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Uncovering modern Trader Vic's Drink Recipes

Pages: 1 32 replies

craft_tiki posted on 08/30/2022

I am compiling a master list of Trader Vic's modern recipes, meaning that if you walk into a Vic's today, it's what you'd get. A good number of recipes evolve over time, so what the 1972 Bartender's Guide called for in a Rum Keg is quite different than what the modern recipe is. Also, even in some of Vic's social media posts, there are small differences, so I realize there is a bit of fluidity here.

Some of the recipes are still unknown, so I'm wondering if anyone here has clues or insights into any of the following (please share sources too; I'm trying to avoid copy-cat recipes or variations):

  • Shanghai Lotus
  • Vodka Mai Tai (I assume it's a Mai Tai with Vodka instead of rum, but I still haven't seen a confirmation.)
  • Honolulu Bay
  • Tahitian Mudslide
  • Keoke Coffee
  • Vic’s Itch
  • Golden Grog
  • Banana Dreams
  • Drunken Monkey
  • Trader Vic’s Painkiller
  • Daiquiri Aperitivo
  • Ku Anuanu
  • Pilo Pilo
  • Vic & Dotty
  • Moku Nani

[ Edited by craft_tiki on 2022-08-30 10:59:15 ]

Ah, a new Quizlet sheds some light on a few of these! https://quizlet.com/690283187/trader-vics-eville-flash-cards/

AceExplorer posted on 08/31/2022

Hey there, sounds like a fun effort! I may have copies of some Trader Vic's recipe cards which were leaked as part of an auction many years ago, and I'm going to look for them. If I find them, I'll get back to you here. But I want to encourage you to continue the work - it's fun - even if you get "tribute" drink recipes and not the actual "real" recipes.

kevincrossman posted on 08/31/2022

These were shown in a webinar a couple years ago. maitaipuncheszombie

craft_tiki posted on 08/31/2022

Excellent, thank you Kevin. The Pele Poli'ahu was another on my list of unknowns. I'm jealous that you've tasted the Pilo Pilo (San Jose signature drink)! Next time you're there, see if you can catch what they're mixing!

leevigraham posted on 08/31/2022

I was at Trader Vic's London on 11 July 2022 and here's the rum mix for their Mai Tai.

Equal parts:

  • Meyers
  • Mount Gay Eclipse
  • Clement Rhum Agricole


craft_tiki posted on 09/01/2022

Here's my current list of unknown recipes. Please post if you have info!

  • Pilo Pilo
  • Ku Anuanu
  • Trader Vic’s Painkiller (specs known except contents of Mandalay Mix)
  • Vic & Dotty
  • Drunken Monkey
  • Shanghai Lotus
  • La Florida
  • Hala Luau
  • Dreamless Bananas (Traders To Be drink)

Here's the known list, verified with an official source:

Barrels & Bowls

  • Lanyu Punch Bowl
  • Tip Tao Punch
  • Tiki Bowl
  • Trader Vic’s Rum Cup
  • Scorpion Bowl
  • Kava Bowl
  • Rum Giggle
  • Rum Keg

Potent Potions

  • Pele Poli’ahu
  • Trader Vic's Own Punch
  • Pogo Stick
  • Passion Punch
  • Don the Trader
  • Dr. Funk of Tahiti
  • Doctor Funk’s Son
  • Tonga Punch
  • Rangoon Ruby
  • Barbados Daiquiri
  • Planter’s Punch
  • Trader Vic’s Sling
  • Trader Vic’s Stinker
  • Gun Club Punch
  • Vic’s Itch
  • Nippon Tea Punch
  • Scorpion
  • Tututupo Tiki
  • Tiki Grog
  • Tortuga
  • Samoan Fog Cutter
  • Koana Puffer
  • Zombie
  • Navy Grog
  • Tiki Puka Puka
  • Pupule Punch

