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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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little lost tiki posted on 05/31/2015

ALOHA Ohana!
Well, How in the HECK are ya?
Been a busy week
tryin to see mad max but plans keep gettin bumped
Show preparation and all....
Well... despite all the busy-ness surrounding the studio
i did get a small pile of drawings done
Studies and reveries preparing for Tiki Oasis
both as affordable art for the people
but also STUDIES for paintings...
workin out all the compositions and themes
and picking the cream of the crop for August!

You are in for a treat
and i hope that viewing and exploring them
was as fun as thinkin em up and blazing the trail for my friends!

On 2015-05-18 01:07, swizzle wrote:
Great stuff as usual Kinny. I'm loving Wendy's sketch an THAT FIFTH DRINK is FANTASTIC. Hope i get to see it in person.

Hey Swiz!
Do i get a whiff that you may be at Tiki Oasis?
THAT would be a treat.
Your observation,i have to admit,is accurate....
it achieved all i wanted it to..
captured that sense perfectly..
Elevated it from a visual gag to an actual EXPERIENCE..
Upped a notch from the original drawing....
in fact,here they both are,JUST for you,mate!
And thank you for the continued encouragement and STOKE!

On 2015-05-18 01:48, tikicoma wrote:
Horrible stuff! Just awful!
You should just put The Fifth Drink in the mail
and send it to me to purge yourself of your shame.

Pssh! tikicoma,you must think i was born in Illinois or something
to fall for such a blatantly OBVIOUS attempt to enrich yourself
thru little effort or downright trickery...
WELL, Dear Friend,that is NO way to go thru life
All the gains will be hollow
and you will never know the struggle,thought,and hard work
it takes to maintain such a high standard of semi-quality output
can be the best reward a soul can reward itself...
While you're contemplating that
Here's a peek into the joys that can be found
in creating as opposed to acquiring an object
Here's what Henry Miller has to say about that!

On 2015-05-18 02:04, tigertail777 wrote:
God... you know your sketches are so good sometimes I have a hard time telling them from the paintings. Maybe I shouldn't say that... that would like quadruple the speed of your work to skip steps and send the earth spinning so fast we would end up going backwards in time. :wink:

Love the Mandalas... so freaking insanely intricate. Admit it you have clones of yourself. :wink:

Hey Tigertail! How have you been?
Been so laser-beam focused that i haven't had much time for catching up .
After the June Opening of the Behemoths exhibit
i look forward to visiting everyone on here
and smiling
and feeling the hair on my arms tingle
as i see all the goodies and feel the mana!
Well, the drawings are just play for bigger pieces,
but i try to finish them enough so that they are actual pieces....
There are a lot of collectors who enjoy them,
viewing them as a window into the beginnings of ideas,
the fetuses...
the seeds....
Also,they have said that they feel there is a
more tangible presence of the artist
on drawings over paintings...
The closest thing i could liken it to
would be that person who could physically imprint thoughts onto clay,
i saw it in some Forteana book....
"A psychic imprint is also an echo of an emotion,
an emotional memory of an event that occurred by those who experienced it."
it rings true a bit
unless one accounts for the HOURS of psychic imprinting
that goes into a painted masterwork..
So,by that logic
(sorry,it's the Socrates in me)
Perhaps the painting "MANA" has been tread and retread
whereas the "MANA" of the original sketch is purer and undiluted
by the hours of thought and care that go into a painting...
AND they're FUNYUNS!
Imagine just cranking out compositions
and developing them,adding details
having them revolve around FOUNTAINS
and you have what occupied a few blissful escapism evenings at the drawing board
Which i will share below..

And as for time going backwards
i am much more concerned with CERN
and the problems that could arise
if the scientists forgot to carry a 3 or something....

and you say ya like the mandalas?
Well, decide to play with perception in a few of these drawings
attempting views from different and impossible angles
echoing the Cubist's drunken view of their world....
Why not use that as a Starting point to depict our Bar Culture?
More Below,Buddy....Hope you enjoy them!

On 2015-05-18 04:32, johnnyvelvet wrote:
Your work is a divine madness! [or did someone say that already?] I wish I could create 1/1000th of the wonder you produce. Your mandalas are hypnotic, too. Good on you KR!

Thanks Buddy!
Onward and Upward!
The beauty of our movement is the freedom to explore and at least TRY things...
If they fail,at least the path was explored..
If they SUCCEED,then the rewards are obvious
and a proud papa am i!
Mahalo for the kind words and i can only hope
to inspire you all to create more so i can take a lil break!
tho probably not...

On 2015-05-18 04:55, RVICTOR wrote:
Some artists channel the creative energy of the universe like tuning into a dial of a radio. Others have broadband. The force is strong with this one.

Actually RV,
i have a massive array of coat-hangers on the studio roof
with a wire that runs into the aluminum helmet i faithfully wear while creating...
i can hear the dance of the cosmos,the groan of the celestial wheel!

On 2015-05-18 07:34, JenTiki wrote:

Perhaps you remember this picture from a while back..
"the Watering Hole"

I think the bowl in this picture needs to happen in real life. Maybe something for Wendy's next Wish List!?

That would definitely be a Wish Bowl,as it would have to be at least 18" wide...
But MAn!
What a statement that would be!
Or a Centerpiece bowl filled with fruit and flowers!
A Fountain wouldn't be a bad call on that either! Thanks for the inspiration and visit!

And now,my Fellow Tikiphiles
here are some of the drawings created this past week

the first...
"A Night to Remember"
pencil,pen,and marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper
14 x 10"

This one is a colorful bold capturing of the swirl and tumble of
a Wild evening with good friends... This is close to the feeling
experienced on MANY a tiki event...the Hukilau comes to mind....Aw MAN!

We'll start the Closeups with two unenthusiastic mugs
and a finely crafted Pseudo-Tapa festooned bowlful of CONCOCTION

a tropical fish fused with a well contented tiki
You can see how i played with the two views of this mug
as well as the upturned overhead view
Looking "down" into the container
a common device amongst the early Surrealists
and a Bowl of Fruit,of course....
Which i may or may not have nibbled from
which may or may have not been someone else's table...

Here we can see the flip side of the mug
With his world shifting around like a spin on the Zipper at the Orange County Fair
No Wonder he's Smiling so BIG!

Here's a view of our smiley friend
but with a background,to show him in relation to the
other areas jutting out and jumbling about the picture surface....
See how that works?

Below we have a cousin of my PiNGo mug and a whineybaby
who probably just needs some food or a 10-minute nap...

"Drinks before Dinner"
pencil,pen,watercolor,and marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper
10 x 14"

This piece has a nice bamboo back wall ,Two Chippy Shields
and a little Diorama-ish Side garden next to this table..
a Hibiscus sets a clear boundary to the moods of the alternating
Bowl carrying tikis sculpted on those mugs....

Here's a detail of one of the shields and the 3 Fishfloat lamps
with a very simplified rope constructed of dashes!

Alright.... Are you ready for a total Mind Feck?

"Expedition at Closing Time"
pencil,pen,watercolor,and marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper
14 x 10"

This one distills all the drinks of the evening
and how they ALL decide to chime in
around Closing Time...
Here is my frail attempt at capturing that ephemeral fleeting experience
that a lot of us share...

For this drawing,i wanted to captured tables jutting out
and small secret recesses
and cluttered tables
moist with dew
or MaiTais...
We begin with the Clamshell Bowl,a suitable centerpiece ceramic
full of delicious libations
a few sips from the Moai's topknot
and then a few quick slurps from a verdant fish and it's onto the volcano mug to the far right....

Here's a PAN BACK to reveal the lil Moai in the corner..

Here's a full view of the
angular dissection of the Volcano mug

A Purple Cannibal gnaws on a skull
while a Fish mug out of water
is wondering why he's out of water!

and we end our stumblebum tour with a stacked cartoon bamboo mug i would LOVE to make!

