love the "Messy Tangaroa" . Very coooool.

danlovestikis posted on 01/07/2015

Tabu I said that too. Keep working llt and keep messing it up!

little lost tiki posted on 01/21/2015

AlooooooooooooooooooooHAW Ohana!
how ya Doin?
Hope you're doing well
and if not....
let this week's Art Dump put a smile RIGHT into your heart!

But first.... let's answer some nice notes from some good friends...

On 2014-12-31 08:09, hang10tiki wrote:
Messy T looks cool
The other 3, well they made me thirsty :)

Glad you like the messy tang
he barely made it to his new hut
he took a lil beating from some disgruntled postal workers
but appears to be recovering...
Scroll down! I did another one just for all you messy dirty children
and some sloppy stream of consciousness sketchbook offerings...
May this new batch quench your thirst,old chum!

On 2014-12-31 15:27, danlovestikis wrote:
Just when I thought you had forgotten us... Not! The show looks over the top. I hope you'll do more waterfalls.
I was so sad to miss zerostreet I'm so happy to see that he got to hang out with all you wonderful artists.
Hugs, Wendy

Hello Wendy my dear!
It WAS fun meeting Robert and the Gato
How could i forget you and the Ohana?
I do often get sidetracked before and after an exhibition
and this holiday consisted of a lil bit of tiki and whole lot of
other subjects from this 25 year compendium
so i threw those on the website blog and shared a few on facebook
it was like a great outpouring
a flow
Lot's of sloppy mussin up on some sketchbooks
not much Tiki,but hey!
Everybody has other outside interests and inspirations
and they're often used to season the tiki pieces in just the perfect way!
painting a BIG waterfall for the exhibition was so much FUN!
and it was a lark... a break,a warm up
after finishing Saint Surveillance at a breakneck pace
i didn't want to get back into a HUGE grand piece
like finishing the 4 x 6 footer Rebel Angels
so i figured a lil bit of playing on a 2 x 6 surface
could be a good way to expend that energy and slow the speed down to a light rev
and the waterfalls was a perfect,no pressure,love-filled peaceful oasis
amidst the flurry of the rest of the paintings....
Glad you catch that waterfall peacefulness
it shows in your eyes and friendly smile.... :)

On 2015-01-05 16:11, Tabu wrote:
Wow, I love the "Messy Tangaroa" . Very coooool.

Mahalo Tabu!
Glad you like the Tang
it really was a hoot playing with some different styles...
and the Ralph Steadman,Ronald Searle inspiration
was just the thing to inspire these messy drawings...
it has always helped to sometimes just shoot from the hip
drop the typical easy-to-slide-into style
but to jump off a cliff and feel the wind pelt your face!
That was a fun sloppy week...
a few "Black Friday" and "Animals in Space" pieces were born from that outpouring as well.....

they're on the blog as well if you wanna get your hands dirty....

On 2015-01-07 09:31, danlovestikis wrote:
Tabu I said that too. Keep working llt and keep messing it up!

Well what a coincidence kids!
Santa must have heard your cries for some more messy
and look what he brought y'all!


"Messy Ku"
ink,white-out pen and watercolor on watercolor paper

"Mask of Good Cheer"
ink,Copic pen and watercolor on watercolor paper
private collection

ink,Copic pen and watercolor on watercolor paper

"Wall Hanging"
ink,Copic pen and watercolor on watercolor paper

Now here's some REAL messy sketchbook flurries
just getting ideas out
before they disappear
which often happens.....
they're like little sprites
one minute they're on your shoulder
the next they flutter off mid-sentence....

Here are some of them lil varmints i was quick enough to catch....

some playing with Hawaiian Tikis
reducing or exaggerating their elements...

and this little plucky fellow stood out among the others
These sketchbooks are like a shotgun blast
something's gotta stick,right?

What a wonderful mystery,this art is!

Also had an opportunity to re-approach an old old old seed
i had left germinating back in 2006-2007
For a Children's book
about a little lost tiki
But despite countless sketches and character analysis
and short stories within stories
nothing ever came to fruition
projects and exhibitions and all that
and work...
Well.. this fellow holds some promise
but i will leave it at that for now
and share some drawings....

the deep thoughtful gaze displayed below
is rumored to be shared by the artist himself!

and finally,a long narrow piece
inspired by those 2-color illustrations
of the books i grew up with
black and tan
black and blue
black and olive
black and yellow
black and burnt orange
black and periwinkle

like the five Chinese brothers book
that i still enjoy from time to time

Anyways,this aesthetic inspired a little trio of 2-colored vignettes...

"the Journey"
Pen and Copic marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper

"the Fifth Drink"
Pen and Copic marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper

"Sepik River Drums"
Pen and Copic marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper

Thinking about prints
maybe doing a baker's Dozen
small runs
who knows?

after that,some bigger drawings began to unfold
little seed babies waiting to develop into paintings...

"the Crocodile god"
Pen,watercolor,and Copic marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper

"the Watering Hole"
Pen,watercolor,and Copic marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper

and one of my favorites...
it was from a piece of paper i had sketched
quite a few years back
when hank and the Freaky boutiki had a Tiki Tarot exhibition
So i had the splendid gift of being able to do a Death and Judgment card
one for the invitation
the other for the exhibit
anyways... this next piece was inspired by a page of rough
maori/PNG/Easter island deathly characters
which led to the question of...
what if i substituted Charon with a Reaper-esque Moai
and instead of the muddy waters of the Sepik in papua new guinea
why not scoot him down the river Styx?

and so this next drawing
which might become a painting
was born....

"Moai on the River Styx"
Pen,watercolor,and Copic marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper
private collection

Here's some close-ups...
i pugged up his nose
allowing for the nasal cavity to show
gave him tiny scary skull like marquesan teeth
and by lowering the ear into an overhang
and creating a pronounced cheekbone
he became a perfect reaper character for this journey!

