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Needed: coconut drink recipe

Pages: 1 15 replies

Swanky posted on 05/31/2004

Okay, you must think "It's right there in the other post!" Well, not quite. Here's what I have in mind and I have not gotten around to working on it.

I want a drink I can serve in a half coconut. They are pretty cheap at the grocery store. I figure you might take a recipe that calls for a little cocnut cream or coconut rum and serve it int he actual cocnut and drop the flavoring. I dunno.

But I think this is a worthy cause! A drink that will have the scent and flavor of the coconut becuase it's served in one.

Please share your experiments with me here. Maybe we can get this as a Hale Tiki signature drink. If nothing else, it'll make a great impression on my guests. I have some 2 inch bamboo rings that will make a nice cup rest for the the coconuts.

Kon-Hemsby posted on 06/01/2004

not sure of a recipes for you, but one idea for serving you may want is....
drill two holes on the top of the coconut, pour the milk out, then stick a funnel in the coconut and pour the drink straight in.

Unga Bunga posted on 06/01/2004

Gilligan would have liked this drink.
"Coconut Cream"
3 parts Baileys Irish cream
2 parts Coconut flavored rum
whipped cream
fried coconut shavings on top.

vwtikigirl posted on 06/02/2004

Here's another great one ...

(3/4oz) Midori
(1oz) Rum
(1/2oz) Coconut Cream
(1/2oz) Lime Juice
(1/2oz) Pineapple Juice

Kreaky Tiki posted on 06/03/2004

I can strongly recommend the "Macadamia Nut Chi Chi" page 50 in BBB's "Intoxica". I made a couple for the first time this last weekend and everyone loved them.



Kreaky Tiki posted on 06/03/2004

I can strongly recommend the "Macadamia Nut Chi Chi" page 50 in BBB's "Intoxica". I made a couple for the first time this last weekend and everyone loved them.



woofmutt posted on 06/09/2004

Recently I gave Barcardi's Coco coconut flavored rum a try. It's pretty dry, not sugary like Malibu. The flavor is more subtle, but distinctly coconut. I wanted a non creamy coconutty drink, so I made the one below. It's sort of a bastard son of the Mai Tai and it'd go well in a coconut shell (an idea I really like).

2 oz Coco rum
1 oz dark rum
juice of one lime (adjust to taste)
1 tablespoon triple sec (adjust to taste)

Put it all in a shaker with the lime shells. Shake the hell out of it. Serve it strained or one the rocks.

sporkboyofjustice posted on 06/09/2004

I tried opening a coconut for the first time the other week and it was not easy. Does anyone have a technique to open it in halves to they can be used for drink cups?

Please keep in mind that I have limited hand tools and almost no power tools (I have a dremel and a palm sander).

Also on removing the meat from the shell, is there an easy way to do that like freezing it or something?

[ Edited by: sporkboyofjustice on 2004-06-09 09:29 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 06/09/2004

I almost bet you that the dremel would tear that boy up. Probably first drill a hole with it on one side and then the other to drain out the liquid, then use the hardcore cutting disk, like the one with fiberglass reinformement? unless you have a metal cutting disk... this is purely conjecture, but i'm a big fan of the dremel, i've cut through lots of materials successfully with it.

Swanky posted on 06/09/2004

When I opened my cocnut it was easy. I hit it with a hammer as they said and it split right in two. The meat is not easy, but you want to get a knife between the hull and the meat. There is a sort of skin on it. Once you get that going, it will peel out rather easy.

Unga Bunga posted on 06/09/2004

Here is a website that shows you how to open a coconut and with video.

sporkboyofjustice posted on 06/09/2004

Thanks Unga Bunga, that's perfect. I even have a big cleaver like that (the workshop isn't as well stocked as the kitchen). I'll go out and try it today.

[ Edited by: sporkboyofjustice on 2004-06-09 15:07 ]

mriddle posted on 06/09/2004

in Mexico, they have a "Coco Loco" which is made by drilling a hole in the coconut and pouring tequila and other stuff. I have no idea what other things and in what amounts becasue I got so hammered off of them that I didn't care.....about anything.

Swanky posted on 01/11/2005

I really thought I would make a coconut drink, served in a half coconut as part of the bar I plan to open, so I found a few recipes and tried it. Now I know why it has not been done before.

A) Cracking open the coconut and pouring liquid in it does not impart any coconut taste or smell to the drink

B) The coconut makes your hands dirty and even the coconut gets dirty. Washing them would likely not be worth the effort.

It did look nice though. I made the Lei Lani Volcano and used regular rum instead of coconut rum.

It looks nice. I had planned to use bamboo as the drink holder, not a glass, if I went ahead with the idea.

The Swank Pad Broadcast - If it's Swank...

[ Edited by: Swanky on 2005-01-10 19:12 ]

[ Edited by: Swanky 2006-03-07 16:26 ]

pablus posted on 01/11/2005

Where's the garnish?
It cries for garnish.

It seems like a lot of work for a "regular" thing. Maybe a special every so often when you can score some cheap coco's.

martiki posted on 01/11/2005

Try it with a young coconut instead- less mess. This is what they serve food in in Thai restaurants:

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