"Mid Day at the Village"
pencil,pen,watercolor,and marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper
10 x 14"

Decide to attempt another Bird/Face Morph on a shield...

"Still Life with Society Islands Prow"
pencil,pen,watercolor,and marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper
10 x 14"

Here's a Closeup of the Carving in the grotto with a lovely plumeria
a nice light beams down from the top of the arch,making for a dramatic display
especially with the decorated skull resting at it's base....
Oh and if you look at the previous picture,
there's my favorite cartoon bamboo Four-Cornered Dream Mug!

"the Fish Tank"
pencil,pen,watercolor,and marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper
14 x 10"

This piece was inspired a bit by Rufus and the Bahooka
and that special certain lighting
a tankful of water gives off...
as well as invent a few more mugs for the table...

Again,another plumeria,and a nice dusty old net
hanging from the ceiling...

"the Fountain"
pencil,pen,watercolor,and marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper
10 x 14"

This one was a great opportunity to create a special little world
everything fell into place on this one...
the fish float lights
the three shields on the tied bamboo wall
the fountain
the shy tiki in the undergrowth
the puffer and skull mugs
i couldn't have asked for a better set of actors to pose for this one!

"the Porthole"
pencil,sharpie,watercolor,and marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper
10 x 14"

Between Danny and Doug,the porthole has been handled perfectly
adding just a touch of the nautical to a Tiki bar's interior...
Well, seeing as i've always loved the idea of porthole aquariums
here it is....
my contribution to Portholedom...

Now ,pay attention
because here's a mug i REALLY want to do!
the Far right of this page contains the Drunken Islander
double fisting with tongue out and....
here's the clincher.....
the total unsure steps all crossed over each other..
Cracks me Up!

Well, it's late
so I'm gonna plug this Friday's Show
and call it a Night!
Thanks for all the comments
and for visiting!
made my night to hear your thoughts!


little lost tiki posted on 05/31/2015


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2015-06-14 22:50 ]

hang10tiki posted on 05/31/2015

No one makes tiki drinks look as good as you do
Me so thirsty

Dig the porthole too
Just saw 3 in a model home recently
In a room above a bed
The Hidden TVs were playing great "fish scenes"
Here are pics

Keep up the great work
Stunning as always
Your use of colors is killer


danlovestikis posted on 05/31/2015

Love Love Love waking up to more of your delicious art. Fish Tank and Porthole genius. I love the clutter of the table tops with tiki goodness. So much fun in each painting. Yesterday I stood in front of my llt mug painting from Oasis and just enjoyed myself. Thank you for continuing the joy today. Wendy

little lost tiki posted on 06/15/2015

Hello Kiddies!
I am SO thankful and delighted that our
was such a Smashing Success!
and we have all of you to Thank...
For your enthusiasm and support
and Ohana Love!What a turnout!

Doug and candy only have a handful of pieces left!
How incredible is that?

Here are a few photos of the evening to share with you...

Here's a link to the Facebook event page with TONs of photos
from the Opening...

Here's a link to ALL of the pieces in the Exhibit!

and this Saturday,We will be holding a
Docent Tour/Walkthru of the exhibition
this Saturday June 20th 7 to 10pm

With that out of the way
we can get to chattin with some friends
and THEN we'll delve into some new work

On 2015-05-31 08:34, hang10tiki wrote:
No one makes tiki drinks look as good as you do
Me so thirsty
Dig the porthole too
Just saw 3 in a model home recently
In a room above a bed
The Hidden TVs were playing great "fish scenes"
Here are pics

Keep up the great work
Stunning as always
Your use of colors is killer

Those portholes are KILLER,Jon!
What a great idea!
the whole illuminated vibe resonated as well..
The piece i had for the prehistoric category
of our Behemoth's exhibit was one of those illuminated
moving Hamm's beer style sign i adapted into
a cryptozoological peek at Mokele-Mbembe
a possible living dinosaur in the Congo...

Here's the piece...

and here it is illuminated!

Mahalos again for visiting and spending the time to leave some lil inspiring observations! Gave me a lil thrill! :)

On 2015-05-31 09:56, danlovestikis wrote:
Love Love Love waking up to more of your delicious art. Fish Tank and Porthole genius. I love the clutter of the table tops with tiki goodness. So much fun in each painting. Yesterday I stood in front of my llt mug painting from Oasis and just enjoyed myself. Thank you for continuing the joy today. Wendy

Ah Wendy!
Thank YOU for your tireless Work and Love! You are a steadfast and consistent inspiration with your energy ,talent,and sincere heart.
Love you Darling! Dan too ,i guess! :)
Made a Waterfall piece this batch and thought of you!
Keep up your tremendous output,Darlin!

Well..it's getting late
and workweek starts tomorrow
so let's hustle thru these new works...

"Still Life with Clamshell"
10 x 14"
Watercolor and marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

and a close-up....pure rushed messiness
As you may have noticed
it has been a period of prepping for Tiki Oasis
gathering painting ideas and compositional inspirations...

"the Village"
10 x 14"
Watercolor and marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

and some close-ups of the monolithic Tiki and huts...

"the Waterfall"
10 x 14"
Watercolor and marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

details of the fish float lights

a little fellow hiding behind one of the giant clamshell basins

This last piece was a LOAD of fun!
Wanted to get all messy and Splattery and Steadmanish
So i went big on this one...

"the Jungle Cave"
14 x 20"
Pen and ink and watercolor on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

and some close-ups so you all can get a gritty feel of the
splotches and splatters...

this piece was very stream-of-consciouness in the sense
it was a very shoot from the hip pencil drawing
and flicks of wet ink filled brush
and the scritchy-scratching pen nib and sumi ink!

Well... i think you are all properly caught up....
But to be fully honest
i do have an almost finished piece for Atomic Tiki Terrors
and a started piece for tiki Oasis' "Yesterday's future Today"
which have to remain hidden and Top Secret for now
but i will release hints very soon...
have a great night Ohana!
and thanks for all the Love!

little lost tiki posted on 06/15/2015

double post...oops!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2015-06-15 00:26 ]

hang10tiki posted on 06/26/2015

Awesome as always

A double post by you is always welcome...

danlovestikis posted on 06/26/2015

I think your ink blotch paintings are eerie and fun like a psychological test. The more I look the more I read into them. I don't know if I'll sleep tonight!!! Hugs at Oasis coming up, Wendy

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/30/2015

COOL-Amazing Stuff again KENNY!
anytime I need a re-CHARGE I take a read through your new thread posts!
A W E SO M E !

little lost tiki posted on 07/13/2015

Aloha Ohana!
It's almost 1:30 am and i gotta work tomorrow
but the work has been piling up
as i spill out work for Tiki Oasis!

On 2015-06-26 06:41, hang10tiki wrote:
Awesome as always

A double post by you is always welcome...

Thank you always hang10
for such enthusiasm and to feel the enjoyment you derive from these artistic outbursts...
Right on Good Sir!
Got a Bunch of goodies below
i think you'll enjoy...

On 2015-06-26 09:35, danlovestikis wrote:
I think your ink blotch paintings are eerie and fun like a psychological test. The more I look the more I read into them. I don't know if I'll sleep tonight!!! Hugs at Oasis coming up, Wendy

Dear Wendy,
You had BETTER sleep!
All that energy and creative flow needs to be nourished in DREAMLAND
THAT is the place where ideas are cultured!
Miss you darling and counting the days to OAsis!
(Don't arrive too fast,OAsis!still a lot of art to be made!)

On 2015-06-29 17:43, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
COOL-Amazing Stuff again KENNY!
anytime I need a re-CHARGE I take a read through your new thread posts!
A W E SO M E !

Thanks for the visit,bruddah!
Glad i could recharge you
and return the favor
to a gent who has provided so MUCH inspiration and energy to Tiki!
Take care of that back ,buddy!