Here's a creepy jungle vulture type fellow
greedily eyeing the fish rising to the surface....
Also a few PNG Skull-ish shield/masks developed from
those initial sketches...
See kids? Save Everything
keep it ALL in a BOUND sketchbook
and NEVER lend them out....
They are friends and will help you in your hour of parched inspiration...

and here's a detail of a few more Skull masks on the shore
as well as a bird/Yipwan Scythe...

Here's a couple more ghoulish carvings on the shores of the Styx...

A crocodile prow
and a few half-submerged souls
a nod to Dante...

and a lil upside down action
just to show y'alls how a skull can be incorporated into a croc head
with minimal aesthetic disruption.....

Thank you all again
for your visits and comments and encouragement...
lots of Surprises in store for this year
Wish i could share them
but time will bring them closer
and all shall be revealed!

have a great night,Ohana!

http://www.kinnyruzic.com Art-Blogs-Wishes Fulfilled!
I'm on Facebook too! under my real name Ken Ruzic

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2015-02-03 20:53 ]

swizzle posted on 01/21/2015

Love everything in this post Kinny, but that moai kicks arse!!!!

hang10tiki posted on 01/21/2015

All awesome
Messy KU rocks it


"Moai on the river Styx"

That's freekin killer
As usual, when up to bat, you hit it out of the park


Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2015-01-21 07:53 ]

cy posted on 01/21/2015

Always a feast for the ojos KR!!

tikilongbeach posted on 01/21/2015

Even your sketches are fun to look at!

danlovestikis posted on 01/21/2015

Blown away by your creativity. I hope to see you in March at Marketplace. I still love those birds and it was fun to see one on the head of a tiki. Oh Kinney you are so brilliant. Wendy

little lost tiki posted on 02/04/2015


Busy Busy Busy
as usual
but taking a breather
and catching up with with my dear fellow Tikiopaths...

But first...
allow me the courtesy of replying
to folks kind enough to write...
a LOT of you are shy and just like to visit
and enjoy a breath of fresh air
which is fine...
and i thank and am very thankful to you all....
BUT! if something ever REALLY moves ya
or if you were wonderin...
HOW does he do that? or
Where did THAT idea spring from?
or Who does your hair?
Do not be shy... it'll be FUN! :)
There actually was an
"Ask little lost tiki absolutely anything thread"
but after 33 pages of answering the strangest inquiries
it kinda derailed...
You can see it here!
and some of it is actually funny....i think.


On 2015-01-21 01:16, swizzle wrote:
Love everything in this post Kinny, but that moai kicks arse!!!!

Swiz! What is UP and how is ENGLAND Land? Kinda thought you would dig the Moai on the Styx theme.. i plan on doing a few more,including the one you saw,as paintings...so stay tuned!
Scroll down for a lil history on the Moai reaper,Chummy!
and thanks for visitin!

On 2015-01-21 07:51, hang10tiki wrote:
All awesome
Messy KU rocks it
"Moai on the river Styx"
That's freekin killer
As usual, when up to bat, you hit it out of the park

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

Aloha Jon!
Thanks for poppin by fer a spell!
So happy the Messy Ku got you all charged up....
i promise,whenever the mood hits
and my left eye starts a-jumpin
that i'll do some more of these.....

it appears that the Moai is the People's Choice
here and on FaceBook
and it got snatched up and owned
Soooo.... this is the year i will be slowly peeking out of my studio-shell and will start producing some small runs of prints and such...and this may be one...
or a sticker... I've known matt over at poster pop for years and we always talked about prints and stickers....
so maybe it's time...

Well Jon.... the hittin it out of the park phrase
described how i felt upon completion of this puppy.
Just enough
with a foot in previous explorations
and enough restraint NOT to overdo it...
and i think this one had all of those qualities...
plus it's Death,and...sad to say
Death is hip....

On 2015-01-21 08:05, cy wrote:
Always a feast for the ojos KR!!

Thank you cy!
Glad i could feed those ravenous orbs!
After finishing benvenuto cellini's Autobiography
i grabbed "the last Days of Socrates" and "the Screwtape Letters".. Both books that have some serious LOL moments.
Anyways.... Screwtape,in the latter book,is an uncle devil writing and giving advice (and veiled threats) to his nephew devil Wormwood about his "patient". (ie: soul on earth he's in charge of) To get to the point,the devils FEAST upon these souls after winning them over to their father below.... Lot's of reference to delicacies and delicious whimpering souls and such.... Your comment just reminded me of that,sorry for the segueway....

On 2015-01-21 08:30, tikilongbeach wrote:
Even your sketches are fun to look at!

the only thing i can say is that...
the sketchbook is like a playground
the mind wanders and runs around and jumps here and there
like a dog sniffing out a faint scent...
Some of them succeed,while others bellyflop
BUT the journey and exploration and the final result are the reward...
the sketchbook musings are babies
newly formed and ready to grow.

And then,after the playground (sketchbook)
there comes the workshop (studio)
where it's polished and honed and brought to its potential.
It really is a Blast and a Joy and a Gift that i am always humbled to have
not only a mischievous imagination
but the ability to picture and render and communicate
these things to others....
i Hope by sharing my work and thoughts
that a little bit of that divine spark will travel thru your eyes and brain and fill YOU all up and inspire YOU ALL TO CREATE or DO THINGS that will inspire me
'Cause that's what it's all about!
Hey man! You live in long Beach!
You should come visit the studio sometime
i give a great 10¢ tour! :)

On 2015-01-21 10:44, danlovestikis wrote:
Blown away by your creativity. I hope to see you in March at Marketplace. I still love those birds and it was fun to see one on the head of a tiki. Oh Kinney you are so brilliant. Wendy

Dearest Wendy!
Where DO you find the time to create and go on adventures and post almost everyday here on Tiki Central? THAT is what blows me away,sweet sister! Thank you so much for all of the inspiration and love and amazement that you bring ALL of us here! and you were in my smiles while i was drawing that bird....how could you not be?

I'll try and get down there in March! :)

Okaaaaay.... Are you ready for some ART?
well,you're just gonna have to wait a second because....
LLT will have three pieces in this year's lalulapalooza at la Luz de jesus gallery!

