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Concrete Lawn Tiki Gallery

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Inspired by Teeks' Stone Tiki gift, I decided to take account of the concrete outdoor Tikis usually offered by nurseries that I have assembled over the years. These are most of the classic, known ones. Most of them are only around 3 feet tall. The good thing about concrete Tikis is they will last forever, and are usually too heavy to be stolen.

The first watcher that greets the visitor is this strange moon-eyed Moai. Now bleached by sun and rain, he used to be stained much darker:

Further up to the walkway to the house, you are greeted by Fred, Pepe and in the background, Olu:

The dimensions of these three are off because of the perspective, Fred in the foreground being the smallest with 2 feet something, Pepe in the middle is 4 feet (I got him on Rosarito Beach in Mexico), and Olu, (who does not really fit in here because he is a wooden Tiki), is about 9 feet tall, carved by Leroy Schmaltz from a chopped pine tree in situ.

Next we find Karl:

And the classic Mark:

Then comes a bit of an exception, because this guy is made from porous Tufa stone.

I call him Dirty Mike, in honor of Mike Gildea, who I believe carved him:

Reaching my front porch, we find Mr. Strikow (pretty bleached too):

..and one of my favorite pieces of vintage concrete Tiki art, DROOPY! (can be used as a fountain):

Another vintage fave is this crazy concrete Maori hybrid, guarding my fireplace, (but intended for the lawn):

That's all folks, I would love to see if anybody has any other concrete lawn Tiki designs not shown here.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2008-12-24 10:43 ]


Just two.

I've got a few concrete tikis. They stay in the house though because I live in the I.E.

I picked this first one up at Oasis III. (I think.)

This is one of my favorites. Got it from Seamus at Oasis V.

here goes.....

picked these up last summer......this ones heavy....

.and this little maori inspired one....

Just One So Far...

My only two . .

But they live indoors these days.


I just saw those Silverline tikis in person recently. WOW, those are SO sweet!!!

Here are photos of a Moai concrete plaque I got just yesterday. It isn't marked so I don't know who produced it but it sure looks vintage to me. I guess it could be hung from a wood fence or on the side of a backyard tool shed or tiki bar. I'm going to hang it inside though.

Approx. Measurements: 20" tall, 8.5" wide, 3" thick
Does anyone else have one of these or know anything about it?

Thank you Sven!

Here are a few of mine from my backyard...


What's that I see in my sister's neighbor's yard?

I'm told that they're giving it to me once their house is sold (and, yes, it's actually up for sale)


BigBro, the one you got in Rosarito was done by Pepe. All of his concrete tikis are rough formed while the concrete is semi hard and then actually carved with chisels. I love that you named it Pepe. I have 2 concrete tikis by him I will post as soon as I can. Anyone who has a Pepe original should realize they are not from a mold.


[ Edited by: hottiki 2015-10-14 06:23 ]


Can it be that I have the only one? can there be only one? looks like it was a cast job, with all the wood grain. it has the means to have had water pumping thru it. the bottom box is bolted to the tiki and the bowl just sits on top of box. this thing is heavy,the guys that moved it for me said it was like a ton of bricks. I don't know why it is...it had to be harder to make than carving one out of wood! who would put that much time and effort into making a concrete witco fountain? I've looked in a lot of books and have searched to no end...somebody has to know something...this a cement witco or a red herring


Here are a few of my concrete tikis with a couple resin tikis. My favorite is the brown Ku on the right, which was obviously cast from the ones made by Universal Statuary for United Airlines.


Here's my Tiki Farm chiminea with his flower pot fez, being lead in procession by a bunch of concrete moai.

That Witco cement tiki is really cool. Here's my collection of cement tikis. The big mask and small guy on the lawn is from "Big Ed" http://www.tikibroker.com/Tikis.html# which I picked up at Oasis.

This small guy below I think I bought at the Egyptian Luau from a real nice guy. His company and name is slipping away from me right now, but I'm sure someone knows who he is. I accidentally spilled paint on the last two, so I repainted them with my blue-green algae dry-brush that I use on my necklaces.



I saw these for sale at Flamingo joe's in Rockaway beach Oregon for $39.00


Ever since I saw 2 of these awesome concrete tikis over at Silverline's place, I have really, REALLY wanted to find one for myself but they are not new and who knows where or when they were produced. So I figured I would just never run across another one. But guess what? Silverline did it again. Yep, he hooked me up when he found a 3rd one!!!

Since this guy needed a little touch up I wasted no time restoring him to the original look. All 3 have been painted flat black so that's the way I re-did it.

Once more my buddy Silverline is there for me. Man I love this new addition to my collection.