And a Big MAHALO to all of you who visit and enjoy the work
Please come visit our suite if you're at tiki Oasis this year!
It's always so nice to meet and remeet all y'alls!

SO much work to share
and here's JUST the tip of the iceberg
to provide a momentary cool breeze
in our Polynesian paradises!

"Kahuna 3000"
acrylic on wooden skateboard deck
8.5 x 32"

a little bit of fun with the "Yesterday's Future Today" theme at tiki Oasis this year!
Here's a 3-part close up at some of the machinery involved
in this intrepid space warrior!

"Maori Totem"
acrylic on wooden skateboard deck
8.5 x 32"

Here's a 3-part close up

"The Welcome Shield"
acrylic on wooden skateboard deck
8.5 x 32"

Here's a 3-part close up

"the Longest Night"
acrylic on wooden skateboard deck
"32 x 8.5"

And of course a 3-part close up

Here's an old cutting board that was just waiting to be transformed
into a Modernist pufferfish!

acrylic on wooden cutting board
10 x 14"

Decided to create a painting
based on "the Portal" drawing a few weeks back...
"the Portal"
(not PortHole!)
acrylic on wood
with a Bamboo Ben frame
13 x 13"
16.5 x 16.5" w/frame

Here's just the piece...

i LOVE this little stumble-Bum mug fellow...
Mr. Double-Fister!

Here's a piece finally finished
that was based on "the Watering Hole" drawing from a while back..

"The Contest"
acrylic on wood
14 x 20"

and some closeups of the Challengers!

and here's another one based on an older drawing/concept...
Remember Kids,always keep a sketchbook
AND USE IT! Record those painting ideas for a Rainy Day!

"the Inconsolable Mug"
Acrylic on wood
20 x 14"

What a Grump!

and some closeups of some of the other players in this bar room drama..

Also decided to do some fun

"Thankful Ku"
Ink and marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper
14 x 20"

and a closeup so you can get a textural thrill!

Now the inte3resting thing is that
when working with the wet ink
i would press the excess onto another sheet
essentially getting TWO different versions of a drawing...

Ink and marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper
14 x 20"

That's all i have for now
it's WAAAAY past my bedtime
and i got's work tomorrow!
Well... Sweet Dreams Ohana
until next we sail together!

hang10tiki posted on 07/14/2015

Holy skateboard heaven
More awesomeness from the master

Wish I had one of those boards as a kid
because it would have been to kool to use
So I could have avoided all those injuries


LoriLovesTiki posted on 07/14/2015

Great stuff, Kinny!

little lost tiki posted on 07/22/2015

FULL BORE locked into Oasis/End of the Year Secret Thang Preparation
and SOON you will be in the midst of that creative explosion

But first...
I'd like to chat with some friends
who were kind enough to leave some comments
and then we will proceed...

On 2015-07-13 17:53, hang10tiki wrote:
Holy skateboard heaven
More awesomeness from the master
Wish I had one of those boards as a kid
because it would have been to cool to use
So I could have avoided all those injuries

Well Thanks hang10,old chummy!
Maybe these boards will save a few kids from injury...
Trying to assess my time before oasis
to see if i can make some more
But i need to pain some mugs and bowls
and woodburns
and small paintings
and a Coloring book in the works
OOPs! Did i let that slip?

Yes...if the Tikigods smile upon this endeavor
then i will have a Coloring book
with at LEAST 18 brand new Never Seen pieces of work!
Exquisite drawings for you to color up!
Wish i could share,but i shall as we approach the BIG Event!
Awwwwww Okay..... Just this one lil sneaky peek!

On 2015-07-13 18:35, LoriLovesTiki wrote:
Great stuff, Kinny!

Well hello Stranger!
How in the HECK are you?
Well.... if you DUG the last batch,this new cluster will be sure to delight!
Thank YOU sooo much for visiting this thread.
i promise to strive to amaze and inspire every entry!
Well, first, I'll share an offering for the "Atomic Tiki Terrors" exhibition at
Tobunga's "Creature features" gallery...
this exhibition honored the atomic monsters of the old 50's atomicploitation films
with a poly-pop twist...
Here is my entry
:Atomic Tiki Terror"
Acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with a Bamboo Ben frame

Here it is at the exhibit....

Here's the sketchbook study that started it all....

and here are some details of the painting..

and that's ACTUAL Japanese Katakana (like Kanji-but phonetic,as opposed to pictogram)

Besides completing 18 coloring book pages
an Art Supply Warehouse Spree included some 6x8" watercolor pads
so with ink/Copic marker/and other medium
i began to just spew out ideas for pieces
with the double purpose of becoming affordable small drawings/pieces for Oasis
an opportunity for those who can't afford a painting
to still be able to bring to their hut
an original piece of art
drawn and thunk up by the artist...

Well anyways.here are the fruits of this art ESPLOSION
for your enjoyment....

See if you can guess WHAT medium
i used on each piece...

"Double Tongue"


"Jungle Night"

"Land of the Volcanoes"

"Morning path"

"Neon Still Life 1"

"Neon Still Life 2"


"Polynesian Night"

"the Clamshell"

"the Dispute"

"the Lonely Conversation"

"the Lost Pearl"
(private collection)

"the Meal"

"the Nightwatch"

"the Talker"

"the Thirsty Jaws"

"the Village at noon"

"the Warrior"

"Trippy Tapa"


"Waterfall Village"


Well, i hope you have enjoyed this journey behind the paintings
the ideas
the MEAT

Anyways.... seeing as i still have a day job
i must leave you,dear Ohana

i hope your eyes and heart are Happy!

danlovestikis posted on 07/23/2015

I waited until I retired to make my art. You must spend every free hour working on yours. THANK YOU. Your art makes us so happy and delighted. Your spirit makes us joyful. Your creative genius make us humble. You rock. Wendy

little lost tiki posted on 08/13/2015

I will be vending with those three powerhouses Thor,Crazy Al,and Doug Horne in the Lanai Suite 3 all Weekend!We will be having a Sip-n-Shop on Friday 4pm to 6pm sponsored by our good friends at Deadhead Rum,Apocalypto Tequila,and Galliano, who will be serving their "Walking Dead" and "Gray matter" cocktails! And while your sipp'n and suppin,you can soak yourself in Mugs,Bowls,Original Paintings and Drawings,Shrunken heads,Prints,Woodburns,and even Coloring books!
Wow! Can it get any better?!?!

little lost tiki posted on 08/22/2015

Aloha Ohana!

Finally recovered from post-Oasis exhaustion
So many memories and not ONE picture taken....
Now THAT is FULL IMMERSION,my friends....
Saw a LOT of old friends
MET a LOT of new folks
Highlights were....got to experience Amy Boylan's Spectacular Spaceship Room!
and allowing my Spirit Hut to leave with two wonderful friends,Roger and June.
June hails from the Solomon Islands and is just the apotheosis of happiness.
This painting reminded her of home,and being able to give such special folks a painting that could help keep those memories alive and nearby has got to be the greatest gift an artist could ever grant...worth more than all the tiki mugs in the world!

Another Sunny spot was my hug from Wendy..a time honored and cherished tradition whenever our paths cross at Oasis!
Speaking our dear 2 million maiden....

On 2015-07-22 20:34, danlovestikis wrote:
I waited until I retired to make my art. You must spend every free hour working on yours. THANK YOU. Your art makes us so happy and delighted. Your spirit makes us joyful. Your creative genius make us humble. You rock. Wendy

Wendy! it was SO great to see you over the course of the event! Your smile always refuels my heart,and keeps me on the path of making art...Such a tight sense of family and love we artists in this group share! As for "every free hour" working on art.... Well, after required sleep,a few naps,and four days a week of work-work,YES! Most of the rest of the time is dedicated to painting or the creation of said art objects!
I am glad my work brings you as much joy as your work and gentle nature brings this community and myself! You're such a treasure,Wendy! and i LOVE Dan's beard! Mountain man!

