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Cap City Tiki Crawl (October 6,7,8 for 2017) Addresses UPDATES just sent by Evite

Pages: 1 38 replies

VampiressRN posted on 01/08/2017

We look forward to seeing all the Sac Ohana and our wonderful Tikiphiles from far away places. So far looks like we have about 60 crawlers. I will use previous lists of emails to distribute the crawl addresses. So if you are new to our crawl or have changed your address recently please message me here with your TC name, your real name, and your email address. The venue is included below with a general map.

Yesterday I sent eVites from my email list and today I sent the additional invitations to folks who gave me their emails in messages. I am hoping I didn't miss anyone, so if you didn't get the eVite, please message me. If you have your name lanyard from last year, please wear it. I made an additional 30 this year. Next year the goal will be to have all of our hosts have a rubber stamp made of their home bar so you can get stamped at their stop. You may use these for anything, so people can always sign them. Either Dave or I will have these.

This has been a busy year for me so not a lot of swag but I will have more passport name tags if you don't have one. As usual, Wendy and Dan have created another awesome crawl mug.

This hotel is centrally located, not too pricey, and decent for those of you needing a place to stay.
Crown Plaza Hotel

Friday, October 6
(Sacramento & Rocklin)
4-7pm – Jungle Bird
7:30-10pm – Liki Tiki Mug (Drew Garrison)

Saturday, October 7
(Sacramento & Carmichael)
10am -12pm – Daisy MCM Trailer (Ilsa)
12:15pm – 1:30pm – Mike & Denise
2-5pm – Gabriel Baldwin
6-9pm – The Sherlocks

Sunday, October 8
(Sacramento/Elk Grove)
10am -12:30pm – Swanberg’s/Lauren
1:30pm – 5pm Headhunter Hideaway – Dave & Eva

CRAWLERS (just a little over 50 crawlers as of 9/15/17)
Marlene Cross
Wendy & Dan Cevola
Brenda Ray
Dave & Eva Bennion
Stephanie & Jeremy Sherlock
Michael Blain Masterson
Barb Lawrence
Erik Daniells
Melissa Grüenhagen
Nelson & Mary Parker
Chris Martin
Buddy Newby
Jay Knox
Mike Mac
Ray Wyland
Chuck Carrol
Joseph Hansen
Bruce & Cecily Dewing
Tai Won On
Denise Marie
Mary Lisa
Cole Unger
Debbie & Mark Whitehead
Robyn Yidrock-Haas
Eileen Bagley-Roark
Gabriel Baldwin
Kurt & Jennifer Biddle
Amanda HD
John Kuckowicz
Natalie Cortez
Brian Faulkner
Dale & Toni Jenkins
Lauren Lundstein
Kelly Kell
Vance Klinke
Dru Bornhoft
Tiffy Izbak
Gregory Ramirez
Laura Lee Rilley
Eric Daniells
Amette Kearns
Jessica Miller
Rob Wagner
Melissa Gruenhagen
Beth Hart
Ilsa Louise Hess
Danelle Ddr Abellera
Brigette Crawford
Drew Garrison
Miss Monk-ii/Maggie & J

++++++ more crawlers are signed up for part or all of the crawl.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2017-09-26 19:42 ]

Kapu Dru posted on 01/08/2017

Wife and I will be there as crawlers. And yup, I need a Facebook invite. Facebook name Dru Bornhoeft. Very excited to be there again. Hopefully some year we can host a party, but so far our tiki bar isn't up to the amazing standards of he others.



danlovestikis posted on 01/18/2017

2017 will be Tahiti which used to be located on Florin Road. I went there starting when I was in Jr. High in the 60's. It is now closed.
This place was suggested by Psycho Tiki D and then the photo was sent to me by lunavideogames. It was meant to be.
Here is the photo of the old Tahitian Tiki. I will post step by step photos on my "other crafts" pages.

Here is the sculpture in clay.


Each year I do a mug that is from a place that existed in the Sacramento, California area. I try to figure out a style that will work for each place.

Sign ups for the 2017 crawl mug. Mugs are handed out at each stop of the crawl. First to ask gets the lowest number. I may also have some Artist Proofs that will sell for the same price. The 2017 mug is $85. I plan to make 70 for the crawl plus around 10 artist proofs. After that I will be making some that are altered to fulfill the Wish of lunavideogames aka Treg for his home bar. No more than 100 will be made in the color chosen for the crawl mug.

There are some assigned numbers based on those numbers having been purchased at all the crawls. Number one is there for the taking, so come to the first stop.

