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My tiki bar progress

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M.Hendrix posted on 06/16/2015

Few weeks into my poolside hut. Having a blast, but ready to be done!

Kahiki Guy posted on 06/18/2015

man, that's really nice work. Coming along well. Can't wait to see the rest of the progress and the finished work.

Tiki Toli posted on 06/18/2015

Great Bones!

Biotron2000 posted on 06/18/2015

Wow! Are you a contractor? Looks very professional.

M.Hendrix posted on 06/18/2015

Thanks for the compliments. I really think its turning out cool. I'm not a contractor, I work in the aerospace industry, but I have a background in wood working. Hopefully have the grass on the roof in a few days, then handrails completed with a combination of bamboo and fish netting. I'll post pics then. And as always, ideas, comments, suggestions good or bad is wat I'm looking for. So help me out if you want, this is my first attempt! Love to get ideas from the experienced on here. Thanks again!

M.Hendrix posted on 06/29/2015

M.Hendrix posted on 06/29/2015

M.Hendrix posted on 06/29/2015

M.Hendrix posted on 06/29/2015

Little more progress this weekend. Grass, barstools, and rope detail in the back bar.

Anaki_kiapolo posted on 06/30/2015

Very nice! Still completely bowled over by the framing / roping. And was that an elusive wild dachshund I saw in one of your pictures??


M.Hendrix posted on 07/05/2015

M.Hendrix posted on 07/05/2015

Got roof cap on, started the logo in bar front as well as installed tiki statues on bar corners.Still not done, but couldn't resist a July 4th test run. Went great!

M.Hendrix posted on 07/05/2015

Thanks for the kind words, and yes, that's Willie! Loves to photo bomb my progress pics! Lol

jimsflies posted on 07/06/2015

Looking good! More info on the bar stools ...I need to figure out some bar seating for my build.

M.Hendrix posted on 07/06/2015

Barstools are some cheap ones I found on Amazon. Made in China so assembly was not a breeze. But everyone loves them, they are real bamboo, but not too flashy so they dont take away from the work I did/doing to the bar. I'm confident the 250 lb rating is conservative. I am 235lbs, and I stand on the one behind the bar when I don't feel like grabbing ladder from garage. lol I copied the link here, hope it works, I'm admittedly a better carpenter tha computer guy! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CMYTRIS/ref=s9_simh_gw_p196_d14_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=desktop-2&pf_rd_r=1YFY46NVPEHE94PNXVJD&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=2091268722&pf_rd_i=desktop

IDoVoodoo posted on 07/06/2015


LoriLovesTiki posted on 07/08/2015

Beautiful M. Hendrix! Just gorgeous!

M.Hendrix posted on 07/08/2015

Thank you so much! Really am enjoying this new project..

Zinctiki posted on 07/09/2015

Excellent work! I really like how you cut the back bar vertical wood.

M.Hendrix posted on 07/19/2015

Got the bar front almost done this weekend, added some of the accent lighting. Looks really good at night, and fading from one color to the next!

M.Hendrix posted on 07/19/2015

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VampiressRN posted on 07/19/2015

Great job...I'm ready to dive in your pool and then suck down a cocktail. Love all the bamboo.

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TikiRenee posted on 07/20/2015

That turned out really nice. Is the thatch real or fake. The fake looks good and lasts a long time.

[ Edited by: TikiRenee 2015-07-19 17:06 ]

jimsflies posted on 07/20/2015

liking it a lot. thanks for stool info.

what's JIG?

M.Hendrix posted on 07/20/2015

Thanks for all the kind words everyone. The thatching is real, gonna consider synthetic when it's time to replace, thanks! As for the name, I live in Charleston, on James Island. The name is a sort of play off of a very popular place on Daniel Island. The Daniel Island Grill, which is most commonly referred to as "The DIG". So being this is our "James Island Getaway", we thought The J.I.G. would be cool. Funny thing is, I can see the ocean from the bar, best music selections for me are Buffet, Marley, Beach Boys, Chesney, Kracker,etc... Anything setting the tropical or beach scene/mood. But it never fails, someone will get to my laptop and Will Smith's "Gettin' Jiggy with it" will come on the stereo and liven things up a bit more! lol
And a note on the stools, as I said earlier, they are not the easiest to assemble. Have to trim here and there to get the fit right on a couple of them. But this past weekend had a 6'9" 315lb football player and a 400lb work buddy riding a couple of them, and they were up to the challenge! Cant beat them for the $$$! If you like the look. Thanks again, and more pics coming soon hopefully!

