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Drunk again

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Just got back form the V-Room right nere in good ol' Long Beachg Californ-Ni-A!!! It was my frined Candace's B-Day. Shes a bartender at teh V-Room. I was sporting a new Haw2aiian shirt tonight and sometihing funny happenned. This old guy like in his late 60's came uyp to me an dsaid, "Hey that's a nice shirt, that real Hawaiian isn't it?". To which I responded, "Yeah it's Kine Hawaiian, a new label I just found out about". Turned out this olad man new all about Kine Hawaiian. I mentioned that normally I wear pureley vintage Iolani as far as my Hawaiian shirts go. He knew all about Iolani. We started tal;iknig about Kennington and a few other labels. man this guy knew his shot. He knew labels I had never headrs of. Funny thin is he was drewssed all ska style imageine an old man in his late 60's dress in slaclks, a white t-shirt and red suspenders.

God I love Long Beach.


you have to find a drunk-proof camera to bring with you next time :)

Yo Sam...whend they move the Viper Room to Lond Beach? I need to get back up there...life is passin me by. I could go for a Joe Jost special right now. That place is da kine since 1929.

No not the Viper Room, The V-Room. It's been there for ever. People hangh out there now whose parents used to hang out there when tehy were young, and there grandparents used to hang out there before that.


Speakin' of Joe Jost, my Mom used to take me there when I was about 5 or maybe even a baby. I havn't been back yet. I remember the big jar of pickled eggs that I'm sure was bigger than me at the time.

Yeah Mean, I used to go there with my dad when I was a kid. Then when I lived over by Redondo & 7th St. in the early '80's I would hit Joe Jost at least once a week. They opened another Joe Jost In downtown LB but it was a slick yuppie place that catered to the business lunch crowd (blasphemy). The Joe Jost special (in case you've forgotten) is a Polish sausage, swiss cheese & dill pickle on rye, a basket of pretzils with a pickled egg and peppers on top and a glass of Pabst Blue Ribbon. Mmmmmm...yum.

you guys are so lucky, my parents never took me to bars.

seriously? your parents took you to bars when you 5?

Tiki-Bot and I are SO ready to be parents...


Is Joe Jost a 21 and over bar or can kids go in and eat? Back then it was ok.

I think I'll get my Mom a Joe Jost t-shirt for Xmas. She'll love it!

Has anyone ever heard of the Tapit or Tap-It in Long Beach? It's not there any more, but if you've been there maybe you know my Mom. I use to play pool there when I was barely tall enough. Ah, the good ol' days...

On 2004-12-12 23:26, mrs. pineapple wrote:
you guys are so lucky, my parents never took me to bars.

seriously? your parents took you to bars when you 5?

Somebody had to drive 'em home!

My dad used to tale me to a bar when I was about 3 or 4, but then again it was my uncle's bart so everyone there knew me and was cool about it. I don't remember much except playing video games and trying to shoot poole but not really being able to see over the pool table.

Drunk on a Tuesday, I wa sdrunk yesterday too though and that was a Monday. I'll probably be drunk again tomorrow so you I beliveive in "Staying The Course".

Arr, matey, Im drunk on a tuesday too! But I like to spend my wasteful wasted hours on SHOUT... why don't you?

Another Tuesday. It's 11:30 on Tuesday and I'm drunk again. Ey last Sunday I caught teh
Body Workd exhibit at teh Museum of Science and Industry. Teh exhibit close don Sunday so it was open 24 hours that day. A couple of waitresses a bartender and a stripper I know from Teh Wild Goose invited me to go out with them after they got off of work and tehy bought me my ticket. We ended up going at 3:00 AM. We were there from 3 to 5 Am and teh place was totally packed. When I thought about the fact that I got together with two waitresses and a stripper from my favorite titi joint and went straight to teh Museum of Science and Industry, I realized what a dork I truly am.


Liquor,strippers,and science and industry-Sam,you know how to mix it up and have a good time!

