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skootiki's carving log

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skootiki posted on 11/28/2015

progress shot of this guy. still needs a lot of sanding and detail work.

hiltiki posted on 11/28/2015

Very nice design I like.

TheBigT posted on 11/28/2015

oh neat! clever idea!

amate posted on 11/29/2015

That might be my favorite one so far. You have a great style going there.

skootiki posted on 11/29/2015

thanks hiltiki, bigT and amate.....here's todays progres shots. still needs more sanding and stain

skootiki posted on 12/02/2015

I carved this seven footer a while ago. It's modeled after a Tiki in Palm Springs shown in "The Book of Tiki". The log wasn't really solid enough for this deep of a carve because the center portion is fibrous. I like the design and didn't want to waste it ....so ....I gave him a few coats of varnish to kind of seal it up and glue together the fibrous areas. I like it and maybe I'll keep him around.

For the Love of Tiki posted on 12/02/2015

Good lookin' Tiki.

skootiki posted on 01/19/2016

I'll have this bunch with me at The International TIKI Marketplace ( at the Elks Lodge in Garden Grove) on Saturday Jan 23rd.

Stop in and say HI !

skootiki posted on 02/09/2016

I picked up 2 side tables for $6 each at Goodwill with turned legs circa 1970 ish. Had to try and carve some TiKi faces in the legs.

2 legs down and 6 to go....not sure of the carving designs on the table tops

Will carve posted on 02/09/2016

Tom & I discovered some time ago table legs
& bed posts are great for carving.
They are better wood, dried & cared for.
We look for them at goodwill & faith farm
kind of places. They have a pile of mismatched
pieces & they don't cost much.

Good job.
I like how you lost the shape of the wood.

skootiki posted on 02/10/2016

thanks Will Carve. These carvings are pretty rough...done with an angle grinder and an ArborTech mini-grinder. Not much chisel work.

nicework posted on 02/10/2016

Looks great I love your style how you beat to your own drum

skootiki posted on 02/11/2016

thanks Nicework!.....the drums are OK...sometimes a little loud though

hang10tiki posted on 02/18/2016

Way Kool

skootiki posted on 02/29/2016

a little bit of carving this weekend

skootiki posted on 02/29/2016

maybe carved a little too deep?

This one had a body when I started but....OOPS! change of plan! Now he's a hanging TiKi. Why not?

skootiki posted on 03/07/2016

The hanging TiKi can also double as a TiKi Pendant

cy posted on 03/07/2016

You need a hole in the mouth so you can pee.

skootiki posted on 03/08/2016

Yeah, that's a problem cy. The Research and Development Dept. at Skootiki International should have caught this before we went into production.....heads will roll at the next meeting!

TheBigT posted on 03/09/2016

the daddy of all necklaces! SWEET

lunavideogames posted on 03/09/2016

Haha I need one :)

skootiki posted on 03/14/2016

20'x20"x 19" tall table I'm working on. The legs are 4x4 redwood.
A little bit of skilsaw, chainsaw, Arbortech goose neck grinder, good old mallet & chisel and a lot of angle grinder with a flap disc.
Still needs to be burnt,stained and finished with varnish or polyurethene.

skootiki posted on 03/20/2016

eight more of these Moai legs roughed out

After the flap disc, a little bit of sanding and torch
ready to stain the table tops, assemble and finish

skootiki posted on 03/28/2016

finished with 3 coats of lacquer

Will carve posted on 03/28/2016

Looks Witco to me.

skootiki posted on 03/28/2016

Definitely Witco-ish

skootiki posted on 04/02/2016

Here's another one a little bigger. This one's 20"x40"x 19" tall
I made a set of 3 (2 smaller and this one) for a new TiKi Bar that's scheduled to open in May

TheBigT posted on 04/11/2016

cool tables. you have some kind of angle bracket attaching the legs? shelf brackets maybe?

skootiki posted on 04/13/2016

Thanks The Big T. Yeah, I used black shelf brackets to help strengthen the legs (I hope). In the photo you can see a few chrome screw heads that I touched up with some black paint later.

skootiki posted on 04/17/2016

did a little carving today. This Modern style is a comission for a friend

visiting this design again with a few changes "Dinner Guest"
and, yes I carved it a little deep.....I can't help it!
We'll see how it turns out

skootiki posted on 05/01/2016

a little more work on this one today
I was calling him "Dinner Guest" but maybe she's a girl TiKi and a more appropriate name would be "Man-Eater"???

hang10tiki posted on 05/21/2016

Great to see you at Caliente Bruddah
Dat big un is a big un

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-05-20 21:07 ]

skootiki posted on 05/22/2016

Great seein you too hang10tiki. Tiki Caliente is my favorite TiKi event and I had a perfect vending spot between cy and Michael (jungle modern ceramics). Thanks for the photo!

skootiki posted on 05/22/2016

I ended up naming this one "The Unfortunate Dinner Guest" and he is now hanging out at "Just Modern" in the uptown Palm Springs area. It's a great shop to visit when spending some time in Palm Springs.

skootiki posted on 06/08/2016

this one is a queen palm about 5 feet tall. I was on a remodel jobsite measuring for some roof trusses. I noticed that the homeowners had some tropical and Tiki decorations in their backyard so I mentioned that I carved Tikis. They immediately showed me this queen palm log that they had been saving to be carved into a Tiki someday......so I took it home and came up with this. He will be heading back to his old home soon and hopefully add to the Tiki ambience of their tropical backyard.

skootiki posted on 10/22/2016

from left to right..."Kong","El Beso" and "Hot Curl Moai"

cy posted on 10/22/2016

Your newest work is looking great Skoo!

skootiki posted on 10/22/2016

thanks cy

hang10tiki posted on 10/24/2016

SKO- Lookin good bruddah

skootiki posted on 10/25/2016

thanks Hang 10 ! My day job has really been cutting into my carving time but I hope to be back soon....I've got a big ol' pile of logs calling my name.

skootiki posted on 11/18/2016

he's an odd little TiKi. 15" tall "slice of pie" style

cy posted on 11/21/2016

I'll have a slice o' that pie Scott, nice!

skootiki posted on 02/01/2017

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/11355/58915a28.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=56eac089cd701288a74ad3a299bbd536 experimenting with some redwood 4x4 modern carvings and mug shelves

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Will carve posted on 02/01/2017

I'm like'in those.
Nice job.

skootiki posted on 02/04/2017

thanks Will carve

hang10tiki posted on 02/17/2017

Looks great

skootiki posted on 03/08/2017

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I did a little carving demo at the opening reception for "Tiki In Orange County" at Chapman University

Went "old schoo"l with just mallet and chisels.....I had fun and other people seemed to enjoy it too

hang10tiki posted on 03/12/2017

Aloha scoot

What other tools can ya use?



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