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The Original TIKI Market Place "End of Summer Extravaganza" September 23, 2023

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TikiVato posted on 10/08/2015

On 2015-10-07 19:52, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Hey TikiVato, I was thinking of converting one to a light also, but I was worried
about drilling into the composite material the planters are made of, did you have any issues when you made your lamps?

Lance, No need to drill if you're just going to add a light over top. Just remove the top plant and then remove the rubber stopper. You will need a base to attach a fully threaded lamp pipe. For the top, you will need a washer large enough to cover the hole where the rubber stopper was and also a couple of lock washers and nuts. Of course you will need a socket with a female thread to insert the threaded pipe. You will need a lamp shade with a harp unless you find a shade that connects to the socket. If you have any troubles with the assembly, you can come over to the Elks in Garden Grove on Oct 10th and I can help you for free. For the small hole, I didn't have any problems. Just go slow.

WooHooWahine posted on 10/08/2015

Looking for a place to start your Saturday Night off after The International TIKI Market Place? Our Favorite Tiki Mistress Mixologist, Ronie Kiss, will be mixing up drinks at Trader Sam's until 9:30pm.....Woohoo! Stop by and say, "Aloha!"

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/08/2015

Thanks TikiVato!

WooHooWahine posted on 10/09/2015

WooHoo! Hula Girls Shave Ice just donated over 300 gift cards to give to Our Original International TIKI Market Place Ohana! Come down Saturday and get yours before they are gone! The BEST place for Shave Ice is at the corner of Heil and Bolsa Chica in Huntington Beach! The BEST place for the International TIKI Market Place is at the corner of Trask and Newhope!! This Saturday from 10am to 3pm!

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2015-10-09 13:22 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 10/09/2015

WooHoo! See You Tomorrow!!!

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 10/10/2015

WooHoo, Sorry, we missed our connecting flight in Miami en route home from Havana. We will make the next one for sure.

SoccerTiki posted on 10/10/2015

We love our customers, vendors and musicians/entertainment!

WooHooWahine posted on 10/10/2015

WooHoo.....Today's The Day!!!

What: International TIKI Market Place
Who: Over 40 Tiki Vendors, Live Hawaiian Entertainment, Food, & More!!!
When: Saturday, October 10, 2015 10am to 3pm
Where: Garden Grove Elks Lodge (in the KoKo Beach Park)
Cost: $10 admission (CASH ONLY)
***This is a Family Friendly event! Children under 12 are free!!!
***The Garden Grove Elks Lodge is located at 11551 Trask Avenue, Garden Grove (Between Euclid & Harbor at Newhope-just off the 22 Fwy)

The International TIKI Market Place is and has always been about "Ohana"; an Hawaiian word meaning family...and in an extended definition it includes adopted and intentional members. It is this feeling, or "vibe" we have created over the past three and a half years and are so proud of! We are grateful for our friends, both vendors and guests, for your support!
We are looking forward to seeing you all October 10th at the Garden Grove Elks Lodge, the new venue for the Original International TIKI Market Place.

The Purple Pig will be returning to The International Tiki Market Place on October 10.

Feed the Pig with your loose coins to help Disabled Children Walk, Talk, & See,

*All Proceeds will be donated to The California-Hawaii Elks Lodge's Purple Pig Foundation

WooHoo! Here's a Sneak Peak to Some of The Vendors who will be vending their Tiki Treasures at The Original International TIKI Market Place @ The Garden Grove Elks Lodge: A Pinups Closet, Baypark Buzzy,Erich Troudt, HB Tiki, Hottiki, Humble Poi, Johnnie Velour, Moai Mike, Native Rythms, Nelson’s Tiki Hut, OB Tiki, OHA 4 You, Pacific Nautical Island Traders, Skootiki, Sneaky Tiki, Ron Monster, Starlite Confetti, Taboo Island, Teri's South Seas Treasures, Tiki Al, Tiki Broker, Tiki Diablo, Tiki Gonzo, Tiki Guy Studios, Tiki Heaven, TikiLong Beach, Tiki Pops, Tiki Tasi's Vintage Polynesia, Tiki or Death, The Toastin' Traders, Tiki Vato, Tikiyaki Orchestra, Tom Hofer, Trader Pup, Vichdzart, and Vicki’s Tiki Moon Art & More.