Yup drunk agaiun, what us it Manday?

Well tiki Oasis is coming up again, good times. tiki Oasis and VLV are teh most fun I have each year. Although i really used to love Teasorama. Haven't doen that since the last one that was here in LA though.

Anyewqays, I am much looking forward to and needing this upcoming Tiki Oasis.

Word on teh street is, "A good time will be had by all".

Hey Spike, rmeember when we walked those two english chicks like 3 miles to theor hotle room and they didn't even invite us in once we were there like 3 years agao at a Tiki Oasis. Man that was rough. At least we got to get our grub on at Denny's on teh way back.

Hey Sam - you sound like you had a good time tonight. I wish I still lived in LBC, I'd 've probably been gettin' back from Joe Joste or the V-Room right arbout now. Have you been to Alex's on Anaheim. I checked it out on the net and it looks like someplace I might wind up after a hard night of drinking (kinda like the place that used to be downtown called the Pandemonium).

Man I practically live at Alex's. I'm there drinking every Monday night, most Thursdays, some Fridays and Saturdays, depending on what bands are playing, and I'm there Sundays during the day for the weekly free BBQ. I know everyone at Alex's, Alex, Stacey, Krista, Kammie, Kimmy, Mikey, Zach, and Dirty Mark, oh yeah and Big Mike and Aaron.

When I'm not at Alex's I'm ususally at The V-Room. I know Sussane and Candace over there too. Once in awhile I'll venture over to The Red Room, Ferns, and The Prospector. So many bars, is it a wonder I drink 5 days a week?

not really drunk yet, just a little buzzed. I got a Birthday coming up next week. I'm turning 31 so I will officially be over 30 and on the road to 40. Life sucks.

Anyways, is it time for Tiki Oasis 6 yet?

I've been to drunk to post all week. Hangovers are getting less and less fun the older I get. I am still at work right now but we're about to start drinking here. I just thought i would stop by to put up something funny I saw recently.

On 2005-05-20 16:54, suicide_sam wrote:
I've been to drunk to post all week. Hangovers are getting less and less fun the older I get. I am still at work right now but we're about to start drinking here. I just thought i would stop by to put up something funny I saw recently.


Sorry braddah, that was me...

I've had a full day, I woke up early and went surfing for my first time ever today, then when I came back I went and saw Star Wars, and then I went to Alex's Bar for teh Sunday BBQ and got quite loaded.

Star Wars:

Finally a good Star wars Movie, the last two sucked. Don't get me wrong, the love story was horrible on this one too, the dialouge was a real killer, seemed like I was watching a Kevin Smith movie, but the Romance was kept to a minimum and teh rest was all good.

My one problem though (If you haven't seen teh movie please stop reading now), Princess Leia in teh old 3 movies was already a Princess when we met her. In teh prequals we were lead to belive that she was a Princess because her mother was Queen Amidalla, but now they said that to hide the children from Vader it was told to everyone that teh children died with her. Leia is tehn adopted by a Sentor and his wife. Sop if she was raised as teh daughter of a sentor, what gives her the title "Princess" Leia?

On 2005-05-22 16:26, suicide_sam wrote:
My one problem though (If you haven't seen teh movie please stop reading now), Princess Leia in teh old 3 movies was already a Princess when we met her. In teh prequals we were lead to belive that she was a Princess because her mother was Queen Amidalla, but now they said that to hide the children from Vader it was told to everyone that teh children died with her. Leia is tehn adopted by a Sentor and his wife. Sop if she was raised as teh daughter of a sentor, what gives her the title "Princess" Leia?

Fred, Leia was Princess Leia Organa, the adopted child of Senator Bail Organa, First Chairman & Viceroy of Alderaan, making her part of the Alderaan royal family.[/geek]

Oh okay, that explains that. I'm still shocked that after that long fight scene inside a volcano, about a foot above molten lava that neither Obi Wan or Vader ever broke a sweat. I guess teh force can be used as an anti-perspirant

There's senators in Star Wars? I thought it was a fantasy space movie thingy. Not like real life.