Sign ups so far for the 2016 mug if your name is here you have a mug for 2017. If you don't want the mug let me know and I will remove your name. If you want one and your name is not here then let me know and I will add it.

Payment of $85 for attendees and $85 plus shipping for others after the crawl has ended.

Mug list of names can be found at: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=38423&forum=18&start=0

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-10-10 09:47 ]

Moai Mike posted on 02/12/2017

Please put my name on the list of crawlers! Mahalo!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 02/12/2017


Please add me to the list for an artist proof. Love this mug!



slowhandtikiman posted on 03/08/2017

Exceptional Sculpt WENDY! Please put me on the list. I would love a PROOF, but if they are already claimed a regular edition is just fine. I have no number preference.
Thanks, Rob

slowhandtikiman posted on 03/08/2017

Brain F*rt! I see I'm on the list already. Thanks!

danlovestikis posted on 03/11/2017

Same list as last year for claiming mugs. It is easier to have people cancel from the list. So if you don't want a mug then let me know, otherwise you can just know you have one.

I'm so happy you like the design. Ideas came from Psycho Tiki D (use the Tahiti that was on Florin Road) and lunavideogames (use this Tahitian tiki design).
I put them together and there it was.

The mug is going to be stone grey with a purple interior and purple highlights. I just have to figure out how to perfect this and when I have one done right I will post it. Meanwhile I will soon add the work in progress photos.

Thank you all, Wendy

HopeChest posted on 03/15/2017

I'd love to sign up for this year's crawl and mug. Thankfully, this time I won't be in Hawaii!

danlovestikis posted on 03/16/2017

Time to get back to the Sacramento Crawl mug. For 80 days (so far) we cast and I clean up one crawl mug. Here are the steps that take 1.5 hours to complete.

Dan said that once we began making tiki art he appreciated his collection and the amount of work that went into each piece.

I decided that none of the detail was deep enough so I re-carved every indentation on every mug.

All done and ready to dry.

To make a run of mugs you have to decide to either make a whole bunch of molds or cast once a day for a whole lot of months.
We don't have space for extra molds so casting once a day for months is how we do it. I can only clean one a day any way.

Cheers, Wendy

VampiressRN posted on 04/10/2017

Looking for more volunteers to host. It is an easy thing to do and we can adjust times to fit your need. The last few years we have crawled on Friday night, Saturday all day and evening, and Sunday all day and afternoon.

Please message me if you are interested.

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 04/19/2017

First - Wendy this is the most amazing mug yet!
Not meaning to cause any "Tiki Drama" but backing up Marlene here, we currently have only 3 hosts....for what used to be 3 Days. Currently there are 14 Crawlers and 63 people with hands up for MUGS....and I thought there were only 50?
Something seems out of sorts to me.
Maybe there should be a Special Mug Glaze for HOSTS and the rest for those actually attending the crawl? :sheckymug:

VampiressRN posted on 04/19/2017

Thanks for sharing your energy Dave. We have been going strong for many years it just might be a slow year. Some folks have other plans so will just wait for others to join later. I wish I could host but not possible and I do miss it. Maybe by the time I retire there will be an opportunity. In the meantime I can collect more and hope I don't get contacted to by the Hoarders TV show.

It is still early in the year so time will tell. May be secret plans in the works. CHEERS

"Oh waiter, another cocktail please!!!"

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2017-04-18 22:34 ]

HopeChest posted on 04/19/2017

We'll be getting a hotel room - maybe we should get a suite and host a room party!

danlovestikis posted on 06/05/2017

HopeChest that sounds like a lot of fun. VampiressRN will be working on the schedule now that the time is getting closer.


Crawl mug update. I am going to start posting progress reports on the mugs progress.

These photos were taken between October and December 2016. I'm doing a catch up of posting.

We made one mold so it's one mug per day.

It's been fun watching the numbers grow.

Here is a load that has been sanded and dusted and is waiting for bisque firing.

Here is a mug that is just out of the mold and ready for me to clean.

More to come soon, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 06/06/2017

More of the mugs are drying and

Some have made it to the kiln for firing.


danlovestikis posted on 06/07/2017

These photos were taken between 12/13/16 and 12/22/16. Working constantly on the Sacramento Crawl mug along with the Wish List #7.

I really enjoy making the mugs for the crawl. The idea to use this

came from Duane Orzol aka Psycho Tiki D. I went here growing up and it was a treat. I remember lots of nets and nautical decorations. I was too young to recognize tikis but they did have them a block up at Southgate Shopping center.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 06/08/2017

More steps in making the Sacramento Crawl mug 2017. These photos were taken between 12/22/16 and 1/16/17.

