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hang10tiki I bet you say that to SewTiki every day! Thank you for including my work. =================================== I decided to do all of the insides of the mugs. I kept the glaze tile with them so I could then select an appropriate color for the outside. I did a CN solid color and then I layered other CN glazes on top. These should not blend or move. I did one more this way. Done. I filled in the carving and let it dry. I did 7 unique PNG and Maori Bobs. Next I wiped it off so that all the carving shows up such as snake skin. Done and posing. Close up. After all of these were cleaned I painted the white areas with cc white under-glaze. Where ever I covered the black glaze I was able to take a tooth pick and scrape off the white to fine tune it again. Now I had some fun. All kinds of eyes on Bob and on you. The last project is for the Xiem Clay Show run by Tiki Roots Rocka. I've chosen a red brown with green highlights glaze called Autumn. It's Friday, I hope you are all ready for a fun weekend. It rained here today in Sacramento California and we are grateful for every drop. Cheers, Wendy |
It's the weekend and I've seen on facebook lots of photos of those who are attending Tiki Kon in Portland. What a fun time they are all having. I'm all done with my summer Enchanted Tiki Hut mug. The inspiration for the mug is the tiki on the left. When it was out of the kiln I decided that it needed black in the drum slit for I enameled it and baked it. All done. It always feels good to finish a project. ============================ More catch up photos. We went to Tropical Days at the Cancer Society Thrift Shop. Dan wanted to hula but they only laughed. They danced while we shopped. Dan lucked out and found some new lounging shorts! A different day we went to Alpha Fired arts and bought all the glaze for the Sacramento Crawl mug. Now it's set in "ceramic" and I won't be able to change my mind. Our fridge after 20 years bit the dust. Our new one was delivered by a Hawaiian hula dancer. No Kidding! He showed his tattoos and I showed him my mugs. Dan just wore his batman shorts. Guess who wants this mug? KKB. I painted all the faces white with 2 layers of glaze and let them dry overnight. Here are all the remaining projects waiting for the next step. The next day I painted all the eyes and mouths. The next day I did two layers of clear over every face. This is the eyeball mug, they needed clear too. The next day I loaded the bottom level and then the top level. I couldn't fit everything into the kiln so a second batch will be done. Two days later I opened the lid. I notice that a mug had fallen over and was leaning on two other mugs. Horrors! During firing they would have fused together. When I reached into the kiln I found that it hadn't fallen until the mugs were cool. None had even gotten a chip. Perfect! Looking at the bottom shelf I could see some horrible problems. More on that coming. I still had a few that needed to be glazed so I got to it. Soon the kiln room was filling up. The hot kiln helped to dry them faster. Here comes the ceramic defects. Another runny nose. It's summer there should be this problem. That's not a small run either. The last one that happened to I turned it into the Phantom of the Opera Bob. The next was a test glaze for one of the Sacramento Crawl mugs. The glaze just crawled away leaving all these skips on the inside. The outside was fine. The lid and the body of the HUGE Maori jar had glaze skips everywhere on the outside. The worst part was this glaze was supposed to be more green than brown. The inside was fine. Now it was time to fix the problems. First I added more runs to the face of Torch Bob. I used a completely different glaze to cover the inside of the mug. But first I scrubbed all the skipped areas in case I'd missed dust when scrubbing this mug. Maybe I forgot to wash the inside. The I choose a new glaze and coated the whole jar with a CY yellow glaze. I hope it works. This piece is for a show at XIEM. After a few hours in the hot wind they were all ready to fire. Two days later I opened the kiln. I found one mug that had a skip. I will fire it with the Sacramento Crawl mugs. Next up will be all the photos I took as I unloaded two full kiln loads. Was my HUGE jar repaired? More soon. Cheers, Wendy |
