Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge
Electric cars?
I'm locking this thread. TC isn't a place for politics or mis-informantion and this thread is starting to include both. DM me to discuss if you have an issue. This is a sticky post. [ Edited by leevigraham on 2023-03-24 18:18:18 ] |
Forget where this came up on TC but the electric car needs SOME kind of power to run. AND if you get a hybrid car to try to get away from being under the thumb of some other nation, the day we have a car that runs on one gallon of gas is the day gas goes up to $30.00 dollars a gallon. Professors and universities get paid to do studies on things, and the kind of studies that bring in the most dollars are studies that talk of doom and gloom. And if you think that wind and solar, hydro is going to provide enough power for all our cars think again. Via OSU |
With electric cars you will need a lot more batteries these too are hazardous to environment. Batteries As indicated above, rechargeable batteries contain numerous chemicals such as nickel, cadmium, and lead. If thrown in the trash, these chemicals can contaminate surface and groundwater supplies. In California, the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Act requires all retailers that sell rechargeable batteries to take them back and recycle them (a great example of product stewardship). If you notice that a store doesn't seem to be participating, don't be afraid to remind the staff about the law! You could also contact us to let us know! Automotive Batteries Vehicle batteries are wet-cell batteries. They are most commonly lead-acid in their chemistry type. Both lead and acid (sulfuric acid) are hazardous, so be sure to handle old batteries with care. In addition to the collection sites listed below, many auto parts stores and service centers will recycle your old battery when you purchase a new one (a great example of product stewardship). Call ahead to confirm. |
So you may have seen that there were protests in France over a 23% rise in gas prices. At a university they had a presentation about the new "Smart City" BS going to happen here in ol Ohio. Well here's how they did it, they gave free parking to the people with electric cars and had no taxes to buy the cars plus other incentives to buy them. So your electric car runs on some gas some of the time that gas will cost lots more I can tell you that. With LOTS more cars being electric you are going to need LOTS more electric to be generated, man they think it will shut down the power grid! One more thing this university did was send a questioner to some people and it asked "Would you be ok with a one hour brown out per week and what would you pay to avoid this brown out?" Damn people, do you know of this? But then you may not even see or hear of it as you did not know about this in the first place. And most people in Ohio know very little about the whole "Smart City" thing as well. I know a lot of dumb Professors people, don't just take their word on this stuff. [ Edited by: tikiskip 2018-11-18 19:51 ] |
Wanted to post this so we don't forget. I predict a price of over four dollars in about three years. Damn I can remember prices in the 70 cents range. But I still could not afford to fill my tank. |
Our gas in California is DOWN to $2.99 now, it was up to about $3.60 this time. The deal of taxing the gas cars to incentivise electric cars is happening here with the solar panels. Solar panel buyers get a tax break (which the other tax payer pay for). Then they sell their spare power back to the utility at retail price. That would be like raising chickens and selling your excess eggs to the store at retail, not wholesale. The utility is mandated by the government to do this even though they lose money on the deal and guess who pays for it? The other utility rate payers. |
Thanks for adding that Mike. I think they said that the solar panels you are forced to have on homes in California add a lot to the price of every new home, It's tens of thousands. Now what happens when they say you must retro fit every home to solar panels? BUT "it will add to the price of your home" Yes it will and at the same time raise your property taxes, and put home ownership out of reach for even more young people. Did you guys get Harley Edwin Rouda, Jr I went to school with that guy his dad started HER relator here in Upper Arlington and they lived the most Republican life, he was never that smart a guy when I knew of him. silver spoon for sure. Good luck with that guy. Always thought it was funny the people in Upper Arlington saying they are for the "little guy" Yeah right just as long as he does not live next door, heck the little guy only ever came over to cut their grass or clean their house. Get "woke" America. [ Edited by: tikiskip 2019-02-08 07:23 ] |
Johnny Dollar
agenda 21. |
