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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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danlovestikis posted on 04/20/2015

hang10tiki I wish I'd thought up that design. That's what makes the Wish Lists special. Things are made that I'd never have done on my own. I hope Sven approves of it.


Wish List #5 progress report.

Tiki Vato your Cactus Body Bob is glazes and waiting for kiln time.

Tiki Bob is upside down because I just glazed the bottom of the mug and it's drying. This photo shows the blotchy green glaze I choose to use.

His eyes and mouth were painted and then clear glaze put on his face and inside the coconut mugs in his hands. I've filled the lid with glaze by plugging the straw hole with my finger.

I removed my finger and let the glaze drain back into the jar. When making a lid you want it to fit as tightly as possible. But you always need to leave room for the glaze layers. So after glazing the inside of the mug I checked to make sure it still fit. The rim of the lid is not glazed in case it needs to be sanded to fit in case it's too tight.

Layers and layers of

glaze all around the mug and on the lid.

Now I've painted the lovely set of coconuts!

Front and


The last couple of steps was to enhance the cactus thorns. I used a knife to scrape off the glaze on each thorn. Then I wiped them with a wet paper towel.

I then painted each one with layers of white glaze.

All done and posing.

Tiki Vato what drink is appropriate for this mug?

Time to get back to glazing. Cheers, Wendy

Holler Waller posted on 04/21/2015

I always flash to the Wicked Witch of the West when that clear/green glaze goes on :wink: Surrender Dorothy!

TheBigT posted on 04/21/2015

that cactus mug is incredible!

Tyber Tiki posted on 04/21/2015


You RVICTOR's Tiki Modern mug is is perfection! Amazing colors again!

danlovestikis posted on 04/21/2015

Holler Waller it's melting...when it goes into the kiln.

TheBigT thank you. Tiki Vato is out having fun. I hope he sees his tiki Bob soon.

Tyber Tiki the colors are as close to the book cover as I could find. We'll see when it comes out. Your lamp has been glazed but I just did two layers. If it's not dark enough I'll add more and fire it again. I don't want all the carving filled up with so much glaze that it's hidden.


Wish List #5 progress report

My work space had filled up with glaze jars from all the projects so I took time to haul it back to the kiln shed and to organize it again.

Tyber Tiki's Maori Lamp one of a kind is up for glazing. He decided on a dark brown that highlights the carving.

I started with the bottom.

Just for fun I ran some glaze over the carving just to see what it looked like.

Enough fun now I covered it with the first layer and when that dried

I put on a second layer.

All done and put with those waiting to glaze.

I did two layers. If this wasn't enough I can add one more. You can always add more glaze but you can't remove it.


LoriLovesTiki's mug says Jeff Loves Lori on the back.


Professor G's Palm covered fogcutter mugs have had another layer of glaze added since the first firing.
I've started Professor G's small Maori Peanut Bob, photos soon.


Here's the rest of the Wish List except for

Dan's wishes and all the mugs I've made on spec. Still covered here.

I'm not starting Dan's until everyone has their Wishes fulfilled. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-04-21 07:48 ]

Woodtiki posted on 04/21/2015

Thanks Wendy, I'm hoping to get an idea of it before ruining too many mugs trying glazes! Poor Dan, does all the help and is last to get his mug. Such is life!

hang10tiki posted on 04/21/2015

Love the Cevola show

TikiVato posted on 04/21/2015

On 2015-04-20 09:05, danlovestikis wrote:
Wish List #5 progress report.

Tiki Vato your Cactus Body Bob is glazes and waiting for kiln time.

All done and posing.

WOW, My mug is incredible. The attention to details in all your mugs are mind blowing. Cactus Bob will love his home in Bullhead City. I will post pictures once it arrives.

Tiki Vato what drink is appropriate for this mug?

Wendy, I am going to come up with a top shelf rum based cocktail. I am going to name the cocktail "Cactus Cooler".



[ Edited by: TikiVato 2015-04-21 13:07 ]

lunavideogames posted on 04/21/2015

Amazing stuff Wendy!

Love the Cactus Bob and the Tiki Modern is spot on. Great work!

I am still waiting to see what you come up with for your space tiki themed mug. I am sure it will be out of this world :wink:

LoriLovesTiki posted on 04/22/2015

I was so excited to see my wish list mug on FB and then my name in your thread's title!!!!

