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Critiki is new and improved!

Pages: 1 23 replies

Humuhumu posted on 01/16/2016

Just revamped the whole darn thing. It's much better on mobile devices now, and greatly improved on the desktop, too.

Take a look!


aloha.taboo posted on 01/16/2016

Looks awesome!

How do we suggest new locations?

Humuhumu posted on 01/16/2016

New location suggestions can be sent to humuhumu@critiki.com, mahalo!

kkocka posted on 01/16/2016

Hooray for responsive design! :)

Dustycajun posted on 01/16/2016

Nice upgrade, very user friendly. Took it for a little spin this afternoon and added some photos.


Thortiki posted on 01/16/2016

Thank you Humahuma the Tiki community is so lucky to have you. (-:

Or Got Rum? posted on 01/16/2016

Humuhumu, EXCELLENT Job...very clean and streamlined. OGR

Humuhumu posted on 01/16/2016

Thank you for all the kind words, everyone! Dustycajun -- your photo contributions today are GORGEOUS! Thank you so much, they've made my heart soar (and greatly increased the quality of the pages for some cool historic spots).

El Jefe posted on 01/17/2016

Looks very nice. Thanks for the time and effort. Thanks to those who contribute as well.

Johnny Dollar posted on 01/17/2016

Very nice!!!

Dustycajun posted on 01/17/2016

On 2016-01-16 14:04, Humuhumu wrote:
Thank you for all the kind words, everyone! Dustycajun -- your photo contributions today are GORGEOUS! Thank you so much, they've made my heart soar (and greatly increased the quality of the pages for some cool historic spots).

Glad to help. I went through a second round adding images to locations that had none. Thanks for all of you efforts, it looks great on the smart phone. Wish this was up on my last trip to Washington/Oregon.


Tiki-Brian posted on 01/18/2016

Wonderful site! Nice job :)

Kraken007 posted on 01/18/2016

Excellent job! Nice design!

tikitonga posted on 01/20/2016

Excellent updates, looks fantastic!

VampiressRN posted on 01/21/2016

It looks beautiful. Now I have online reading to do. Thanks for such a wonderful site.

EnchantedTikiGoth posted on 01/21/2016

I've been nowhere to speak of, but I just made a profile and am uploading a few pictures as I type this. Great site!

Humuhumu posted on 01/22/2016

Thank you for all the kind words, and all the beautiful new pictures for the site!

I've just posted a more in-depth look at how the new location page works:

Tour the New Critiki: a Look at the Location Page

swizzle posted on 01/23/2016

Although i had looked at it a few times in the past, i never really paid much attention to this site. The update has certainly made it far more appealing and i'm pretty sure that i will be coming back to it far more often than i did in the past. Great job Michelle.

Humuhumu posted on 01/29/2016

More on the new Critiki: here's a look at how to use Critiki to find tiki locations, including tools to find tiki near where you are right now, some very spiffy searching (including a big upgrade I just rolled out yesterday), and a look at how Critiki Maps work. Take a look!

Tour the New Critiki: Finding Tiki Locations

(Or just dive right into Critiki: https://critiki.com)

RevBambooBen posted on 01/30/2016

On 2016-01-29 14:03, Humuhumu wrote:
More on the new Critiki: here's a look at how to use Critiki to find tiki locations, including tools to find tiki near where you are right now, some very spiffy searching (including a big upgrade I just rolled out yesterday), and a look at how Critiki Maps work. Take a look!

Tour the New Critiki: Finding Tiki Locations

(Or just dive right into Critiki: https://critiki.com)

This is AWESOME!

Many MAhalos Humu for the hard work you do for the love of TIKI!!!

lunavideogames posted on 02/07/2016

Looks great! Thank you for putting your time and money into it.

Tiki Toli posted on 02/08/2016

Thank you Humuhumu, your sites along with this one are part of the holy trinity of online tiki knowledge and no doubt have helped hundreds if not more. Thank you for everything you have done for this community.

Fez Moai posted on 02/10/2016

I logged in for the first time in a while and it looks great!

hang10tiki posted on 02/11/2016

Hats off to all involved and those who contribute

Pages: 1 23 replies