This is just one thing I found on that.... "Agenda 21" -- which, according to the UN's own website, is a "comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations system, governments and major groups, in every area in which human impacts on the environment." Don't really feel the United Nations has the best interest of USA in mind. The UN would have a death grip on everything we do. Just don't want to see initiatives that help the problem funded by the USA mostly, with big shots at the top getting huge salary's to save us all. (Solyndra that was awesome) Many of the conferences were held in Brazil and Africa places so dirty that if you fall in the waters you need to go to the hospital. "Jun 30, 2016 - Rio's waters were found to contain viruses up to 1.7 million more times hazardous than a beach in the U.S. The problem is not just sewage. It's also trash, tons of it, floating in the bay. ... Oceanographer David Zee said the Brazilian government promised to install eight treatment plants on Rio's polluted rivers." Those are the people heading that thing up? |
Just saw where tobacco use is UP in young people 80% between the years 2016 and 2017 now we out lawed smoking indoors and also raised the age to smoke to 21 all this at a time when we want to legalize pot. I don't smoke, anything. BUT with that said this is exactly what I feel electric cars will do. Remember we reduced cigarette smoking only to increase Vaping a LOT and vaping has nicotine as well. We still don't know if wind farms are that economical after all, what is the life span and the up keep costs of a wind turbine? I do know it seams to be much more windy in Ohio, Do wind farms effect the weather? Does any of you know what a wind farm does to the currents? They are said to increase tepms at night. |
THIS is what you will get. All I ask is that we all look at the good and bad sides of these plans that are so costly and ask will this really help the situation. California governor abandons $77 billion high-speed train between LA and San Francisco The project has ballooned to $77 billion. Rushed construction and poor management cost the rail authority $600 million in budget overruns, according to the audit. It could cost another $1.6 billion to complete Central Valley segments alone, Howle's report found. That would bring the total for the initial track to $10.6 billion, about 75 percent higher than the original $6 billion estimate. |
uncle trav
Those little electric cars had a hard go of it during the last polar vortex here in Michigan. Apparently the subzero temps cut the battery life in half. They also have zero ground clearance so I had to go around many stuck in the foot of snow that fell in one night earlier this week. I care about the environment but a twenty mile driving range and being stuck in the snow won’t get me to work to pay the bills. |
Johnny Dollar
we were supposed to have Jet Packs by now!!! >:( >:( |
Actually by now we are supposed to have run out of gas altogether in fact we should have run out of gas by the year 2000 from what we were told as kids in the 1970s. uncle trav I have NEVER heard that! THAT is the problem with these new progressive ideas they hide any bit of bad news, damn show us the bad and the good, fix the bad and if it's unfixable then dump that idea and move on. Instead they pour tons of money into the idea until people just will not go for it and then dump that idea. I still feel that the led lights are not as long lasting as they say they are, we still have no led lights in our house have been able to buy the old incandescent lights. Hate the light put out by the led lights. Subterranean, that is part of the answer to saving energy. Plus a holding tank in your house for water before it goes to the hot water tank would save energy as it would be at room temp before you spend energy to heat it. |
This is what I grew up with in 1970s. Still true today.... George Carlin - Saving the Planet |
So today 2/21/2019 they said they wanted to raise gas tax by 18 cents this would make Ohio 5th highest gas tax in the nation. NOW they said it was for fixing the roads and bridges ect, but remember Norway put so many taxes on gas cars to push people into the electric cars. Lets wait and see how many taxes they can pile onto the gas car. AND the electric car uses the roads are the prices for the electric cars refill going up? Or are they getting ahead of the problem so they can have more of the gas cars pay for the road repairs before they push us into electric cars. |
So it came to me that they do not have a tax on electric cars as they do on gas cars. With gas cars and trucks they tax gas in order to pay in part for maintaining the roads and bridges ect. Well as far as I can tell they have no tax on the fill ups of electric cars so when does that get addressed? Also has the few electric cars already sold in Ohio contributed to the lower revenues from gas taxes that they say is the reason for needing to raise the tax on gas? In the future when they force us to buy only electric cars (it's coming just a matter of time) are we going to see the costs for the electric cars go up and bring the cost of running a electric car the same as a gas car. Remember in twelve years from like six months ago the world is going to have grave consequences if we don't take drastic measures right now Sept/2018. That is such a popular statement right now, Remember it. In twelve years there will be some other BS problem they are going to save us from. African killer bees? not killing at this time, Pit bulls not biting at this time. |
uncle trav
Sun, Mar 3, 2019 4:52 AM