I can't wait to see how it looks after it's fired. I might want you to enhance the carving on the back but I'll wait to see how it looks when it's all done, if that's ok. :)

I love RVICTOR's mug and the cactus one too, can't wait to see how that splotchy green color looks on Jon's mug! I just love them all, as usual.

hang10tiki posted on 04/22/2015

Road trip
Missed u guys at The Bali Hai

danlovestikis posted on 04/22/2015

Woodtiki here are my best HINTS FOR GLAZING

  1. always do glaze tests on a bisque strip of clay with smooth and indentation surfaces. This is how I do them (Babalu showed me how). The first strip on the bottom is three layers the second strip two layers and the top strip is one layer. Along the side I've made indentations so I can see how the glaze fills in the carving.

@. Some glaze is made to move and some will stay put. So if it has streaks then you need to only fire once because if you do it a second time it will continue to move do to the pull of gravity. Then the bottom of your mug becomes a mess and also it accumulates on any ledges. Crystal glazes with spots stay put.

  1. Underglazes such as Duncan's Cover Coat stay put. They must be dry before you put the clear coat on top or they can smear and you won't even know it until the piece is out of the kiln. Only use Duncan's Brilliance clear gloss. All the others I have bought ran the underglaze and ruined my mugs.

  2. Concepts underglaze stays put and it doesn't need a clear coat, it's built in. I don't trust it yet for very tiny detail. I need to test it more. So far it works for areas like Tiki Bob's eyes and mouth.

  3. For crystal glazes like Mayco's Jungle Jems scrape the bottom of the jar because those crystals stick. You can shake it do a first and second coat and then scrap and add the last coat with the crystals placing them where you want them.

  4. The metal glazes say to fire them at a higher temperature than the 06 glazes. So far they have looked fine when using 06. Good to test your own kiln.

I hope this helps.

hang10tiki is that because we only re-run Tiki Bob's???

TikiVato your mug will be more green and brown when it fires. I love the name cocktail "Cactus Cooler" for the drink. Very cool.

lunavideogames thank you. RVICTOR came up with a fun mug to match the book. The cactus was my idea because it was such a surprise to see cactus in Hawaii.

The Space ceramic is all out of the kiln and waiting to be glazed. It's in three pieces that I'll fuse together with glaze. I'll show it when the Wish List ends and I start on Dan's projects. I'm so happy you are interested.

LoriLovesTiki the way this glaze works is that it fills in the indentations. The Huge word Jeff will not do that except at the bottom of each big letter. I can either add some of the blue crystals that I put on the inside into those letters now or after its fired I can use enamel paint in some way but then the mug can only be washed in cold water. Let me know ASAP.
Personally I think it would look good with the crystals in the letters.

I sure do enjoy your enthusiasm, I'm smiling right now.

hang10tiki oh how I wish we had been there. So many of my tiki buddies in one place. Even the Creepy Creeps! We are considering going to Tiki Oasis after all. I don't want to miss out on all the hugs! Thank you for wearing my Tiki Bob necklace. You look so handsome.

Tyber Tiki I stopped for a moment and up you popped. Good thing because I need to know the color for your small Bob statue.


Progress Report on Wish List #5

This mug is for Vance and Jenae Klinke who live near us. This is an instance of having a glaze choice that didn't work for the mug unless I did some extra fancy glazing with additional colors. Here's the journey of this HONU mug.

The glaze choice was one with many crystals. Crystals fill in carved detail making it invisible.

So after some thought I started by adding black inside all the carved indentations.

The side shows the fins are tiki heads.


Now I took a break while this dried and filled the mug with the requested crystal glaze for 10 seconds then poured out.

Now the black is dry and I'm wiping off the excess.

Wiping it off colors the rest of the mug grey.

So to fix the grey face I did three layers of Cover Coat white and black.

Now that this has dried I

have covered it with 2 coats of Brilliant Clear Gloss by Duncan.

Now I have changed over to Concepts glaze by Duncan. First a Caribbean Blue that matches the crystal glaze.

Nest to keep the crystal glaze away from the Honu I am adding this glaze around the Honu and inside the design.

All done and drying.

Now to further tie it in with the crystal glaze I'm adding a second color of dark green.

Trim is done.

Next I've done it to the Honu.
Done and drying.

The black I used was Cover Coat which needs a gloss cover or it will be flat like a buff peanut mug. So I painted in the gloss over the black.

