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Share your Papua New Guinea pieces

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Outstanding piece Robbie. Is it big enough to fit a human head?
I’m with Hilda-More, More!


This is me wearing it David, and in my hands the spears and other mask i mentioned in the post above. You would have seen pics of my other stuff over on Instagram, Hilda, but when i take some better photos i'll definitely post them here to this thread.

Robbie, you’re gonna think that I’m lying again.
I shared your pic with CeCe and when I asked her to guess who was behind the mask- she quickly responded with “Robbie”.
I almost dropped my Paralyzing Pufferfish.
Give us some warning when you’re gonna raid the States again-Hope it’s soon Cabron!
Btw, that’s some awesome PNG stuff.Also, I will pose the same Question to Joe and Rosemary on Saturday at the Original Tiki Marketplace.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2017-09-08 00:02 ]


Wow! CeCe nailed it and there wasn't really anything in that photo to give me away. Hopefully i'll be back soon David.

Here's a PNG storyboard i picked up today. Had my eyes on this for quite a while and the stall owner in the antique store is closing down so everything is 50% off. I'm glad i held out because although it was a reasonable price to start with, now i got it for a steal.
Now i'd just like to know what it says.

(Photo has been enhanced slightly but the colours are pretty accurate).


Scored this today. Thinking it's a shield rather than a Gope board. Either way i'm stoked.


"Now i'd just like to know what it says."

It's a PNG advertisement for Pizza Hut.
They made them in the 1970s.


Swiz, that's a beauty.

On 2017-11-14 23:24, swizzle wrote:
Scored this today.

I've been in to looking at, and making copies of these, after finding this one a couple weeks ago

Yours has a good ratio of the dark parts, with the color trio Ive been looking for.So, I knocked one off after you posted on Finds yesterday morning. Carved it yesterday, and just finished painting it.

Part of the herd now

Buzzy Out!


Haha. Nice one Skip. There are a lot of birds on it so you could be right.

Thanks hiltiki. I love it. It was a great find.

Buzzy! Thief!!! :lol:

[ Edited by: swizzle 2017-11-17 21:53 ]

A pic in one of my Museum books

nomeus posted on Sat, May 5, 2018 8:47 PM

On 2015-11-24 08:51, hiltiki wrote:
This collection belongs to an old friend, she is 85 years old. She and her husband have traveled all over the world since the early 60's. She must have hundreds of artifacts from all over the world that she has collected along the way. I love visiting her because she lives in a fabulous MCM house up in the hills in Tarzana that she bought in 1959 and she has not touched anything to change the house. This is part of her PNG collection.

i know white walls arent tiki at all but it clearly shows here that all the shades of brown/black against the white really shows the best. in order for it to display right against tan/brown it needs to be lit properly otherwise it just blends in

[ Edited by: nomeus 2018-05-05 20:49 ]


Awesome food hook score yesterday.


Lots of the PNG stuff looks African to me.

Here you see PILES of that stuff few real and tons o fakes they have made to sell to American suckers, all smoked in whatever wood they use to age that stuff.

Many times I would rather have a Bosko or a Witco, or some other fake American version of tiki.

Heck then you don't need to fear that somebody will want your "Rare artifact" with "ancestral significance" back.

Nice piece Jon-cool way to wrap up 2018.
Happy New Year to you and yours,
David and CeCe

Thanks David
Cheers to you two

Got this killer PNG mud mask, very old... at artist Keith Puccinelli's estate sale a block from my house. Couldn't believe my luck! It's huge too. A real great addition.

Beautiful piece!


How big?

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-04-10 09:30 ]

Just took delivery of this guy

Just under 20" long. Seller said it's been in their family collection for at least 50 years.
Tag reads "Ancestral Spirit Mask, Chambri Lakes area, Papua NG". No date, sadly.

Hey hey. Pick this up in a Cocoa Beach thrift shop. I’m thinking PNG, but not sure. Heavy piece.



Just landed this big boy. Just over 24" tall. Labeled Abelam Yam Mask. The guy I bought it from said it was from his parents' collection, probably bought between the late 60s to very early 80s.