AAAAH, leaving us hanging! How could you? I think the big jar is good now.... we shall see. |
Dan's beard is looking fierce! |
LoriLovesTiki 50 photos and so little time. I do like cliffhangers! IDoVoodoo also soft and furry. ======================== Update on the Sacramento Crawl mug for October 2015. I made the glaze tests. We choose the best. I've bought the glaze and will soon begin production. Here are the steps and all the information for signing up for one. These stops are shown using a couple of the mugs so the color skip back and forth. First I do the inside and then clean off any that gets on the inside of the mug. This step requires it to dry overnight. I use a wide brush and coat the mug once and then twice. It took two coats for the effect I wanted. This shows how large the mug is. It doesn't shrink during the glazing process. Now that the mug is dry I wipe off the areas that will be painted with color. So I use a CY glaze for the background and CN glazes for the color. Painting the palm trunks and the coconuts and the tiki, sign, flowers and the bird. This is the one that became the glaze test that I choose. Here they are drying in the sun. Fired. The one at the bottom and to your right is the final mug choice. I am making a total of 60 for the crawl, another 10 were cast for tests and Dan took them, and I reserve the right to change and alter 30 more in the future for Wish Lists etc. where I change or add parts for fun. 100 total plus 1/2 of a bad mug where the top tore off but I saved it. Then I will destroy the mold. Here's the glaze I found that made Dan and I very happy. The mug looks vintage and it doesn't have glaze runs dripping off the bottom. This is the glaze test. I will be coloring the bird and other parts even better now that I know this background glaze works. These photos were taken with a flash. The colors are even better in person. It's actually a bit more green. Since all the additional colors are added there will be differences in how I paint each bird. I need to add color to the chest etc. Here are the black velvet photos. I will make the bird more colorful when I do the run. This huge hand carved and detailed mug is special to my Ohana so the price is kept at a low $80 (plus shipping if you don't make the crawl). Page one of this thread has the list of those who are signing up for one. You can do that here or on my Wendy Cevola facebook page. If you aren't my friend just ask and I'll friend you there. Tiki Central is my home and I post far more here than I do there. I hope you all like our color choice. It not only looked the best it glazed the best. Cheers, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-12 08:15 ] |
Wow Greatness from the kiln once again.... Awesome colors Max from Taboo Island was in town Then we hit Frankie's [ Edited by: hang10tiki 2015-07-12 08:29 ] |
Oh, Wendy, the Bali Hai mugs are SO beautiful! Really makes me wish I lived in Sacramento! Just gorgeous. The crawl folks are sooooooo lucky. My stepson and his family do live in Elk Grove, but they're sadly not really tiki-culture folks. Maybe someday we'll get out there, though. But not in time for October crawl :( And I love seeing pics of my purple Bob! It's like adopting a new baby. Can't wait to have him home! :) |
hang0tiki The Golden Tiki, oh boy more fun in Las Vegas. Looks like Max is doing a great job. It's about time that your town had more tikis again. I wish I'd seen the AKU AKU. Dan and I did go there when the huge Moai were still up at the Tropicana. I wish we'd been there when Benzart had his tikis there. Thanks for sharing. I just wish you'd had more to post. KonaKaiBaby how fun that you have a connection to our home town. I've been in Elk Grove since jr. high in the 60's. Very late 60's. The Sacramento Crawl is a very special and fun event. I love making the crawl mug each year. This is the 6th. Anyone can buy one even if they don't go to the crawl. I just don't ship them out until the crawl is over. Crawl people get theirs first. ============================= I'm working to get the photos in order and then I'll be posting again. Dan and I are on a tiki road trip and after driving 200 miles today I need to rest. Cheers, Wendy |