Done and drying. I bet you can tell this mug was done over a few days.

Now it was time to fulfil the Wish using the color requested. This shows the crystals.

I did three layers placing the crystals where I wanted them to be.

This will either work or not. This one is different from most I've glazed. Fingers crossed. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-04-23 08:07 ]

Tyber Tiki posted on 04/22/2015

Everything looks so fantastic, Wendy! We love how our Maori lamp is shaping up and know it's going to be beautiful!!!!

Definitely agree that we wouldn't want all the excellent & detailed carving filled up/hidden with too much glaze so we are good with your call as to how dark this can go.


Tyber Tiki

hang10tiki posted on 04/23/2015

Looks great

Ps- I got a few wows about your Tiki Bob
necklace I was sporting in the pic above :)

danlovestikis posted on 04/23/2015

Tyber Tiki I'm getting close to a kiln load!

hang10tiki it was such fun to scroll through the photos and to see that one. Big thank you always for sharing with us all.


If you know me you know I LOVE coincidences. Yesterday I put up all the photos of Vance's Honu/Turtle mug. Dan and I then took a walk and on the sidewalk Dan found this little non-sea Turtle. He brought it home to put into one of his village scenes.


Wish List #5 progress report.

I'll start with Johnny Velvet's Tiki Bob Super Carved mug.

He said he wanted it done with the exact Tiki Bob glaze color. So I did my best to match it to the Elvis Tiki Bob from 1961. We have a collection of Tiki Bob's and they are in a whole bunch of different browns.

I found the very best match. In fact it was a brown I had never used on a Bob before.

I made a mistake and poured it into the mug. Bob's are usually white inside and I'd forgotten to notice this.

After a lot of scrubbing I got it back out.

I did his face.

After the face had clear added I started on the body. After the first coat I flipped it over and filled in all the tiny areas missed.

Now after 3 layers he's all done.

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Next up is Kenneth G. McNeil's Fun Fake mug.

It's so much harder to copy than to just make something. Here's the comparison between my mug and Dan's real mug.
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I glazed the inside and
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then coated and wiped off black on the bottom.
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I did the eyes and mouth and then covered the face in clear glaze.
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I painted the body and
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let it dry.
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Now it was time to see just how small I could paint the letters. It's back and forth. Do the black, correct it with white, do the black.
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The real mug was done with a decal. Painting this on was crazy hard. I left it here.
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I covered it with clear.
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Now it will be fired. Maybe Kenneth will fire me!
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Next up is Professor G's little peanut mug wearing a Tiki Bob Maori mask for Halloween. Or...

I started with the inside.
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Did the outside.
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Wiped it off.
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All done.
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Doing it I got some brown on this face. I covered the face with 3 coats of white.
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Now the face is done.
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Next I did 3 coats of brown on the rims.
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Now I did the Maori face.
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I coated the rims with clear.
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The body stays buff like a peanut mug and the face, rims and inside are gloss.
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I maybe fired on this one too! If something doesn't look like what was anticipated then they can be rejected.

Now it's time to start my this day of glazing.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 04/24/2015

Love watching the Cevola show after a long day at work
Best part of the day

Thank you

danlovestikis posted on 04/24/2015

hang10tiki you made my day!

Tiki Ano is being held hostage by Tiki Ari!!!


Wish List #5 progress report.

IDoVooDoo you Snake Charmer bowl is ready to fire. I hope you'll like my glaze choices. The one inside the bowl is brand new and it is the first time I've used it.

I choose all the colors for the woman and bowl.
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I used a plastic tub to hold the bowl with the woman inside.
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I used a darker Caribbean blue for the outside.
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Two layers to start.
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I wanted to start with the snake. I did the eyes black and then found that I needed help to glaze the snakes belly.
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Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! He held the bowl upside down while I glazes the hard to reach spots.
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Now the snake had three layers of red-brown glaze called fireluster.
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Now I used a wet brush to scrub around the snake to flatten any fireluster glaze that was on her skin.
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First skin layer.
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Second and then the third layer.
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Rosy pink.
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Black Hair.
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Inside the bowl is a swampy brown and darker Caribbean blue.
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All done on the inside of the bowl.
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Now I did the last layer of glaze on the outside of the bowl.
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I've finished off the flower in her hair and now she's posing.
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Now she'll line up for her turn in the kiln.