Because it is so cold outside all the mugs had to be scrubbed in a big pot in the house.

After sanding and dusting another load is in the kiln.

The boxes for the mugs have arrived.

Sanding and

loading the kiln.

Dan is a wonderful help.

danlovestikis posted on 06/09/2017

These photos of the Crawl mug production were taken between 1/28/17 and 2/24/17.

I really did work. I re-carved every mug we cast and I did all the sanding. I'm just a wreck when working and Dan always looks good so I like to take the photos of him.

So these show the sanding, firing and washing of the mugs as they are made. Dan is my right arm and left hand. I'm dealing with carpal tunnel now after too many extra long days so he is doing all of the washing.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 06/12/2017

Glazing begins with the Sacramento Crawl mugs. These photos were taken between 2/26/17 and 3/5/17.

I do Artist Proofs so Dan can be paid, he works for tikis, and to have some as first come first serve specials at the crawl. Any left over go up for sale. My AP's cost the same as the crawl mug run $85.

I have already decided that the mug will be a light stone grey with purple undertones and a purple interior and purple Tahiti on the back.

I started by using the purple glaze on the bottom. I covered the bottom and then decided to

wipe it off around the edges to highlight Sacramento, CA.

I glazed the inside of one and then decided that this wasn't working well and changed my technique.

I did three with the purple interiors and the purple bottoms.

I put one inside this box and while wearing a face mask I sprayed the three mugs with the grey glaze.

I let the three mugs dry.

Then two of the mugs went back in the box. One I sprayed the purple from the top down. The second one I sprayed from the bottom up. This will tell me which way works best. The third one I left plain grey on the outside.

Now it was time to make the AP's for the crawl and Dan. I decided to use brown bottoms for most of the AP's. I got smarter and didn't cover the entire bottom.

Now I only had to wipe off the extra glaze over the words.

With that done they are ready to glaze. Since I'm using glazes with crystals they have to be done by hand.

I also glazed the accidental lamp for Dan. I put black on the mug and then wiped it off and then I covered it with a crackle glaze to see if I could get those cracked lines to show up.

My poor kitchen. Glazing is a mess and I seem to do my best to make it worse.

Done and drying. I'm working towards a kiln load so I can fire.

All fun and games in the tiki factory as the best part begins. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 06/14/2017

Here is the final on the Sacramento Crawl mug for 2017.

$85 at the crawl and $85 plus shipping after the crawl. If you are on the list from last year found on page one of this thread you don't need to sign up. If you don't want a mug letting me know you are cancelling would help me out.

Thank you all so much, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 06/15/2017

More work on the Sacramento Crawl mug for October 2017. These photos were taken 3/9/17 to 3/12/17.

To start all the mugs in the hallway and this is only the first table, must be moved to the kitchen and the nook. Along the shelf are the AP's just out of the kiln. Dan snagged his share but there will be a dozen at the crawl that can be bought as an extra or instead of the regular crawl mug. First come first serve.

Here they are surrounding the stove. You can see why I don't cook.

Here are some in the nook.

I had Dan spray water into a batch of the mugs so I could start glazing.

This is as close as I got to having a photo of all the mugs together. I should have had Dan leave the room as he is blocking some.

I got out all of the supplies that I would need for glazing the inside and bottom of each mug.

See that hand? It's mine I really do work it's that Dan is so much cuter in photos. I poured the glaze to the top and waited 30 seconds and poured it out into a pitcher.

Then I put the mug upside down into a heavy duty vase to finish draining. If too much glaze is on the bottom of the inside it can bubble or crack the mug.

While the mug is upside down I glazed the bottoms.
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Then I go back and remove the excess revealing the Sacramento, CA.
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While I'm glazing I had Dan put boxes together and also number them them. Gosh I just noticed he matches the couch.
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I'm getting tired looking at these photos. Or maybe it's because I did my 8 hours of glazing Wish List projects today.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 06/15/2017

Dan finished his assigned chore and left to play records.
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I used up all this glaze for the insides of the mugs.
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I scrapped out the glaze from each vase into a pitcher and saved it for the next day when this would begin again.
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The next day.

Each time I take one out of the vase I clean up the top and if the glaze isn't thick enough I add some around the rim.
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One by one the go on a tray until Dan can remove them from the kitchen.
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A couple of days later they are dry and the weather is right for spraying. I need no more than a light breeze. Wind will carry too much glaze away from what I am spraying. I don't use the box when I have so many to do.