Well, I'm not equipped to post photos while we are on this trip. My computer just thinks for a long time. It took 5 minutes for each photo while on the hotel server. Imagine that! KonaKaiBaby's purple mug and lunavideogames black cat mug. If they pass your inspection let me know and I'll ship them when we return home. Cheers, Wendy |
Wendy, I LOVE him! He's wonderful! The purple turned out really beautiful. I can't wait! :) |
Holy moly (again)! Love when I come back for a glaze reveal! Love the new crawl mug, and, as always, am in awe of the glazing details. Love all the new Bobs! Wow, okay, that's all I got. Hope to see you guys next month (are the rumors still true that you're heading down south for Oasis?) Tiki Ari may (may) make an appearance, but that's still TBD. Ha! |
Oh, and I'd loooooove one of the Bali Hai mugs, if there's enough! Sign me up! I can crawl with you in spirit :wink: My stepson and his wife & kids and my stepdaughter moved out to Elk Grove from NYC a few years ago, and they love it. I don't really know much about the area, I just know they're on Sao Tiago Way. But hopefully we'll get out there to see them at some point! And fit a Cali tiki road trip in there, too :) |
Looks great Wendy! I will take it. Please send me the details :) :) :) |
Great colors The Golden Tiki should be open soon I'll post pics when open |
KonaKaiBaby we will pack him up today. It's so fun to ship to VT. First time that I can remember. TikiAno I would be in withdrawl if you didn't post such darling photos of Tiki Ari on fb. We will be at Oasis. KonaKaiBaby if you make it to Elk Grove in the future please let me know and we'll have you all over for a tour and visit. lunavideogames we plan to try to box and ship today. I'll get back to you with the total. Your cat Bob was one I had to peel out of Dan's hands! It's so much fun to tell him no! hang10tiki that's so much fun. You are going to have more visitors with all these tiki places that need to be seen. I look forward to when you can post more photos. =========================== Well gang we left for Santa Cruz, Monterey and Pacific Grove on Monday. Our GPS was updated during brown out before we left. It said it was completed and I believed it. Bummer to find out that we had no maps at all. Then the first night in the hotel my computers email rejected my password and since it's routed from Comcast to Outlook I couldn't fix it. We did everything we wanted to do in two days so we drove home yesterday and spent the night in our own bed. Now it's back to tiki work and posting photos. I'll be back soon with kiln photos and trip photos. Cheers, Wendy |
Here comes our super fast trip. Dan wanted to leave the heat and go to the coast. It's a three hour drive from our home. The traffic wasn't too bad and we made it to Santa Cruz in time for lunch. We always go to Stagnaro's near the end of the pier. We can watch surfers out the window. We were in the twilight zone and so it wasn't the usual French's Mustard and Heinz Ketchup. When did this happen? Looking at the Santa Cruz boardwalk we could see a fire in the direction we had just driven. Shopping in Soquel Dan found a bowl he just had to have. It was super heavy like I make my ceramics. We drove to our hotel in Seaside and walked over to a Home Depot. We were looking for Tiki Diablo's tikis but they didn't have them yet. The next day we went to Hula's grill in Monterey for lunch. It's always fun but the workers are oblivious to Tiki Central. We just got a great deal with Comcast. Now we can check up on our home from wherever we are and it will take photos and video of "visitors". I can check up to see if our niece house sitter is having parties! Creepy! We walked along the ocean and then to the pier. There were pretty plants along the sand dunes. Oh No another selfie! Behind our hotel in Seaside there is a lake and a park. We walked around the lake twice. It was actually cold out and sprinkled. We saw this old piñata in a thrift store but left it there. We left yesterday and antique shopped all the way home. Since I've photographed so many bathrooms I thought this was interesting. Especially in the colors that were chosen as the glaze. Prince Charles of England collects old bedpans and chamber pots. I bet he'd like this one. I liked this wood carving a lot. I'm going to make some scary tikis in the future. It' just too much fun to not do it. Well now we are home. We continued our vacation by going to see San Andreas the movie. We will stay right here and not move to the bay area. This movie was a predictable but movie that kept your eye glued to the screen. Bye for today, Wendy |
