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Vacation in "sunny" Columbus Ohio, bring your raincoat.

Pages: 1 45 replies

tikiskip posted on 05/02/2019

Not a joke.
This is the forecast for the next ten days!
One of the next ten days is said to be "sunny"

And it rained yesterday!

Columbus, OH 10 Day Weather
2:24 pm EDTPrint



Partly Cloudy


Partly Cloudy

PM Thunderstorms


MAY 10
PM Showers

MAY 11
PM Showers

MAY 12
Scattered Thunderstorms

MAY 13
Scattered Thunderstorms

MAY 14
AM Showers

MAY 15
AM Showers

MAY 16
Partly Cloudy

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2019-05-09 03:33 ]

uncle trav posted on 05/03/2019

Skip, are your sure your not looking at the forecast for Kalamazoo? I have not seen that fabled sun thing you mentioned in a long while.

tikiskip posted on 05/03/2019

Dude it's f-ing ridiculous!

Every year it get worse.
I'm trying to find two days of no rain so I can spray the weeds and I got all the way to June!

Everything is getting so moldy and mossy.

Damn we may not open the pool.

On the up side I did seed the lawn at the right time, even though I can't hardly cut the grass as it is wet.

tikiskip posted on 05/06/2019

Hey Trav sun today.
Enjoy it while it lasts.

Er that means cut the grass and spray the weeds.

Hamo posted on 05/07/2019

We got a foot of snow last Monday and may get an inch overnight on Wednesday.

tikiskip posted on 05/07/2019

Damn that blows.

I think you Coloradieans might be being punished for being so nutty.

Good luck, stay warm.

MrBaliHai posted on 05/07/2019

On 2019-05-07 03:25, tikiskip wrote:
I think you Coloradieans might be being punished for being so nutty.

The native Coloradans are a pretty sensible bunch. It's all the expats from California who've raised the nut factor to dangerous levels.

tikiskip posted on 05/07/2019

Ha! lots of that going on.

Look for a mass exodus from New York as well.

uncle trav posted on 05/07/2019

I finally got the grass cut! I think I may have scared the heard of wildebeests grazing back there though. Sunday was nice for a minute. Now we are back to 54 degrees and an even monotone gray. SUPER!

MrBaliHai posted on 05/07/2019

On 2019-05-07 09:16, tikiskip wrote:
Ha! lots of that going on.

Instead of scaling 14'ers, the residents of Denver are now scaling new heights of stupidity:


tikiskip posted on 05/08/2019

The crazy thing is they want to decriminalize pot and other drugs while criminalizing cigarettes.

What the heck, I don’t smoke cigarettes or do pot / drugs.

I did smoke pot, cigarettes in High school, it was fun.
BUT I also hired homeless guys at my restaurant and they were some smart hard working guys that drugs and alcohol had totally messed them up.

One guy got high with his buddies and mouthed off to them and they beat him up so bad he did not know who I was and he was never the same for life.
Damn he was a great worker, not after that.

It’s those people that need you to not legalize drugs so it can at least be harder for them to get.
Think of Forest, Phil, Tony, and Charles plus the other nameless ones.

It's a crazy world and just getting more crazy everyday.

“The report, issued by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, said that car accidents reported to police in three states that had legalized marijuana sales—Colorado, Washington, and Oregon—saw 5.2% more accidents than did their neighboring states.”

Hamo posted on 05/09/2019

On 2019-05-07 05:24, MrBaliHai wrote:

On 2019-05-07 03:25, tikiskip wrote:
I think you Coloradieans might be being punished for being so nutty.

The native Coloradans are a pretty sensible bunch. It's all the expats from California who've raised the nut factor to dangerous levels.

I agree about the Californians but not too sure about native Coloradans. And for the record, I'm originally from Iowa, and everyone knows we Midwesterners are the most sensible of all.

Snow's falling, and the forecast is up to 2-4 inches.

Hamo posted on 05/09/2019

PS, I'm surprised the Spelling Police hasn't cited you for misspelling "vacation" in the thread title, but then he's too busy making a volcano bowl for the Tonga Hut Bowl-O-Rama....

tikiskip posted on 05/09/2019

Ha! he has been giving me a break.