Such a thrill to have some work chosen from 10's of thousands of entries!
must be doin somethin right.....
So, if you're in the neighborhood,come on down and say,"Aloha!" to myself and Toe ( he has a rad jay Adams painting that is a must See!)
I'll keep y'all posted on the details in later posts...

Well, seeing as the Moai on the River Styx was such a popular piece and you've all been such good kids,here's a blackline version for you to color!

and here's a Moai Reaper mug that popped into my head....
Anyone wanna produce these for me?

and here's the original inspiration for the Moai Reaper.
He's behind the Hawaiian Warrior...

It's from the Death card for the invitation to the
TIKOT! Tiki Tarot exhibition that was held "back in the day" at hodad hank's Freaky Boutiki.
Here's the flier...

and since we're on Death images
here's a sketal hula Girl
drawn for my dear friend Lennie
and her "la Vida Aloha" line

Here's two more mug drawings during a pause in the day's activities...

Also started a hut painting
just because....
i wanted to capture a hot muggy morning
this will be a "here and there" piece
i'll work on it here and there..

here's a detail of the front so far..

a little closer

and the doorway

And also WAS going to do another Tiki mandala
Kind of an update to the
"Guardians of the Plumeria"
a golden oldie

but decided on a narrative..
have you ever had one too many at your favorite Tiki Temple.....Wind your way to the restroom
and afterwards spend 20 minutes trying to find your table? Well, that was what i began with....
So, instead of a balanced mandala
this composition would wind you all around the piece
as you stumble thru the armies of tables with half-consumed cocktails searching for...

"the Missing Table"
marker and watercolor on Aquarelle Watercolor paper
13 x 13"

Here is a Cyclopean pufferfish
presiding over the quest....

Now I'ma gonna show you all four sides of the piece
an opportunity to stumble thru the drawing and find that dern-blasted missing table!

Ever take a wrong turn and get caught in a Coctail Cul-de-sac?
That's what we got here...
the rush and smell of the waterfall are a comforting respite
before your voyage continues....

Returning the gaze of a mocking PNG shield on a wall, your eye stops and washes over the shelf in the background
admiring the variety of bowls and mugs that adorn it.
That is...before you spy a Lei-adorned clamshell FULL of delicious fruits and treats... Sustenance for your trek!

Finally, you find a clearing.. just a short stumble past a skull-eyed tiki,a brush against a torchlight
as you steady yourself on a post to a bridge...
Looking straight ahead,you perceive a darkened hallway....

With a giant canoe attached to the ceiling looking scornfully down
you use the bridgeposts as walking sticks and step onto the rocky floor,grimacing at a chubby buddha lono where all of a sudden...
there it is! That familiar Green cannibal with the skull in his mouth mug that contains your favorite libation! Congratulations!
You've found the missing table!

and with that ,i must go off to bed....
it's a school night!
Again,a sincere thank you to all of you that visit this post,
and to those of you who leave your thoughts.
it's nice to be able to have a conversation,although a slightly delayed one....
Anyways..have a great week and we'll talk soon,M'kay?

hiltiki posted on 02/04/2015

Kinny, you are so much fun I wish you would visit more often. Love the missing table story. By the way do you ever sketch, paint mermaids? can't recall?

little lost tiki posted on 02/17/2015

These are at Mojave Oasis,Darlin
not much else but drawins...

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2015-12-25 16:26 ]

hang10tiki posted on 02/17/2015

These last ones kick ars......
U da man.....

little lost tiki posted on 02/17/2015

On 2015-02-04 07:21, hiltiki wrote:
Kinny, you are so much fun I wish you would visit more often. Love the missing table story. By the way do you ever sketch, paint mermaids? can't recall?

Thanks Darlin,
for the visit and the LUV! You really should come and visit more often....
I have no plans to stop,
and there's going to be LOTS of surprises in store this year!
So happy you enjoyed the search for the missing table...
One could consider that tale semi-autobiographical.... :)

Now as for the mermaids question....
Yes... on occasion
Here's an example that is hanging at Mojave Oasis
in the Mermaid Lounge.
i believe these are 4 x 5 feet apiece

and here are some shots of them in situ...

Skillfully installed by our very own Bamboo Ben!

Well.... it's kind of funny that we start off with an underwater vibe
'cause i have some work to share
in that same vein...

"Ocean Floor"
Copic marker and ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper
13.25 x 6.5 "

Marker and watercolor on Aquarelle Watercolor paper
12.75 x 14"

i gleaned a lot of these ocean flora and fauna from looking at photos of the animals and attempting to simplify them,from the tons of ephemera i've been collecting for 25 some years
(old magazine ads/firecracker wrappers/packaging/etc)
Sometimes i'll find a beautiful modernist shape or image
and will find a way to elaborate and expand it
so it fits into the world of the drawing at hand...

Here's a few of these sketchbook pages
just to give y'alls a peek into the process/mindset
that goes into making these gems...

Some of the pages are just filled to the brim
while others are full of hasty scribblings and bits of paper taped in there...

As you can see
some are winners
others need work
and some just fail before the pen even hits the paper! :)

Also been playing with puffers
Watch out for these guys in some future pieces!

i hope to make these mugs sometime in the future
especially this fellah!

and here's one more puffer
alongside of the development of POLYNESIA CYCLOPIA
(i have some more-Marq/PNG/KANE/KANALOA/PUFFER and will share later)
a little group of characters for a mashup
Battle of the Cyclops in a South Seas setting! :)

i think Mr. Sam Gambino dwelt on this subject with his
Tikifarm HypnoTiki....
Mutual Inspiration pact in Action there...

and here's a lil PNG motif studytime
just because.....

Also, had some more Reaper Moai sketches to share
that were finally scanned..
As you can see, he went thru a few changes
being pushed and pulled until he achieved the perfect Look!

and here's one with a Topknot Fez!

Thanks again for all the visits and Aloha!
See y'alls soon!

lunavideogames posted on 02/17/2015

Great work as usual!

hang10tiki posted on 02/17/2015

Dig what your mind can see and your hand can bring to life...

TheBigT posted on 02/17/2015

I definitely do not peek at your thread often enough! The volume and quality of work is amazing.