Wendy, Thank you for the Puffer Necklaces! I haven't had a chance to take pics, but I will soon! Hugs!!! |
IDoVoodoo really we are in your debt for the wonderful routered wood art. ========================= Here's looking at you Bob. $75. Pink Bob is a tall Bob. $85. Orange midcentury with peanut skin. $75. Upside down Bob needs to be used with a straw to keep your lips away from his butt. $85. Blue Bamboo Bob at night. $75. This Tattoo mug actually sparkles in the sun! The photos just don't show how rich the glaze is. $85. Lemon Fresh Bob. $75. SOLD JenTiki I couldn't come up with a name for this one. $75. This is a hand carved Maori design fogcutter the only one I've made so far. $75. SOLD Biotron2000 Off to a good start, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-18 08:34 ] [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-19 07:31 ] |
Successful glazing is a lot trickier than it looks. You make it seem so easy! |
Oh Wendy, they're so tempting! I'm really trying to restrain myself, but it's sooooooo hard. I think the unnamed one should be the Cherry Banana Bob! :) |
Dibs!! |
Gorgeous, as usual! |
amate I should have taken better notes. When you find out what works you need to write it down. With so many glaze choices it is easy to forget and to go through all the mistakes again. KonaKaiBaby Cherry Banana Bob is thinking it over! JenTiki Lemon Fresh Bob. $75 is on hold for you until your final decision after today's photos. LoriLovesTikis you make me smile. ============================= Last page and this page show all the Bob's and my first two fogcutter mugs that I have for sale. Blue Tapa Fogcutter. All original carving. It took forever. $85 SOLD to Tyber Tiki Brown Fogcutter Maori Style. $75 Bob Bottle in Brown. $75 Spiral Bob. $75 SOLD Bumboo This was a harder one to glaze. Lemon and Lime Bob. $85 Orange Maori Bob. $75 Light Blue Super Carved Bob. $75 Brown Green Tattoo Bob. $75 sold Bumboo. Tall Blue Super carved light Caribbean Blue Bob. $85 Tall Orange Speckled Super Carved Bob. $85 Poka Dot Bob in Yellow and Caribbean Blue. $75 Deconstructed, he's lost his head Bob. $100 Bob has a glaze skip so he'll re-fire when I do the first group of Sacramento Crawl mugs. As you can see I love to hand carve Tiki Bob's. It more fun to make these unique Bob's than to do one than a run. However I've been told it's time to move on and to make more art away from Tiki Bob. So if I can restrain myself I'll only do requested Tiki Bob's on the Wish Lists from this point on. That's it for the sale until tomorrow when I'll offer necklaces. If you see any that you would like to have PM or Post here. I'll keep an eye out. Thank you for looking and commenting too. I enjoy it all. [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-20 07:26 ] [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-20 12:49 ] [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-28 08:06 ] |
Brought over from the last page to make it easy to see them all. Here's looking at you Bob. $75. Pink Bob is a tall Bob. $85. Orange midcentury with peanut skin. $75. Upside down Bob needs to be used with a straw to keep your lips away from his butt. $85. Blue Bamboo Bob at night. $75. Sold Honaunau. This Tattoo mug actually sparkles in the sun! The photos just don't show how rich the glaze is. $85. I couldn't come up with a name for this one but KonaKaiBaby has suggested Cherry Banana Bob. $75 [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-18 09:13 ] [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-21 20:46 ] |
So beautiful! |
Awesome colors |
ZeroTiki & hang10tiki thank you so much. It's time to move on from Tiki Bob. I need to explore what's possible in ceramics. ======================== I'm going to close the Tiki Bob sale here in a couple of days and move it to facebook. Meanwhile I'm working on the crawl mugs and one big project soon to be revealed. Cheers, Wendy |
Hi Friends, I stole this from facebook. Doug asked if he could use one of my Tiki Bob's as an inspiration for his new work of art. I was so thrilled to be a part of his artwork.