Flavors From Beyond

  • PB2Y2 Gremlin
  • Barbados Red Rum Swizzle
  • Sandia Cooler
  • Kamaaina
  • Ocean Tiki
  • Babalu
  • Pino Pepe
  • Rhum Cosmo
  • Voodoo Grog
  • Starboard Light
  • Port Light
  • Nautilus
  • Wahine
  • Golden Eye Koi
  • Drum of Ku
  • Aroy
  • Pipeline
  • Zamboanga
  • Moku Nani
  • Banana Dreams
  • Singapore Symphony
  • Potted Parrot
  • Seaside Grog
  • E’ville Awa
  • Seyhorse
  • Trader Vic’s Grog
  • Golden Grog

Coconut Concoctions

  • Chi Chi
  • The Angry Bastard
  • E'ville Batida
  • Peachtree Punch
  • Bahia


  • Munich Sour
  • London Sour
  • Dublin Sour
  • Toronto Sour
  • Jalisco Sour
  • Eastern Sour

Happy Endings

  • Tahitian Mudslide
  • Brandy Alexander
  • White Cloud
  • TV After Dinner

Fireside Grogs

  • Caribbean Hot Swizzle
  • Trader Vic’s Hot Buttered Rum
  • Keoke Coffee
  • Northwest Passage
  • Kafe La-Te
  • Coffee Diablo
  • Tahitian Coffee
  • Coffee Grog
  • Black Stripe
  • Hot Rum Cow

Mai Tai

  • Vodka Mai Tai / Rusky Tai
  • Passion Tai
  • Mango Tai
  • Guava Mai Tai
  • Maui Mai Tai
  • Trader Vic’s Mai Tai
  • SF Mai Tai
  • 1944 Mai Tai
  • Menehune Juice
  • Pinky Gonzalez
  • Honi Honi
  • Suffering Bastard

Snazzy Sippers

  • Siboney
  • Cosmo Place
  • Tears of the Tiki
  • Tahitian Pearl
  • Trader Vic's Cocktail
  • Colonel’s Big Opu
  • Montego Bay
  • Daiquiri Apertivo
  • Passion Cocktail

Traders to Be

  • Coral Reef
  • Kona Cooler
  • Maraschino Hoʻoulu
  • Puerto Principe
  • Honolulu Bay
  • Queen Charlotte Fruit Punch
  • No Tai Mai Tai

[ Edited by craft_tiki on 2022-09-01 13:13:21 ]

@leevigraham - did they have any Trader Vic's Rums in use?

I don't believe that TV:London uses many, if any, Trader Vic's rums or syrups. Even their grog mix is house made.

arriano posted on 09/08/2022

Wow, it appears you have some that I've been looking for. My current list of Trader Vic's cocktail recipes I'm in search of:

Almost There

Cherry Popper

Coco Pink

Daiquiri Apertivo

Dolce Kona

Drunken Geisha

Il Fresco

Lost at Sea

Lychee Ki

Maui Tai Tea

Paradise Island

Trader Vic's Pipeline

Rhum Cosmo

Shanghai Lotus

Spiked Pineapple

Spring Fever

Sweet and Sour Gigi

For most of these I have some of the ingredients that I've taken from menus, but not proportions. And I never know if menu lists include all the ingredients in a drink.

[ Edited by arriano on 2022-09-08 16:44:44 ]

arriano posted on 09/08/2022

Oh, and here's the recipe for the Ku Anuanu

• 1 oz Apricot Liqueur, • 1½ oz Barbados Rum, • 1 oz Mezcal, • 1½ oz Brandy, • ½ oz Orgeat, • 1½ oz Lemon Juice, • 5 dashes of Scrappy’s Firewater Bitters

Shake with crushed ice and pour into a Marquesan Drum mug. Garnish with a lime shell filled with overproof rum and ignited.

[ Edited by arriano on 2022-09-08 16:47:19 ]

craft_tiki posted on 09/08/2022

Thanks for the Ku Anuanu recipe! I had one last night at Trader Vic's and took similar notes. Where did you get your recipe from? I'm trying to make sure every recipe is as official as I can get. I could have sworn I saw light and amber rums go into the drink.