On 2015-02-16 23:30, little lost tiki wrote:

Here's a few of these sketchbook pages
just to give y'alls a peek into the process/mindset
that goes into making these gems...

appreciate the insight into your process!

On 2015-02-16 23:30, little lost tiki wrote:

As you can see
some are winners
others need work
and some just fail before the pen even hits the paper! :)

From what I see everything here is a winner! I only wish my sketchbook looked like yours! (i would settle for half as good)

little lost tiki posted on 02/22/2015

Good Afternoon and a BIG Aloha to You Alls!

Well, finally established a date for the third installment of our yearly shows...
Clash of the Titans ,War of the Gargantua,and now it's official!
We will be having our "Blood Orgy of the Behemoths" exhibition in JUNE!
the Giant Doug Horne! Rapscallion Big Toe! Myself! and a special ...
We have decide since we finally were able to assemble the original ARTJAM crew
that we could nominate and elect a new artist to play with us every year!
We will have 10 Categories and 40 pieces! Hi Ho!
have two nice drawings to escort you around today...
but first....

On 2015-02-16 21:44, hang10tiki wrote:
These last ones kick ars......
U da man.....

On 2015-02-17 07:09, hang10tiki wrote:
Dig what your mind can see and your hand can bring to life...

Thanks a Heap,man!
So glad my lil scribblins can inspire and allow you all a peel into
worlds you wouldn't necessarily encounter....
A lot of what the mind can see is due to periodic feedings
Right now tackling "the last Days of Socrates" by Socrates
"the Screwtape Letters" by Cs Lewis
and,from my dear friend/art brother Rene Cardona
"The Minority Report" Phillip k. Dick

the first two are re-reads from my youth ;
but are SO much more rewarding as i become a barnacled grizzled old art beast
SO much more to glean from these great minds...
THAT is how the Mind sees more
Feed it well and it will make the necessary connections...

On 2015-02-16 23:32, lunavideogames wrote:
Great work as usual!

Mahalo Luna!
I'm just grateful to be able to not only be able to share all of this work
instead of it lying a-mouldering in the studio
and just thankful i am able to have such an ability
to picture other places
but still able to ground them in altogether human situations/experiences....
Thanks for the visit!

On 2015-02-17 08:39, TheBigT wrote:
I definitely do not peek at your thread often enough! The volume and quality of work is amazing.

On 2015-02-16 23:30, little lost tiki wrote:
Here's a few of these sketchbook pages
just to give y'alls a peek into the process/mindset
that goes into making these gems...

appreciate the insight into your process!

On 2015-02-16 23:30, little lost tiki wrote:
As you can see
some are winners
others need work
and some just fail before the pen even hits the paper! :)

From what I see everything here is a winner! I only wish my sketchbook looked like yours! (i would settle for half as good)

Hey BigT!
Glad i could add to the mutual inspiration pact
all of us artists share.
As for all of them being winners...
i have found that the better i get with practice
the more discerning i become
usually BEFORE the pen hits the paper
but ,even now,after 25 some years,the hand moves faster than the brain
it has grown independent over the years
not needing the brain as much
the brain merely formulates the theme
and monitors the process,the style,the swoop..
but sometimes,while pondering color,or overall composition
the area being rendered loses communication
and the hand ,like a Genus Loci,suddenly seizes influence
and flys away to it's own devices.....
it's allowed to run around the yard,so to speak....
and it is there where poetry or trainwreck await...

i hope that explains a bit of the necessity for discernment and prejudice
concerning the work....
One wants the very best,when that is necessary...
as for the rough sketches
they are presented as such
but perfection thru learning is always the goal..
Miro called it "Divine Discontent"
That never ceasing mirror
where our flaws are enlarged
where that misspent brushmark is exposed...
This work will never be divine
but it can carry that spark
and it is the duty of all serious artists
to become suitable respectful Custodians/ambassadors
of art and artists from today and long ago...
Keeping a regular sketchbook must be a constant discipline
Kudos for keeping one...save them all-DO NOT CUT FROM THEM
keep them pure....virginal....
a great way to gauge progress/setback(areas to improve)
over a measured course of time
it will come in handy 20 years from now...
a lot of stuff can be worked out there
instead of mussin up a canvas all willy nilly
(i have found that artistic instinct is a fickle tiger
and it needs the soldier of discipline and discernment to control it)
Anyways...please visit often,as i try to post new work on a regular basis..
Also, non tiki work is on my http://www.kinnyruzic.com website
and a LT of stuff in my art folders on FaceBook
That's the extent of my internet media footprint
that takes up too much time already!
Anyways.. Thank you for the visit and the joyful comments..
makes my day when the work can move folks!

Well, the first drawing for today's Feast
is a revisiting of the Moai Reaper theme from a few week's past...
i wanted to place him LOWER in the Stygian depths
the last piece,while beautiful
pictured him still illuminated by daylight
by surface light...
This new drawing
would not only be bigger and more involved
but FARTHER below the surface...

"Journey to the UnderWorld"
Pen and ink and watercolor on Aquarelle watercolor paper
14 x 12.75"

Here's some Papua New Guinean Shields with Skull-like visages
and a moai with a strange fez-like masonic Crest on his TopKnot
Above, you can observe the cave walls and the underworld vegetation
struggling to grow and spread out....

Here's a detail of the Moai reaper
with his PNG inspired scythe
accompanied by a vulturous /cassowary/orongo bird
alert and mournful....

And of course,since this boat is descending even deeper into the infernal depths, a skeletal pufferfish was commandeered to light the way
guiding the craft around stalagmites and imprisoned souls...

Here is another Papua New Guinea Inspired skull shield
and a slice of the background
the misty atmosphere
the location....

Here is a view of the cavernous depths in the background of the piece...

An islet adorned with the skulls and spears of fallen warriors
a baby palm struggles to flourish on this islet of the dead...

And of course...
we have the Skull Puffer to thank
for the illumination of said islet...

Here's a detail to display the PNG scythe of the Reaper..
the blade is the beak of the cassowary/vulture/orongo hybrid
Admire it's craftsmanship!

and we will depart from the Infernal lands
with a quiet patch of cavern
a time to reflect on life and Death...