I think it's obvious which one he liked! =============================== zerostreet surprised me by putting my name (bottom left)on his recent work of art. This has been a really fun month! =============================== Thank you Dough and Robert you are so super talented and such good friends. Wendy |
little lost tiki
You are SUCH an inspiration Wendy! |
Wow, received my 2 mugs today-- in the photos, you can get a sense of it, but in-person they are a whole different story! Incredibly well-made and the subtle details are gorgeous. I'm blown away. Thanks Wendy-- really beautiful work! |
little lost tiki ditto ditto ditto. You resemble those remarks completely. Thank you so much for all those wonderful words. I'm looking forward to my Kinny hugs at Oasis. Bumboo I appreciate your comments so much. I'm glad those mugs are in your hands. ==============================
I just received The Amazing Moai in the mail yesterday. Pages and pages of all these beautiful Bobs, and this lonely fella all by himself in their midst. I just had to have him! He's called Amazing because of the maze on the back. If this indicative of the rest of Wendy's work, it is truly amazing! Heavy, solid and BIG! I love it! |
Congratulations on your Bob in the piece by Doug Looks like you guys are having fun Enjoy Speaking of bathrooms Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!! [ Edited by: hang10tiki 2015-07-23 12:26 ] |
Biotron2000 I bet he's no longer sad now that he has a new home. I'm super happy that you like him and posted here. Thank you, Wendy hang10tiki I wonder what the woman's bathroom looks like. At first I thought you would yell into the cone to talk to another room. We are having fun, everyday is a tiki adventour. We watch the news and see people cut off going to Vegas on 15 due to the fire and then on 10 due to the bridge collapse. I would rather be trapped in Vegas, one of our favorite places along with our friends to hang out with. ============================ Back in 2012 I made a mug with a flame on top that I called The Zombie's Torch. It was based on this menu. I started by making 50 flames. Then I cast 30 of the mugs. The molds were bad and it took me hours on each mug to make them just right. So after 30 I quit. I sold those with the understanding that in the future I would finish the run so that I could use up the other 20 flames. Since I numbered the first 30 as 1/30, 2/30 I had to make the last 20 in different color combinations. I have finally finished. Now all the flames have been used. In the past I showed all the steps to the making of each mug and how much carving I had to do. For the last ones I glazed them and these photos show how I paint them with enamel. I have to paint them lying down so that the paint doesn't run. Once they have dried overnight I can stand them upright. Next I did the hair. All done. Next I painted the skirts. This required two layers and four days. All done. I used a skewer to do the tiny nipples. All done and drying. The Zombies on the reverse side needed two gold earrings and their teeth painted. The skirts are deep red but the flash makes them look pink. I started the flowers with a base coat. Done. Close up. They are done and they sit overnight until I can put them into the house oven to set the enamel paint. A view of some with the woman and then the Zombies fresh out of the oven and without the flames. This project took years to finish. I hope you all think they are worth waiting for! Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-23 20:53 ] |
Wow, Wendy - those are just gorgeous!! |
Love the flame tops! Are these for sale? |
One page back the Zombie Torch Photos. ========================= ebtiki thank you. I'm kind of sad to know that I'll not make the version with the flames on top any longer. I do make the mug version without the flame via Wish List requests. hang10tiki I like visiting you and seeing your collection. One day I hope you'll visit us here. Biotron2000 I have 4 left and ready to ship $125 plus shipping. I'm so happy you like them. ======================== I'll be back to work on the Sacramento Crawl mugs today and if I don't wear myself out I'll have photos to post tonight. Your comments just lift me up and then my day starts off perfectly. Thank you all, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-24 07:33 ] |
Zombie Torch Update. Biotron2000 is deciding which one of these he wants and then the other three are for sale. They are all 1/1's. Sold Out last two went to KonaKaiBaby and Tom Grill. Thank you all. ================================= Update on the Sacramento Crawl mug due the first weekend in October. There are so many steps to making a run of mugs. While I worked on painting the Zombie Torch mugs I printed out the autograph cards for the mugs. Then one evening while the TV was on I numbered them and autographed them. I used the inspiration for the mug, a advertisement in an old phone book, as the card. Since I will eventually make another 40 I kept writing 100 and then I had to tear up the card. There will be 60 in this color for the crawl. Some of the rest may even have a different bar name when I use it for the Wish List. The mold will be destroyed when 100 have been made. Dan taped 60 boxes for me. I numbered them on the top and two sides and lined them up down a hallway. I added the appropriate card to each box. Now it was time to start glazing the mugs. First I put a piece of tape on the bottom of each one. Now as I glaze the layers on the bottom no glaze will reach the areas where the tape is located. I did this all in my dining room. Scary! No spills. After the bottoms had a chance to dry some I pulled off the tape. All these blank areas will be where I number the mugs 1/60 etc. I hope you are all out having a good Saturday. I'll be glazing away but later we are meeting Mahalo Tiki for dinner. Cheers, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-27 13:10 ] |