Daiquiri Apertivo

An homage to the Cuban classics. We feel this would have been the Daiquiri No. 5. Kissed with grapefruit and Itailian apertivo.

  • 1 1/2 oz T.V. Light Rum
  • 1/2 oz Aperol
  • 5 drops Maraschino Liqueur
  • 1/2 oz Lemon Juice
  • 3/4 oz Grapefruit Juice
  • 1/2 oz Simple Syrup

Source: official trader vic's recipe


A powerful concoction of fruit juices, spiced rum, Southern Comfort, 151 rum with a hint of almond and orange liquor. This drink will make you feel like surfing a pipeline from Abu Dhabi all the way to the Hawaiian shores…

  • 1 ½ oz Pineapple juice
  • ½ oz Lemon juice
  • 1 ½ oz spiced rum
  • ½ oz blue curacao
  • ¼ oz orgeat
  • ¼ oz grenadine
  • ½ oz southern comfort
  • ½ oz 151 proof rum
  • Serve in chimney glass with flower

Source: Scan from official Trader Vic's book

Rhum Cosmo

KōHana Hawaiian Agricole rum blended with pineapple and fresh citrus juices.

  • 1/2 oz Lime juice
  • 2 oz Pineapple juice
  • 1/2 oz Rock Candy Syrup
  • 1.5 oz Rhum Agricole
  • Cosmo Slice (Pineapple)
  • Mint


Footed Ice Tea Glass

Source: TV Bartender

[ Edited by craft_tiki on 2022-09-08 16:55:14 ]

[ Edited by craft_tiki on 2022-09-08 16:55:36 ]

[ Edited by craft_tiki on 2022-09-08 16:56:03 ]

[ Edited by craft_tiki on 2022-09-08 16:56:44 ]

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2024-10-08 19:22:55 ]

arriano posted on 09/09/2022

Cool, thanks! I got the Ku Anuanu from another batch of TV flashcards that have apparently now disappeared from internet view. I think you're missing a bunch of other cocktails, including:

Bahrain Pearl - Signature cocktail of Trader Vic’s, Manama, Bahrain

Banana Batida

Bangkok Sour - Signature cocktail of Trader Vic’s, Bangkok, Thailand (made with Mehkong Whiskey)

Barcelona Sour - Signature cocktail of Trader Vic’s, Barcelona, Spain (made with sherry)

Big Kahuna - Signature cocktail of Trader Vic’s, Los Angeles, Calif.

Black Sand Beach

Cactus Bloom - Signature cocktail of Trader Vic's, Scottsdale, Ariz.

Chai's Beverly Starburst - Signature cocktail of Trader Vic’s Lounge, Beverly Hills, Calif.

Comfort Sour

Dallas Star - Signature cocktail of Trader Vic’s, Dallas, Texas

Diablo Grog

Hakata Sling

Hanami Daiquiri

Hawaiian Hibiscus Cup

Hula Hoop (aka Hula Girl) - Signature cocktail of Trader Vic’s Mai Tai Lounge, Ras al Khaimah, UAE

Jiaolong - The River Dragon

Labuyo Swizzle

Mango Taj (not to be confused with Mango Tai) - Signature cocktail of Trader Vic’s, Bangalore, India

Manila Sunset

Nelson's Blood - Signature cocktail of Trader Vic’s, Portland, Ore.

Pele Poli' Ahu

Raffles Bar Gin Sling

Sakura Mai Tai

Tokyo Mai Tai

Tokyo Sour - Signature cocktail of Trader Vic’s, Tokyo, Japan

Here are some recipes that have documentation for:


• 2 oz Coconut Rum

• ½ oz 151-proof Virgin Islands Rum

• 1 dash Activated Charcoal Syrup

• ½ oz Lime Juice

• 1½ oz Pineapple Juice

Mix the syrup with the activated charcoal, starting with just a quarter of a tablet; add more if you want the cocktail to be darker. Once the charcoal is thoroughly dissolved, mix all ingredients together in a shaker and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with an orchid blossom. Note - Activated Charcoal Syrup: Dissolve ¼ tablet of activated charcoal with ¾ oz rock candy syrup. From Trader Vic’s, Emeryville, Calif. Recipe printed in The Mercury News, Aug. 12, 2017.