Did I reaky sat those things last night?

Really Say? DOH!!

It's a little after midnight on Monday night and I am quite drunk once again. I have come to s a decision just now. As of late I have had an absolutely horrible year. Seems like it's from bad to worse every day. It had gotten so bad that I had decided I was going to finish out the year and move away. I just had a realization though. Long Beach is the absolute best place I have ever lioved. If I ran off to some other city becaue I'm miserable I might just be running to go be miserable somewhere else. I have decided that it instead I will fix my situation here. There's allot of stuff that I always wanted to do but just kind of sat back and said it would be cool if I could do this, or how cool would it be if I could get that going. I just deide tostop get my shit together. I am no longer working freelance I am working staff so I have consistent cash coming in although it's less than what I used to make working freelenace. BNut I just started taking on some freeleance on teh side for extra cash. I am frist going to start paying off some of my debts like teh 11 grand I currently owe teh IRS, and start fixing my house up some. I have let it fall off allot in teh last year, and I'm finally going to get my shit together and starty doing more illustartiuon work again. I had talked to gene from Falling cocvos about doing posters awhile back butI never got my shit going. It's time I got my shit together. Give me one year. In one year you will be seeing teh name Fred Haro at Gallery shows. Fuck it, I'll probably hacve to cut down on the drinking. As it stands I'm drunk about 6 nights a wekk. but hey, that just means that wiull be less money going out. I recently looked over my budegt and realize I spend a little over $600 a month on drinking. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going sissy or anything, any trip that takes 12 steps is not worth taking, but maybe I'll cut down a bit and dedicate a little more time to other things. Long Beach is teh best town I have ever been in and it doesn't make snese to leave. I would rather stay here and get my shit together. Give me one year. You'll start to see the name Fred Haro up within one year.

Just got home, called it a night early tonight. Ey so guess what, my dog is scoring her own weed now. Sometimes when I let my dogs into teh fronb tyard my 5 month old pup squezzes under the fornt gate door and gets out. She tends to go out and find something and bring it back. Ususally it's a kid's toy or something she pulled of a laundry line, which is why I ususally try not to let her on teh fron t yard if I'm not around to keep tabs on her anymore. A couple of days ago I was cleaning up my pad and I found an eight bag of weed. It had been chewed through on teh bottom like she was trying to get the weed out. I was angry at first but upon checking my stash I found that all my weed was still there. I lloked at the bag again and I realized that it's not the kind of bag I use and that it's a different type than what I am smoking right now.Thats when I realized that it was not my weed, it came from somewhwere else. Last time she got out, she went out and got some weed and brought it back. IUpon realizing this I packed a bowl and lit up for my dog. She likes to sit next to me and sniff while I smoke so she can get a second hand high. It wasn't great quality weed, it was just okay, but considering it was my dog's first time scoring I think she did pretty good!


If your dog has a litter, I want one of the pups.

About 7 years ago my dog Gypsy broke into my parent's garage through the back door, climbing past a mountain of junk, and then broke through the front door. She broke through the little picket fence over to the neighbours yard and got into what must have been a trash bag.
She was still there when I got home, so I hauled her into the backyard. She started tearing circles around the lawn, in no way I'd ever seen before. When she finally came inside she couldn't stand up very well at all.
After an emergency trip to the vet we found that she had consumed some kind of drug, I'm not sure what. She had to stay the night at the hospital on IV and tried to attack anything that came near her cage. As usual.
I'd like to think it was mary jane, but eating the stuff usually produces the opposite effect of insane energy.

Long Beach, is a great town to be a drunk in.

nuff' said

On 2005-08-18 00:25, suicide_sam wrote:
Long Beach, is a great town to be a drunk in.

nuff' said

I second that.

