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The Below Decks posted on 12/15/2016

The Below Decks White Smokey Dragon!

mikehooker posted on 12/16/2016

OFTD in a DtB Swizzle. It's good.

hiltiki posted on 12/16/2016

Excellent drink

From Tales of the Cocktail

De Mysteriis Don Bahamas, not sure if this is the title but maybe?!

1 oz Licor 43
1 oz Plantation dark rum (I used Coruba)
2 oz coconut pineapple nectar (I used pineapple, orange, passion nectar) so I added 1/4 oz of coco real.
.75 lime juice
1 dash bitters
graded cinnamon on top
great drink.

[ Edited by: hiltiki 2016-12-15 22:02 ]

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/16/2016

Mahalo once again for posting the recipe Hilda. Gonna ruin my liver but I luv it.
After posting the above my curiosity got to me I had no idea what Licor 43 was.
Hope you don’t mind that I am sharing what I learned on Wikipedia and other sites;
Licor 43, or Cuarenta Y (i) Tres (Spanish and Papiamentu for "43"), is a Spanish liqueur. It is made from citrus and fruit juices, flavored with vanilla and other aromatic herbs and spices, for a total 43 different ingredients (hence the name). It is 31%abv / 62 proof and is a light bodied, sweet liqueur. In color it is yellow tinged with a touch of gold. The aroma is sharp, warm, and complex, with vanilla up front; and then tangy sweet fruit, spices, and an aged rum like presence. The flavor is similar to the aroma; vanilla, complex intermixed spices, tangy fruits, and hints of citrus, carried by a flavor similar to aged rum.
I’m anxious to try this stuff.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2016-12-16 00:03 ]

JenTiki posted on 12/16/2016

Had a couple at the Punch Room at the Charlotte Ritz Carlton last night.

Marco Polo -- it's hard to see it, but that's a luxardo cherry perched at the top of the wire tower on the right.

Pisco Sour -- in the tallest, widest coupe glass ever!

The Below Decks posted on 12/16/2016

The Below Decks Opaka Raka!

hiltiki posted on 12/17/2016

David, I just bought this bottle of Licor 43 from Total wine for around $25. Really like the two glasses on the sides. There are a lot of recipes for tiki cocktails that ask for Licor 43, the best one is called Beachbum's Own from Beachbum Berry Remixed, excellent drink. Let me know if you need recipe.

CosmoReverb posted on 12/17/2016

Aw rats! I dig those glasses but I just restocked my Licor 43 a couple of weeks ago.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/18/2016

Hilda, I plan on snagging a bottle of that Licor 43 this weekend at Hi Times. Those glasses are cool too.
We are having Red nosed Zebras this evening. (pic on page 369). I used Kraken in this drink for the first time and it was quite tasty. I don’t have Bacardi so I usually use Flor De Cana or some thing similar. I really enjoy the sweet-tart taste of this drink plus It looks very festive. I’ve seen em served in coupes and also in a martini glass. Look classy but they’re gone in one gulp.
Merry Christmas

Red-Nosed Zebra
-Makes 1 cocktail
1.5 ounces Bacardi 8 rum

1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice

1/2 ounce fresh lime juice

1 ounce agave nectar

1 ounce strawberry purée

Crushed ice,
3 cranberries, 2 mint sprigs, for garnish
Add all ingredients in a Boston Shaker (except garnish), fill half full with ice, and shake vigorously for 10 seconds.
Strain into a margarita glass filled with ice. Garnish with a mound of crushed ice, cranberries, and mint sprigs to look like 2 green antlers, cranberries for eyes .

hang10tiki posted on 12/19/2016

mikehooker posted on 12/19/2016

What's everyone doing with their OFTD? I've used it as a 151 replacement in a couple things with success. Decided to try my hand at mixing something up jet pilot like with about 10 ingredients and it turned out pretty damn good. I look forward to playing with this stuff some more.

The Below Decks posted on 12/19/2016

Alibi Room Daiquiri!