Entertainment by Emcee DJ Bong & Kamaki Kalaluhi Keawe & Bruddah "O" K/O Mele

TikiVato posted on 10/10/2015

My truck is loaded down with lots of Tiki Goodies.

The Elks in Garden Grove is Datta Way.

WooHooWahine posted on 10/11/2015

Woohoo! Mahalo! Mahalo to EVERYONE who literally came from Far & Near to have some Fun in The Sun @ The Original International TIKI Market Place. Thank You to Our Vendors and Entertainers for All They Do to Make The Original International TIKI Market Place happen..Special Thanks to The Garden Grove Elks Lodge for providing a Tiki-rrific Venue for All. See You December 5th....Woohoo!

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2015-10-10 19:35 ]

TikiVato posted on 10/11/2015

Mahalo to Chris and Karen for all your hard work for providing another Ohana spirited event for the venders and patrons alike. It was great meeting the new vendors and seeing their Tiki goodies and craft. The entertainment was great and it was nice talking stories with their family and friends. It was fun seeing and talking to the new and returning vendors at Trader Sam's after the event. Thanks to my fellow Lodge Members at The Garden Grove Elks Lodge for providing such a great venue and a delicious menu.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 10/12/2015

Sorry we missed it. Somebody post some pix please.

WooHooWahine posted on 10/12/2015

On 2015-10-11 17:53, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:
Sorry we missed it. Somebody post some pix please.

Pics Coming Soon......WooHooo!

WooHooWahine posted on 10/13/2015

WooHoo.....Save The Date!!

What: International TIKI Market Place
Who: Over 40 Tiki Vendors, Live Hawaiian Entertainment, Food, & More!!!
When: Saturday, December 5, 2015 10am to 3pm
Where: Garden Grove Elks Lodge (in the KoKo Beach Park)
Cost: $10 admission (CASH ONLY)
***This is a Family Friendly event! Children under 12 are free!!!
***The Garden Grove Elks Lodge is located at 11551 Trask Avenue, Garden Grove (Between Euclid & Harbor at Newhope-just off the 22 Fwy)

The International TIKI Market Place is and has always been about "Ohana"; an Hawaiian word meaning family...and in an extended definition it includes adopted and intentional members. It is this feeling, or "vibe" we have created over the past three and a half years and are so proud of! We are grateful for our friends, both vendors and guests, for your support!

The Purple Pig will be returning to The International Tiki Market Place on December 5th

Feed the Pig with your loose coins to help Disabled Children Walk, Talk, & See,

*All Proceeds will be donated to The California-Hawaii Elks Lodge's Purple Pig Foundation

More Info Here: https://www.facebook.com/events/435031086682100/

WooHooWahine posted on 10/19/2015

WooHoo! Start Making Your Holiday Shopping Lists Now. There's going to be A Lot of Tiki Treasures for You to Buy for All Those Good Girls & Boys.

*Here's a Sneak Peak to Our Vendors List: 320 Main, Aloha Vintage Surf, Baypark Buzzy, Clee Sobieski,, Doug DoRr, Erich Troudt, Falling Cocos, Gotiki, Grider Company, HB Tiki, Hottiki, Humble Poi, Johnnie Velour, Jungle Modern Ceramics, Milo Wedel, Native Rhythms, OB Tiki, Oha 4 You, Pinup Culture, Ron Monster, Shroedervile, Skootiki, Smokin' Tikis, The Picture Show Gallery, Tiki Al, Tiki Broker, Tiki Diablo, Tiki Gonzo, Tiki Guy Studio, Tiki Heaven. Tikishaker, Tiki Tony, Tiki Vato, Tikiyaki, Tom Hofer, Trader Pup's Outpost, Vic Hdz Art, Vicki's Tiki Moon Art, Wonderama, and More!!