Mugs get carried all over the place during production. From when they are cast, cleaned, dried, sanded, bisque fired, glazed and fired again and touch ups as needed and fired another time. It's like lifting weights. So from the house they went outside and to the
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kiln shed. Now I'm ready to glaze them all.
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Most photos are of Dan so I thought I would show myself for a change.
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The first time I used a spray gun everything I sprayed stuck to the turn table. I had to keep washing the turn table then I thought why not use the spikes.
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I can spray all day long without the glaze building up to reach the mugs.
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When I start I wonder if I can get them done, then one by one they are.
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Each time I finish a tray of mugs Dan carries it to the shed or into the house.
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I put tape between my eyebrows so that I don't frown all day long and make those lines. I iron them out with tape.
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I pushed to get this first part done. They all must be sprayed again, I'll show that next time. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 06/16/2017

Continuing to work on the Sacramento Crawl mug for October 2017.

These photos were taken from 3/14/17 to 3/26/17.

The grey glaze on all the mugs dried and now I took each mug and putting the sprayer down below the mug I sprayed on some purple glaze. It is so subtle that I don't know why I did it. But I liked the shading.
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Once this dried it was time to load and fire and
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load and fire and
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load and fire and
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load and fire. I did 7 two layers in the kiln loads.
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The fun part is unloading the kiln.
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Dan's job was to carry them into the house and then to inspect them to see if any needed touch up.
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Dan is a good inspector. It only takes one spec of dust to cause a defect that needs work.
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Overall there were not that many that did.
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It's fun to see them lined up with a few of the AP's.
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They are not done. There is still one more step to go.
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Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 06/17/2017

Finishing the Sacramento Crawl mug for October 2017. These photos were taken 4/2/17 to 4/8/17.

I wanted to highlight the name Tahiti on the back. I bought a can of pin stripping paint at a car detailing shop. $25! I hoped it would last for the 65 mugs I've made. I did not use it for the AP's. This is durable enamel.
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I uniformly applied the paint to this sponge. I save all my plastic lids to use as disposable easels.
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I then applied it by blotting on the raised letters.
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The name of the glaze I used for the interior was Purple. The pin stripping paint name was Purple.
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I hoped when it dried that they would match. Nope, not that lucky.
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Dan said it didn't bother him so, OK I did them all.
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I printed 65 signature cards and autographed and numbered them.
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Dan got ready. I matched a box, mug and card and gave them to him to box.
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The crawl mug is DONE. Now I will just work on the Wish List #7.
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This feels so good. I will try to accomplish the next crawl mug ahead of schedule too. I've already got an idea and a place that I found by going through all the phone books at the state library from 1912 on.


danlovestikis posted on 07/06/2017

One more Artist Proofs to fire. I'll have them at each stop on the crawl. You can get one as a second mug or as your only mug. Either way they are both $85 each. See you there! Wendy

VampiressRN posted on 08/06/2017

Working on my email list and the venue for our weekend. You can send me a message with your email. I do have a list from last year also.


danlovestikis posted on 08/25/2017

If your name is on the list of crawlers or on my list from last year I have a mug for you if you want one. Also there will be 10 AP's at the same price of $85, first at my truck the first to grab one. It can be your crawl mug or an extra.

Thank you all, Wendy

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ef6d45b2af7931cfa31c5b2ab3ed91a0?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
rugbymatt posted on 09/02/2017

Count me in!

danlovestikis posted on 09/07/2017

The SACRAMENTO CRAWL 2017 is coming up soon. I have made the crawl mug.

This is the list of those who wanted one last year. If you want to stay on or get off the list please let me know.

I am accepting payment NOW for the mug via Paypal as long as the money to family option is used.
My account is my email address. If you need my email addess let me know. This is for those attending.

I will ship and collect payment including shipping costs from those who miss the event after the crawl ends.

The crawl is October 6th - 8th. Run by VampiressRN. She updates page one here if there are changes.

The mug is $85. I hand-carved the detail into every mug because my mold wasn't good enough. I hope you can tell.