But I tell ya lots o times it's this damn bamboo keyboard we got, looks nice but I swear it has a mind of it's own and will drop letters you type in.

Heck I never claimed to be a Scholarly type anyway.

I'm going to take some shrooms and forget about it.

"magic mushrooms" are decriminalized in Colorado as of 5/9/2019
Just nutz.

MrBaliHai posted on 05/09/2019

On 2019-05-08 19:26, Hamo wrote:
I agree about the Californians but not too sure about native Coloradans. And for the record, I'm originally from Iowa, and everyone knows we Midwesterners are the most sensible of all.

Well, the populace of Boulder, native or otherwise, certainly wouldn't qualify as sensible in anybody's book.

I'm a Wisconsinite who moved to California in the 80s, then moved to Colorado in the 90s, lived in Germany for a couple of years, and finally moved back to Wisconsin, where I've stayed put now for the past 25 years. Not sure what that makes me...sensibly nutty with just a twist of Sauerkraut?

When I first moved to Colorado (Woodland Park), the locals told me to change my California license plates right away, otherwise I'd get my car keyed. It could've been worse, I suppose...I could've been a Texan.

And for the record, I've never eaten 'shrooms, although I did drop acid once while bowhunting in Northern California.

Ten inches of snow in Northwestern Wisconsin last night...we just got rain where I live though.

tikiskip posted on 05/10/2019

I have not had shrooms myself, ever, and the new pot is so strong.
Have not done any of that stuff since 1978.

I have a friend that LOoooves pot, it is not doing his life any favors.

So what place did you like the best MrBaliHai?

I used to like Ohio but it's so damn cold, and it's getting more and more er, left.
Think it has something to do with that whole you can't win that big job without winning Ohio.

Have so many connections in Ohio don't know if we can leave, or stay really.

Want to move to Mayberry RFD.

Johnny Dollar posted on 05/10/2019

On 2019-05-09 14:29, MrBaliHai wrote:

sensibly nutty with just a twist of Sauerkraut

i approve of this status.

MrBaliHai posted on 05/10/2019

On 2019-05-09 18:09, tikiskip wrote:

So what place did you like the best MrBaliHai?

I really loved being in the mountains and living in a house that had a view of Pikes Peak out of every south-facing window, so I'd probably have to choose Colorado, but I wouldn't move back there again. Maybe Wyoming or Idaho. Love Montana, but that's been getting heavily Californicated as well.

Want to move to Mayberry RFD.

You could be Otis's brother who shows up in town to open a Tiki bar, but it goes bankrupt in just a few weeks because Mayberry doesn't have a sufficient number of hipsters or craft-cocktail enthusiasts, then Aint Bee stirs up the local Temperance Society and they run you out of town on a rail.

MrBaliHai posted on 05/10/2019

On 2019-05-10 06:45, Johnny Dollar wrote:

i approve of this status.

It does seem to fit.

tikiskip posted on 05/10/2019

"You could be Otis's brother who shows up in town to open a Tiki bar, but it goes bankrupt in just a few weeks because Mayberry doesn't have a sufficient number of hipsters or craft-cocktail enthusiasts, then Aint Bee stirs up the local Temperance Society and they run you out of town on a rail"

Ha! true I would play to the audience and open a diner.
That's what I did for ten years and was born into it.
It was great mostly, and a lot like Mayberry.

We did see an Otis like drunk at a store in my wife's small home town of Franklinville NY but he did not have the charm and was just a sorry drunk with his sorry drunk friends.
Looked like a miner 49er or a civil war dude.

But at this age of 56 I would just get some pee on job and be happy.

Was always afraid that if we moved to a small town I would piss off the wrong people and we would be outcasts within a year.

I try to be a bit self aware.

tikiskip posted on 05/13/2019

It has rained 16 out of the last 20 days!
Man Ohio sucks, people stay away if you can.

It's raining now by the way.

Thanks for your input MrBaliHai that is one thing I love about TC the little things you learn about the world that you would have never known.

Who would have guessed that the people of Colorado would key your car for having a California license plate!
I thought they were all about love and all that BS, and damn California people have the same ideas that Colorado people I always thought.
Doesn't pot make people all chill not angry like booze, that's what I always hear anyway.