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2015-10-26 08:41 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 10/19/2015

WooHoo! Here's some pics from The October 10th Original International TIKI Market Place

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 10/20/2015

Mahalo fo the pix WooHoo.
The fourth pic from the bottom is a good friend, Kawicka Viloria.He’s an awesome singer/musician and can be seen performing on the terrace outside of Trader Sam’s 3 or 4 nights a week.
He and His lovely wife Leilani own Da Hula Studio out of Diamond Bar.
Sorry I missed the event.

WooHooWahine posted on 10/26/2015

WooHoo! The Vendors List Just Keeps Getting Bigger & Better........

Here's a Sneak Peak to Our Vendors List: 320 Main, Adventurer's Day, Aloha Vintage Surf, Baypark Buzzy, Clee Sobieski, Doug DoRr, Erich Troudt, Falling Cocos, Gotiki, Grider Co., HB Tiki, Hottiki, Humble Poi, Johnnie Velour, Jungle Modern Ceramics, Kingfish Vintage Aloha, Milo Wedel, Native Rhythms, OB Tiki, Oha 4 You, Palama Imports, Pinup Culture, Ron Monster, Shroedervile, Skootiki, Smokin' Tikis, The Picture Show Gallery, Tiki Al, Tiki Broker, Tiki Diablo, Tiki Gonzo, Tiki Guy Studio, Tiki Heaven. Tikishaker, Tiki Tony, Tiki Vato, Tikiyaki, Tom Hofer, Trader Pup's Outpost, Vic Hdz Art, Vicki's Tiki Moon Art, Wonderama, and More!!

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2015-10-28 15:59 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 10/27/2015

Here are some more pics from the October 10th Original International TIKI Market Place....WooHoo!!

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WooHooWahine posted on 10/27/2015

Operation Huladays Toy Drive - 'Tis the Season to Help Spread Some Holiday Cheer. We will be collecting New Unwrapped Toys or Gift Cards to donate to The Garden Grove Elks Lodge's Holiday Toy Drive at The December 5th Original International TIKI Market Place. Let's help make some children have a Very Merry Christmas.....WooHoo!!

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danlovestikis posted on 10/29/2015

What a great bunch of photos. Just like a visit with friends. I wish we lived closer. Please continue to put up the photos, thank you, Wendy

WooHooWahine posted on 11/03/2015
WooHooWahine posted on 11/03/2015

WooHoo! The Vendors List Just Keeps Getting Bigger & Better........Just added: TikiPug, Star of Spike TV's Thrift Hunters! He'll be bringing his great stuff along with the Tiki Collection of Dirk Vermin, Star of A&E's Bad Ink!

Here's a Sneak Peak to Our Vendors List: 320 Main, Adventurer's Day, Aloha Vintage Surf, Baypark Buzzy, Clee Sobieski, Doug DoRr, Erich Troudt, Falling Cocos, Gotiki, Grider Co., HB Tiki, Hottiki, Humble Poi, Johnnie Velour, Jungle Modern Ceramics, Kingfish Vintage Aloha, Milo Wedel, Native Rhythms, OB Tiki, Oha 4 You, Palama Imports, Pinup Culture, Ron Monster, Shroedervile, Skootiki, Smokin' Tikis, The Picture Show Gallery, Tiki Al, Tiki Broker, Tiki Diablo, Tiki Gonzo, Tiki Guy Studio, Tiki Heaven. Tikishaker, Tiki Tony, Tiki Vato, Tikiyaki, Tom Hofer, Trader Pup's Outpost, Vic Hdz Art, Vicki's Tiki Moon Art, Wonderama, and More!!

WooHooWahine posted on 11/05/2015

WooHoo.....Only 30 More Days!!!