My wife is a title clerk at a car dealership here in Michigan. She informed me that there is a hefty up charge on the plate for a new electric car beyond the cost of a normal car plate. An extra charge is also added for a plate renewal on electric cars. Some electric car owners get mad about the charge but it is supposed to help pay for upkeep for the roads they drive on with the rest of us. Our roads look like bombed out runways all the time so I don’t know if it is helping or not. |
Sun, Mar 3, 2019 7:10 AM
Well that's good to know. See this is the kind of stuff you don't hear about when they are trying to get you to like the idea of the electric cars. I also heard that the charging stations can cost thousands of dollars to install in your home. |
Tue, Mar 5, 2019 6:02 AM
Well the push is on, Michigan now wants to raise their gas tax by four times what it is now! That would make the tax on gas per gallon in Michigan 45 cents! They are being slick about it and not saying it's tied to the electric cars and the push to get rid of gas cars as they don't want us to get pissed about the electric cars being forced on us. Remember back in 2018-11-18 7:49 pm we found out this.... "At a university they had a presentation about the new "Smart City" BS going to happen here in ol Ohio. Well here's how they did it, they gave free parking to the people with electric cars and had no taxes to buy the cars plus other incentives to buy them. |
Mon, Apr 1, 2019 3:54 PM
This just in, in Norway they have just sold 58% electric cars out selling the gas cars for the first time.4/2/2019 Damn I hate being forced into doing what somebody else thinks is right. BUT think of this some car are hybrid and use some gas at times AND all that other stuff that runs on gas like mowers and bull dozers and planes so many other things. Would guess not many. It's coming and it won't be pretty for some time after it does. It's not like Solyndra where you can go "oh well that didn't work" But then many of us that are reading this won't be here to see it. |
Tue, Apr 2, 2019 10:07 AM
Remember the reason for the riots in France are over gas taxes raised to force people not to use gas. Chicago Tribune On Tuesday, France delayed for six months a plan to raise already steep taxes on diesel fuel by 24 cents a gallon and gasoline by about 12 cents a gallon. Macron argued that the taxes were needed to curb climate change by weaning motorists off petroleum products, but violent demonstrations in the streets of Paris and other French cities forced him to backtrack - at least for now." "In the United States - where energy-related taxes are among the lowest in the developed world - politicians, their constituents and their donors have repeatedly made that clear." |
Thu, Jul 4, 2019 8:00 AM
So the Ohio gas tax just went up 10 cents a gallon to 38 cents. Now get this people are driving five miles or more to save money going to states with lower gas taxes. So this is just one of the things you never think of when you do a certain thing, to every action there is a reaction. "The Pennsylvania legislature authorized a series of gasoline tax increases in 2013, also to fund infrastructure improvements. The taxes topped off at a hefty 58.7 cents a gallon in 2017. It’s the highest state gas tax in the nation. Resulting high gas prices regularly send Erie area drivers into Ohio to tank up. Gas in Conneaut, Ohio, just across the Erie County line, can be as much as 50 cents a gallon cheaper." More needless driving, more gas emissions, what a waste. And here is a story that may be the reason for the tax hikes, electric cars. "Gas taxes are rising because Americans are driving more fuel-efficient cars" |
Sat, Jan 18, 2020 6:02 AM
Sooo now there have been 127 complaints about how the Tesla electric cars can accelerate all by themselves while you are driving down the road. So what happens if we switch over and all the cars on the road are electric, and even more so if those electric cars are guided by autonomous driving and what new f-ed up problems will autonomous driving cars bring? We were at a grocery store before thanksgiving and the computers went down so they could only take cash for payment. So what happens when the autonomous driving cars main frame goes down, do you think they will just never fail or have problems? Computers are great and all but then that is what downed those 737s, computers that the Pilots did not override to save themselves. Bet the people who lost loved ones on those planes are not so keen about autonomous driving cars. [ Edited by: tikiskip 2020-03-20 06:01 ] |
Wed, Feb 12, 2020 6:52 AM
"My wife is a title clerk at a car dealership here in Michigan. She informed me that there is a hefty up charge on the plate for a new electric car beyond the cost of a normal car plate. An extra charge is also added for a plate renewal on electric cars." Was at the good ol Windward Passage and this lady was complaining about the extra $100.00 dollars they charged her for her plate renewal on her hybrid electric car. I was trying to tell her that is a low number as it will have to go up as they lose gas tax revenue. Wonder if the full electric cars pay more. In the Iowa caucus the new app that was to help with counting the votes totally messed that up, in New Hampshire they did it the old way with pencils and they got it right. Glad I will be dead before they force us into mostly electric cars. |