On 2019-04-10 10:56, Sandbartender wrote:
Just took delivery of this guy

Just under 20" long. Seller said it's been in their family collection for at least 50 years.
Tag reads "Ancestral Spirit Mask, Chambri Lakes area, Papua NG". No date, sadly.

I have one that looks similar - it's nice to know which region it came from - thanks.


Had this PNG figure for a while now but had to make a base for it as there was no way it was going to stand upright on its own, so i bought a chunk of burl and carved out a recess for one of his feet and screwed him down. Much easier to display now.

Great! How tall is that? About 3 feet?


The figure is about 29" plus a few more now with the base.

This month has been a good one for PNG hunting for me.

I got this big guy from the estate of a couple that did a lot of traveling in the 70s through early 90s. Just over 24" tall

From the Abelam tribe, woven yam mask, East Sepik

And this one, labeled as a spirit mask from Tambanum Village, Middle Sepik. this guy is smaller, about 14.5" tall

I've got to say that neither photographs nearly as nicely as they look in person.


I've had my eyes on these Gope boards at the antique store for several years now. About 18 months or so ago i called the stall owner to see if he would do a deal if i grabbed all three but he wouldn't move much on the price so i passed. Today i was in again and he's closing down his stalls so everything was 50% off. Ended up getting them for less than i was willing to pay initially. Score.

17 inch

24 inch

24 inch

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-12-24 08:54 ]

When it rains it pours


18 inch PNG drum
Wood and lizard skin
Manam Island / Zogari village

28 inch PNG Standing Spirit Figure
Wood, cowrie shells, cassowary tufts
Mindimbit Village, East Sepik Province

14 inch PNG Woven Straw Pig
Cassowary feathers on back and tail
Mumeri Village

21 inch PNG House Spirit Guard
Wood, cowrie shells, cassowary feathers
(Boars tooth on bottom fell off, I need to glue it back on)

32 inch PNG Sepic Lime Container in the form of a Rooster on a Crocodile.
Wood, woven rattan, bamboo
Palembei Village Middle Sepik


Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-12-26 21:18 ]

We recently acquired this huge PNG carving. It measures 38"W x 63"H.



So cool!!!!!


Not the most exciting PNG piece but it looks much better with the frame i made for it i think. 27

This is one of 20 pieces I recently acquired in an estate sale. I'll post more photos once I get them all properly installed in the bar.IMG_0304

[ Edited by stolenidol on 2022-04-07 14:38:38 ]

Current Favorite, PNG Korwar


I find now that I have quite a lot of items from Papua New Guinea, mainly on crocodile themes which I will post here as I get them photographed. However the one that is currently causing the most comment is THIS little feller.



Nothing little about that feller!!

Swizz do you have a tribe name or mask style for that?

Which mask are you referring to Mike? The one that i'm wearing? If so, it says at the bottom of page 2. If it's not that one, then sorry but i don't know for anything else i've posted.

Well yes SufferinSimon, he is kind of a "gifted" lad......

[ Edited by TIKIGIKI on 2022-10-31 21:25:47 ]


Hang10tiki posted this rooster on a crocodile and identified it as a lime container. (Lime being used as part of the betel nut chewing process.) 5e05861a

I have a very similar item, obviously missing the lower container part. When I bought this it was being identified as a "canoe prow" but it certainly would not stand up to that task.



Picked up this large sago pot earlier this week. Looks like i have a collection of them now.


Very nice swizzle! I guess I should post this here too:


From research on this board, I believe it to be Asmat from western PNG. It's huge, like 70"x31" at its widest points.

Such amazing art on this thread!

My hobby is making stuff, not collecting it. I have a Papua New Guinea inspired wall of art I have made
PNG wall

I created a web site that has info about each piece (hence the outlines on the pic). There is a QR code on the wall that people can scan to get to this page. https://mgilbert.net

This thread deserves a bump. I've been buying PNG items like crazy for months now trying to get enough to help decorate even one medium sized room. All I can say is this hobby ain't cheap.

Seriously... no one else is buying PNG items while building Tiki bars... I call BS. Lets see some more of those PNG treasures...

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