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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Made by Mano

Pages: 1 9 replies


From 6/12/17 Update. Step 2 in the series involved an installation last weekend for a party. It included board design #'s (L-r) 1, 6, 3, & 5. Dimensions are 1'x3'x1"
This pic shows the pieces assembled and ready to hang. I may sell these after cleaning them up a bit so pm me if you're interested.

I'm updating a previous post with my latest hei matau creations to get feedback from other tiki artists. Let me know what's up. Im' almost up to the suggested amount for items to start an Etsy store. I know online marketing is important but its such a drag if it takes me away from creating from my workbench. Hope you enjoy!


Ocean breeze and Catalina

Stabilized wood and "ruby glass"

Ocean Breeze avonite

Beef bone dyed with beet juice

Stabilized wood and Avonite

Bocote wood and Avonite

This is a closeup of a hei matau I finished recently. Saw it in my picture collection and decided to share. I gave it to my daughter but I liked it so much I think I'll make one for myself.

[ Edited by: ManoKoa 2017-04-17 10:50 ]

[ Edited by: ManoKoa 2017-06-13 08:22 ]

Nice! Corian? How did that carve?

Here's a posting suggestion. Many people make one thread and post all of their art in that one thread. That way we can check out all your cool stuff in one place :)


Holy crap - thanks for the guidance MDM.

You just reminded me of my old posts. I'll have to bring them back up.


I've never carved stone, so the only hard material I can compare it to is bone. I use the same filing, sanding, and polishing tools. It handles better than bone on a scroll or bandsaw. You can order free samples from suppliers and give it shot. It's worth trying out.

Thanks MK

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2016-12-04 10:10 ]



I love it, GREAT color for a matau!


bump for feedback :)

Happy Monday Everyone!

& as always -



Update with my Neo- Gope boards at the top of the page. Hope you like them - either way, I welcome any critique.

Happy Tuesday!

Love the melon green!! Nice job on them all.

Pages: 1 9 replies