That turned out perfect! There is sure a lot of detail in that guy! I'm glad you're happy with him!

Here is my Droopy tiki guarding the front door.
It was perched atop a three foot wall above the deep end of a pool with only a two foot wide walk way between success and disaster. Of course there was no one under 75 that could help me. I think I lost about an inch by the time I got it in place.


These are from a guy from the Big Island (Hawaii) and he was selling them at the Stadium Swapmeet on Oahu last year...

Bought this guy....really freakin heavy :)

Bought the guy on the left too...now discontinued, the one
on the right kinda looked like a witco copy...grain marks

Garage sale find

Aloha, Freddie

All of you have great stuff! And beautiful yards! Makes me jealous. I like the hat robotiki.


sweet tikis! gotta have some of those...


WOW! Do they still make those chimineas robotiki?

No clintiki, They are long out of production & sold out.


Had these for a while - just stained them last night.

A mix of wood and concrete tiki's and masks at Roger's Gardens in Corona del Mar. Very pretty to look at and very expensive.

My cat and 2 concrete statues from Armstrong Nursery. I can't get the price tag sticker residue off of them. I think it actually stained the concrete.

This thread is inspirational, I may try to sneak one past the HOA into my garden. Thanks for posting all the wonderful pictures everyone.

TikiDavid...I sooooo love how your Moai is looking out at the Ocean...it made my heart heavy.

8ft Tiki...great reconditioning.

Big Ed made a lot of those, you can find him at the "International Tiki Marketplace"
at Don's & other Tiki events in Calif.

A couple years ago my wife pointed out something while we were in her aunts backyard.
She saw an odd shaped rock under her aunts fence. I pulled it out from the dirt, and BAMM...
Saved him and got the OK to take it home. She had no idea where she got it.

I would love some concrete or stone tikis for my backyard but they're hard to come by here. If anyone has a source let me know. They're too heavy to ship!

Lori, Check your local garden centers and big box store garden centers in the summer. That's when concrete tikis come out of hibernation. Home Depot, Lowes, Wal-Mart, etc...


There's always the Design Toscano pair...

From SMOKIN TIKIS at Caliente 5
Thanks Jason

That is one heavy mother

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-05-20 19:27 ]

Here's another one:

One of a pair.

harro posted on Wed, May 29, 2013 4:18 AM

On 2013-03-04 21:32, hang10tiki wrote:

that half moai is awesome!!!!

Thanx Harro

Brought 2 more back from Oasis
Thanx again Jason (smokin tikis)...

Smaller version

From either Wal-Mart or a garden center...they both had the same thing a couple years ago.

Found something interesting (to me, at least) so I'm reviving this thread. This guy (girl) looks familiar. Anyone seen anything similar?

Found this guy at the local garden center. Like everyone else says, he's heavy as all get out, but a nice focal point to the entry of our Hut.


On 2009-06-24 20:59, hottiki wrote:
Can it be that I have the only one? can there be only one? looks like it was a cast job, with all the wood grain. it has the means to have had water pumping thru it. the bottom box is bolted to the tiki and the bowl just sits on top of box. this thing is heavy,the guys that moved it for me said it was like a ton of bricks. I don't know why it is...it had to be harder to make than carving one out of wood! who would put that much time and effort into making a concrete witco fountain? I've looked in a lot of books and have searched to no end...somebody has to know something...this a cement witco or a red herring

I actually bought one of these this weekend. It was given a paint job at some point, and it probably weighs 300-400 Lbs. Here's a picture of it at the Auction house:

I'll post one of it outside of our basement bar this weekend.


And here it is outside of the entrance to our basement bar, No Bikini Atoll. This heavy bastard broke into a ton of pieces on his way down the stairs. After drilling holes, reinforcing him with rebar, and a lot of construction adhesive, he's proudly standing again.

Yikes! That doesn't sound like a whole heck of a lot of fun! I'm glad you were able to salvage him, tho. Looks good from here. I've been on the lookout for concrete tikis of my own, but thus far have come up empty.


On 2018-02-04 09:04, Cavemoai wrote:
And here it is outside of the entrance to our basement bar, No Bikini Atoll. This heavy bastard broke into a ton of pieces on his way down the stairs. After drilling holes, reinforcing him with rebar, and a lot of construction adhesive, he's proudly standing again.

Cool tiki skateboard deck, too.


Cool tiki skateboard deck, too.

Thanks! It's a reissue of a 90's deck. The graphic is off the packaging for chopsticks from the Tonga Room ca. the 1960s.

CaveM- wow
That’s huge
Sorry it broke
Glad u saved it

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