It's Friday. I hope you all have a great weekend. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 04/25/2015

IDoVooDoo- u better watch out, looks like Dan-0 likes dat bowl

danlovestikis posted on 04/25/2015

hang10tiki you are so right. Dan wants everything I make. When I finish the Wish List #5 outside of home orders I have many to start glazing for Dan. I'll be just as busy as I am right now because I have a table full to glaze yet but also the Sacramento Crawl mug. I won't run out of work to post. Once you said I was busy busy busy. Yep!


Update on Dan's first beard. It's still growing! He had an appointment for new glasses. Do you like this style?
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Dan and I visited kingstiedye yesterday and I got to see where he has put some of my art.

The Bloody Maori was my idea and sculpture but Gecko'z did the glazing.
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Mostly Sacramento Crawl mugs here. This years will be my best.
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These two were on Wish List #5. He said he watches TV and his favorite mugs. I'm honored to be in that location.
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Thank you Bullet.


Wish List #5 Progress Report.

HORRORS! I messed up Professor G's small peanut mug with Maori Bob mask! It was to be blue. We talked it over and here's what's happening right now. I've added small blue dots and blue onto the already glazed brown rims. This is an experiment to see what will happen. Maybe the rim will run down the face like blue blood! He's being very nice to me but if I ruin this one I'll make him another.

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Tyber Tiki in addition to his HUGE Maori lamp picked out a small Tiki Bob statue.

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All done.
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Wood Tiki aka WoodyMillerArt.com Supercarved Tiki Bob.

I'm showing all the steps because he is going to be making his own mugs soon. He's even made a mold.

He requested a brown Bob with black in the indentations. So I choose the brown which has black speckles and a fun multicolored glaze for the interior.
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I started by using the micro-tip to place the black glaze into the grooves.
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All done and drying.
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One spot at a time.
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Every so often I would stop and do something else while it dried and then I'd start again.
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Once it had dried I rubbed off all the excess with a wet washcloth. I've learned it works better than a paper towel and doesn't leave any particles behind.
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Using this glaze I
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covered the face in white.
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Now it's time to add the brown glaze to all the tapa patterns.
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I layered it on thickly so that I could do it just once. It took 3 hours to cover the mug.
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Once the entire mug was done and dried I used a mesh sandpaper to rough it up. It is tapa after all.
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Using the sand paper exposed some of the bisque. So once that had been done I needed to cover the mug with a clear glaze
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so that it will all be smooth.
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Now it will dry for the kiln.


I'm getting close.

The bottom of the kiln is loaded and there are pieces ready for the top level.
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It's time to go to work. Cheers, Wendy

Woodtiki posted on 04/25/2015

I agree with LoriLoveTiki, so exciting to see my name in the subject! Can't wait to see my bob after the fire.
Thank you so much Wendy for the glaze tips! I have around 10 mugs waiting for bisque fire, so hopefully I will get that done soon and on to the world of glaze. Your pointers are great.

Also, that honu mug looks like it will be amazing! Love the tiki faces on the sides of the fins, nice touch. I will have to come up and pick up my mug from you in person if you don't mind me and the tiki princess (my wife Jessica) dropping by! We go to see my family in Grass Valley every once in awhile, so would be fun to come see the Dan and Wendy show in person!

I Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/92f703ba0a4625147c99aa863542dd36?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
IDoVoodoo posted on 04/26/2015

The Snake Charmer is definitely going to be the biggest and BEST bowl in my collection!

danlovestikis posted on 04/26/2015

Woodtiki you are very welcome. I made many mistakes along the way. I hope to use this thread to help eliminate those for people who are just starting out. Since most readers won't be going back over my 400 plus pages I do repeat myself.

I was happy to have you in the header. I will be more happy to see if the technique I used works!

The honu mug was copied from a tattoo book, I can't take credit for the design. I loved those tiki heads as fins.

I think it would be wonderful if we could work out a day for your visit to co-inside with IDVooDoo's visit. If not that's OK too.


IDoVoodoo if it turns out I know it's going to a good home.


I am so near to filling the kiln!

I was able to fit a few more pieces onto the bottom shelf. This is a tricky job. Crystals in glazes sometimes pop and travel. If they stick on another piece that's permanent. So I have to think about what's next to one of those pieces. I never turn a Tiki Bob's face in that direction. No crystals no problems.
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In case you have access to a kiln with an Airovent watch out for the air intake holes.
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If one of these holes were to be right over the tall lamp it could make a defect in the glaze.
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If you are buying a kiln an Airovent pulls air into the kiln so that all levels are firing at the same temperature. Otherwise without it the top layer will fire hotter.