Biotron2000 has chosen to purchase the last darkest Zombie Torch. The first three are available. Cheers, Wendy |
Cybernel has purchased the geen Zombie Torch. Thank you! Wendy |
Going |
hang10tiki they are still waiting for a new home. I think everyone is out having a great it should be. =========================== I opened all the jars for glazing the inside of each mug and scraped all the crystals off the bottoms and shook them really well to disperse them. I sprayed the inside of each mug and then I poured the glaze in and out of five mugs and that used up one $18 jar of glaze. I have 60 mugs to do. The glaze was far too thick and too expensive and I didn't have enough jars. THE REMEDY. So for the next batch I filled the mug with water and then poured it into the next mug. I did this for five and I still had enough glaze left to do 5 more. Yippee this looked just right in thickness. As I finished I turned them upside down so the the bottom of the mug didn't get runoff water. So now I started again. Pour it in and rotate until all the sides are glazed a couple of times. I buy glass vases in thrift store in the sizes that fit mugs that I make. So while I'm glazing I have a couple draining into the vase. This keeps too much from accumulating at the bottom of the mug which can cause the mug to crack during firing. I used a cloth to wipe off any that ran to the outside of the mug. It took one day to do the 60 mugs. I use the empty jars so I washed them. Two things, you do not want the crystals to go down the drain because they will build up and make a blockage. Second I just pour the rinse water through the wire mesh and I can add these to other jars of the glaze or save them to mix with clear and have a new glaze. I think I'll save some up from a lot of different jars and then have some fun. Cheers, Wendy |
Wendy-thanks for taking the time to explain your process for doing the interior glazing. I am working on this right now and I think your tips are really going to help me out. Thank you! RV |
Wendy-thanks for taking the time to explain your process for doing the interior glazing. I am working on this right now and I think your tips are really going to help me out. Thank you! RV |
RVICTOR RVICTOR I'm really glad to help. Most mugs just need the spray bottle. This is a huge mug and the spray could get to the bottom sides. For all my Tiki Bob's the spray bottle was all that was needed. ====================================== Sacramento Crawl mug update. Glazing the outside of the mugs. I bought more glaze than I needed but it's now my favorite so over the years ahead I'll use it up. Here's why I save clean jars. Many glazes are too thick to use with a brush or with the air compressor. I split them in half. I add water and shake them up. Then they are ready to use. I had enough jars to split 6 at a time. Remember that even hand oil with make glaze crawl away so scrub your hands before touching your bisque fired ware. This is the first time I was smart enough to get every wheel I own and to put them in a circle on a wire table. Now I can do nine in a row before they need to be moved. Dan's my mover shaker. He'll load and unload the table while I do all the spraying. I will also start the capillary action by spraying the outsides with water before spraying with glaze. I put all my mugs on top of kiln spikes. I can then spray to the bottom and the build up of glaze on the turntables doesn't have to be washed off until the end of all the spraying. First the water and then the glaze. Layer one. I let them dry for 15 minutes. I don't want any "runs". Then I do a second layer. Depending on how you want your glaze to look you can do three or more. We are on the way! Here is how Dan carried the damp and glazed mugs from one table to the next. He is careful not to touch the outside of the mug. The last batch at the end of a long day. They have all been carried back into the house. You can see that there is over-spray on the insides of the mugs. I'll show the "fix" tomorrow. Cheers, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-27 07:21 ] |
Purple Bob is home! He's not in his permanent spot yet, as my husband is still erecting the new shelves behind the bar (fingers crossed they'll actually be up by bedtime tonight!). But he's hanging out in the dining room for now, getting to know all of his new friends :) Wendy, are there any of the topless wahine flame top mugs left? I don't get paid until next week, but I would love one, if possible. But if not, I'm sure you'll make something else soon that I can't live without! :) |
Tyber Tiki
Wendy, Just catching up on your thread after our European vacation through Northern Italy, Austria, Slovenia then Greece. Your creations just keep getting better and better! The Bob variations, zombie torches, crawl mugs and custom fogcutters look fantastic. Any chance the Blue Tapa Fogcutter is still for sale? If so, please mark me down for it. Cheers! Tyber Tiki |
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