Fri, Mar 20, 2020 5:59 AM
So Ohio is the "winner" of the smart city govt thing, most people here don't know a thing about it or that we "won". But it will increase the electric cars here with what they call "incentives" that in govt talk is taxes. BUT along with that is they want to move in one million people in five years, one of those years has passed and they are building EVERYWHERE. That's one of the problems with those huge wind farms and solar panel fields they need to cut down all the trees to put them in, trees are a big part of what cleans our air, and heck I like big trees. Anyway the last state that was infected with this Coronavirus was West Virginia, why is that you say? For every action there is a reaction, and I do hope we are looking at the whole picture and not only the viewpoints of some people who make the laws and in many cases just want more tax revenue and power. Those rising star lawmakers might just be wrong. |
Sat, Jun 4, 2022 4:05 AM
Remember this blast from the past. Hit that pretty much on the nose but never thought it would rise this fast. If everybody switched to electric cars right now there would not be enough electricity generated to power Cars homes businesses. Plus, it takes about 6 or more months to get an electric car right now. 6/4/2022 national gas average per gallon is $4.71. Posted on 02/07/2019 Wanted to post this so we don't forget. Also saw a price of $1.70 a gallon! (2/7/2019) I predict a price of over four dollars in about three years. If not then, in six and a half years for sure. Damn I can remember prices in the 70 cents range. But I still could not afford to fill my tank. Boy that 73 Grand Prix could burn gas! |
Bam Bam
Sat, Jun 4, 2022 8:14 AM
Skip, now you've got me missing my '94 4.9L V8 DeVille. I had to give it up in the end simply due to the price of premium, but it was the best car. Got several long-haul trips out of it in absolute luxury. It got good mileage for its day, especially considering the size of the engine, but you could never afford to drive it even around town only on Sunday these days! |
Sat, Jun 4, 2022 3:27 PM
This Subaru is the first car that I have ever owned that was not a V-8. Man that 69 T-bird I had with the suicide doors was awesome. The new cars just are not that cool, sure they got lots o bells and whistles but damn what happens when that chip goes out or those wires get f-ed up. The new ford Flex we have you can go to turn up the volume and the channel will change, be driving along and the heat will come on in the middle of a 90 degree day. The voice thing never did work that well, but heck take that to the dealer to get it fixed and they will tell ya it would not do that for us when we checked. Less bells and whistles, less to go wrong. |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Sun, Jun 5, 2022 1:38 AM
in reply to tikiskip
Skip, Gas prices here in Cali are $9.00 plus, I heard some places in L.A. it's now over $10.00 per Gallon. It would be nice if gas was $4 to $5 per gallon, so it's a case of the rest of the country moaning, when it's far worse here. Edit: I checked for current prices in Cali and looks like there are still places where gas is $6.00 plus, where I live it seems to be at the higher costs, dammit! [ Edited by Atomic Tiki Punk on 2022-06-05 01:38:58 ] [ Edited by Atomic Tiki Punk on 2022-06-05 01:43:02 ] |
Mon, Jun 6, 2022 4:18 AM
Damn ATP I did know that but then your gas tax is the highest in the USA! Almost 60 cents of your gallon of gas are taxes. Heck, I remember paying less than that for a gallon of gas. But again, I don't think that is a mistake they are trying to make gas cars so costly and a pain in the butt to own that you give in and buy an Electric car just like they did in Norway. Do ya make more in pay to offset the high price of taxes and just everything there? Think of this, the high price of living in the kind of homes that all the open-minded rich people live in all over really, isn't that a kind of way to keep out the riff raff all those little people they talk about wanting to help but don't have to see in their Neiborhood's restaurants and bars, shops. Upper Arlington where I grew up is so like that they blab on and on about the little guy but never work with live with or even go to the areas they go to. Is that outa sight But in my mind? "see I got a sign in my yard that says I care" |
Sat, Jun 11, 2022 3:41 AM
Well, it is official gallon of gas national average price is now $5.00! All time high ever. Now we all think man can't wait till these prices go back down. Think of this, Vanilla beans used to be kinda costly, but you could still get a large amt for not too much but for some reason they jumped up and were just too costly to buy for me, like over twice the price. So have been waiting for them to go back down to buy some and that has been over four years I think it is now. Gas could stay high for a long time. Heck everything could and you know they are not going to retool the smaller packaging they came up with to give you less while ALSO raising the price of things you buy. Think about that. Gas Ohio 6/11/2022....
