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It's Mahaloween Time at Trader Sam's Disneyland

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King Kukulele is a Tiki Institution! how dare you sir!


On 2015-10-15 13:24, tikijackskeleton wrote:
If I wasn't a fan of NBC, I would have passed on this. Def. not worth the $150 for the event.

The food seemed less special than last go-around. Those cones from last year were great and I filled up on them. This year those sliders were down right terrible. The meatballs just seemed so generic, like you could just get them in bulk at costco. The only thing special was the seared ahi spoons.

I Agree....and sadly I am not a fan of NBC.....like at all.....so this event was a pretty hard hit for me.

The food was not near as good as the tahitian terrace event....the sliders really couldn't have been worse. Lots of people had said bad things about the tahitian terrace event but I liked the food at that event.

I liked that they tried to add something to the show part besides just the dancing, I just thought the first part was too long.....it seemed like they were trying to go the jungle cruise route on this (which I love) but the great thing about the jungle cruise is you get a one liner about something and then are moving on....this didn't move quite quick enough, especially when it was falling REALLY flat on the audience in my seating. I appreciate the effort but would prefer to listen to an imagineer talk - that doesn't really make sense this time though.

The included gifts were pretty bad.....especially to a NBC non fan, the litho I was hoping might make up but it looked a bit like an ad or something.....wasn't counting on being impressed with the mug/litho though so was really hoping for more from the show/dinner.

I also don't know why there isn't a photo op or photo pass people at these at the entrance the way there is at the spirit of aloha show in orlando.....it seems like this would just make sense, but maybe I'm the only one looking for that.

I mean, my problem isn't even with King Kukulele, he's entertaining, but I agree, it needed to be in a much smaller dosage.

Hell, last year was enjoyable for the aspect of seeing the mug concept sketches and hearing about the behind the scenes stuff. Even Kukulele's performance then was dialed down to an appropriate serving size.

But the other stuff just felt cheap. Last year we got a tote bag that was decent and I still use mine on the regular for shopping. This year we just got a paper bag with a trader sam's logo stamped on it. Talk about cheaping out some. I mean, I know last year's hat was some quick 99 cent store purchase, but this time around didn't even have that going for it.

The around the tiki world with pulled out cheesy tiki gods was a little more hammy than I needed and a bit more of a time killer. I also felt completely rushed out of there as soon as the performance ended.


Really like King Kukulele the times I have seen him.
Great with the kids, puts on a good show.
Some of the stuff I have seen at events with a 5 year old right in front of me
was not right.

On the collectable stuff and these parks as a whole they used to make a cool thing and
and go wow who knew that would become so rare or valuable.
Now every thing is made to be a collectable, made fast cheap with not as much time
put into the artwork.
It's more of a dollar thing than a let's make a great whatever thing.
There was more pride in what they did.

Heck even the movies seem to be made with more thought of what doll, game, park ride
can we make for this than hey lets make a timeless movie like Mary Poppins.

No King Kukulele bashing, it's bad form.
Good luck King.

On 2015-10-15 16:46, EnchantedTikiGoth wrote:
So, is that 60th Tahitian Terrace mug available at Trader Sam's as just a regular mug you can buy with a drink? We're heading to Disneyland in December for an impromptu trip (we were thinking about going next year, but it wouldn't be worth it with the Rivers of America going down) and if it would be possible to get it, that would be awesome!

Yes it's still available, but just to purchase for $30, it is not served with a drink.


On 2015-10-16 10:07, Loki-Tiki wrote:

On 2015-10-15 16:46, EnchantedTikiGoth wrote:
So, is that 60th Tahitian Terrace mug available at Trader Sam's as just a regular mug you can buy with a drink? We're heading to Disneyland in December for an impromptu trip (we were thinking about going next year, but it wouldn't be worth it with the Rivers of America going down) and if it would be possible to get it, that would be awesome!

Yes it's still available, but just to purchase for $30, it is not served with a drink.

If it's still available how do you get it.....it wasn't available Monday when I was there for muhaloween and I have actually not been there since the tahitian terrace event when they have said they had them available.....it there some code word to say to have them actually sell them?? :) I don't need one, I went to the event I have just asked when I'm there out of curiosity because I thought they were going to be available.


Just ask behind the counter inside the bar. They often pimp it out to customers asking if they're interested in purchasing it.

On 2015-10-16 10:07, Loki-Tiki wrote:

Yes it's still available, but just to purchase for $30, it is not served with a drink.

Thanks! And thanks for the advice on how to ask for it, kkocka!

Woohoo! Just got our Mug today as well as a Diamond Anniversary Mug.

Woohoo! Just got our Mug today as well as a Diamond Anniversary Mug.


What is a Disney Trader Sam's event w/o some sort of royal screw up? Turns out a number of people didn't receive an event-exclusive mug w/their gift bag and instead received an open edition mug. Looks like my buddy will be getting mine unless they can fix this right.

You guys need to rename this thread, "I gave Disney $150.00 plus $60 for parking and all I got was this stupid mug! how much do you think it's worth?"


"I gave Disney $150.00 plus $60 for parking"

At times when I do try to sell original Kahiki tables and some lights
people will flinch and even say no to a Kahiki light for $40.00 bucks.
Or a table for like $200.00 dollars.

The tiki items people go deep and pay big for baffle me these days.

Do like this mug though.


I wish I were crying about something silly instead of what was advertised - the mug is awful enough, but the brown one is somewhat bareable. Either way I'm selling my loot this time, but where in life are you happy with getting screwed over? It's pretty easy to put the right box inside a bag, no? The fact that this isn't a one time incident is the worst offense.


"It's pretty easy to put the right box inside a bag, no?"

AND there it is, That is how the people who on eBay seem to have more than a few of
these mugs to sell get them by going ooopps I put the wrong one in the bag.

I would ask for the mug that was promised or ask for a refund from event organizers.
They do owe you the right mug as promised.

DAM, you paid $150.00 for it.

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