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Hey everyone. Anyone got any good tiki recipes using creme de cassis?

Pages: 1 7 replies

myrongainesbrah posted on 12/04/2017

I'm looking for a good reason to buy it because it sounds interesting but if I do n't find any good cocktails I'll prob just save my money

LeftarmofBuddha posted on 12/04/2017

The only one I know of is The Diablo which didn't really blow me away when I had it. There may be others. I remember seeing somewhere that some people use creme de cassis in place of blueberry liqueur but I don't know of many that feature one either.

hiltiki posted on 12/04/2017

I love Ciro"s Special, from Grog Log, however not everyone does.

1 oz fresh lime
3/4 creme de cassis
1/4 Grand Marnier
1 1/2 oz Dark Jamaican rum.
shake with ice cubes and strain into cocktail glass.

You can also substitute white tequila for rum, I have not.

BundyBob posted on 12/05/2017

We are lucky in the PNW to have both Jason Alexander and Tiki Kon. Jason's Jungle Julep is a favorite for us. We don't have Mathilde Cassis locally. We've tried Cartron Cassis, but it is a bit sweet and we prefer Clear Creek Distilleries Cassis Liqueur. We had it the other day with spindly grocery store mint and it was still wonderful!

HopeChest posted on 12/05/2017

I am very tempted to buy a bottle just to try that julep - that sounds amazing.

PalmtreePat posted on 12/06/2017

The Sumatra Kula recipe Arriano reverse engineered for his 1950s DTB booklet uses a dash of cassis. I usually extrapolate that into a generous barspoon of the stuff, because A: it kind of gets lost in the drink otherwise and B: I aint got no dasher cap on that bottle.

Sumatra Kula
1½ oz Gold Filipino Rum
½ oz Lime Juice
½ oz Grapefruit Juice
½ oz Orange Juice
½ oz Honey Mix
1 dash Crème de Cassis
Put everything in a blender. Add 3 ounces crushed ice and blend at high
speed for five seconds. Pour into a pilsner glass. Add more crushed ice to fill.
Garnish with a mint sprig.

[ Edited by: PalmtreePat 2017-12-05 17:19 ]

hiltiki posted on 01/15/2018

I liked the Diablo

1 1/2 tequila
1/2 Creme De Casis
1/2 fresh lime juice
2 to 3 oz ginger ail

Put first three ingredients in shaker add ice and shake, strain into a Collins glass
filled with ice, top with gingerail.

kkocka posted on 01/17/2018

On 2018-01-14 19:47, hiltiki wrote:
I liked the Diablo

Well I tip my hat to you sir! That's one drink I made and both the wife and I revolted in disgust, and tossed the damn thing out.

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