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TIKI POP will see a second printing ! :) Corrections?

Pages: 1 8 replies

bigbrotiki posted on 05/09/2015

I am happy to report that my publisher, TASCHEN books, sees cause to reprint my most recent tome. That means the first 10 000 have sold - a good sign for Tiki world-wide.

I got the short notice to give them any necessary corrections by the 13th (printing is the 15th). All the while I am still on location in Havana, Cuba, and I do not have a copy with me. I will be working of a PDF.

If anyone can find grammatical errors and typos, please post them here, I will ad what I don't find myself (my main correction is that the English text in the "Artists" chapter does not parallel the images for the individual artists halfway down the line - while the French text does a better job at it)

Mucho Mahalos, Sven Kirsten

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2015-05-09 11:35 ]

Biotron2000 posted on 05/09/2015

I just got my copy a few days ago, and I'm about halfway through it. I'm a stickler for grammar and punctuation, and I haven't seen any problems (in English, at any rate). My biggest problem with it is that it's so hard to put down!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/09/2015

Well, there is no mention of how "I" personally, brutally destroyed Tiki, sooooo.....

bigbrotiki posted on 05/09/2015

Well, I will be grateful for even the smallest hints, like the lack of spacing after a period for the new sentence, or other lil flaws like that.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2015-05-09 13:57 ]

happy buddha posted on 05/09/2015

Congrats on the 2nd printing Sven! Well deserved!

Dustycajun posted on 05/10/2015


Congrats on the second printing, 10,000 happy customers around the world! As a point of reference, how many copies of the Book of Tiki and Tiki Modern were published?

Will send you an email on corrections.


RevBambooBen posted on 05/10/2015

On 2015-05-09 13:48, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Well, there is no mention of how "I" personally, brutally destroyed Tiki, sooooo.....

Dam Hipster!

Club Nouméa posted on 05/12/2015

OK, here we go....

Corrections to the French (with the original English first for reference purposes):

p. 66 the most spectacular of their time/très spectaculaires pour l'époque => les plus spectaculaires de l'époque

p. 72 not native to Los Angeles/n'est pas endemique à Los Angeles => n'est pas originaire de Los Angeles

p. 73 Native Californians mingling with painted island natives/Indigènes californiens en compagnie d'invités insulaire => Indigènes californiens devant une muraille dépeignant des figures insulaires.

p. 87 ship-jumpers/passagers clandestins => déserteurs

p. 109 When Don returned from service in World War II/Quand Don revint de la Seconde Guerre mondiale où il avait servi comme soldat => Quand don revint de la Seconde Guerre mondiale où il avait servi sous les drapeaux *

  • Note for the translator: He was not a front-line soldier in WWII; according to Wikipedia, he ran a rear-area rest and recreation facility for officers.

p. 123 tall ships/gros navires => grands voiliers

p. 124 You're a sap Mister Jap/Tu nous sape la morale Monsieur le Jap => Tu es un grand con du Japon

(NB this translation is quite rude but is more accurate than the original translation, and it rhymes...)

p. 196 held its own/écrasé la concurrence => résisté bien à la concurrence

p. 281 get into a muu-muu/savourez un muu-muu => mettez un muu-muu

p. 311 Pacific/Pacique => Pacifique

p. 319 utensils/Ouils => Outils

p. 323 interior décor/décorum => décor

p. 326 Les Baxter conducting Jungle Jazz/Les Baxter dirigeant sa formation Jungle Jazz => Les Baxter dirigeant sa composition Jungle Jazz

p.367 at the Tikis/au Tikis => au parc des Tikis

Note that these are my suggestions as a non-native speaker of French and should be passed by the translator for approval (who may very well shake his/her head at some of the things they missed).

Best wishes

Toto, j'ai l'impression que nous ne sommes plus au Kansas !

[ Edited by: Club Nouméa 2015-05-12 19:34 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 05/12/2015

Thank You much, I passed them on.

Pages: 1 8 replies