HopeChest posted on 12/19/2016

On 2016-12-18 21:54, mikehooker wrote:
What's everyone doing with their OFTD? I've used it as a 151 replacement in a couple things with success. Decided to try my hand at mixing something up jet pilot like with about 10 ingredients and it turned out pretty damn good. I look forward to playing with this stuff some more.

I've been pairing it with Hamilton 86 and Merlet triple sec for the best Mai Tais I've ever had. SO. MUCH. FLAVOUR.

It makes a great daiquiri and Barbados Swizzle as well! I need to try it in more recipes.

JenTiki posted on 12/19/2016

Last Friday night ... exactly what it says

and yes, those are empty rum bottles with lights inside on either side of the mantle Christmas tree.

[ Edited by: JenTiki 2016-12-19 09:47 ]

The Below Decks posted on 12/20/2016

A-Frame Up in Smoke!

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/21/2016

Hot Buttered Rum. I like em with milk instead of water.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2016-12-22 23:17 ]

MrBaliHai posted on 12/21/2016

On the 1st day of Drunkmas
My cow-orkers gave to me
A Crystal Skull Bloody Mary

The Below Decks posted on 12/21/2016

A-Frame Holy Creole!

hang10tiki posted on 12/24/2016

TU posted on 12/24/2016

Just tried Pyrat for the first time. I think I'm in love!!! Nothing fancy just rum and cola. It is yummy and relaxing. Is it weird that I'm drinking it out of a Darth Vader goblet I got for my birthday from my daughter's Mormon boyfriend?

Hurricane Hayward posted on 12/24/2016

Just put the finishing touches on v.3.0 of The Mai-Kai's Zombie, now featuring a mysterious secret mix that dates back to The Mai-Kai's original mixolgoist and possibly even Don the Beachcomber ...


hang10tiki posted on 12/24/2016

Tu- I like pyrat, some people don't.
Sometimes when out at a bar it's the only good rum I see.
Funny, I thought you said "my daughters moron boyfriend"

hang10tiki posted on 12/25/2016

mikehooker posted on 12/25/2016


hiltiki posted on 12/25/2016

Mike, love those cocktail glasses, so cute I want some. The cocktail looks delicious.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/26/2016

Baby, it’s cold outside ( 42 degrees here in SoCal). Hot Buttered Rums I whipped up are delish.
Cheers all

hiltiki posted on 12/26/2016

Christmas Eve, making Kraken Killers for 40+ before guests arrive...

Most of the limes on my lime tree have turned yellow but they are fresh and very tasty.

[ Edited by: hiltiki 2016-12-26 12:08 ]

[ Edited by: hiltiki 2016-12-31 00:15 ]

CosmoReverb posted on 12/27/2016

Sneaky Pete's Grog 'Nog

1/4 oz Allspice Dram
1/4 oz Macadamia Nut Liqueur
1 oz Gold Jamaican rum
1/2 oz Dark rum
4 oz Eggnog
Whole milk

Thoroughly mix the first five ingredients in a mug or highball, top off with milk as necessary and give a final stir. Garnish with a dusting of nutmeg.

(I tried to froth it up with one of those milk frothing wands, but the froth collapsed before I could snap the pic which is why it looks all goopy on the top.)

[ Edited by: CosmoReverb 2016-12-26 18:36 ]

The Below Decks posted on 12/27/2016

Clifton's Pacific Seas Painkiller!

ArchTiki posted on 12/28/2016

Smugglers cove zombie.

Rums: Appleton reserve, Hamilton 151, Smith and Cross, Coruba.

Just got this tiki mug at a thrift store, anyone with info on it?

PalmtreePat posted on 12/28/2016

Been playing with my christmas gift.