• ¾ oz Prickly Pear Syrup

• ½ oz Lemon Juice

• 1 oz Limoncello

• 1½ oz Pisco

In a blender, mix on high for five seconds with 1 cup crushed ice. Pour it into a stemmed cocktail glass and garnish with a pineapple leaf. Signature cocktail of Trader Vic's, Scottsdale, Ariz., 2006-11. Recipe printed in Phoenix Magazine (May 2010), and given during a demonstration on a local ABC affiliate shot at Trader Vic’s (April 2008).


• ½ oz Lemon Juice

• ½ tsp Powdered Sugar

• 1½ oz Southern Comfort

Shake well with cracked ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange slice and cocktail cherry. From a cocktail card, date unknown, listing Trader Vic’s, San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles and Havana.


• 2 wedges Pineapple

• 3 Mint Leaves

• 1¼ oz Reposado Tequila

• 1 oz Coconut Rum

• ¼ oz Blue Curacao

• 1 oz Lime Juice

• 1 oz Agave Nectar

Muddle pineapple and mint in glass. Add remaining ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously. Loosely strain into a 12-ounce old fashioned glass, allowing a little of muddled mixture. Garnish with a slice of star fruit and lime peel spiral. Signature cocktail of Trader Vic’s, Dallas, Texas, 2007-10. Recipe printed on keepsake glass.


• ¼ Lemon, squeezed (rind reserved)

• ¼ Orange, squeezed (rind reserved)

• ¼ oz Lemon Juice

• ¼ oz Blood Orange Juice

• ¼ oz Brandy

• ¼ oz Falernum Liqueur

• 2 oz Dark Rum

• 2 oz Ginger Beer

In a large ice-filled shaker, add lemon rind (reserve the orange rind for garnish), citrus juices, brandy, falernum and rum; shake until well-blended. Pour shaker contents into a double old-fashioned glass, and float ginger beer. Garnish with slices of reserved orange rind and sprigs of fresh mint. Signature cocktail of Trader Vic’s, Portland, Ore., 2011-16. Recipe printed in The Oregonian newspaper, Aug. 9, 2011.

craft_tiki posted on 09/09/2022

Thanks! Do you have the specs for a Vic and Dotty, Golden Grog, or Pilo Pilo?

My V&D was confirmed at Vic's the other day, but I wanted to be sure. It was a guess that turned out to be correct: 0.5 oz lime 0.5 oz orange 0.5 oz honey syrup 0.25 oz Grog Concentrate 0.25 oz John D. Taylor Falernum 1 oz Royal Amber rum 1 oz Appleton Estate Signature rum 1 dash Angostura Decorate with pineapple frond and three maraschino cherries

Nope, sorry I don't have any of those. Although a couple of funny things about the Golden Grog: It's apparently either the same or very close to the Golden Grog served at Zombie Village in SF. Also, the Trader Vic's in Bahrain seems to change its signature cocktail on a regular basis. At various times it's been Bahrain Pearl, Maui Tai and ... Golden Grog.

[ Edited by arriano on 2022-09-09 09:23:31 ]

arriano posted on 09/14/2022

I have this recipe written down, but not sure where I got it. It's possible it's from one of TV's Facebook posts. That's where I got a few other recipes.

Hala Luau • 1½ oz Gold Rum • 2 oz Mango Nectar • 1 oz Orange Juice • ½ oz Lime Juice • ½ oz Orgeat • ¼ oz Trader Vic’s Grog Concentrate Blend with crushed ice. Pour into a Menehune Compote mug. Garnish with a gardenia blossom.