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11 VampiressRN PAID
#13 Laura Lee Riley 2017 PAID
#20 TikiTNT aka Tom Colman PAID
#22 Debbie Whitaker Moretton PAID
#25 Matt Hull PAID

#42 Heather Hart – Evers PAID (AquaAloha aka Heather Evers)PAID
#47 Choptop PAID
#60 Dancin' Lizard aka Debbie Eyman-Whitehead PAID
Annette Kerns PAID
Andrew Bornhoeft PAID aka Dru

Bill Beierle PAID
Brenda Ray PAID
Brian Martin PAID
Bullet Roberts PAID
Brigitte Crawford PAID

Daniel Cromm PAID
Cathi Wartelle PAID
Chris Martin PAID
Cecily Dewing PAID
Cole Unger PAID

Denise Marie Hopkins PAID
Duane Orzol PAID
Donovan Goble cancel for this year
Dannelle Ddr Abellera cancel for this year
ebtiki PAID

Erik Danielles cancel for this year
Gabrial Baldwin PAID
Gregory Ramirez PAID
JJMaiTai aka Jeremy and Stephanie PAID
Joanne Kelly PAID

John Kuckowicz PAID
John O'Neill PAID
John Kuckowicz PAID
Karen Stuetz-Garland cancel for this year
Kristin Beierle PAID

Kurt Biddle PAID
Lauren Lundstun PAID
Mike Mac PAID
Mike Mac's sister PAID
Mary Parker PAID

Mahalo Tiki PAID
Melissa Schmitt-Barletta PAID
Moai Mike PAID
Mitch Cichella PAID
Monty PAID (via Debbie Hurley)

mondo-by-the-bay PAID
Miss Monk-ii aka Maggie PAID
Nelson Osorio PAID
Robyn Lednock-Hass PAID by Jason T. Smith gift
Stephen Holt cancel for this year

Savage Tiki Eric PAID
Scott Taylor PAID PU by friend at JB Natalie Cortez or Carol Graven done
slowhandtikiman Rob Wagner PAID to be picked up by Jeremy done
Scott Shapiro ... and friend (2) Paid and Paid
Terry Patton PAID

Tonie Iriarte Jenkins PAID (PU 2016 pineapple mug PAID)
Todd Sieber PAID
Trace Stark PAID
Vance Klinke PAID
Woody Miller PAID

Whylee Raven aka Dr. Tiki Mojo PAID and PAID

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-10-24 08:17 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-10-24 14:24 ]

VampiressRN posted on 09/17/2017

I adjusted the intro post with the updated venue. We have 2 stops on Friday & Sunday. We have 4 stops on Saturday. I will be using previous lists of emails to send the crawl addresses. If you are new to our crawl or have recently changed your email address, please message me with it.
THANKS everyone.

"Oh waiter, another cocktail please!!!"

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2017-09-17 22:52 ]

VampiressRN posted on 09/20/2017

I will be sending out the stop addresses this weekend. Please send me your email address per message here or on FaceBook.

danlovestikis posted on 09/22/2017

The updated schedule for the crawl and all the information you need is on PAGE ONE of this thread.

We will do our best to be at all of the stops for mug distribution and sales. I will have a few AP's at the same price of the mug. All at $85. First come first serve.

The list for crawl mugs can be found at: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=38423&forum=18&start=0

I have had cancellations so there are some mugs available. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-10-10 09:50 ]

VampiressRN posted on 09/24/2017

Just sent the initial invite with crawl addresses. I am trying to compile 2 different email lists, and still need to send more folks the information this weekend.

VampiressRN posted on 09/27/2017

Just did a second revision of the stops to update an address and phone numbers.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2017-09-26 21:35 ]

danlovestikis posted on 10/05/2017

We parked on the parched lawn so we could load the crawl mugs through the front door.
One more day and the fun starts. Wendy

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VampiressRN posted on 10/06/2017

Be sure to show up Saturday. I have Cap City Tiki bumper stickers. My car will be sporting one.

danlovestikis posted on 10/06/2017

The crawl is about to begin. I will have all the mugs with me. If you attend the crawl you can pick up your mug pre-paid or $85 cash. If you attend I have a mug for you even if you are not on the list.

Next week I will be shipping mugs to those who didn't make it.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 10/10/2017

Sacramento Crawl 2017 was perfect. Dan always complains that we are the first to arrive. To prove his point he asked me to take these photos for him.

At the Jungle Bird.
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At The Liki Tiki Mug home of Drew and Caitlin.
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The next morning at the Daisy/1962 Oasis Trailer home.
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Then off to McTiki's OLole Maluna home of Mike and Denise.
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Next the home of Gabriel.
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That night at Kapua's Laire the home of Jeremy and Stephanie.
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Next morning Swanberg's Tiki Hawaiian Shop
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The very last stop The Headhunter's Hideaway and Voodoo Lounge inhabited by Dave and Eva.

Dan was still searching for the other guests.
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OK Dan you are right I always get to places too early!!! Wendy

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