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Virtual Reality Tiki Bars

Pages: 1 24 replies

MadDogMike posted on 06/06/2022

I bought myself an Oculus VR headset a few months back and checked out some of the virtual places you can visit. Then thought why not have people do a VR capture of their home Tiki bars and then we can "visit"?

I used the free Matterport Capture app, took the scans with my SmartPhone, and uploaded to a free Materport account that processes and hosts the images. There is a little of a learning curve but not bad. I think this is the 4th rendition I have tried and it's about where I want it. I'd be glad to help anyone if they want to scan their space. Seems the app is not really made for outside spaces, inside rooms are less complicated.

Here is my scan. You navigate through it just like Google Streetview. Or better yet, open the browser in Oculus and check it out in Virtual Reality. https://www.mgilbert.net/PeleBar360.html should redirect you to the latest version

[ Edited by MadDogMike on 2023-05-29 10:41:48 ]

Bam Bam posted on 06/07/2022

Love it! Gives me even more of an impetus to flesh out the sun room and gazebo now.

Thanks BamBam. Time to git jiggy with the sunroom and gazebo!!!

danlovestikis posted on 06/07/2022

If only you two were in the photo. It would have felt like a complete visit. Love this. Wendy

LOL, somebody has to run the camera. Maybe next time I do a scan

Will carve posted on 06/07/2022

Hay Man, That's real cool. You need more stuff from me.

Yes I do! I have 2 pieces from you, can you find both? Thanks Will

That is so sick. I wonder if I can add something like this to mytiki.life as a feature in the hometiki bars section 🤔

Leevi I don't see why not. The scans are uploaded to, processed by,and hosted by Matterport so you just post a link. The service is free as long as you only have one active "space".

Leevi I added a link on my bar page on mytiki.life under the web links but people don't know what Matterport is. It could use a Virtual Reality Tour label. For maximum effect there would need to be an icon in the Tiki Bar list that showed which bars have a Virtual Reality Tour. And then you would need to do a push to get members to make a tour


[ Edited by 3vab on 2022-09-25 11:11:25 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/08/2022

The Virtual Mai Tai's taste like nothing! nada!

3vab posted on 06/08/2022


[ Edited by 3vab on 2022-09-25 11:10:39 ]

That is so awesome!!! Thanks 3vab!!!!!

LOL!!! ATP you have to bring your own Mai Tai to a virtual tour

Screen Shot 2022-06-09 at 4.23.38 pm

Pours myself a drink.


[ Edited by 3vab on 2022-09-25 11:10:07 ]

[ Edited by 3vab on 2022-09-25 11:10:13 ]

Very cool! Both of them. Let's see if we can get other people involved :D

MadDogMike posted on 05/29/2023

Here's Max's South Seas Hideaway that mikehooker posted elsewhere


[ Edited by MadDogMike on 2023-05-29 10:48:07 ]

gooneybird posted on 06/21/2023

I'm late to the party, but here's the Matterport scan of our home bar in Nashville:


Looks great gooneybird. Beautiful bar and nicely scanned

ECTiki posted on 08/15/2023

That was fun. I love the giant tile over the BBQ area. Great idea, thanks for sharing.

Thanks EC, cut from half a sheet of MDF. It was a fun project

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