The Below Decks posted on 12/28/2016

Pig n' Whistle Happy Hour Mojitos!

ukutiki posted on 12/28/2016


Is this your mug. Other similar ones on OM as well


The Below Decks posted on 12/29/2016

The Chestnut Club Last Word!

hang10tiki posted on 12/30/2016

Hiltiki- 40+ Painkillers
No pain felt there
Dig da fish in your kitchen
Da Wahine collects those

The Below Decks posted on 12/30/2016

Palace (Santa Barbara) Caribbean Rum Punch and Cajun Martini!

mikehooker posted on 12/31/2016

On 2016-12-26 12:06, hiltiki wrote:

Christmas Eve, making Painkillers for 40+ before guests arrive...

Most of the limes on my lime tree have turned yellow but they are fresh and very tasty.

[ Edited by: hiltiki 2016-12-26 12:08 ]

This picture has been tormenting me. What is your painkiller recipe? I see limes, coconut rum and bitters, which are not typically in a painkiller but could see them working in the right proportions. Also, a hand juicer? Making drinks for that many people, you oughta have something more industrial!

Meanwhile, putting one of my Christmas gifts to use...

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/31/2016

Mike, Didja get two of dose Lost Lake Hi-ball’s? Good looking glass-drink sounds like a winner too.
Happy New Year!

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/31/2016

Hot buttered rum every night since Christmas. Ran out of Trader vic’s commercial mix.
Made some using Emeril Lagasse's recipe. Tasty, Still like em mo betta with milk instead of water

hiltiki posted on 12/31/2016

Mike, the original recipe was from Atomic Tiki Punk, and he called it Kraken Killer.
It was his take on a Pain Killer. I changed his recipe a little. I should have called this drink Kraken Killer. Anyways, I make this drink every year and my guests just love it.

for 8 drinks
16 oz orange
16 oz pineapple
4 oz coco real
4 oz coconut liquor
16 oz kraken
6 oz lime
8 drops bitters
I didn't mind using the hand juicer, it just worked out, I made the drink pretty quickly and it was ready 30 min before the guests arrived.

CosmoReverb posted on 01/01/2017

Tonight we feature an OG Long Beach Tiki drink - the Captain's Grog, from the Hukilau Room of the Captain’s Inn, Long Beach, CA, circa 1962.

½ oz fresh lime juice
½ oz grapefruit juice
½ oz maple syrup (grade A only)
½ oz falernum
½ oz orange curaçao
1 oz soda water
3 drops vanilla extract
3 drops almond extract
¾ oz dark jamaican rum
¾ oz light rum
¾ oz gold puerto rican rum

Shake everything—except soda—with ice cubes. Then add soda to the shaker and stir. Strain into a double old-fashioned glass with ice cone, or just fill with fresh crushed ice.

Bam Bam posted on 01/01/2017

Attempting a 1934 Zombie with homemade falernum & Donn's Mix, Meyer's & Cruzan rums, and Lucid in place of the Pernod.

[ Edited by: Bam Bam 2017-01-01 06:46 ]

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 01/02/2017

On 2016-12-31 19:30, CosmoReverb wrote:
Tonight we feature an OG Long Beach Tiki drink - the Captain's Grog, from the Hukilau Room of the Captain’s Inn, Long Beach, CA, circa 1962.

Mahalo for this one Cosmo. Looks and sounds delicious.
Cheers, have a great and tasty 2017

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2017-01-01 18:33 ]

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 01/02/2017

Didn’t have any Tiki Drinks last night.
Here’s the" after” pic of our two person New Years Eve celebration. At midnight one of my neighbors played a mournful version of Auld Ang Syne on his trumpet outside during a light rain. Good times.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2017-01-01 18:32 ]

hang10tiki posted on 01/03/2017

The Below Decks posted on 01/03/2017

The Below Decks Stephen Remsberg's Planter's Punch!

The Below Decks posted on 01/04/2017

Scopa's Whisky Sour!

Hamo posted on 01/05/2017

It's been snowing all day, and now the temperature is below zero, so it's time for something tropical. I just made a Kapu Kai to warm up while watching "Donovan's Reef."

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