Well....got a Lot of goodies to share and am going MINIATURE GOLFING TONIGHT
so i need to post these and STILL get some painting time in before then
so let us proceed,mmm?

Tiki Oasis Art Show!

So many Great Pieces! Congrats all!

Here is my piece for the show...
"Polynesian Techno Mandala"
Acrylic on wood

and here are some details....
Techno KU with Power Source

Robo Pufferfish


Titanium PNG shield

another Techno KU

and the sentient Brain of the machine
the preserved Shrunken head,all wired up...

Here are some new woodburns...

i titled these,but forgot them in the heat of packing/prep week
so let's just look at them,m'kay?

The above were created via pyrography (woodburning)
on wood with a wash of acrylic and some creme hi-lights!

Here are some of the hand-painted TikiFarm KAINOA Bowls
that were hand-painted with love for my friends!
I had painted both FINISHED ceramics with enamel
and enamel/acrylic painted Bisques
(the Bisques were sealed with a Polymer Resin
so they have a thick shiny coating-tho the bisque versions are NOT safe for drinking-Collecting Only)
Anyways,enough of the caveats

Kainoa bowl
Three Kings Edition
hand painted enamel on bisque

King Ku decided to take a lil break
during the photoshoot and soak his feet!

Here's a Spinaround

Kainoa bowl
Kilauea Edition
hand painted enamel on bisque
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Kainoa bowl
Far East Edition
hand painted enamel on bisque
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Kainoa bowl
Aqua Edition
hand painted bisque
sealed with a hi-gloss polymer
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Kainoa bowl
Bone Edition
hand painted glazed ceramic
(Safe for drinking)
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Kainoa bowl
Morning breeze Edition
hand painted glazed ceramic
(Safe for drinking)
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Kolohe Mug
"Pele's Chalice" Edition
"Magma" Edition
Hand-painted bisque mugs
sealed in a polymer resin

Lil Kolohe
gets to meet some of his more interesting cousins...
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Uh-Oh.... Looks like a Mob is a'gathering!
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Kolohe mugs
Golfinger Edition
C-3-POi Edition
Pele's Chalice Edition
Electric Blue Edition
Jungle Morning Edition
Magma Edition
Hand-painted bisque mugs
Some with Acrylic....Some with Enamel
sealed in a polymer resin
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Electric Blue Edition
Jungle Morning Edition
Magma Edition
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Pele's Chalice Edition
Electric Blue Edition
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Golfinger Edition
C-3-POi Edition
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Also got to Embellish some Masterworks of the brilliant MP
A SuperAwesomeCollab piece...
MP was kind enough to glaze the insides
but leave the outside bisque
to make BE-A-Utiful!

Hand painted Atomic Bob and Square bob
Carved by Mikel Parton
and hand-painted with acrylic by myself
PNG and SquareBob Tapa Editions
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Also got to play with Swizzle's Bob-O-Nuts
Hand painted Bob-o-Nuts
Carved by Robbie Toth
and hand-painted by myself
Sun Puffer and Gold Puffer Editions
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Also... took a chance and pushed these thru in just enough time for Oasis! It was a BEAR checking and double checking the layout,because it would have required a Sample copy first,and then the run of 100... unfortunately this project was a Spur-of-the-moment dealio,so i just said a silent prayer and ordered 100 copies..... and Providence Smiled
and they turned out beautiful!
and i still have around 40 left
which i plan to sell at the International Marketplace Whatever it's called at Don the Beachcombers on Sept 12th
There,you can get a signed copy before i reveal how to get infinite copies ONLINE!
Ain't you excited? i am!
So many smiles are trapped within these pages!
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Anyways, gotta unpack and try and get some painting done before MINIATURE GOLF tonight! it's the Simple things...
Aloha til we sail side-by-side SOON!

little lost tiki posted on 08/22/2015


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2015-08-22 11:48 ]

hang10tiki posted on 08/22/2015

Man o man what a page
Dig da Bob-0-nuts
Great to see you at Oasis even if only for a few


danlovestikis posted on 08/22/2015

Right on with the joyfulness this was a terrific post. I just love all that you do and in person how your spirit shines. Changing Swizzles Bob-O-Nut to a puffer was genius. It was great to see you. Dan is my mountain man. He is loving not having to shave. See you at Marketplace one day in the future. Hugs from Dan and I

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/22/2015

Those some good nuts!

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 08/24/2015

GROG like.

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GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2015-08-23 22:02 ]

little lost tiki posted on 09/10/2015

Hello Fellow Explorers!
Well, it's been Busy,as usual
but the time has come where i can share a BUNCH of work with y'alls!
Some new new new
some conceived a while back
but due to Secrecy Clauses and Such
Can FINALLY be revealed!

But first.....
let's chat for a spell!

On 2015-08-22 12:49, hang10tiki wrote:
Man o man what a page
Dig da Bob-0-nuts
Great to see you at Oasis even if only for a few

Hey Jon! Great seeing you as well!I've found the BEST time/place to visit during Oasis is 3am by the pool!
The Best conversations happen THEN!
Try it next year!

On 2015-08-22 13:20, danlovestikis wrote:
Right on with the joyfulness this was a terrific post. I just love all that you do and in person how your spirit shines. Changing Swizzles Bob-O-Nut to a puffer was genius. It was great to see you. Dan is my mountain man. He is loving not having to shave. See you at Marketplace one day in the future. Hugs from Dan and I

Thank you Dear Wendy!Always a joyful moment when we meet up! How you have SO much energy for events and an army of masterworks is beyond me....

On 2015-08-22 14:23, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Those some good nuts!

On 2015-08-23 21:57, GROG wrote:
GROG like.

Thanks Boys! YOU two are my favorite NUTS!

First things first...
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Yeah.... Looks like we can finally let the cat out of the bag!
Doug,Toesy,and myself were graciously invited to help adorn the walls
at the Tikifarm 15 year anniversary exhibition this November!
Flounder (Scott Scheidley) and Michelle Bickford will be having exhibits there as well....
What a night that will be!
Filled with ohana and over-the-top stellar art!
Can you handle it?!?!?!

Anyways... Besides creating some work for the exhibit,us three gargantuans were also tasked to create Mugs in Celebration of 15 years of TikiFarm!
One of the mugs-the anniversary one
is hidden somewhere on this thread,but that's all you get
The other one CAN be revealed
Because it's just a mug,not an Anniversary mug...
Working name so far..... Modfish!
Here's some glaze samples....
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and here's one of the side art concepts i originally sent Holden...
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We each plan on creating 7-9 pieces,at least,for this event
Which has been this boy's main preoccupation since Oasis in August...

First piece...
Well, since i finished it before sharing some progress pieces
You're only going to see details of this one..
i will reveal the ENTIRE painting right before showtime....
This piece will have a Maori feel...
It's based loosely on a picture rendered for the new Coloring Book...
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Next piece is fresh and only 2 sessions in...
Painted on wood,this one will require layer after layer of washes/glazes
After sketching it in pencil onto the wood
here's the messy first beginnings...
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Second Session
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This THIRD piece for the show will be the "showcase" piece.
Us three decided to paint a 24 x 36 central work that we could circle the other pieces around...
So... studies first...
Oh! The painting is entitled "Too Much Information"
dealing with that drunken blabbermouth that shows up every once in a while in all of our lives...

This piece is also a result from the drawing jag for the coloring book last month
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Next step-buy a Beautiful 24 x 36 piece of wood...
and get the initial drawing down onto it... (that took a whole day!)
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and some closeups...
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Footnote: Derek Monkeyman Weaver created a few BEAUTIFUL frames for Doug
it just Elevated the work..
Gorgeous Art with a frame that complimented it Perfectly!
Here's the one from Mr' Horne's "Tiki Temple" entry
at our "Blood Orgy of the Behemoths" exhibit during the summer this year...
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Anyways,Monkeyman was contacted and he agreed to carve a frame
for this important painting in this important show!
Here are 2 of the sketches i sent him...
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Once the initial base drawing was finished
a 10 hour painting session ensued
and here is the product of such a productive day!
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some closeups...
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Recognize this fellow?
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and after another 7-8 hours
Here is how it looks today...
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and some more details
piecing together the narrative
as the viewer notices that the drunken Chatty Ku
is relaying his deep secrets to more than ONE ear!
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I'll be working on this painting Saturday at Don the Beachcombers!
Tommy will be working on his LaLuz piece there as well...