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What: International TIKI Market Place
Who: Over 40 Tiki Vendors, Live Hawaiian Entertainment, Food, & More!!!
When: Saturday, December 5, 2015 10am to 3pm
Where: Garden Grove Elks Lodge (in the KoKo Beach Park)
Cost: $10 admission (CASH ONLY)
***This is a Family Friendly event! Children under 12 are free!!! Strollers welcome!
***The Garden Grove Elks Lodge is located at 11551 Trask Avenue, Garden Grove (Between Euclid & Harbor at Newhope-just off the 22 Fwy)

The International TIKI Market Place is and has always been about "Ohana"; an Hawaiian word meaning family...and in an extended definition it includes adopted and intentional members. It is this feeling, or "vibe" we have created over the past four years and are so proud of! We are grateful for our friends, both vendors and guests, for your support! Come see your friends and meet new ones!

Operation Huladays Toy Drive - 'Tis the Season to Help Spread Some Holiday Cheer. We will be collecting New Unwrapped Toys or Gift Cards to donate to The Garden Grove Elks Lodge's Holiday Toy Drive at The December 5th Original International TIKI Market Place. Let's help make some children have a Very Merry Christmas.....WooHoo!!

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Vendors: 320 Main, Aloha Vintage Surf, Baypark Buzzy, Clee Sobieski, Doug DoRr, Erich Troudt, Falling Cocos, Gotiki, Grider Co., HB Tiki, Hottiki, HulaGirls Shave Ice, Humble Poi, Johnnie Velour, Jungle Island Ceramics, Kingfish Vintage Aloha, Milo Wedel, Native Rhythms, OB Tiki, Oha 4 You, Palama Imports, Pinup Culture, Ron Monster, Shroedervile, Skootiki, Smokin' Tikis, The Picture Show Gallery, Tiki Al, Tiki Broker, Tiki Diablo, Tiki Gonzo, Tiki Guy Studio, Tiki Heaven, TikiPug, Tikishaker, Tiki Tony, Tiki Vato, Tom Hofer, Tikiyaki, Trader Pup's Outpost, Vic Hdz Art, Vicky's Tiki Moon Art, Wonderama, and More!!

Live Entertainment by: The Smokin' Menehunes & KPoly Ohana Entertainment

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2015-11-17 19:51 ]

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tongaroatom posted on 11/10/2015

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I will once again have Tiki matchbook collage calendars at the December Marketplace
so you can take advantage of ticking off all 366 days next year.
or buy one online at my website!

[ Edited by: tongaroatom 2015-11-10 07:50 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/10/2015

There is 366 days in 2016! I had to check myself, thanks Leap Year.

WooHooWahine posted on 11/16/2015

WooHooo,,,,,December 5th is Right Around The Corner!

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What: International TIKI Market Place
Who: Over 40 Tiki Vendors, Live Hawaiian Entertainment, Food, & More!!!
When: Saturday, December 5, 2015 10am to 3pm
Where: Garden Grove Elks Lodge (in the KoKo Beach Park)
Cost: $10 admission (CASH ONLY)
***This is a Family Friendly event! Children under 12 are free!!! Strollers welcome!
***The Garden Grove Elks Lodge is located at 11551 Trask Avenue, Garden Grove (Between Euclid & Harbor at Newhope-just off the 22 Fwy)

The International TIKI Market Place is and has always been about "Ohana"; an Hawaiian word meaning family...and in an extended definition it includes adopted and intentional members. It is this feeling, or "vibe" we have created over the past four years and are so proud of! We are grateful for our friends, both vendors and guests, for your support! Come see your friends and meet new ones!

Operation Huladays Toy Drive - 'Tis the Season to Help Spread Some Holiday Cheer. We will be collecting New Unwrapped Toys or Gift Cards to donate to The Garden Grove Elks Lodge's Holiday Toy Drive at The December 5th Original International TIKI Market Place. Let's help make some children have a Very Merry Christmas.....WooHoo!!