Awesome info, thanks!

craft_tiki posted on 09/15/2022

New (old) one officially released: Queen’s Park Swizzle Toast the Caribbean. Dark, rich rums and tropical fruits make this a potent but palatable drink. 1 oz. Light Rum 1 oz. Dark Rum 1 oz. 151 Rum Dash Angostura Bitters Dash Simple Syrup Squeeze 1/2 Lime (save spent shell) Fill with crushed ice over ingredients. Swizzle in Zombie glass until frost appears on the outside of the glass. Top with spent lime shell and sprig mint. Source: TV Email

The odd thing about the Hala Luau recipe is that one menu refers to it with the following description: "Mango and orange with rums and sprite"

Another menu sounds more appetizing and is likely the recipe you posted: Created as our signature cocktail for our location here in Muscat. A perfect blend of rums, mango, almond and spices. This cool, refreshing delight is ideal for those warm Muscat night

[ Edited by craft_tiki on 2022-09-15 09:15:43 ]

arriano posted on 09/15/2022

I've found that not all Trader Vic's follow the exact same recipes. Sometimes it's simply a little bit more or less of an ingredient or different rums, and other times has different ingredients. The Seyhorse includes Tuaca in at least one location's recipe while not at others. The Don the Trader recipe from Chicago is different from the one in the UAE.

craft_tiki posted on 09/15/2022

Even their corporate emails vary. I've got 3 different Kava Bowls from their emails over the past 3 years!

Michelle66 posted on 10/19/2022

I recently got back from a trip to Bangkok (and with Trader Vic’s just downstairs from my room, the temptation to go in there every night was very strong!)

The blue seahorse mug in the restaurant’s showcase was too cool to pass up, so I ended up buying it.

Now, I’m curious to try the Seyhorse cocktail, and found these two recipes online:

Version One: – 1 ½ oz. Light Rum – ½ oz. Midori – Squeeze ¼ Lime – 1 ½ oz. Orange Juice – 1 oz. Passion Fruit Juice – 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract – Flash Blend with Crushed Ice. Garnish: Pineapple Slice & Maraschino Cherry

Version Two: – 1 ½ oz. Light Rum – ½ oz. Midori – Dash Vanilla Extract – ½ oz. Passion Fruit Puree – ¼ oz. Passion Fruit Syrup – 1 ½ oz. Orange Juice – Squeeze ½ Lime (Save spent shell) – Flash Blend with Cracked ice. – Garnish with mint spring and spent lime shell

Looking over both recipes, I’d say the second one seems more authentic than the first. I often use vanilla extract in cooking, and a tiny bit goes a long way. 1 tsp of the stuff in a single cocktail just seems wrong. That much would totally overpower everything else in the drink. (What’s more, Trader Vic’s own pictures of the drink – cocktail-menu illustrations and photographs – show it with the mint sprig garnish, not a fruit stick.)


Have any of you folks ever tried this cocktail? I’m thinking about using the mug for the first time this weekend, and figured the Seyhorse might be a good one to start with.

(Also, I’ve never seen passion fruit puree here in Tokyo. How would things work out if I just boosted the passion fruit syrup amount a bit?)

[ Edited by Michelle66 on 2022-10-19 15:51:54 ]

[ Edited by Michelle66 on 2022-10-19 15:53:55 ]

jokeiii posted on 10/20/2022

Curious as to which recipes we know for a fact are different from the last published version... for example, do we know the La Florida has changed over the years? (Thanks in advance!)

Awesome that you got to go to that Trader Vic's! Seychelles can be a divisive drink, but I do like it.

There are two released recipes via the mailers, and those are the two you mentioned.

I know that at TV:Atlanta, they don't use the combo; they just up the syrup. I do the same when I make it (I use 3/4 oz typically).

A variant that I do as well is use Licor43 instead of vanilla extract to get that vanilla flavor, but in a more subtle way.