Here's my promo writeup describing this Event...
"this Saturday's International TIKI Marketplace at Don the Beachcombers from 10 am to 3pm!
Myself and BigToe will be Live painting at our booths,
frantically finishing up masterpieces for this November's la Luz de Jesus exhibition!
Our Art Brother,the esteemed Doug Horne will be there as well,
tho his artistic techniques are not suitable for the public,
so he will just be vending...
even Bamboo Ben will be there!
Anyways, i'll have a handful of art,
maybe some woodburns,
a ton of original drawings and of course,
the new Tiki Coloring Book created a mere month ago
and already providing delight and wonder to thousands!
Saturday September 12th 10am to 3pm
16278 Pacific Coast Highway,Huntington Beach,CA 92649
Hope to see y'alls there! Free Hugs!"

As mentioned above
Besides LIVE PAINTING with Toe
I'll have some paintings
original drawings
hand painted ceramics
and Coloring Books!
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Speaking of Coloring Books AND original Drawings
I'll have a large percentage of the ORIGINAL drawings created FOR the Coloring Book
and available for you to adopt!

Here they are!
"Wishful Thinking"
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"Undersea Sentinel"
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"Valley of the Flowers"
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"the Wandering Bowl"
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"the Village Drummer"
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"the SunBringers"
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"the Retreating Clouds"
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"the Kiwis"
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"the Fountain"
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"the Drunken Mug"
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"the Content Moai"
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"the Celebration"
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"Playing with Fire"
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"Inside the Crowded Hut"
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"Hawaiaan Reaper"
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"Baby Cannibal"
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I will leave you with this picture
from the Behemoths Drunken Docent Tour
scouring over notes before the walkthru began....
Good night Ohana!
Thanks for the visits!
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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/10/2015

I dig the Modfish mugs, kinny they are (in my lowest octave voice) GROOVY!

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swizzle posted on 09/10/2015

That 'showcase' piece is looking insane. Nice work Kinny.

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seagoat posted on 09/11/2015

Nice, so much art! Modfish looks cool. Custom frames look cool. Hmm, I see a pineapple vessel with a 15 on it. The Moai bowl looks cool as well. hmm....

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zerostreet posted on 09/11/2015

Awesome stuff as always Ken!

cy posted on 09/11/2015

A schmorgasborgian cornucopia of artistic delights Ken!

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/81a5d3f766871321c0bea7e11961b900?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
RVICTOR posted on 09/13/2015

You are the fabulous Picasso of Tiki.

hang10tiki posted on 09/14/2015

Holy crud
At first I started remembering the names of the art I liked and wanted to comment on.
However there are way too many to remember, love them all!!!!
Dude, you are freaking awesome

little lost tiki posted on 09/14/2015

Hola Ohana!
What a Great time was had at Don's on Saturday!
Biggest turnout EVER!
So many friendly faces
lots of hub-bub and hullabaloo!
and a Big Thank you to all the peoples who stopped by the booth
asked questions
contributed banter
and adopted a lil bit of kinny!
Live painting was a great way to kill 2 birds with one stone...
aaaaand i got a lot of hugs
got to harass and hassle people
and got to tell a few "so so wrong" jokes with a few lucky individuals

tho....as an aside,and this is not to judge,just an observation...
bring me some GOOD jokes....
all you've had were old tired stale chestnuts...
i appreciate the effort and sharing
but please people....
it would be nice to get a real clever joke every few events....

Here's some pics taken by friends there!
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I'll be there October 10th
with my fellow art buffoons the Horne and the Toe
and rumor has it,another talented and well loved member of our art family...
more news later....

On 2015-09-10 01:37, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
I dig the Modfish mugs, kinny they are (in my lowest octave voice) GROOVY!

Thanks Lancey!
Wonderful seeing your smiling profile
and sharing a moment on Saturday
ya hot Topic old punk! :)
and Jungle ginger was sly and sweet and lovely as per usual....
Would love to produce a range of the colors ,as they would be great little home objects
not only as mugs for the Modernist Tiki Environ
but also can be utilized as...
cereal bowls
Coffee mugs
candy dishes
mini fish bowls
a place to float your lotus
a desk paperclip holder
to name a few!
So be sure and get a bunch
as i'd like to encourage Tikifarm and Holden to expand upon this concept...
mugs,bowls,shots,a pitcher,ashtray
the possibilities are shouting to be brought to reality

On 2015-09-10 02:01, swizzle wrote:
That 'showcase' piece is looking insane. Nice work Kinny.

Thanks Swiz! i plan on at least another 12 to 20 hours
to make it snazzy and give it that OOMPH
Grateful for the encouragement!
That was another great thing about live painting at Don's last Saturday...
Getting folks engaged
answering questions
explaining the narrative
unveiling techniques and mediums.
it was humbling to hear such sweet things from the Ohana
so,if an afternoon of drunken Tikiphiles is a litmus test for how the piece will be received....
then,so far so good! :)

On 2015-09-11 13:01, seagoat wrote:
Nice, so much art! Modfish looks cool. Custom frames look cool. Hmm, I see a pineapple vessel with a 15 on it. The Moai bowl looks cool as well. hmm....

It's nice to know the ol' seagoat still has his peepers all eagle-eyed!
Have you ever looked at a goat's pupils?
they resemble the spinning hexagon on Saturn's poles
(supposed proof of tetrahedral/Hyper-dimensional geometry
and Torque Physics/Fusion that Hoagland writes about....)
but anyways...
More on that later...
Due to "punishable by Death" Disclosure agreements with Das TikiFarm
we can slowly give y'alls sneak peeks and teasers of the Anniversary mugs ,but
no finished product revelations until we get closer to the exhibition....
As for the Moai Bowl... would love an "A-OK" Moai bowl to be produced....
always try to put personal favorite/dream mugs,in the hopes
someone will help me get them produced...
Thanks for all the nice words and thumbs ups!
Makin me feel like i'm on the right path...

On 2015-09-11 16:12, zerostreet wrote:
Awesome stuff as always Ken!

Thanks zero!
Always pushing it
not always achieving the desired results
Thank you again,Art Brother.... Ohana from afar who shares the artistic journey and struggle!
Your Mai-Tais at Zero-G was a delight to behold at Oasis!
and you nailed the Keane Eyes on that Thrift Store Find
those lips on that fezzed monkey-gent cracks me up...
he is so Ownin it!
so i would have to return the "Awesome Stuff" observation in your direction as well....

On 2015-09-11 16:17, cy wrote:
A schmorgasborgian cornucopia of artistic delights Ken!

Thanks Cy!
Glad i could spread some retinal damage...
How's that shield guarding your hut?
is he doing his job?
i told him you don't tolerate slackers!

On 2015-09-12 22:47, RVICTOR wrote:
You are the fabulous Picasso of Tiki.

RV,you are always too generous with your words...
i could only hope to one small part of his genius
i feel like a beta-tape and Picasso is the HD
He IS an artist to strive to emulate
his drive
his knowledge
his bravery and confidence
To be honest....
last weekend i felt a bit like Picasso.....
and here's why...
it was HAWT in the studio
Californy is being mean as of late
and Sweltering us poor artists in our concrete hot boxes...
Sooo, i was painting and hangin at the studio
in my unnerpants all day!
feelin like Picasso....
Would love to attempt some kind of Tiki Guernico
given the time....
Anyways,Thank you again for the visit!