Is there a bad town to be drunk in? If so, I haven't found it.

On 2005-08-19 06:23, Urban Tiki wrote:
Is there a bad town to be drunk in? If so, I haven't found it.

Glendale, Ca. (Damon's excluded, of course)

I work in Flendale, Glendlae sucks to be drunk in, very uptight.

It is truely a sad state of affairs but I am currently drunk on wine, AGAIN. I just realized that I canm taste a glass of wine and tell teh diffference bewtween a cabrnet and a pinot noir.

What is this world coming to?

Hey so on teh bright side I am going to see Pink Martini thi sFrioday at teh Hollywood Bowl. I just tonight found out that they hired a bunch of exotic brazilian dancers and teh main one is a good friend of mine so it looks like I mighyt even get to chill back stage by teh end of the night.

God can you belive I know the difference bewtween red wines now. I would even rather drink red wine than beer. What the hell is that all about? But honestly I go wine tasting every few months just to restock and man you get SLOSHED wine tasting, by your third vineyard you ar feeling GOOD!!! I am probably not appreciating wine the way it should be apprecciated. I drink it to get a buzz, what can I say, taht just the kind of guy I am. I mean dont get me wrong, nothing beats a stiff jack and coke, but a good cabarnet is pretty damn good too.

does that me me gay?

Oh man, this whole thing just took a turn,


On 2005-09-07 22:48, suicide_sam wrote:
I work in Flendale, Glendlae sucks to be drunk in, very uptight.

It is truely a sad state of affairs but I am currently drunk on wine, AGAIN. I just realized that I canm taste a glass of wine and tell teh diffference bewtween a cabrnet and a pinot noir.

What is this world coming to?

Hey so on teh bright side I am going to see Pink Martini thi sFrioday at teh Hollywood Bowl. I just tonight found out that they hired a bunch of exotic brazilian dancers and teh main one is a good friend of mine so it looks like I mighyt even get to chill back stage by teh end of the night.

God can you belive I know the difference bewtween red wines now. I would even rather drink red wine than beer. What the hell is that all about? But honestly I go wine tasting every few months just to restock and man you get SLOSHED wine tasting, by your third vineyard you ar feeling GOOD!!! I am probably not appreciating wine the way it should be apprecciated. I drink it to get a buzz, what can I say, taht just the kind of guy I am. I mean dont get me wrong, nothing beats a stiff jack and coke, but a good cabarnet is pretty damn good too.

does that me me gay?

Oh man, this whole thing just took a turn,

I don't know anything about being gay, but that's your business.
I've been drinking Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale from 2004. I heard that Sierra Nevada made special beer for Christmas time, and there's this great local bar/liquor store that still had some. Fortunately for me, it wasn't skunky, and the price was right!
Tastes great. Sort of like the normal pale ale that Sierra makes, but got a little bit of spice in it.
If you like wine more than beer, maybe you're just drinking the wrong kind of beer?


drink he'brew genesis ale and messiah bold... l'chaim!

Almost 2:00 Am on a wednesday. i am very much drunk. I just got home from ferns and was going to go staright to sleep. But I thought I would check in with you guys to let you know something I just found out about. A bar in Long beach called "KB" has just been bought out and will be turned into a Tiki Bar called The Puka bar.

veryu drunk now,
must s;leep

gotta work tomorrow,
afterall it is a weekday.

Over and Out

Dammit, Fred, you gotta start posting at other times then when you're "Drumk Agin"!

And remember, as a great man once said: "Don't drink & drive, you might spill your drink. But if you gotta, don't do it in Glendale."

my head urts

You should have a drink.


Or better yet take two Advil tablets with a shot of anything!