Awhile back I repaired one of these statue. They had been brought together from different homes and they were mismatched in wear and colors. I fixed them. The last step was to seal it all with clear gloss varnish.

They are now married in Dan's collection.
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Wish List #5 progress report.

This mug is a similar mug to one for Jen Tiki which is being glazed today.

This one is for Kenneth G. McNeil. I picked a glaze for this one that was far different from those for Jen's mug. Both she and Kenneth wanted blues but he let me pick which blue for his mug.
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I painted on the three layers and when it was dry
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I added some dark blue crystals into the largest indented spaces. I hope it works.
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He dried and then was placed into the kiln.
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This Wish has a story. Years ago on eBay I won a set of eight homemade Tiki Bob's. I was contacted by James of Pocketiki in England asking to split the sale with him. I did that and when they got to my home I shipped half to his home.

Now we made a deal where I would copy the style of these mugs but would make them with their requested names on the sides.
I used a couple of the original mugs as models both for sculpting and for labeling.
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Coating the insides white to match the originals.
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Copying the writing style wasn't easy and there were far more letters in these names so they are smaller too.
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I coated the writing and faces with clear gloss and let them dry overnight.
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Oh No which is the Trader Jim's mug and which is the ExoticTramp mug? Good thing I didn't have to guess because they had reversed positions on the turntable. I could just make out some raised letters under the green glaze.
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Now I painted on their chosen colors. British Phone Booth Red for Sian and...
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Black Satin for James.
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So they would match the originals I even flattened the bottoms and left them bare.
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Here's to the last weekend day. I'll be glazing. What are you doing?

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 04/27/2015

Progress Report Wish List #5

We had friends come to visit yesterday so I just got one mug done. Jen Tiki you said, "surprise me". If this isn't a good surprise let me know and I can change it to all blue on the outside before I fire.

First I did the lime green into the largest of the indentations.
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I covered the face with the green clear glaze. Bobs face will be white when fired. I did the inside of the mug in stripes but Dan said it would look better, as you requested it, as all lime green so I changed that back. See the last photo. The rest of the outside is deep Caribbean blue.
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It's hard to see how this will look with the clashing green face so glaring. See the color strips on the table for the actual color choices, first stripe in both. Your mug will darken up in the kiln.
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If this doesn't meet your Wishes expectations just let me know and I'll absolutely fix it.


Today is very special. I only have one Wish List #5 project left and it is for Tiki Wahini. Yes that's spelled the way she like it.

I picked out all the glazes for her Rasta Bob yesterday. I'm up early to get a start on her mug. There is just enough space in the kiln to fire all the rest of the Wish List this mug and hat included.
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Once the kiln is turned on I will be working on the Hula Girl Hot Tubs
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and also on all of Dan's Wishes. Sitting in front of him.
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When those are done I'll continue working on the Sacramento Crawl mug which we started last December

(The mug will be a HUGE fogcutter mug)

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and on and off I'll finish all of these speculation mugs.
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This has been a busy year so far and it's not even close to being finished.


I have been accepting Wish List #6 orders and I've started a binder. You may send them to me at any time but I won't be working on them until the Sacramento Crawl is over in October.

Thank you all for your continued support that makes this so much fun. I live for your posts here. Tiki Ano it's time for a Tiki Ari update!


Opps missed showing one project. lunavideogames the space ship bowl is actually going to be before Dan's projects get started.

Just a teaser.
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Pouring a bowl is a mess.
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Trimming the top because...
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Hope to see you here tomorrow. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-04-27 07:40 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-04-27 07:51 ]

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JenTiki posted on 04/27/2015

Yay!!! That's even better than I planned! No need to change anything! Can't wait to see the final result!

hang10tiki posted on 04/28/2015

Dig those custom name Bobs

danlovestikis posted on 04/28/2015

JenTiki terrific. I need you to PM your email address and shipping address so we can get this shipped soon.

hang10tiki I have a lot of work yet to do on all those mugs and it should be lots of fun.


Progress Report #5

The last mug to glaze is Rasta Bob for Tiki Wahini. I wanted something difficult to close the this run of Wishes.