If that was the south keying cars for being from New York city that would be front page news.

The more we come together with love and understanding the farther apart we get.

Ohio is getting ridiculous amounts of new people moving in from lord knows where.
It blows, traffic is getting so bad.
They are going to mess up Ohio, good time to leave.

uncle trav posted on 05/14/2019

Well Skip, the big fireball finally made an appearance today! I was able to get the lawn work done again. Looks like more rain and gloom for the rest of the week. I’m enjoying the break with a frosty beer after a trog behind the mower.

uncle trav posted on 05/14/2019

And the flame is lit!

MrBaliHai posted on 05/16/2019

On 2019-05-13 06:51, tikiskip wrote:

Thanks for your input MrBaliHai that is one thing I love about TC the little things you learn about the world that you would have never known.

Who would have guessed that the people of Colorado would key your car for having a California license plate!

Well, I was talking about attitudes from over 20 years ago, so who knows what Coloradans think nowadays?

But what concerns me is people from California leaving the state because they've voted for dumb policies, and then moving to states where they vote for the same stupid polices that motivated them to leave the state in the first place.

mike and marie posted on 05/16/2019

We made a last minute trip to Columbus last week, and the timing must've been perfect because there was no rain at all, the weather was wonderful, the thrift store finds were pretty good, too!

tikiskip posted on 05/16/2019

Yeah we have had like three nice days in-between the 23 rain days.
It's nice today.

man it looks like you are missing out on the one GOOD thing about all this rain and cool weather, growin $hit.

Man our Spinach, Lettuce, Rhubarb, Radishes, Horseradish, Onions are f-ing goin nutz!
The ramps were great and even found a Morrell mushroom in my yard!

Plus we helped hatch five baby Bluebirds!

Have hatched out 8 black swallowtail butterfly's this year, cocoons from last year.
Got 30 more to go.

"But what concerns me is people from California leaving the state because they've voted for dumb policies, and then moving to states where they vote for the same stupid polices that motivated them to leave the state in the first place."

It's NUTZ, Ohio is going to do that I fear.
But damn if you f-up a state by helping these jerks who blow yer taxes on stupid BS you should have to stay in the mess you created.

At OSU you must not let people know about any political ideas if you are on a certain side, to do so would ruin your career.
When my wife leaves I'm going to write one of those tell all crazy old man letters and send it everywhere.

The union HELPS OSU get rid of people that are good workers just because they OSU want them gone.
My wife was in HR so I know where the body's are buried.

The up side is those people vote for the same stupid polices who are mostly young WILL have to sit in the mess they vote for.(My brother)

Damn I hope I can sit back and watch that.

mike and marie posted on 05/16/2019

uncle trav, we had Bell's years ago, their Christmas ale, good memories. Bell's Brewery are from what, Kalamazoo?

Having a manual reel mower is deadly this time of year. Got to cut when we can, often every 2 days or so.

skip, you guys have it pretty good in the middle of the state. We love visiting in May because it seems like you're often 10-12 degrees warmer than we are, and your spring is a couple weeks ahead. It's the lake effect. Nobody thinks of growing anything up here before Mother's Day, and you're talking about crops that we wouldn't know until June at the earliest.

Ramps make the best pesto.

If all goes well and according to plan, we will have a new crop this year: yellow groove bamboo. The shoots are delicious!

tikiskip posted on 05/17/2019

"May because it seems like you're often 10-12 degrees warmer than we are, and your spring is a couple weeks ahead. It's the lake effect."

Ok so file that under super duper f-that!
Colder than this god forsaken place!

You guys are kind of young still wait till your old and the cold makes you ache like crazy.

Get out while you can.

uncle trav posted on 05/17/2019

Yep Bells is a Kalamaoo original. My go to beverage between cocktails and helps lubricant my stiff joints.

Skip I gave up on the veggies in the garden. Everything I plants is for pollinators and hummingbirds. Flowers are a late start up here but annuals are going in this weekend. Perennials are going full bore now. I have a ton of mason bees laying eggs in my bee boxes. House Wrens are starting to nest in my nest boxes. I planted a ton of milk weed out back so hopefully more Monarchs will be around. Just waiting for another batch of baby squirrels in my squirrel nest box to arrive. For as much as I bitch about the weather up here I do enjoy the backyard wildlife. And man do my typing skills suck!