Away with these Heavy themes!
Let's have a Rip-Roarin Jump up and Down piece
to balance out the reflections of mortality...

may i introduce you to...

"Polynesia Cyclopia"
(Cave of the Cyclops)
Pen and ink and watercolor on Aquarelle watercolor paper
14.25 x 20.25"

i was reading some old myths about Cyclops and the such
Polyphemus,polytheus? and the like
and had been working on those sketches of one-eyed Tikis for a mug painting
and thought...
What if all the freakish Cyclopian Tiki Children from across the South Seas
were all banished to an Island....
Kind of a Lord of the Flies situation....
Well... Here it is....

Imagine,if you will,
while on an archaeological trek
you hear a far off drum
after scrambles and staggers and stumbles
the jungle unfurls
and you are face to face
with a tribe of WILD Polynesian Cyclopia!
Already armed and ready to deliver a Thumpin
the Moai Cyclopian springs to the ready

the Maori Cyclopian has a slower response
and picks up an available rock
awaiting instructions....

a Hawaiian Kane Cyclopian
armed with a spear
responds to the Alarm...

The Hawaiian Ku Cyclopian
beats his chest and rouses the other members

The New Guinea Cyclopian
pops up from behind some shrubbery
ready for some action

the slumbering Hawaiaan Kanaloa Cyclopian
springs up
shocked and surprised

Having a cocktail in his Tree hide-away
this Marquesan Cycopian runs to the window
to see what the Hullaballoo is all about...

And lastly, the gibbering Yell of a Hawaiian Lono Cyclopian
brandishing a bone and ready for warfare

Here is a peek at the deep dark recesses of the cavern
where they live

Here's a detail of the tree
where the Marquesan Cyclopian abides

and lastly,
a nice contrast between the lively colors of the fish floats
and the branch-pierced skull
of a previous unlucky stumblebum...

I hope you enjoyed today's tours and hope you pop by for another visit soon!

hang10tiki posted on 02/22/2015

Freekin stunning my man.....

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danlovestikis posted on 02/23/2015

Dearest Wendy!
Where DO you find the time to create and go on adventures and post almost everyday here on Tiki Central? THAT is what blows me away,sweet sister! Thank you so much for all of the inspiration and love and amazement that you bring ALL of us here! and you were in my smiles while i was drawing that bird....how could you not be?

I'll try and get down there in March!

You are not only a creative artist. Your writing style is so moving and memorable. I think I'll have to post this on my thread so I can read it often. Thank you art brother. I'm counting on hugs at Marketplace. Wendy

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TikiAno posted on 02/24/2015

So much awesome stuff happening all in a row. Sketches, drawings, killer mug designs, underwater unrealness. Have to swim back and look at it again. And again....

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/24/2015

Keep it up, mad Kinny!
looking forward to the next show.

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Matt Reese posted on 02/26/2015

It was all too much for me. I just got my brain wrapped around the idea of the skull moai sketch and BAM!! a boat load of other tiki chaos ensued. Yer killin me Kenny. Great stuff.

hiltiki posted on 02/27/2015

Eight one eyed tikis in one painting, that's pretty cool.

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little lost tiki posted on 03/03/2015

Aloha Dear Ohana!
and how are we today?

Some fun things to cover and to share today
so give me a few minutes to talk with the kind folks who left comments
and then we'll get into the meat of the sammich!

On 2015-02-22 15:25, hang10tiki wrote:
Freekin stunning my man.....

Mahalo hang10!
i have a LOT of exciting projects/exhibits slotted for this year
which i will be releasing in small bits to the public.
Some will be hidden in plain sight
Revealed only after the patina of time has formed upon them...
So, these "slow" months are dedicated to
and thinking up a good solid pile of ideas
to incorporate into aforementioned secret projects...

Cause y'all see......
Art ain't JUST makin purdy pictures (and all the study/practice/toil that goes into that)
Art is also about problem solving
that perfect story
that lasting image
that conveyed emotion
trapped inside the surface
for an eternity.
Sometimes it arrives in a FLASH
other times,i have to leave food out
Befirend it....
A good balance of talent AND imagination/creativity
is what helps to make the art truly ART....

So i'm glad it stuns you,pal!
That's a good litmus test as to how all these revealed pieces will end up...
And thanks again for your constant encouragement and STOKE!

Sharing the work and revealing a bit of what goes on behind it
adds to that wonderful pool of art knowledge...
and i feel very lucky to be able to do my part....

On 2015-02-22 21:25, danlovestikis wrote:

Dearest Wendy!
Where DO you find the time to create and go on adventures and post almost everyday here on Tiki Central? THAT is what blows me away,sweet sister! Thank you so much for all of the inspiration and love and amazement that you bring ALL of us here! and you were in my smiles while i was drawing that bird....how could you not be?

I'll try and get down there in March!

You are not only a creative artist. Your writing style is so moving and memorable. I think I'll have to post this on my thread so I can read it often. Thank you art brother. I'm counting on hugs at Marketplace. Wendy

Hello my dear Wendy!
And Welcome back from your island Adventure!
And thank you always for the sweet things you say about the work
and the way i write...
Being a voracious reader,i'll simply attribute it to that!

You have such a warm wonderful way of teaching and sharing with us all...
i envision a whole army,a whole new SCHOOL of genius ceramic artists in the far future
inspired and taught thru your friendly thread!
I have commitments at laLuz gallery Thursday and Friday night
so i will try to pace myself and make it down to the marketplace for some hugs!
Thank you again,Wendy,for your tireless selflessness!

On 2015-02-23 20:09, TikiAno wrote:
So much awesome stuff happening all in a row. Sketches, drawings, killer mug designs, underwater unrealness. Have to swim back and look at it again. And again....