I started with the inside of the knitted Bob Marley cap.
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I removed my finger and let it drain back into the jar.
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I painted the face and the red on the cap.
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Next the dreds got 3 layers of glaze.
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Then two layers of clear on the face.
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Now it was time to glaze behind the guitar.
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First layer of yellow on the tapa body.
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Next the cap was finished with the classic Marley yellow and green.
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Time to add glaze to all the carved tapa designs plus the Maryjane design.
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All done and posing.
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I put him out in the 90 degree sun to dry so I could put him in the kiln to fire.
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The Wish List is finished being glazed and every piece fit into the kiln. They completed firing this morning at 9 am. Hopefully they will be cooled by tomorrow evening so I can open the kiln. There's always a chance of glaze skips so there might be needed tune ups. So today I will start glazing the Hula Girl Hot Tubs so I can fill the kiln if touch ups are needed.

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lunavideogames here are more photos of the Spaceship in progress.

I started out with an idea of what I wanted to accomplish. I cast two bowls.
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I trimmed the edges flat and added a whole bunch of sticky clay.
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I flipped one over and stuck them together.
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I cleaned up the outside.
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Next I cut out the center of the top bowl and cleaned up this sticky clay you can see on the inside.
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Then I cut some more clay from around the top edge.
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I pressed it into this shape as Dan walked up to the table. "Why are you making a bedpan?" he asked.
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Stay tuned to see if I can fix this design!!! Wendy

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TikiHula posted on 04/28/2015

Maori lamp Maori lamp Maori lamp Maori lamp Maori lamp so excited to see it finished :D

Tyber Tiki posted on 04/28/2015

Wow Wendy, the Rasta Bob is really shaping up nicely. Love the colors and the texture of the dreads!

Also, really excited to read about the wish list #5 kiln firing...Yay!!!

Tyber Tiki

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Tikiwahini posted on 04/28/2015

Progress Report #5

The last mug to glaze is Rasta Bob for Tiki Wahini. I wanted something difficult to close the this run of Wishes.


LOVE!!! Rasta Bob! So exciting to see the process. Bake him up!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 04/29/2015

Baseball season really cuts into my free time. That, and I'm training for a 5k. I don't think most people train for 5k since they're only a little over 3 miles but I can't run that far all at once so I am. It's in June and I'm hoping I won't have to walk. Not that there's any shame in that, I keep telling myself. So I apologize for not getting back to you, but that's okay. I'm pretty sure I'll love it as is and since I never put your mug in the dishwasher if we add to it with cold paint that's ok too.

I'm pretty sure I saw my mug in the kiln so it's firing now!!!!!!!!!!

I love the lime green and Caribbean blue combination. Can't wait to see that one glazed. :)

Can't wait for the big reveal!

hang10tiki posted on 04/29/2015

Dan-0: bedpan, that was funny :)
Lori- run run run
Wendy- open that kiln

danlovestikis posted on 04/29/2015

TikiHula the kiln is almost cool enough. The lamp will ship out this week if it has enough glaze to make it just right.

Tyber Tiki

Tyber Tiki I'll open it today and start taking photos. I should have them to post by tomorrow!

Tikiwahini your Rasta Bob got fried last night. Photos tomorrow.

LoriLovesTiki after you see your photos just let me know if it needs more.
I always think of Dawn when Caribbean blue is used. Love her paintings.

hang10tiki see the bedpan fix coming right up!


I've made a Space Ship. Here are some more step by steps. First I needed to remove the resemblance to a bed pan.

I cut out a wedge from one end and added sticky clay.
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I pressed it together and formed one end of the ship.
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Now I did it to the other end.
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That part is done. Top view and
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side view.
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Since this will be a drinking vessel rather than actually fly I'm keeping parts of it open for fuel.
This will be made in three parts and then fused together. I'll show you why in the future.


The Wish List has been made and now I've moved on to the Hula Girl Hot Tubs.

I had one that had a crack and that one will be Dan's. So here is how I've repaired it.