On 2015-09-13 20:36, hang10tiki wrote:
Holy crud
At first I started remembering the names of the art I liked and wanted to comment on.
However there are way too many to remember, love them all!!!!
Dude, you are freaking awesome

and you are hilarious and so giving with sharing your amazement and delight!
That's our jobs as artists,to inspire and move the viewer...
Glad and feelin blessed that is the result of these aimless scrawlins and smatterings!
Thank you!

Alrighty.... didn't get enough progress on "Too Much Information" at Don's on Saturday..
So i will spare you all the repetition ...

BUT! Seeing as i had a Maori style drinking totem
it should be balanced with some Hawaiian Ku gents having a slurp!

Since our last conversation
Was able to squeeze in three sessions on a new piece for November
and decided to throw in a Kainoa bowl!
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Here is the first session
a nice blue ground to offset the cadmium orange of it's twin piece...
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and a close-up
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Second session
more mustard and some cream
the mustard will start to take on an olive hue as it interacts with the aquq blue ground...
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and a close-up
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Third session
Latest one...
More shading and naples yellow added for hi-lights...
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Some close-ups...
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Well, that is all, cherished visitors!
Thanks so much for poppin by!
More surprises in store
so keep them peepers peeled
like seagoat!

danlovestikis posted on 09/14/2015

I really enjoyed seeing the photo of you painting. When you are "down to work" you look very handsome. That photo shows your serious side. Concentrating to produce wonderful tiki art. It's a perfect day when you post here. I enjoy your poetic comments too. Wendy

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/81a5d3f766871321c0bea7e11961b900?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
RVICTOR posted on 09/16/2015

Dont sell yourself short LLT. After studying Picasso myself and discovering the design elements that he incorporates into his work, I can spot the same elements being used in other peoples work from time to time. While you have a style all your own, I see some of those same elements buried in your work. It's cool to see, hense the reference.
If it's intentional, I praise you for your scholarship. If its unintentional, then your either channeling Picasso or he's taken possession of your body...either way keep painting until you physically can't do it anymore...then seek an exorcist.

Your work is always interesting and fun too look at. Love the Tiki Farm stacking bowls.

little lost tiki posted on 09/28/2015

Hello Dear friends and Ohana!
How Ah Ya?
Well... Been working on a LOT lately!
a commission for a logo (i rarely take commissions,but this one wasn't too much work...)
Also,last minute mug stuff (box labels,etc) glaze approvals...
and paintings for the Nov. Tiki Farm 15 year Anniversary Exhibition!
and,of course...
the 4-day work week..
it does get taxing,
but weariness is just a sign
that a lot of good stuff is getting done!

Let me reply to some friends
and then we'll get cracking
on catching y'alls up with
some of the exciting things and
special moments that have been kind enough to circle the studio...

On 2015-09-14 08:30, danlovestikis wrote:
I really enjoyed seeing the photo of you painting. When you are "down to work" you look very handsome. That photo shows your serious side. Concentrating to produce wonderful tiki art. It's a perfect day when you post here. I enjoy your poetic comments too. Wendy

Why thank you Wendy!i think our true selves bubble up when immersed in the act of producing art...it just kinda slips out of it's own accord and guides the piece... i imagine that's when we all look our best...You are just the sweetest art sister anyone could have!

On 2015-09-15 19:55, RVICTOR wrote:
Dont sell yourself short LLT. After studying Picasso myself and discovering the design elements that he incorporates into his work, I can spot the same elements being used in other peoples work from time to time. While you have a style all your own, I see some of those same elements buried in your work. It's cool to see, hense the reference.
If it's intentional, I praise you for your scholarship. If its unintentional, then your either channeling Picasso or he's taken possession of your body...either way keep painting until you physically can't do it anymore...then seek an exorcist.
Your work is always interesting and fun too look at. Love the Tiki Farm stacking bowls.

Aloha RVictor! and thank you again for your insightful posts...
Being an artist first
and Tiki artist second
I have always had a love for Artists and Art history
spanning across All Cultures and Time Periods..
Bruegel,Blake,Bosch,Durer,Hokusai,Thomas hart Benton,Diego Rivera,Dali,Picasso,jack Kirby...
These and many more i have admired and delved into their work,lives,and times...
Each one has certain narratives,certain underlying messages/opinions,and special symbols that act as a strange cast of characters to each artist's work...
The more an artist of today can learn and expand upon any of these masters
the more likely that Fine Art will survive and retain some of the roots that made it great
Unlike the jumbled branding and celebrity spotlight spectacle that high art has become today.
So yes...Sir... Picasso dared and took chances...not many artists do that..have the confidence for that...wish to gamble with their audience/popularity...but THAT is where the truly exciting and surprising stuff is born!And while there are many artists who achieve great works and stay within a comfortable realm,Picasso is king of just going for it...
Creativity is a gift every time it visits..it is the artist's duty to do their research,keep up practice ,and to always try new things that inspiration lays before them...
Mahalo for the visit and I'm happy that they provide an enjoyable interesting experience!

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Well, it's BECAUSE of this upcoming exhibition that i am able to share a thing of
Absolute beauty with you all...

Here is the story of how a painting frame is born!

Well, "Too Much Information" the 24 x 36" showcase piece for my offerings to the exhibit
needed a frame that would compliment and elevate this masterwork...
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Step One...
sketch out some motifs...
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Arrange them in a few configurations...
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Well, after sending these to Monkeyman Derek Weaver
and allowing him ample breathing room to follow HIS creative voice
He melded our two aesthetics and ....
Here is a closeup tour of his Breathtaking frame for this piece...

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First off, notice how he captured the Ruzic Wonkiness with a frame that is NOT
a straight edged member of the frame community
but an assembled and
slightly jumbled collection
of what appears to be
wooden blocks carved with tapa-ish elements...

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Derek used both router and chisel to translate this into reality...
He nailed that skull!

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And his care and attention to this simple landscape just made my eyes GLOW!

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Another great detail he carried from the studies
were the wood distressing and cracks that i like to use...
you can see these on both the seahorse and the tribal mark next to the landscape....

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Here's a close-up of the Seahorse...

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Such Texture! He added some stitching to the drum
which resembled a root beer float until the addition...
Good Call!

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Here's a FISH!

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Some more Masterful Texture!

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Here's a close-up of the coconut mug.
Please notice the clever way Derek carved this...
it's tri-level!

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Some flowers,tapa markings,and a signature Maori face...

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Again,notice the weathered wood markings...Perfect!

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It's amazing the amount of detail and texture crammed into each area...
and man! Running one's hand along it
is like a smooth chocolate creamy tapa braille...

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What's a frame without a modernist Pineapple?

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Lil PNG face and another fishy!

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This is a good picture to appreciate the "stacked" look of the frame areas...

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and we end our around-the-frame tour with a sun,
a gorgeous leaf
and a cleverly executed starfish...

See? i told you it was STUNNING!!!
Well...as each piece for this show becomes more completed
i have to start showing details
until RIGHT BEFORE the exhibit...

So here are a few of the areas and progress made
on the "Too Much Information" piece...
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a Detail of the table top
with PiNGo looking up in surprise at the Information being revealed...

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This clever Moai on the foreground bowl
gives us the "A-OK" sign concerning said confession being overheard...

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The Kolohe/Crybaby mug got a bit more attention this weekend...

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Worked on some of the lighting from the colored fish floats...

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and enhanced this croc/bird sculpture on a high shelf...

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Here's a detail of the lamp so far...

Now... one of the requirements of this exhibit
is to include our TikiFarm 15 year anniversary mugs
in the painting....

So, here is my "Poko-Ono" mug/shotglass
looking pretty good so far
in the Open Line glaze colorway of this design...
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More details and actual photos SOON!
I believe it's due for release in November...

Well... there's more to share,
but I'm gonna hold back
and just let all of this soak in....