Tue, Jul 19, 2022 4:52 AM
So, Texas is electric car companies are sending mess ages to people with electric cars in Texas that say not to recharge your cars between the hours of 3:00 and 8:00 in the evening! So, like what if you are on a trip no charge till later? This is due to the hot weather they are having right now and the electric grid can't handle the demand for electricity. 7/16/22 BUT get this Texas has only 0.24 percent of the cars in Texas that are electric! That's only 52 thousand cars! What the heck will they do when it gets to even half of the cars being electric? That small amount is shutting down the grid? Well, they will put up more wind turbines. I once heard a guy say "Turbines are great as the wind energy is free" Here is how free wind energy is, the turbine costs 3.8 million to build/install each one, the Maintenace is around 43 thousand a year on each wind turbine and I don't know if the rent for the ground the wind turbine sits on is included in that Maintenace number or not but there is rent on each one. Each wind turbine needs 1.5 acres of land. And could farmers say F*ck farming I will just sit here and collect rent instead without all that labor farming. Between pot and wind turbines what farmer in America is going to choose to grow Potato's instead of these two easy money ways to use their land. Have you seen these wind farms many they are HUGE and go on forever, now when you see them just think of the cost of each one of those turbines. They say the life span of a turbine is 20 years but have also said it is more like ten or fifteen years and that is if some bad weather does not kill it sooner. |
Thu, Aug 18, 2022 10:49 PM
This post has been hidden by moderators. 😳 |
Thu, Aug 18, 2022 11:10 PM
in reply to TIKIGIKI
Haaa ha ha ha ha! You start right off with something controversial, don't'cha! This is gonna be fun! Welcome to Aloha-Land! (I see you figured out the arcane approach to posting images!)
Fri, Aug 19, 2022 3:57 PM
in reply to davidd
Glad you liked it davidd! Yes, the "arcane approach" as you call it was more than a little complicated at first, but I persisted. This post was actually a fairly tentative one and largely experimental. Learning the ropes! Thanks for the welcome! [ Edited by TIKIGIKI on 2022-08-19 18:35:12 ] |
Sat, Aug 20, 2022 4:54 PM
"Haaa ha ha ha ha! You start right off with something controversial, don't'cha! This is gonna be fun! Welcome to Aloha-Land!" Unless that photo is fake it's not controversial it's history and fact and even science, I thought that science was to gather all the facts and history on a topic and sift through them to come up with a conclusion good or bad not the one you want. More and more "science" is not trying to find fact but trying to find the outcome wanted by the person paying them to do the study, and those people know who to go to for the answer they want. The thing I find to be controversial is the way they hide any bad things related to electric cars. Unless your Elon Musk and piss off some people then all the sudden your autonomous driving tec does not work and they want to highlight that. If we had just half of America driving electric cars right now it would be mayhem the electric grid would shut down and we would not be able to use electricity unless they let us, and it would be very limited use. Why do you think we all got those new meters that they can shut off remotely whenever they want? At this time it won't work, we are not at all ready for all electric cars. And while we build more wind solar and green energy China is building more coal fired plants, so can we off set China and Russia and India plus Iran's inaction. I don't think we can. Welcome TIKIGIKI great post I did not know of that before. Test Track - The Dangers of Tesla's Full Self-Driving Software |
Sat, Aug 20, 2022 9:34 PM
in reply to TIKIGIKI
Re TIKIGIKI Image: VERDICT Partly false. These are genuine photos of electric cars in France, but they were taken off the road due to financial difficulties, not problems with the battery storage cells. More than 2,500 of the cars have been resold. |
Sun, Aug 21, 2022 2:24 AM
Well foiled again. Those cars look kinda like the Scion car too. That YouTube clip on Elon looks to be doctored too as well. That is Science, getting information checking the info to be true, and on to the next fact or bit of misinformation. Looks like that was not so good of an idea any way you slice it though, being low on cash buy a bunch of cars only to not have the money to keep them working for you. |
Sun, Aug 21, 2022 2:28 AM
The real news from that photo is that a TARDIS in that photo on the left? |
Bam Bam