In 2011 I bought a big piece of paper clay. It has since dried into a rock. When I need some I chip it off the block and add water. It softens up really fast.
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This is the crack that needs repair. This will be Dan's mug.
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I had a bit too much water added to the clay. A paper towel will easily leach it out.
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I used both my fingers and a wet brush to get the paper clay in the right place and smoothed. It doesn't shrink when it dries.
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I gathered up most of the glazes that I would need for this project.
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I keep a plastic chopping board on the floor for pounding glaze lids that are stuck. It helps me loosen them without yelling, Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
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I decided that there is water in the Hot Tub. I picked the prettiest speckled blue and poured it in.
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I moved it around all the sides of the coconut and then poured it out. It only takes one time to get it thick enough. Always spray water on your bisque item before you do any glazing. It makes it adhere better and also in this case to not make it too thick.
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The water level is half way up her breasts.
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I cleaned the white rim and then glazed it with clear. It still needs to look like a coconut.
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I picked out some more glaze colors and
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started work on her body.
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I added black to the wording on the bottom and wiped it clean.
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Then I began to glaze the coconut. Bottom first.
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I would paint a section and lay the mug in a way to let it dry before I moved on.
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After the three layers of skin tone I started on her hair.
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I finished the hair the flower and the nipples.
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She's all done and posing.
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Her face will be done with enamel after she fires. Tiny detail often just blends in so I prefer to keep it neat.

The kiln is cooling cooling cooling!!! Cheers, Wendy

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ebtiki posted on 04/29/2015

Hiya, Wendy!
I didn't expect to like it - but Hula Girl Hot Tub is amazing!
I'm looking forward to seeing it fired.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 04/30/2015

Yeah Wendy, I'm digging the hot tub hula girl too! I think it's the water up to her "girls!" I'd better not show that picture to Jeff or he'll be upset I didn't get him one of those instead. :wink:

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JenTiki posted on 04/30/2015

So ... what about a Hot Tub Hula Boy? Maybe later in the year? :wink:

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IDoVoodoo posted on 04/30/2015

I am trying to be patient. But, please, open that kiln!!!

danlovestikis posted on 04/30/2015

ebtiki it's fun that the whole thing just came about because I had an extra hula girl and an extra coconut to use up. I'm glad it happened and glad you like it. You mug came out of the kiln and is perfect.

LoriLovesTiki there is always Wish List #6 at the end of this year. I've started the binder and it's filling with orders. Also I don't think you will want to add any cold to your mug.

JenTiki I've never sculpted a hula boy. I would have to take a survey to see if I would have enough orders. I could just put a small Bob in the coconut! You mug has some thin areas and will need to be glazed and fired again.

IDoVoodoo I did, I just need to take photos. Your bowl has one small area on the outside where the glaze is thin and needs to be touched up and re-fired. The glazes I chose are beautiful.


I reached the point of exhaustion today. I just pushed a bit too long. I will have photos soon. I opened the kiln. I found small areas where the glaze was too thin on some projects. We just got back from Alpha Fired Arts where I bought more glaze. I even got some in the same colors but that functions differently. Professor G's mugs needed a change to make it work. Now I'm set up to start again. I will be adding glaze to some projects and re-firing.

I am going to photograph projects that came out fine and will be ready to ship if approved by the person who ordered it. Then I'll show those with glitches and the fix.


I'm going to take photos tomorrow. Sorry everyone I'm a senior citizen and I need a nap. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-04-30 15:20 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 04/30/2015

Put a BOB in the coconut! Put a Bob in the coconut!!!!

OR a small tiki sculpture would be cute. :)

Can't wait for the opening! I'm taking my older son to see a college in North Jersey so I'll be away from the computer tomorrow. Will check in when I get back.

Woodtiki posted on 05/01/2015

Yes can't wait to see the open kiln! But please Wendy, TAKE A BREAK. You have been on fire, and I know creatively sometimes it's good to take a break, do something else, and get recharged. You've earned it, you're retired, take a vacation!

And then... let's see the mugs. :lol:

Tyber Tiki posted on 05/01/2015

Totally agree with Woodtiki. Wendy you've been doing such a great job of providing us a detailed and very interesting glimpse into your day-to-day art making process that a break is definitely in order. Please do take some time away to rest and recharge the mind and body!

Tyber Tiki

hang10tiki posted on 05/01/2015

Dig da hula girl cookin in a coconut

danlovestikis posted on 05/01/2015

Woodtiki thank you Woody. I needed it. I woke up this morning refreshed however Dan had me walk with him to the grocery store. We bought too much. Carrying it home in the heat was hard.

The good news is that last night I was ready to photograph everything in the kiln and I got it done. See Below!

Tyber Tiki I'm ready to share. Thank you all for understanding that I needed a break.

hang10tiki the coconut oil is good for her skin!