Thank you for the visits and comments
They always bring tropical warmth to the studio
and my heart...

Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/28/2015


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Holler Waller posted on 09/28/2015

Wada Painting - Wada Frame!! Extra BeeeUtiful Together.

danlovestikis posted on 09/28/2015

That whole deserves a SUPER WOW! Mouth Open, eyes wide. That's so incredibly special. Wendy

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/28/2015


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tikiskip posted on 09/28/2015

Very, Very cool!
Great job both of you!
The fine detail in that frame, wow.

Tiki art duets are always fun to see.

Can we see a shot of the whole thing frame and all?

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swizzle posted on 09/29/2015

That frame is mad. Suits the painting perfectly.

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KAHAKA posted on 10/02/2015

Hurts my head with all this awesome. Two geniuses at work together. Much respect, tiki mastersons!!! Great tag teaming.


little lost tiki posted on 10/21/2015

Aloha Tiki Peeps!
Well, it's been awhile
as i've been prepping for the BIG MONDO TIKI exhibition
in celebration of Tiki Farm's 15th year,as of late...
My Fellow Behemoth/Titan/Gargantuas are also cooking up some goodies!
Over 30 pieces between us to adorn the walls!
And BooBen is constructing the environment for the exhibit!
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Got to work on some wood-burning at the last Don's International Tiki Marketplace
Got a lot of progress done,and got to teach a bunch of folks (big and little) the beauty of pyrography...Does it gt any better?
Well...it MAY GET BETTER because i will be wood-burning AGAIN in December at Don's!
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Well, before we go exploring
Let's answer some of the nice comments y'alls left..

On 2015-09-28 05:46, Tiki Shark Art wrote:

Mahalo Brad! Your Night Marchers are slowly solidifying and the stairs are finally perfect! You make da magic,brah! Here comes the fun part....if you manage to unpeel yourself from that gorgeous Fury Road book!

On 2015-09-28 11:59, Holler Waller wrote:
Wada Painting - Wada Frame!! Extra BeeeUtiful Together.

Thanks Holler! Finally finished the OOMPH! on the painting and began sealing it... There's something about sealing a piece that just brings out the luster! Can't wait to share it with y'alls! Soon.....

On 2015-09-28 12:24, danlovestikis wrote:
That whole deserves a SUPER WOW! Mouth Open, eyes wide. That's so incredibly special. Wendy

Thanks Wendy! It's always a thrill to have you come visit...PLUS,i am honored that you will be tackling that Kinnybowl! Sorry the first steps kind of went haywire,but i see a Beautiful Bowl just waiting to be born! Hugs and well wishes,Art-Sister!

On 2015-09-28 13:43, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:

Many thanks Hot Topic!

On 2015-09-28 14:45, tikiskip wrote:
Very, Very cool!
Great job both of you!
The fine detail in that frame, wow.
Tiki art duets are always fun to see.
Can we see a shot of the whole thing frame and all?

Hey Tikiskip!Many mahalos! Well, it was quite a fun and easy collaboration...Derek has a great ability to translate a piece of art to wood,thinking of it in 3-dimensional terms...
i just sent him the sketches and let him do what he had to do,not interrupting his creative path to make the bestest frame around,and as you saw,the results were Over-the-Top! Unfortunately,we can't reveal the final pieces until the show is up and ready for ogling...but believe you me...Doug,and Tommy,and myself have slaved over these to bring the Very Best to the walls of laLuz and to bring suitable respect to Tiki Farm during their 15 year anniversary exhibit.... Soon,Skip,soon.....

On 2015-09-29 06:33, swizzle wrote:
That frame is mad. Suits the painting perfectly.

Thank you,Swiz! Glad you're stoked with the results...i think the patrons will be quite amazed ....

On 2015-10-01 21:03, KAHAKA wrote:
Hurts my head with all this awesome. Two geniuses at work together. Much respect, tiki mastersons!!! Great tag teaming.

Sorry about the headache,Woody! Collabs are the BEST!

So...for today, i will take you thru the steps concerning how a Pyrographical work
is created....
Birch and basswood are the most suitable woods for my Colwood wood-burner
an extra hot tip is required so the pen can move as fast as the artist's hand..
Starting with a 12 x 36" piece of wood,let us begin our journey here....

Sketching lightly in pencil,i establish the flow of the waterfall..
NOTE: use only light lead pencils-DO NOT use wax colored pencils-they will gum up your tip!
Here is a whole shot of session ONE-sketching and some burning started...
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and here's some close-ups...
This part of the pyrography is mostly just to get the outlines and shapes of the objects....
the huts
the water
the vegetation...
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The great part of this phase is that one can compare the already finished areas
with the pencil sketches...Do not be afraid to edit the pencil sketch.....THAT is how a piece Evolves!YOU WILL SEE THAT IN ACTION LATER
when i drop one hut and decide to go ALL OUT on the Bridge!
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Here's the middle area,where the bridge will be placed...
unbeknowest to this artist.....
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Here it is,with the top of the piece revealed in relation to that area...
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Here is the Hut on the small island in the middle...
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and some more details from this first session...
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Got a lil bit more wood burnt...
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Almost everything
except the middle "Bridge" area...
the bridge would be too small with that extra hut
so a lil bit of thinkin could come in handy.....
We'll review the Sketchbook musings in a minute....
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Session Four/Day Four
Time for tinting! Decided to break out the brush and begin the lighting and shading
on this piece....after adding some of the rushing water
the bridge can wait....for now....
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Here's some of the close-ups...Note-the pencil is erased BEFORE tinting with the Burnt umber...that way,the under drawing is hidden,and the believability of the world pictured is re-inforced...
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Session Five/Day Five
First,we'll try and figure out the Bridge..
the sketched one is small and not worthy of note....
If this piece is to be titled after a bridge-it better earn it!

First off,Let me share the original sketch for this piece
Along with stylized vegetation,derived from many sources...
old sketchbooks,Balinese Paintings and Turkish miniatures.
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Arched Bridge or Suspension bridge?
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Some quick Croc Bridge studies and the vision is beheld!
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Decided to woodburn this LIVE at Don's
during their International Tiki Marketplace
What a Blast!
Here is what i accomplished that day....
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and here's the BRIDGE!
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Session Six/Day Six
Time to tint the WATER!
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Session Seven/Day Seven
Tinting the Vegetation!
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i used only two olives for the greenery,a brown,a light gold,and the turquoise
Also the Burnt umber for shading... i allowed the ground color of the wood to peek thru...
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AND ,After one more session,it is finished....
While i can't show the piece in entirety yet..
i CAN show details..
So here they are!
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And here is an extreme close-up just for you!
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Well, that's all i have the energy to share today...
i hope you enjoyed all the close-ups and a chance to hike around this
pyrographical Wonder!

Thanks for the visit and wonderful comments!

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swizzle posted on 10/21/2015


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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/21/2015

Soooo much detail, my eyes are bleeding!!!

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seagoat posted on 10/21/2015

Nice, outstanding as usual. Thanks for showing the process. Excited to see it soon. Cheers!

hang10tiki posted on 10/22/2015

What Swiz said ...

little lost tiki posted on 11/15/2015

Aloha Dear Ohana!
Still recovering from the Awesomeness that was
the Mondo Tiki 15 year Anniversary Exhibition!
Here's the thread in the Events Section!
Here's a link to the la Luz gallery page...
More of that Later!
have a LOT to share with you kids
So let's chitty-chat with the ohana
and then carry on with some recollections
and an explosion of inspiration...

On 2015-10-21 01:26, swizzle wrote:

Yes,Mr. Toth....
Anything is possible
if one is inspired and determined...

On 2015-10-21 02:15, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Soooo much detail, my eyes are bleeding!!!

I am glad they healed up and you and JG were able to share
and visually absorb the Exhibition Opening
and Tiki Ti shenanigans! HOT TOPIC!!!!!!!