I'm pretty sure La Forida is still: 2 oz TV Silver Rum 1/2 oz Yellow Chartreuse 3/4 oz Lemon 1/2 oz Rock Candy Syrup 2 dashes Ango

Thanks for the info about the Seyhorse cocktail. I’ll give it a try this weekend. Just bought a bottle of Midori today for the occasion.

(Will definitely go with the second version of the recipe. 1 tsp of vanilla extract has got to be a typo. That much would even make the most serious vanilla lovers queasy.)

As for Trader Vic’s Bangkok, I do love the place.

I first went there in 2010, which eventually lead me to become totally infatuated with the resort it’s located in.

While the Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort has a few large buildings, I always request a room in the one where T.V.’s is located. Only having to ride an elevator to get “home” after pigging out is a blast!

Yeah -- the TV emails often have typos. Never try to make their published E'ville Awa -- they forgot the citrus!!

My guess is that the Seyhorse uses 3 drops of extract.

[ Edited by craft_tiki on 2022-10-20 12:29:49 ]

arriano posted on 10/26/2022

I've seen one TV recipe (from bartender flashcards) for the Seyhorse that used Tuaca for the vanilla. I've never tried it, but might be an interesting twist.

Oh, and here's the recipe for the Ku Anuanu

• 1 oz Apricot Liqueur, • 1½ oz Barbados Rum, • 1 oz Mezcal, • 1½ oz Brandy, • ½ oz Orgeat, • 1½ oz >Lemon Juice, • 5 dashes of Scrappy’s Firewater Bitters

Shake with crushed ice and pour into a Marquesan Drum mug. Garnish with a lime shell filled with >overproof rum and ignited.

So I've gone back to this recipe after having quite a few of these at Trader Vic's. My tribute recipe (on my instagram @craft_tiki) is close, but it's a bit different. It's a fantastic tribute, but not the real thing.

Before going to Vic's last week I made the version you posted and it was way unbalanced. Thankfully I got the real recipe later on, verified by Vic's!

It's simply one ounce each of: -Apricot Liqueur -TV Silver rum -Montelobos Espadin mezcal -Lemon juice -Orgeat -Brandy -A dash or two of the Scrappy's Firewater tincture, depending on how spicy you like it

This version is more approachable, as it's sweeter, but still has the bite from the smokiness and spice. This drink has single handedly given me an appreciation for mezcal + rum.

[ Edited by craft_tiki on 2023-01-26 06:50:36 ]

arriano posted on 01/26/2023

Haha, thanks. As we've both mentioned, different TVs tend to have different recipes for the same drink. I think the one I posted came from one of the TVs in the Middle East. It's possible that depending upon what part of the world you're in, and what ingredients you can get locally, recipes need to be tweaked. A lemon in the U.S. might taste different (perhaps sweeter) than a lemon in the UAE, etc.

arriano posted on 03/02/2023

Here are a couple more "new" Trader Vic's cocktails:

28 Minutes Later • 2 oz Nectarine Puree • ½ oz Lemon Juice • 1 ½ oz Light Rum • ½ oz 151-proof Demerara Rum • ¼ oz Grenadine • ½ oz Malbec Wine Shake everything with ice cubes, then strain into a chimney glass filled with crushed ice. Nectarine Puree: In a blender, add two to three nectarines, a squeeze of lemon, 1 to 2 oz of simple syrup, and a couple of pinches each of ground cinnamon and cayenne to taste. From Trader Vic’s, Portland, Ore., per an article in The Oregonian, Oct. 19, 2012.