Hamo posted on 05/22/2019

So this happened today

Johnny Dollar posted on 05/22/2019
tikiskip posted on 05/22/2019

Damn Hamo!

"this year, Columbus had more rainfall than Seattle o_O"

And JD Ohio has WAY more wind farms than Seattle, Hummmm.
In fact the most of them is right down the Midwest states, Rich and powerful people want wind farm energy, Just not where they live.

That's why you don't see them in Penny butt port Maine.

tikilongbeach posted on 05/22/2019

The Midwest has a lot of wind turbines because it's consistently windy. There aren't any mountains to block air flow and there are a lot of wide open spaces.

tikiskip posted on 05/23/2019

They are also loud and ugly, small town Midwest hicks have no power to say no.

I still say they effect they weather patterns.

tikilongbeach posted on 05/23/2019

TikiSkip-I know that the turbines kill a lot of birds. Have you seen the giant field of turbines by Palm Springs?

tikiskip posted on 05/23/2019

No I have not but when I saw the HUGE one here in the day and night I flipped out!
Man it is massive!

I know that there is a chance that they are good, a small chance.
But we have not really studied the good and bad of these things like many of the "new" ideas that we come up with.

And on the birds I have heard of that and it's odd that they burry any bad news of these things and just keep saying it's the future.

Just found out that the life span that was said to be 20 years for one wind turbine is really 5 YEARS!

The blades are scraped and go to a landfill.

PLUS if these things are put where the winds is what does a tornado do to one of these.

I overheard a person saying "it's free energy from the wind" FREE! they rent the space they sit on monthly, they need to be maintained on going and then they need a rebuild every five years.

A set of these went up in new York and they never used them because they could not get needed parts for these NEW turbines, Nutz.

People need to wake up, and stand up to idiots and say no the emperor's new clothes are not great.

tikiskip posted on 06/16/2019

Man all this rain is growing some great radishes!

Now come the mildews and funguses to deal with, but it won't stop raining so I can spray for them.

Hamo posted on 06/18/2019

I finally took the flannel sheets off the bed last week, but I'm still wearing flannel pajamas. What month is this again?

uncle trav posted on 06/22/2019

Sunny today so the yard work will be the order of the day. This Wednesday we had 4” of rain in one afternoon in Kalamazoo!

Hamo posted on 06/23/2019

Barely 50 degrees today....

tikiskip posted on 06/24/2019

That is so depressing.

At least we have had a few sunny/warm days this month.

PS it's raining now, it rained last night.

Why can't it be unusually warm, sunny and dry one summer.
Does unusually most times have to lean towards crappy?

uncle trav posted on 06/27/2019

Ok now it’s hotter than hell out. If it sounds like I’m just bitching about the weather your right. Apparently a happy medium doesn’t exists in the Michigan weather patterns anymore!

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uncle trav posted on 07/06/2019

My garden is in full bloom and beautiful but still lacking butterflies. The Michigan Air Force on the other hand is out in full strength! Sitting out and enjoying the view of the garden is nearly impossible due to the damn mosquitoes. Seems like the blood suckers are the only insects we have right now. Again a happy medium would be nice but we’re swinging between extremes.

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uncle trav posted on 08/04/2019

Well let’s see. Polar Vortex winter, nonstop rain with flooding for spring and early summer. We had a record breaking heat wave last month and now we are in a drought. Getting bitch slapped by Mother Nature on all fronts with the weather situation.

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uncle trav posted on 01/11/2020

Hey Skip! This morning it’s 51 degrees in Kalamazoo and we’re in an official “ WINTER STORM WARNING”. A major ice event is on the way so that should be big fun. I do love a change of seasons but we have been stuck in Fall mode for a long while. That may drastically change by tonight.

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tikiskip posted on 01/11/2020

Man summer here was awesome!

It is said to be 68 today!
This winter has been all over the place but December was kinda warm at times.
Still have the grey and the rain for the most part.

I can't take Ohio winters anymore, so depressing.

Pages: 1 45 replies