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Wrapping Bartop with Cane....HELP!!....

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KEOKITIKIsix posted on 05/10/2015

Aloha, I've hit a stumbling block on Re-wrapping my tiki bar table top corners. I've searched on-line for Youtube videos on how to do this. Can anyone direct me to a good video or instructions on how to do this. It seems to be a braid pattern and I just can't figure it out. Some photos are included on the original conditioned "wrap" along with the project. HELP!!! ~ Mahalo ~ Keoki.

Here is the Tiki Bar as I originally found it....

Here is the project thus far....

Here is my attempt NOT using the weaved method and this is not working.....

Two pics of the original wrap.....

tikiskip posted on 05/10/2015

I knew that would be a stumper for you.
Have never done that myself.
Don't know what to tell you.

BUT if you look at youtube for video on how to finish off pendants like a necklace, I often see
that kind of braid on a fish hook pendant.

IF that's no good or too hard how about putting brown art paper on the corner and then trim it with
the rattan just like you have it now but with paper covering the corner part.
This may work.

Good luck!!

tikiskip posted on 05/10/2015

How To Lash Maori Hook Necklace....

tikiskip posted on 05/10/2015

How to Tie the Mâori Hei Toki Lashing by TIAT....,

tikiskip posted on 05/10/2015

Here a good one....
How To Bind Your Joints - 3 Methods


Good luck!
Lets see it when you are done.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2015-05-10 15:40 ]

KEOKITIKIsix posted on 05/12/2015

You've come to my RESCUE again!! Mahalo. That last video looks like the one. For sure I will post pics when finished. Can't say how much I APPRECIATE your assistance. ~ MAHALO ~

KEOKITIKIsix posted on 05/20/2015

TikiSkip......Whatcha Think? I'm HAPPY with the results. You Da MAN!! MAHALO Again!

JenTiki posted on 05/20/2015

Wow! Good job! That looks really clean and professional!

MaukaHale posted on 05/20/2015

You nailed, great work!

tikiskip posted on 05/20/2015

"TikiSkip......Whatcha Think? I'm HAPPY with the results. You Da MAN!! MAHALO Again!"

With a job like that looks like You Da MAN!!
Did you use the you tube video? What one did you use?

Did you find it hard to do, or not too hard.
Any tips you can give to people who want to do this?
Great Job!!

Going to add this to a thread on building tiki bars.

tikiskip posted on 05/20/2015

Put a link to this page here....

The Best and Worst thing I did to my Tiki space, Via Tikiskip, Check here before you build.

KEOKITIKIsix posted on 05/20/2015

Yes, I used the Youtube video that you provided a link to. After viewing it,I found it quite easy. It was just a consistent pattern. The cane that I ordered (Again from your help) is very strong and I was able to pull it tightly to get a really nice bond to the Bamboo. The GRAND OPENING "Happy Hour" is soon to come. :) THANK YOU all for your kind words.....


[ Edited by: KEOKITIKIsix 2015-05-20 16:32 ]

VampiressRN posted on 05/21/2015

Wow...great job...I agreed...you nailed it.

tikiskip posted on 05/21/2015

I got two more cents to add.

If you shellac it now it will help to protect it, and
you can also burn it just a bit with a torch before you
shellac it to give it an aged look too.

See here is a few kitchen items I did with a slight burn on wrap.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2015-05-21 08:17 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 05/22/2015

That corner wrap looks FANTASTIC!

And the bar restoration itself is outstanding. Care to share your steps? I've tried my hand at "restoring" natural materials that are only a few years old but beat up by the elements and my results are no where near as good as yours.

Mahalo in advance!

tikiskip posted on 05/22/2015

"Care to share your steps?"

Sorry, but did you read any of the text posted here?
How about a step by step video of how to do this.

KEOKITIKIsix posted on 05/22/2015

UPDATE: Here are pics after the wood stain was added to the Bar top "Cane" CORNERS. Again, I'm happy with the results.

LORI....Aloha. The bar was found in pretty ROUGH condition. (See first pic posted) All I did was a LOT of sanding on the Bamboo, applied some furniture refinishing liquid to the slats on the front and sides of the bar, Wiped the entire bar clean and then added varnish. I too am quite SURPRISED at the results. :)

[ Edited by: Keokitikisix 2015-05-22 15:44 ]

tikiskip posted on 05/22/2015

Ok, I guess there was no step by step on the bar restore.
I thought Lori was talking about the corner wrapping that there is a video
of, sorry Lori my bad.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 05/22/2015

Skip - "care to share the steps" referred to the restoration of the bar itself, not the corner wrapping.

Maybe you should have read. Better.

KEOKITIKIsix - thanks for the info. Obviously, you understood my question. I'll be on the lookout for some furniture refinishing liquid. I knew there had to be an additional step between sanding and varnishing old bamboo!

tikiskip posted on 05/22/2015

We must have posted at the same time.
Read above.

BUT the thread is "Wrapping Bartop with Cane....HELP!!...."
So this is why I thought you were talking about the topic that
this thread was about.

Again, I misread what you said, kind of.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 05/25/2015

Thanks Skip! I appreciate your apology. No harm, no foul. Many people never read what others have posted. :wink:

Btw, I just love the "Best & Worst Thing I did to my Tiki space" thread you started. Lots of helpful stuff on there.

KEOKITIKIsix posted on 06/04/2015

KEOKI'S TIKI BAR is now open for Happy Hour......

(A SPECIAL Mahalo to "tikiskip" for his assistance in helping me find my supplies & for the "how to" videos.

[ Edited by: KEOKITIKIsix 2015-06-04 09:58 ]

tikiskip posted on 06/05/2015

Hey great job!
I did find some info for you but you took the ball and ran with it.

It would be nice if you do the chairs to do a photo set by step and give some tips
as you go, as youtube may not always have that info up, Lori is right on that one.
Pay it forward, man.

AND thanks for just saying "Thanks"!
how many times have I posted some glowing post on some bodies work, or shown a
how too to get nothing!

Makes you feel like a punk or totally dismissed for sure, this is why I don't do
as many how toos or go on about peoples work here on TC any more.

But then that is what took down Easter Island infighting right?

Great job keep posting.
I will keep giving you credit, and post on yer thread even if the almost one Thousand other
people who saw and benefited from your info don't.

PS Thank you too Lori! I did add this thread to that one as well.
"Btw, I just love the "Best & Worst Thing I did to my Tiki space" thread you started. Lots of helpful stuff on there"

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2015-06-05 16:00 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 06/05/2015

Looks great!!!

Leilehua posted on 06/27/2015

Really nice restoration job! It's inspired me to get back to work on my grandparent's bar!

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