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Vendors: 320 Main, Aloha Vintage Surf, Baypark Buzzy, Clee Sobieski, Doug DoRr, Erich Troudt, Falling Cocos, Gotiki, Grider Co., HB Tiki, Hottiki, Humble Poi, Johnnie Velour, Jungle Island Ceramics, Kingfish Vintage Aloha, Milo Wedel, Native Rhythms, OB Tiki, Oha 4 You, Palama Imports, Pinup Culture, Ron Monster, Shroedervile, Skootiki, Smokin' Tikis, The Picture Show Gallery, Tiki Al, Tiki Broker, Tiki Diablo, Tiki Gonzo, Tiki Guy Studio, Tiki Heaven, TikiPug, Tikishaker, Tiki Tony, Tiki Vato, Tom Hofer, Tikiyaki, Trader Pup's Outpost, Vic Hdz Art, Vicky's Tiki Moon Art, Wonderama, and More!!

Live Entertainment by: The Smokin' Menehunes & KPoly Ohana Entertainment

WooHooWahine posted on 11/17/2015

Just Arriving Home from The Islands, Lisa Graham, will be dancing for us to the Tropical Tunes of The Smokin' Menehunes.....WooHoo!

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WooHooWahine posted on 11/18/2015

WooHoo....HulaGirls Shave Ice will be and the next Originial International TIKI Market Place!! Get in a Winter Wonderland Spirit with a Tasty Tiki-rrific Cool Treat.

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[ Edited by: woohoowahine 2015-11-17 19:51 ]

SoccerTiki posted on 11/22/2015

Here are just a few examples of the awesome tikiness that will be happening DECEMBER 5th at the Garden Grove Elks Lodge when the 32nd ORIGINAL International TIKI Market Place will happen! All Hand Made with attention to detail!!! MOre to come soon!
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WooHooWahine posted on 11/23/2015

Woohoo....Just added to our Vendors List: Billy The Crud will be vending and doing a live tiki carving demo.

TikiVato posted on 11/23/2015

Last week I decorated this Chtistmas tree with little lighted parrot fish and tiny lighted floats. I will be selling raffle tickets for $1.00 for a chance to win the tree at the next original Tiki Market Place on Dec5th. 100% of the monies raised will go to the Purple Pig fund to help children Play, See, Talk and Walk. I will post a better picture when I get done decorating the tree.
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[ Edited by: TikiVato 2015-11-22 21:02 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 11/24/2015

Looking for a Place to Start your Saturday Night after The Original International TIKI Market Place on December 5th?? Our Friend, Jennifer Stewart, at Azteca Restaurant & Lounge is offering an International TIKI Market Place Special from 3pm on. Just mention the code word:TIKI to your server and you will receive 10 percent off of your food order. If you are a fan of Elvis this is the place for you.....WooHooo!

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2015-11-24 10:28 ]

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TikiPug posted on 11/24/2015

It only took one year, but i am back and vending. Besides my normal cool tiki stuff & vtg Hawaiian shirts & dresses,
I have been asked by my friend Dirk Vermin to sell his tiki collection. Dirk is a world famous tattoo artist,
owner of Pussykat tattoos in Vegas, and the star or A&E's Bad Ink.
So essentially, one TV guy is selling another TV guys tiki stuff.

Here is the pics of a good chunk of his stuff.
I will be posting pics of the cool stuff I'm bringing in the next couple of days.

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Vegas BABY!
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[ Edited by: TikiPug 2015-11-24 14:50 ]

[ Edited by: TikiPug 2015-11-24 14:56 ]

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VampiressRN posted on 11/25/2015

Gonna make it to one of your 2016 events. You really do such a great job...wonderful vendors and entertainment. CHEERS to Karen & Chris.

WooHooWahine posted on 11/25/2015

On 2015-11-24 20:45, VampiressRN wrote:
Gonna make it to one of your 2016 events. You really do such a great job...wonderful vendors and entertainment. CHEERS to Karen & Chris.

Mahalo! Mahalo! We do it for Our Love of Tiki, The Vendors, and The Ohana......WooHooo!!! :)

WooHooWahine posted on 11/29/2015

Don't Forget to Pick Up a Toy or Gift Card while you're out and about this weekend.

