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Queen's Park Swizzle

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Swizzler posted on 07/18/2006

Hey Everybody,

I heard some tikifiles ordering a Queen's Park Swizzle a month or so ago on a Wednesday at Forbidden Island. I asked Sonja to make me one and since she knew I liked Barbancourt she asked if I'd like her to use that. The result was quite delicious! Since then I've been trying to discover what the original recipe was, so many variants on the web! My old Trader Vic's lists three rums: light Puerto Rican, dark Jamaican, and a 151 demerara. Anyone have any idea what the original British hotel would have used?

TofuJoe posted on 07/25/2006

Hey Swizzler...

Funny you should mention this. On one of my lazy sundays spent at Forbidden Island, I asked Jim to mix me something new and he made me one of these using 10 Cane, Zaya and Lemon Hart Demerara 151. It was fantastic.

I however can't tell what the original rums used were.

Swizzler posted on 07/25/2006

Thanks, TofuJoe. That sounds like one powerful concoction! I love the Lemon Hart but have never had the Zaya or the 10 Cane (although I've seen the bottles lurking on the shelves). Have you had either by themselves? What did you think?
I'm usually at FI on Wednesday or Thursday nights but have to admit that the Sunday/Playdo afternoon was perfect. Could two days a week be too much research into the more arcane areas of magnum mysterium tikilogicae?


TofuJoe posted on 07/25/2006

Definitely try the Zaya neat.

The 10 cane, I'd say on ice, but others may disagree.

I'm at Forbidden Island more than most, less than some. Likely I've met you...I'm that guy that's married to Thayer.

Swizzler posted on 07/26/2006

I'll definitely try the Zaya first, it's too expensive to try too much too soon!

lol, we've never met but we saw you win the floats at the Kona Club. I'm usually there in a group of three, Martin, Jeff and Phil ... Thayer calls us the boys.

Hamo posted on 06/05/2019

Bump, because we need to talk about this in a little more depth.

I first discovered the Queen's Park Swizzle through this episode of Robert Hess' video series The Cocktail Spirit. Here he uses Bacardi 8, which I've never tried; I usually go with a Demerara (El Dorado 5 or 8 ). The recipe is similar but not exactly the same over on his Drinkboy site.

In both places, Robert quotes Trader Vic's pronouncement that this drink is "the most delightful form of anesthesia," and we find the recipe in Rum Cookery & Drinkery. But to complicate matters, Vic's formulation makes no mention of muddling mint leaves. And a internet search suggests there's no consensus regarding the inclusion of mint beyond garnish (let alone type or blend of rums, nor the number of dashes of bitters).

I personally like the dimension that muddled mint adds to the drink, and while I usually choose 3 ounces of one Demerara rum and a dash of Angostura, I just enjoyed 1 ounce each of a 80 and 151 proof Demeraras and 2 dashes of bitters. Next time I'll consider Vic's blend of light Puerto Rican, dark Jamaican, and 151 Demerara (which I think explains why he called it "anesthesia").

Do you have a go-to recipe or rum(s) for the Queen's Park Swizzle, or are you more flexible than I usually am?

lunavideogames posted on 06/05/2019

I always muddle mint. I also always use 2 dashes Ango bitters and 2 dashes of Peychaud bitters. I think they bring the drink to another level.

As for rum, I usually use Havana Club 3 year. I feel like this drink is just a souped up Mojito so I treat it as such. I'm lucky to live close to Mexico so I can keep myself well stocked with Havana Club.

The drink originated at the Queen's Park Hotel in Trinidad (defunct) according to my "Bartender" app. Also states it is a Mojito variation but gives no advice on what rum to use.

Hamo posted on 06/06/2019

Ah, yes, I never even mentioned the inclusion of Peychaud's, which I think is Death & Co's version.

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