On 2015-10-21 11:05, seagoat wrote:
Nice, outstanding as usual.
Thanks for showing the process. Excited to see it soon. Cheers!

Well Seagoat! Thank you for attending and joining the festivities...
Was also very grateful to have been able to share the paintings and woodburns...
Blew some minds when the process was unveiled!
Perhaps the NEXT generation of Pyrographers were kindled that evening!

Here's a link to a lil video journey thru the piece....

On 2015-10-21 19:19, hang10tiki wrote:
What Swiz said ...

Well said,Brother!

What a NIGHT!
Here are some photos poached from the internets
(i think a lot of them are Adrians...
if one of them is yours,
PM me and i'll give you a credit
or take it down,m'kay?)
i was much too immersed in the evening to take pictures
So many Mahalos to the folks who did capture the event photographically!

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I am SO grateful to Holden,La Luz gallery and Staff,
Doug and Toe and Flounder and Michelle
for allowing this crazy scribbler to add to the atmosphere
with his Art...

the enormity of it hit when i got home
and it felt weird
and a deep appreciation of this whole kooky community
covered me like a warm blanket...

Thanks to ALL of you
For your steadfast support
insightful and ridiculous questions and comments
Appreciation when i take a left turn
and to those that Bought a piece from the Exhibition
Mahalo! Your Purchase has helped make our work being on the walls
a positive and profitable venture for the gallery.
Thank you for loving the work enough to adopt it...
That means a lot
i hope your investment in this historical event
gives you great joy every time you gaze upon your acquisition!
If any of you readers would like to grab a piece of the action
There are still plenty of masterworks at affordable prices
by all Five of us artists!
all those hugs....wow.

Toe and Audrey drove Aimee and i up
and our first stop was the Tiki Ti!
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Met up with some interesting and jolly Pals!

Here we are,pre-show
hopped up on Bloody Tikis
Toe was wearing his birthday Suitcoat...
and there was even CAKE!

This is going to be to be our Publicity shot
as we audition for a CLASH tribute band!
That's our manager on the right.. :wink:
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With our Buzz-on,we proceed to La Luz...

Fancy banner!
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Pure Craziness!
Our Special limited Edition mugs SOLD OUT!
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how NUTS is that?
Scott and Michelle still have some Anniversary mugs available!
Hop on it,Folks!

The Place was PACKED!
Had to retreat to the Bookstore section and out back to chain-smoke
Many a delightful exchange
and ideas were a born that night!
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Amidst the Chaos,they were able to wrangle us hossies up for a nice shot!
many Kudos to holden,the TikiFarm crew,
and Boo Ben for creating an Unforgettable Atmosphere!
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Here's one of the walls with some woodburns and BooBen framed pieces!
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Here's the other wall slightly obscured
by yours truly and the mad frame carver Derek MONKEYMAN Weaver!
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It was a thrill to be able to get HIS handiwork on la luz's walls!
And what better final flourish to a painting
than it's frame?
Especially such a personalized one...

They were the real stars of the show!
And it was a thrill to have my past and present mugs included!
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The show is up til the 29th!
Put aside a few hours to soak EVERYTHING in....
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This shot has BOTH versions of Poko Ono and Tommy,Doug.Michelle,and Scott's Treasures...
aaaaaaand if you turn your gaze upper left
you can see my SOON TO BE RELEASED Modfish stacker mugs/bowls!
Here are some other test glaze options
it was a BUH-LAST working with vintage palettes on these!
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BTW the bottom of the inside is stampred with a nice minimal modernist motif
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Here's some shots of the SOLD OUT Edition of Poko Ono
It'sa MUG and a SHOTGLASS!
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Here's a drawing for the Anniversary label on the boxes...
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and here's the more subdued vintage
Open line Edition
Soon to be Released!
we may go with an Orange Interior on this....
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and here are the pieces that were in attendance at the Opening

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"Too Much Information"
Acrylic on Wood
24 x 36"
29.5 x 41" with Derek Weaver frame

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"Lucky Day"
acrylic on wood
10 x 20"

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"The Abandoned Table"
acrylic on wood
10 x 20"

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"the Double Fister"
acrylic on masonite
16 x 26" with Bamboo Ben frame

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"the Fifth Drink"
acrylic on masonite
16 x 26" with Bamboo Ben frame

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"the Bridge"
pyrography on wood with acrylic tinting
12 x 36"

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"Cannibal King"
pyrography on wood with acrylic tinting

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"After the Storm"
pyrography on wood with acrylic tinting

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"Maori Mask"
pyrography on wood with acrylic tinting

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"Sepik River Sentinel"
pyrography on wood with acrylic tinting

i have included the prices
a rare event on this thread
as ART always trumps commerce here!
but it was necessary to show you the AMAZING prices for these!

Feeling quite inspired by the Exhibit
and relieved to have a pocket of time
i feverishly experimented and played
First with markers and bright colors
trying to graphically depict lighting/water/depth/atmosphere....
Here are the results..

Things start to get REAL EXCITING!

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"By the Shore"
Marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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"Close to the Falls"
Marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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"Guardian of the Falls"
Marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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"the Detour"
Marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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"the Secret Valley"
Marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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"the Watering Hole"
Marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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"Three Palms"
Marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

Tried to assume a Stuart Davis/Saul Steinberg/Jim Flora/Mary Blair/Bali painting
state of mind as i approached these landscapes....
Simplifying and abstracting
organic material
use of graphic shadows or patterning
(Balinese vegetation especially....LAYERS!)
use of color and shape to create ATMOSPHERE!
I hope you enjoyed those experiments....

The Next two pieces were for dear friends and fellow artists
Charlie and Gina
who have been steadfast inspirations AND our ride home from the exhibit! :)

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"Cave of the Ancestors"
Marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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"the Gathering"
Marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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"Midnight Conversation"
Marker and Ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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"the Laughing Idol"
Marker,white pastel pencil,and Ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper
14 x 10"

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"the Single Paddle"
Marker and Ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

Got to play with brush-on friskette and sea sponges for texture
yielding some Delicious Surprises!

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Marker and Ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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"Three Palms"
Marker and Ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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Marker and ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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Ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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"the Salutation"
Marker and ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

Bought another Jim Flora book at the SoapPlant bookstore at la Luz
(amongst a pile of other tomes)
and part of it displayed his work for Columbia Records (CODA)
throwing me back to earlier thrift store ephemera hunts...
Well, one of the illustrations pictured a European island illustration
that really Captivated the eyes
despite being only about 3" tall in the book...
Decided to use that as a springboard
give it a tropical twist
throw in some Blair/Stuart Davis/and sketchbook and bali vegetation stylizations
came up with this series....

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Marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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"Tropical Paradise"
Marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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"Two Islands"
Marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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Marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

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"End of the Day"
Marker and ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

Of course....
All of the above drawings will be available to adopt OR gift to a loved one
at December 12th's International Tiki marketplace at Don the Beachcombers!!!!!!!
That and more surprises TO BE ANNOUNCED!
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Well, that should be enough for now
Enjoy and Digest and tell me what ya think
of these playful doodlings.....
And thanks for the visit!

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http://www.kinnyruzic.com Art Blogs Wishes Fulfilled!
I'm on Facebook too! under my real name Ken Ruzic

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2015-12-02 19:48 ]

danlovestikis posted on 11/15/2015

Thank you for making today so very special. Visiting the show via your photos was so much fun.
I love your experiments. Winter is so blah and those vibrant colors just lighten the spirit.
The Gathering is just so wonderful in so many ways.

It's time to find someone to do a book on your art. A very thick book. We could visit your art that way even though it's gone off to home around the globe. I stand and look at your art in our home and just smile.

Thank you for these photos. Hugs, Wendy

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JenTiki posted on 11/16/2015

Wow! That last Jim Flora-inspired series really blows me away! I can totally picture those on the Latin music albums my dad used to collect in the '60s. It would be fun to make some mock album covers using those images.

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