On 2015-10-27 10:03, WooHooWahine wrote:
Operation Huladays Toy Drive - 'Tis the Season to Help Spread Some Holiday Cheer. We will be collecting New Unwrapped Toys or Gift Cards to donate to The Garden Grove Elks Lodge's Holiday Toy Drive at The December 5th Original International TIKI Market Place. Let's help make some children have a Very Merry Christmas.....WooHoo!!

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WooHooWahine posted on 11/30/2015

Only 5 More Days....Woohoo!

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2015-11-30 06:27 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 12/01/2015

Make Your Christmas Shopping List and Check It Twice, there's going to be lots of Tiki Treasures to buy this Saturday for All Those Boys & Girls that are Naughty and Nice....WooHoo!

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What: International TIKI Market Place
Who: Over 40 Tiki Vendors, Live Hawaiian Entertainment, Food, & More!!!
When: Saturday, December 5, 2015 10am to 3pm
Where: Garden Grove Elks Lodge (in the KoKo Beach Park)
Cost: $10 admission (CASH ONLY)
***This is a Family Friendly event! Children under 12 are free!!! Strollers welcome!
***The Garden Grove Elks Lodge is located at 11551 Trask Avenue, Garden Grove (Between Euclid & Harbor at Newhope-just off the 22 Fwy)

The International TIKI Market Place is and has always been about "Ohana"; an Hawaiian word meaning family...and in an extended definition it includes adopted and intentional members. It is this feeling, or "vibe" we have created over the past four years and are so proud of! We are grateful for our friends, both vendors and guests, for your support! Come see your friends and meet new ones!

Operation Huladays Toy Drive - 'Tis the Season to Help Spread Some Holiday Cheer. We will be collecting New Unwrapped Toys or Gift Cards to donate to The Garden Grove Elks Lodge's Holiday Toy Drive at The December 5th Original International TIKI Market Place. Let's help make some children have a Very Merry Christmas.....WooHoo!!

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Vendors: 320 Main, Aloha Vintage Surf, Baypark Buzzy, Billy The Crud, Clee Sobieski, Doug DoRr, Erich Troudt, Falling Cocos, Gotiki, Grider Co., Hawaiian Lei, HB Tiki, Hottiki, HulaGirls Shave Ice, Humble Poi, Johnnie Velour, Jungle Island Ceramics, Kingfish Vintage Aloha, Milo Wedel, Native Rhythms, OB Tiki, Oha 4 You, Palama Imports,Ron Monster, Shroedervile, Skootiki, Smokin' Tikis, The Picture Show Gallery, Tiki Al, Tiki Broker, Tiki Diablo, Tiki Gonzo, Tiki Guy Studio, Tiki Heaven, TikiPug, Tikishaker, Tiki Tony, Tiki Vato, Tom Hofer, Tikiyaki, Trader Pup's Outpost, Vic Hdz Art, Vicky's Tiki Moon Art, Wonderama, and More!!

Live Entertainment by: The Smokin' Menehunes & KPoly Ohana Entertainment

Live Tiki Carving Demo by Billy The Crud

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biguglystick posted on 12/01/2015

I am very excited to be a first time vendor at ITMP! I'll be there Saturday, selling my palm frond tikis and my mid-century wall fish! See you there, Garden Grove! Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1528/565de92b.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=3d33c2ef5e77a397dd1966d99380f26c Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1528/565de93f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=7ea226c740e0e213d921bc6d003d0de0 Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1528/565de998.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=645dca21cec867defe5f52c0ea18951b

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3e1782dcaf8368abf5f3c7d7f9f79ef1?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
skootiki posted on 12/02/2015

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/11355/565e6e6e.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=15e28dfbe4316fbb66a0e02bbb9461ff I'll bring these guys with me to The International Tiki Marketplace on Dec. 5th
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TikiPug posted on 12/02/2015

More cool stuff from the TikiPug Collection. Tomorrow i will share the vintage shirts and dresses I am bringing. Tons of stuff priced to moved and I love to make a deal.