Sun, Aug 21, 2022 5:39 AM
Hot take: electric cars won't save the world, but widespread, fully integrated public transit might have an impact. Good luck though tearing the average American away from their personal conveyance in favor of shudder SHARING a ride with others in public... |
Sun, Aug 21, 2022 11:52 AM
I did take the bus after high school to go downtown to work at our restaurant at the end of the day. Was great to end the day making subs and sweeping moping. They wound that bus all over heck and back as nobody rode that route, what should be a 15 min ride took 45 minuets. Saw the craziest stuff on the streets when I rode that bus, but that was on the streets, now that crazy stuff is in the bus with you. But now today are you going to get on the subway to go anywhere for any reason? The way crime is way less people are taking public transit these days you gotta bet. I know a bus driver in Texas, and he said during the pandemic the er "homeless" rode around all day cuz they had nowhere to go. Like in my day I don't think they let you do that, but would you want to drive a bus load of some of the unhealthiest people you can find around all day coughing, sniffling, ranting. |
Sun, Aug 21, 2022 4:22 PM
I think perhaps the salient fact with electric cars is that the technology is just not there....yet.
Yes they will "work" (well kind of) if you drive only short distances on very flat roads, in town and tow nothing, but anything further, or going long distances are still beyond their capabilities. Batteries are VERY expensive both to build and buy, prone to fires, (how many buses have gone up in flames?), and highly problematic to dispose of safely.
I simply cannot imagine electric vehicles being really functional for the country farmers and outback drivers here in Australia. As for those French "dumpsters", despite all the glorious Utopian visions, they just did not function as was proposed. Now they are literally le junque, ....and all their exhausted batteries are having to be disposed of "safely" (?). Some are selling? Cannot imagine what for! Perhaps they make quite prestigious dog kennels pour les chiens?! (/uploads/85782/630aa41445f5c.jpg) [ Edited by TIKIGIKI on 2022-08-27 16:11:56 ] |
Thu, Sep 1, 2022 10:51 PM
in reply to tikiskip
Tikiskip wrote above: "The real news from that photo is that a Tardis in the photo on the left?" After Fact Checking that I can report that it is actually "The TURDIS" so Dr Who's usual conveyance would seem to have NOT suffered a battery failure..... |
Fri, Sep 2, 2022 3:50 AM
What did the Tardis run on? They just said that ford is going to let go 3000 workers see how the good things they say about electric cars morphs into not there or into bad things. At one time heck even now still they say that the new green deal will "create high paying new jobs" we were hoping those jobs would be in America and not overseas. They also say they want to use American companies to build this stuff but they have just talked about a new wind farm off the coast of New Jersy that will not be American made. |
Fri, Sep 2, 2022 3:59 AM
Developers bid to build more wind farms off NJ coast, tripling capacity "Ørsted, the winner of the first solicitation back in 2019, is once again seeking to build additional offshore wind capacity in southern New Jersey, although the company has not disclosed details of the latest project. The Danish company is already developing a 1,100-megawatt wind farm located 15 miles off Atlantic City." So why is that, Americans need jobs, so have the pipeline guys who you fired build those things if you must build them, that's what they said they were going to do. I don't know if they know they are lying, or if they are just kinda stupid, or if they think we are stupid, or bit of all of that together but the things they say about green energy do not ring true with what they actually do and the facts. |
Tue, Sep 6, 2022 8:33 PM
Wed, Sep 7, 2022 7:48 PM
Damn can that be right? I never thought of what you would do to charge a Electric car where there are no Eletric wires to hook car charging stations to. now they are asking California people to save energy so they don't have to have black outs (they already have a name for black out that won't be offensive, but I forget what it is see how they fix the big problems first) Anyway what do you do when they turn out your power and your fridge is not running for how long? At my restaurant when the power went out many times my refrigeration went out when that happened and had to be fixed or replaced. Also do the businesses just close when they turn off the power. Man, so many unanswered questions. |