Progress Report on Wish List #5

Glazing is so tricky. If I add too much I can lose the detail. If I don't add enough I may need to add more and fire a second time. I chose to be careful with the detail. Even still there were surprises when I opened the kiln.

For me even one small defect is something I would try my best to correct. Every time I glaze I learn something. This time around I had problems with the Tiki Bob faces leaching color into the white face. I don't know if I can correct it but I'm going to try. I like clean edges.

Here we go. I'm starting with those that I think came out of the kiln just fine.

If what I show is your project please feel free to tell me if you didn't get your wish fulfilled. I am always willing to start over or to cancel your order. I want everyone happy, that's my goal.


Tiki Hula you requested and I heard you! Here are the Photos for Tyber Tiki's two projects.

First is a small Tiki Bob statue that had the glaze leach into the white face. I can either try to cover it with glaze or paint the face with white enamel since it is a statue. Tyber Tiki you choose. the enamel is fast and I can ship to you sooner or I can try to fix it with glaze.

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Tyber Tiki are you happy with this glaze? If I were to make the background darker the carving wouldn't stand out as much.
This glaze is called Expresso.

I'm showing a lot of photo here because this is your chance to evaluate if it meets your expectations.

Out of the kiln in natural light.
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Black Velvet photos with a flash.
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Photos to compare with the alternate glaze.
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Check your PM's for a message.


Next up are the two mugs I made for Pocketiki of England. We are doing a trade.

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Shall I box them up?


This mug #8 mirror image with changes from Jen Tiki's #8 is for Kenneth G. McNeil.

The glaze I used moved and did some overflow from one part of the carving to the next.
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Check it out and see if it's acceptable.
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Next up is his second Wish for a Fun Fake Tiki Bob.

Being realistic I don't think I can paint smaller words on this mug with enamel. The real mug was done with a decal that was printed by a machine. I'm not that good.
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Doing each of these letters with three layers worked but
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I still ended up with a bit of leaching at the chin with the brown glaze.
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This is a good place to stop for today because I have work waiting for me.

Please critique your projects carefully and get back to me here or by Personal Message.

Thank you, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-05-01 11:27 ]

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JenTiki posted on 05/01/2015

On 2015-04-30 15:00, danlovestikis wrote:
JenTiki I've never sculpted a hula boy. I would have to take a survey to see if I would have enough orders. I could just put a small Bob in the coconut!

A small Bob would be cute, but not the same as a hotty in the hot tub. :wink:

You mug has some thin areas and will need to be glazed and fired again.

Will I get to see it before the fix, or do I have to wait for another kiln-full is fired? I gotta see it!!! :o :o

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JenTiki posted on 05/01/2015

On 2015-05-01 09:45, danlovestikis wrote:
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Holy Tiki! That's gorgeous!

Tyber Tiki posted on 05/01/2015

Incredible Wendy! The Maori lamp is perfect and we are so happy with the results!!! The glaze really shows off the detailed carving so I would not change a thing. This has so far exceeded anything I could have ever imagined. I cant wait to put the lamp together. I'll be sure to post pictures.

I also really love how the Small Tiki Bob Statue turned out and totally agree with your proposal of painting the fix using white enamel paint.

Thanks again for taking on my wish list request, I am so grateful to both you and Dan for putting so much effort (including Dan sacrificing his back lifting the massive mold) into the Maori's creation. I promise that my future wish list requests while challenging will be smaller in nature.

Can't wait to see the rest of Wish List #5

Tyber Tiki

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danlovestikis posted on 05/01/2015

JenTiki I've just come up to check on messages and I'll stay here to paint Tyber Tiki's little statue. I might as well post your mug photos right now. It needs to be glazed all over again. There is also a spot of clay I should have seen and removed. I'll use a dremmel to take it off. I do have a blue green glaze that isn't called Caribbean that is a bit darker. Would you like me to use it?

Tyber Tiki Excellent. I'll get the little statue painted and baked and then it will be time to ship.

Wish List #5. This one is for Jen Tiki. It needs work!

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Small spot of clay.
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Not enough glaze. That's a tired looking finger. So much art to make and so little time!
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Cheers, Wendy

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hang10tiki posted on 05/01/2015

Love this part of the show

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 05/01/2015

That super carved, super large Maori for Tyber Tiki came out FANTASTIC!!! I love how the glaze highlights the carvings!!! Amazing work, it will make a great lamp!

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