Thanks Ano!
Well, now you know why i came thru the gete a'snortin with arms fulla goodies
It's kind of the results of a pre crunch-time lull
gathering ideas and stories for the year...
Kind of what i do at work
start with the client's initial requests
do my research/glean the archives-library
make sketches and notes

only at work i get to hand them off to the art dept to draw and build and prep for printing..
All of the stuff that gushes forth in the fine art world
has just a 1-man art dept ...
so, after the initial explosions
there's clean-up and editing
Cherry-Pickin the good stuff
Deserving of paintings or woodburns...

Please come back and soak it all in
over and over..that's what it's there for
to keep the art spirit well nourished
and the art family well-fed!

On 2015-02-23 20:14, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Keep it up, mad Kinny!
looking forward to the next show.

many Thanks Lancey!
Did Nancy tell you i saw her at work?
Did she tell you i got Employee of the Month?
All excited about laLuz this week!
And stay tuned for June's "Blood Orgy of the Behemoths"
with Toe,Doug,meself,and....a secret special GUEST!
That one's closer... in Fullerton!
Sending you a Hug and we'll be chatting it up in person
in the very near future,my friend...

On 2015-02-25 19:28, Matt Reese wrote:
It was all too much for me. I just got my brain wrapped around the idea of the skull moai sketch and BAM!! a boat load of other tiki chaos ensued. Yer killin me Kenny. Great stuff.

Hey Matt! Just preppin for Tiki Oasis and the year ahead....
I expect the whole motley crew will begin stirring from hibernation
and revealing ALL types of Incredible work as Summer gets closer....
i know Empee's brain is already boiling!
Thanks for visitin and catching up,Matt!
Miss you and look forward to quaffin a few and hangin at oasis
(usually as you're setting up the stage!) :)

On 2015-02-26 18:44, hiltiki wrote:
Eight one eyed tikis in one painting, that's pretty cool.

Thank you Darlin! I imagine they're all banished freak children
bonded together as a tribe...There may be some more Cyclopean Tikis in the future,so keep your peepers open! :)

It's really a charge coming here every week and reading all your comments!
Thanks for givin me something i can look forward to
after a long day at work! You're all the BEST!
Thank you for encouraging the mental patient

First off...

Toe and I got into the Laluzapalooza 2015 exhibition this year!
it's my second,and tommy's first Palooza!
Here's all the pieces in the show...
(you can click on one and scroll thru them all extra big-like!)


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This Thursday-Artist Only Reception
Friday-Laluzapalooza is open to the PUBLIC! 7pm
4633 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 666-7667

Here are my three pieces,all woodburned and tinted
and unfortunately ....no Tiki
(at least for the time being...) :wink:

"Outside the Garden"
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"the Seven Bowls of Wrath"
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"the Meddlers"
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Thank you for indulging me...
and now... on to TIKI!

Finally decided to create a color version of the hawaiaan Reaper from many years back
maybe a painting is loomin over the horizon..... hmmm?

ink and watercolor on Aquarelle watercolor paper
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Here's a detail of his face tattoos and feathered helmet
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and here's a peek at his feathered cape AND his ribs and such...
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and here's a detail of his PNG inspired cassowary scythe
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"Message from the Riverbank"
ink and watercolor on Aquarelle watercolor paper
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Jochen Hirschfeld's talented wife Tanya
invited Doug,Tom,and myself
to participate in a beer coaster art show in Germany in May
Here's what i got so far!
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and lastly,just a fun quicky lil guy
"the Brawler"
ink and watercolor on Aquarelle watercolor paper
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Thank you all again for visiting
Hopefully it was worth your time!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/03/2015

As a matter of fact Kinny, yes Nancy called me from work & said hey guess what?
I said "what!" then she said "Kinny got Employee of the Month!"
I said "no fucking way!" then she said "yes, fucking way!"
I replied "well how did kinny pull that off" Nancy said "guess he did some work"
I said "guess so"

So good for you, Kinny! we are going to throw you an Employee of the Month party
you bring the booze, OK?

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danlovestikis posted on 03/03/2015

I don't know when you have time to read! You must never sleep.
Congratulations you are my artist of the month, no YEAR!

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ZeroTiki posted on 03/15/2015



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little lost tiki posted on 03/19/2015

Well Helloooooooooo!
It's been awhile and time is limited tonight
but i've got a bunch of stuff to share,so let's get down to it!
let's chat a bit with these lovely folks who were nice enough to leave some comments...

On 2015-03-03 01:38, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
As a matter of fact Kinny, yes Nancy called me from work & said hey guess what?
I said "what!" then she said "Kinny got Employee of the Month!"
I said "no fucking way!" then she said "yes, fucking way!"
I replied "well how did kinny pull that off" Nancy said "guess he did some work"
I said "guess so"
So good for you, Kinny! we are going to throw you an Employee of the Month party
you bring the booze, OK?

Yes Lance.... i was just as surprised as you.
Work is work
You go there
kick arse
do your best
own up when you fudge somethin
and spread laughter and smiles
ain't that hard...
the only tough part is coming up with so many ideas every account we tackle.
and of course...the bouncers at my employee of the month party will be sure to let Nancy in and keep the riff-raff (ie: YOU) out! :)
miss you man!

On 2015-03-03 11:07, danlovestikis wrote:
I don't know when you have time to read! You must never sleep.
Congratulations you are my artist of the month, no YEAR!

Wow! two awards in one year...
this is just getting silly now!
Almost finished with Philip K. Dick's "Flow my tears,the Policeman said"
and his short story "Minority Report" was very compelling....
Highly recommended visionary noir of a dystopian future we may be sinking into...
if you're into that kind of stuff....
A day without Learnin
is a day i go a Yearnin!
I'll cash in all my sleep chips at the "eternal rest" phase of this existence
there's too much wonderfulness out there to sleep! :)

On 2015-03-14 19:55, ZeroTiki wrote:

Thanks Pal!
that about sums up the mood after a good artjam!

it's getting late,so please pardon as i whiz thru this week's entry...

acrylic and cel-vinyl and acrylic gouache on wood
with an awesome Bamboo Ben frame
15 x 16.5"
private collection (that was fast!)
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if you scroll up to an earlier entry,i bet you could pick out some of the elements
gleaned from sketchbook Modernist doodles and studies...
Remember kids! Do studies of what you like,but always be sure to tweak it,
transform it,
change it into something new...
something yours
that way it will jibe with YOUR style and world...