So tomoroow is turkey day. I suaully go spend torukey day with the family tehn spend turkey night at Alex's Bar in Long Beacg getting drunk decompressing from family time. I have actually been doing wuite a biut of drinking tonight too. Starte out with a ghetto ass bottle of white wine taht someone gfave me for X-MAs last YEAR, I kept avoiding cause I could tell it was ghjetto. Then I wnet to the bar and moved on to berr. Then I went to teh other bar and moved on to tequila. Yeah, you knoew by the third glass that bottle of white wasn't haf; bad. The tequila was good right off teh bat. there''s not really a point to this tory. I wasn't going anywhere with it.



All I gotta say, is...

Pastrami chili cheese fries, with ranch dressing.

Yeah, thats what I'm talking about.

On 2005-12-18 02:04, suicide_sam wrote:
All I gotta say, is...

Pastrami chili cheese fries, with ranch dressing.

Yeah, thats what I'm talking about.

Where'd you find those, Okie Dog? You just don't find fine apres-booze treats like those in SD.

EY here I am, Monday night , midnoight, drunk again. Aiihgt, in teh Long Beach, or teh LBC, or the LBezee, there is a bar called ALex's Bar that from time to time I might be found at. Right next door there is a burger joint called Famous Charbroiled Burgers. This is on teh same block as Joe Josts, many people on this board know Joess. At Famous Charbroiled Burgers, tehy serve Pastrami Chili Cheese Freies. Ogh and by teh way, Famous Charbroiled Burgers is also teh hoem of teh "Taco Buirger", thats right, I said, "Taco Burger".

I justt noticed that there is a spell check button on teh bottom of teh screen. I refuse to use the spell check button. I do this on principal, or is it principle? God I wish I had a spell check button.

Friday night, or satureday mornig. It's a litte lafter 2:00 AM you make the call. Well, drunk again. It was that last shot of tequila that did it. Not all teh bother shots and all the beer before that, just that last shot. I don'[t really have anything to talk about right now. I gotta get up early tomorrow. tomorrow's teh 24th. I haven't done any X-Mas shopping yet so you see how I have to haul ass tomorrow. I'm freelancing again, making allot more money so thats good. I still owe teh IRS 11 grand.

new Years is coming. New years eve always kind of bums me out. I used to look at it as a new beiginning. You know like you were being iven a new chance to start over and being given a clean slate for teh new year. now I just see it as a marlk of more of teh same for next year. Wahtever.

I'm back to working for myself, so that's good. I'm actually startiung to do art again. I'm even about to start doing some graffiitti again. My budyy Shiver has put some kids on to our old crew in hopes of reviving it and has asked me to come in and teach them a couple of techniques I made up. I would have never taught anyone my shit before because it was my shit. But now I'm so far gone from it that I honestly don'yt care so giving some tricks I made up to some klids that are pushing my old crew now is okay, it's actually kind of cool. Anyways, I never really cared about graff fame to begin with. I just would paint for myself. I did my best work when I was really depressed or pissed about sometihng. I would just throw a bunch of spray cans in a back pack and go off and do something.

When you're out in the cold night and you are painting,... The cold air fills your nostrils with a mix of aeroslo fumes. and Your finger feels sticky on the cap from the over spray. everything else just goes away. Nothing else matters. Bills, chicks, work, it all goes away. Teh only thing that matters is making that sketch happen on teh wall. I miss painting, it was kind of therapeutic. Recently I took up surfiong and was amazed by how therapeutic that was. Even though I still suck and am very happy whenever I ride a wave all teh way in.

Anyways.What was I talking about? Painting, or how drunk I am right now? I owe teh IRS 11 grand.

Chicks suck. I'm tired of girls, I need a woman. One wqho can bring home teh bacon and fry it up in a pan.

I like bacon. I really like when your at a club in LA and when teh show is over there is a guy outside with a hot dog cart selling hot dogs with a fat strip of bacon wrapped around them. That is all good. You get that with mustard and jalapenos and forget heaven, you have found bliss on earth.

What was I talking about agin.

I don't know.

I got allot of shopping to do tomorrow. X-Mas is coming.



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