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TikiPug posted on 12/03/2015

I am bringing tons of clothing.

Mens shirts from Small to 4XLT. Vintage to Modern. Poly, Cotton, Barkcloth, Rayon & 1 unexplainable material (ask me to see it.

Women's dresses & shirts from Small to 2XL+.

Clothing is priced to move with most pieces priced $10-$15

Here are the rare pieces I am bringing.

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Since we are at the Elks, i got to have a Elks shirt / Alfred Shaheen Dress

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Crazy shirt featuring bathrooms and naked bathing / 1970 Real Estate Board uniform Dress/70s Washington DC shirt

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Hilo Hattie Dole Pineapple & Mushroom Shirt / Psychedelic Dress / Iolani Executive Shirt

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Olympia Beer Uniform / Alice Polynesian Full Length Dress /United Airlines Hawaiian Open Shirt

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Sheraton Waikiki Hotels Uniform Shirt / Pomare full length dress / Tiki Hawaiian Islands Shirt

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Hinano Tahiti Shirt / Reyn Spooner trader Vic's Dress / Hawaii Our Little Corner Of The World Shirt

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Vegas BABY!
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[ Edited by: TikiPug 2015-12-02 22:39 ]

SoccerTiki posted on 12/03/2015

This Saturday!!! What to expect:
320 Main, Aloha Vintage Surf Art, Baypark Buzzy, Billy the Crud, Clee Sobieski, Doug DoRr, Erich Troudt, Falling Cocos, Gotiki, Grider Co., Hawaiian Lei, HB Tiki, Hottiki, Hula Girls Shave Ice, Humble Poi, Johnnie Velour, Jungle Modern Ceramics, Kingfish Vintage Aloha, Milo Wedel, Moai Mike, Native Rythms, OB Tiki, Oha 4 You, Picture Show Gallery, Power Jive Records, Ron Monster, Schroederville, Skootiki, Smokin Tiki, Tiki Al, Tiki Broker, Tiki Diablo, Tiki Gonzo, Tiki Guy Studios, Tiki Heaven, Tiki Pug, Tiki Shaker, Tiki Tony, Tiki Vato, Tikiyaki Orchestra, Tom Hofer, Trader Pup, Vic Hdz Arts, Vicki’s Tiki Moon Art, Wonderama & more!
*Live Tiki Carving Demonstration!
*Live Hawaiian Music & Dancers!
*Food, Friends, Tiki Vendors, Drinks & More!

WooHooWahine posted on 12/03/2015

Don't forget to stop by Azteca Restaurant for a bite to eat on Saturday....WooHoo!!

On 2015-11-24 08:36, WooHooWahine wrote:
Looking for a Place to Start your Saturday Night after The Original International TIKI Market Place on December 5th?? Our Friend, Jennifer Stewart, at Azteca Restaurant & Lounge is offering an International TIKI Market Place Special from 3pm on. Just mention the code word:TIKI to your server and you will receive 10 percent off of your food order. If you are a fan of Elvis this is the place for you.....WooHooo!

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2015-11-24 10:28 ]

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Tiki Shaker posted on 12/04/2015

I'll be bringing 2 large containers of vinyl. I'm looking to blow this stuff out. Everything is $1 each. All money made from the vinyl will be donated to the Elk's toy drive. If you think $1 is too cheap for any of the vinyl, please pay a little more.

See everyone tomorrow!

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TikiVato posted on 12/05/2015

Please stop by my booth for a chance to win this Christmas tree that I decorated with little lighted parrot fish and tiny lighted floats. I will be selling raffle tickets for $1.00 for a chance to win the tree tomorrow at the original Tiki Market Place. 100% of the monies raised will go to the Purple Pig fund to help children Play, See, Talk and Walk.
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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/05/2015

Just a few more hours and I’ll be gettin my tiki fix. Can’t hardly wait.

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