Here's just the painting...
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and one close-up'cause i am loving me some clamshell waterfalls!
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and started an "Enlightened Maori" a while back
just for fun
and am almost finished with it
so here are some progress shots
that are nowhere close to it's awesome present state
leaning against my paint taboret
waiting to be finalized,finished and firmed for public consumption!
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it's 2x2' with 3" sides
a real showcase piece.... for what.. i dunno
i just felt the urge and followed it....
drew it small
gridded it out
and pencilled it in
need to keep it asymmetrical

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Here's after the initial color placement and slight shading
the white is a pastel pencil i use to sketch out details
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here's one from a while back.... the bottom half
i think i fudged the top,so i'll hide it for now
'cause it makes me miffy
just to look at it
a humbling experience
but a good alarm
to always be vigilant
and to remain disciplined
and to never take any gift or talent for granted...
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Perhaps you remember this picture from a while back..
"the Watering Hole"
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Well, i'm makin a paintin of it!
Here it is so far!
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and here's two close-ups...
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was thinking about the narrative for this one
and while Watering hole was good
it had no real humor in the story
just four fellows attempting to finish a HUGE bowl of libations...
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and then it hit me......
Perfect title!
Mahalo Muse!
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also working on a Moai reaper painting!
2x2' but i can't share it yet

you've seen enough already...
Did some sketchbook studies of a papua new guinea myth
here they are for your enjoyment....
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some cave studies....
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and a final mask for you
as i ready myself for a nice productive day at work...
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Good night Ohana!
and thanks again for all the visits and comments
ALWAYS makes my day knowing i can share all these goodies
and hopefully inspire my fellow art brothers and sisters!

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http://www.kinnyruzic.com Art Blogs Wishes Fulfilled!
I'm on Facebook too! under my real name Ken Ruzic

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2015-03-21 11:20 ]

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danlovestikis posted on 03/19/2015

What a treat to get up and find you have been here sharing. I really enjoy watching you reach out into the world and pluck a new idea to explore in art. The colors you combine give me joy. You are such a yummy art treat! Thank you for all the joy, Wendy

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hang10tiki posted on 03/21/2015

Always AmaZed I am...

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seagoat posted on 03/25/2015

Looking good as usual. Dig the clamshell waterfall and watering hole drinking challenge! (Note to self, visit the Ruzic studio! :wink: )

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little lost tiki posted on 03/30/2015

Aloha Ohana!
Just a Quickie Drive-by
as i have to work tomorrow..
Have a few things to share
just to keep y'all updated!

But first,let's chat with some of the dear Ohana.m'kay?

On 2015-03-19 08:11, danlovestikis wrote:
What a treat to get up and find you have been here sharing. I really enjoy watching you reach out into the world and pluck a new idea to explore in art. The colors you combine give me joy. You are such a yummy art treat! Thank you for all the joy, Wendy

The feeling is always mutual,art-sister... You never disappoint,and always leave me with smiles and a warm heart after visiting your thread! The energy and creativity in our lil art movement radiates so BIG and BRIGHT!

On 2015-03-20 22:42, hang10tiki wrote:
Always AmaZed I am...

Thanks Buddy!
There's so much that I've been working on that i can't share yet... just you wait when the floodgate opens....
All this is just warmup Stuffs,buddy!

On 2015-03-25 11:20, seagoat wrote:
Looking good as usual. Dig the clamshell waterfall and watering hole drinking challenge!
(Note to self, visit the Ruzic studio! :wink: )

Thank you Sir!
Dropped the Drinking Challenge for a spell to work on other pieces,but he'll be attended to soon....
Shoot me a PM anytime you wanna visit...
Just added two new bookshelves to the library!

Well, here's phase three of my Enlightened Maori...
ALMOST finished
Just needs some more ZING and ZAZZ!
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Here's a close-up..
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and here's a special exclusive for all y'alls following this thread..seen NOWHERE ELSE
some sneakypeek progress shots of one of the pieces for our
it's also 24 x 24"
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and here's some closeups of the initial colors before all the magic is added...
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That's all i gots
and i need my Beauty rest...
Thanks for the visits!

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danlovestikis posted on 03/30/2015

It's already beautiful. Your creativity is astounding.Wendy

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little lost tiki posted on 04/15/2015

On 2015-03-30 07:34, danlovestikis wrote:
It's already beautiful. Your creativity is astounding.Wendy

Thanks Wendy! the feeling is mutual,art-sister!
Love the Night Sky Moai with the stars! Such a great concept executed flawlessly!

Well Well...
First day of work after spending paradise on Earth
at Mojave Oasis last weekend!
I'll share some pictures of that magical time
at a future date....it was so great to attend an event
and just chill with the Ohana....my sides still hurt from laughing so hard and so much!

Anyways....finished this before i left
just hadn't had time to share...
"the Enlightened Maori"
acrylic,cel-vinyl,and paintpen on canvas
2 x 2' with 3" museum sides
(which i will paint up like thatch very soon!)
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This fellar is BIG and imposing!
Standing 3" off the wall, it comes atcha like a snorting beast!
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His third eye,staring off into the hidden mysteries that surround us all!
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Snort! Snort!
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I'm providing some close-ups to help you all visualize the layers of color and shadow
You can even see the final shading,as i went around the areas that protruded more
on the face...

Here's one of his hands,curled right into place..
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a detail of the mouth,tongue,and stowaways...
i tried to achieve a rhythmic movement with the carvings around the mouth..
i wanted it all to be ALIVE and to move and to bring you up to that EYE!
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Here's a lil closeup of one of them stowaways
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a little angled shot for dramatic purposes...
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and a big nod to Soccertiki with this close-up! :)
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Well, with a number of unfinished
just sittin there
paintings lying about the studio

another one was started!
this one inspired by
"the Fifth Drink"
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Decided it was just too good to be left a drawing!
and so......
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Here's a detail of the top part,so you can observe the
pencil underdrawing and initial coloring..
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the bottom half,slowly taking shape
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Just look at that lolling tongue!
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and Lookie!
a Cyclops Cannibal king Mug! YAY!
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Well Friends,the midnight hour closely approaches
and i must rest for work in the morn....
Thanks for all the visits and have a great Week!