M.Hendrix posted on 07/24/2015

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First attempt at a fan/light for over bar. Not sure its gonna be final selection. Did change the white globe out for the wire cage looking piece. Made a difference, but not sold. Welcoming all/any ideas y'all may have. Thanks

Kahiki Guy posted on 07/24/2015

very cool...way to make it your own.

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therumtrader posted on 07/27/2015

Looks great; probably one of the best Tiki bars in South Carolina. I was wondering your location and how things will hold up during the winter months. I'm from Summerville, SC so I know winter season is fairly short.

M.Hendrix posted on 07/27/2015

On 2015-07-27 12:50, therumtrader wrote:
Looks great; probably one of the best Tiki bars in South Carolina. I was wondering your location and how things will hold up during the winter months. I'm from Summerville, SC so I know winter season is fairly short.

Thank you for the Kind words, I'm on James Island. Gonna be first winter for the bar.I'll plan to see how it is affected, and make a plan to cover, or protect it somehow for those few months. Again, any suggestions from the experienced is always welcomed!

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bitterfishies posted on 07/28/2015

Wow! Your bar's incredible. You did an amazing job fabricating everything.

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W8N2Surf posted on 07/28/2015

What a great job, I'm sure it will serve your family and friends well. Have you sat in there during the rain yet?

M.Hendrix posted on 07/29/2015

We actually have, and was quite surprised how well it does in the rain. Light rain, you get only drips here and there. Took a good rain to start bothering you much. That said, I will be drying it in later, so I can keep the stereo and flat screen in there all the time.

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EnchantedTikiLounge posted on 07/29/2015

Absolutely love it!!! I wish had your craftsmanship! I would love to come visit sometime!!!!

M.Hendrix posted on 07/29/2015

Thank you Brian, Charleston is a wonderful place to visit! But be careful, last time I "visited", I moved here! Lol If you ever come this way, look me up on here, we built this for fun times with friends and family! And we already using it! Can't wait for football Saturday's this fall.

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EnchantedTikiLounge posted on 07/29/2015

That's how I ended up in Texas!!! LOL

If you're ever in the area look me up as well! http://www.enchantedtikilounge.com

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muskrat posted on 07/30/2015

beautiful craftsmanship!!!

M.Hendrix posted on 08/03/2015

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Finished staining the rafters, and started playing with handrail ideas.

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Kevco posted on 09/01/2015

Winner. winner, tiki chicken dinner! Thats one good looking bar! I may steal a few of those ideas in my next build.

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Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/02/2015

Very Cool! I like the roped rafters.

M.Hendrix posted on 09/02/2015

Thanks a lot everyone. Not sure it will ever be done, but we working on it. Decided to change the back bar a little. I think once the TV is in, it will work. Fingers crossed 
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M.Hendrix posted on 09/02/2015

Sorry for the sideways pics..?

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jertiki posted on 09/05/2015

Absolutely stunning. Very jealous over here. You should be proud of your work. :wink:

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bkrownd posted on 09/05/2015

Incredible! :D

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M.Hendrix posted on 09/18/2015

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Thanks again for all the kind remarks. We are enjoying this build. Got the "porch" built this week. Still a lot to do, but we are using it anyway!!! Have a safe and wonderful weekend everyone! And again, sorry pics are sideways. New phone , maybe a setting wrong? I'm a carpenter not an IT guy...?

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M.Hendrix posted on 09/19/2015

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bkrownd posted on 09/19/2015
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M.Hendrix posted on 05/15/2016

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Finally back to working on the bar after a few months down with knee surgery. Getting the bamboo railings stained. 2 more to go, they are turning out nice I think.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 05/17/2016

Looks great! Your setup looks bang on and your execution is perfect. Thanks for sharing.

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