Green Lantern • 1½ oz Gold Rum • 1 oz Coconut Rum • 2 oz Pineapple Juice • 1 oz Blue Curaçao • 1 oz Lime Juice Blend with crushed ice and pour into a zombie glass. Garnish with a lime wheel and mini paper parasol. From Trader Vic’s Instagram post, 2023 (Personally, I think they should have used the Starboard Light mug for a Green Lantern cocktail)

arriano posted on 07/26/2023

A bunch more:

SEA DREAMS 1 oz Trader Vic’s Silver Rum 1 oz Trader Vic’s Gold Rum 1⁄2 oz Trader Vic’s Koko Syrup 1⁄2 oz Trader Vic’s Passion Fruit Syrup 1 oz lemon juice 1 sliced strawberry Loosely blend with crushed ice and pour into a Pink Seahorse Mug. Garnish with fanned strawberry slices, mint sprig. From Tradervicsrum.com website.

BANANA DREAMS 1/2 oz Lime Juice 1 oz Pineapple Juice 1/2 oz Fassionola 2 oz Light Rum 3/4 oz Banana Liqueur From TV flashcard

SUNSET SWIMMER 1/2 oz Lemon Juice 1 oz Pineapple Juice 1/2 oz TV Grog Mix 1/2 oz TV Koko Creme 2 oz Tequila Serve in a koi fish mug. Garnish with cinnamon stick king and rice pasta straw. From TV flashcard

TRADER VIC'S SWIZZLE 1/2 oz Lime Juice 1/2 oz Passion Fruit Puree 1 oz Falernum 1 oz Light Rum 1 oz Spiced Rum 1 dash Peychaud Bitters Serve in block optic glass. Garnish with lime twist and dehydrated lime wheel and rice pasta straw. From TV flashcard

KOKO NANA DELIGHT 1/2 oz Lime Juice 1/2 oz TV Koko Creme 1/2 oz Banana Liqueur 2 oz Light Rum Serve in a coconut mug. Garnish with banana chip, mint sprig, rice pasta straw. From TV flashcard

PONDO PUNCH 3/4 oz Lime Juice 1 oz Grapefruit Juice 1 oz Pineapple Juice 1 oz TV Grog Mix 1 oz Fassionola 1 oz Gold Rum 1 oz Dark Rum Float 151-proof Puerto Rican Rum Blend with crushed ice. Serve in Angogram Mug. Garnish with cinnamon stick, grapefruit skin, mint sprig, pasta straw. From TV flashcard

RUM LIME SUGAR (shooter) 3/4 oz Lime Juice 1/2 oz Rock Candy Syrup 3/4 oz Light Rum 1 dash Absinthe Shake and strain into a Suffering Bastard shot glass. From TV flashcard

PEEWEE MARACUYA (shooter) 1/4 oz Lime Juice 1/2 oz Passion Fruit Syrup 1/2 oz Pineapple Juice 1 oz Tequila Shake and strain into a Red Maori shot glass. From TV flashcard

GROG N BERRY (shooter) 1/2 oz Cream 1/2 oz TV Grog Mix 1 oz Chambord Shake and strain into a Notu shot glass. From TV flashcard

BANOKO SIPPER (shooter) 1/4 oz Lime Juice 1/4 oz TV Koko Creme 1/4 oz Banana Liqueur 1 oz Light Rum Shake and strain into Coconut shot mug. From TV flashcard

FLAMING TUTTI FRUITI 2 oz Triple Sec 2 oz Orange Curacao 2 oz Spiced Rum 2 oz 151-proof Puerto Rican Rum "Tropical Fruit" In a tropical fruit filled Orchid Island Boat mug, pour first three ingredients into the vessel. Light a Mai Tai shot glass of 151-proof rum and pour over the fruit. Scoop fruit into Mai Tai shot glasses. From TV flashcard

POLU PUFFER 1/2 oz Lemon Juice 1 oz Pineapple Juice 1/4 oz Orgeat Syrup 1/2 oz Passion Fruit Puree 2 oz Mezcal 1 dash Angostura Bitters 1 eyedropper of Midori Flash blend. Pour into a blue Blowfish mug. From TV flashcard

looking at some of the quizlet recipes posted above, it might seem that the pilo pilo is a renamed version of the tututupo tiki. I have no evidence to prove this though.

Pages: 1 32 replies