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hang10tiki posted on 04/15/2015

Dig em
Made me thirsty...

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danlovestikis posted on 04/16/2015

Always happens, you just can't look at one! Looking back I saw the clam shell waterfalls and thought how beautiful those are in your painting. It's all wonderful. Wendy

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Meheadhunter posted on 05/17/2015

Holy WOW......It's been forever since I've been to this site (I know, it's my own fault) and I just looked over your thread for the past hour. You never cease to ignite many smiles on my face!! I hope you're doing well Kinny!!

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little lost tiki posted on 05/18/2015

Aloha Dear Ohana!
Been busy as a bee at a Hive-in lately
but felt a tug of guilt at not posting any Tiki work
and so......

First off,What a Thrill to visit Tiki Central
a few weeks back
and to see this Thread has had over a MILLION views!
I ain't never got's a million of nuthin ever a'fore in my life
So it was fun to impress my mom and dad in Danville.
And i have ALL of you to Thank!
It's such a privilege to be able to share and exchange
art and banter and ideas.
it's also kind of nice to look back 5-6 years and
see that naive enthusiastic artist,leaping into a
newly discovered genre whole-heartily and with a desire to learn and transform and uplift the way we look at and picture Polynesian goodies....
and to know i haven't sacrificed those examinations and studies that true Artforms deserve...
My one hope,if i am allowed one
is that all of you that have visited this thread over the years
have left with a little piece of that world
and that it inspires,warms,and motivates you...

Enough gushy stuff!
Mahalos! Here's to almost 10 years of Tiki!

Now onto some replies...

On 2015-04-15 10:14, hang10tiki wrote:
Dig em
Made me thirsty...

Hang10... Thanks man! for being a constant source of encouragement and
for letting this ol artist know that his brethren are moved!
:) Wait til you see the new stuff below!

On 2015-04-15 18:24, danlovestikis wrote:
Always happens, you just can't look at one! Looking back I saw the clam shell waterfalls and thought how beautiful those are in your painting. It's all wonderful. Wendy

And you are Wonderful,Wendy!
Thank you,also,for the friendship and support and pure love of what you do!
There is such a creative spirit in this community
aaaaand i did this drawing with you and waterfalls in mind...
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On 2015-05-16 17:26, Meheadhunter wrote:
Holy WOW......It's been forever since I've been to this site (I know, it's my own fault) and I just looked over your thread for the past hour. You never cease to ignite many smiles on my face!! I hope you're doing well Kinny!!

Long Time,Old Chum!
Thank you for the Visit! It is really a joy to think that my Brothers would immerse themselves for an hour in the work.. That's like a smile overload! You are a brave Warrior,MeHead,and if you scroll downward,you will be rewarded for your Delight
with even MORE new work to oggle over!
Please drop by soon! You are always welcome here!

Again, i apologize for the radio silence here the past 3-4 weeks..
Promo for the blood Orgy needed to be created
amongst other things....
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Go Here for more info on this Annual Exhibition that is NOT to be Missed!
Unless you're lame... then the rules don't apply
and we'd prefer you stay outside...

Also THIS upcoming Saturday night....
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"the Fifth Drink"
10 x 20"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on board
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This one,once it hit a certain point
just started to paint itself!
A Very Enjoyable Experience!
AND i got some product for tiki Oasis!

Here's some details...
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Love the Smart-Aleky Pufferfish...
YOU KNOW he saw this coming!

Been There...
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Next.....our curator for the behemoths exhibit Bax Baxter
gave me some round pieces of particle board to paint...
so i did...

It had been a while since i painted a mandala
especially a Tiki mandala!
"Guardians of the Plumeria
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"Maori Mandala"/"Warrior Mandala"
Acrylic and cel-vinyl on board
16" ATWA
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Here's the eye of the hurricane,so to speak...
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Extreme Closeup!
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and pumped by the first,another was born....
"Ku Lono Mandala"/"Fire-bringer Mandala"
Acrylic and cel-vinyl on board
16" ATWA
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This was was a treat with figuring out the lighting from the torches!

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and we'll wind down with some drawings...
Downtime is always good for drawings
ideas flow when there's a sketchbook or paper afoot!

"the Fresh Drinks"
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"the Special Corner"
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"the Distant Cliffs"
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"the Contest"
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"Polynesian Reveries"
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A memory of those JUST RIGHT concoctions of fuzzy days of yore..
With that i bid you all a great week and the Sweetest of Dreams!

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swizzle posted on 05/18/2015

Great stuff as usual Kinny. I'm loving Wendy's sketch an THAT FIFTH DRINK is FANTASTIC. Hope i get to see it in person.

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tikicoma posted on 05/18/2015

Horrible stuff! Just awful! You should just put The Fifth Drink in the mail and send it to me to purge yourself of your shame.

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tigertail777 posted on 05/18/2015

God... you know your sketches are so good sometimes I have a hard time telling them from the paintings. Maybe I shouldn't say that... that would like quadruple the speed of your work to skip steps and send the earth spinning so fast we would end up going backwards in time. :wink:

Love the Mandalas... so freaking insanely intricate. Admit it you have clones of yourself. :wink:

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johnnyvelvet posted on 05/18/2015

Your work is a divine madness! [or did someone say that already?] I wish I could create 1/1000th of the wonder you produce. Your mandalas are hypnotic, too. Good on you KR!

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RVICTOR posted on 05/18/2015

Some artists channel the creative energy of the universe like tuning into a dial of a radio. Others have broadband. The force is strong with this one.

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RVICTOR posted on 05/18/2015

Some artists channel the creative energy of the universe like tuning into a dial of a radio. Others have broadband. The force is strong with this one.

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JenTiki posted on 05/18/2015

Perhaps you remember this picture from a while back..
"the Watering Hole"
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I think the bowl in this picture needs to happen in real life. Maybe something for Wendy's next Wish List!?

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