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Tiki Central / California Events

Orange County Crawl Atfermath

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After a few Mai Tais and thinking about all of you so fondly and missing being with you tonight in my maudlin (and drunken) state... C.B. and I wanted to pass along our deep appreciation for knowing such a great gang of folks.
We were sitting in our tiki bar staring at our various bottles of rum, triple sec, and grenadine - I was appreciating the outstanding design of the labels and then I said - I have to get on T.C. No where else will I ever find another gang of folks who get 'it' : the romance, the mystery AND the appeal of fabulously designed labels :) (we should start a thread on these).

Anyway... enough of my ravings. You guys are the best. We could feel the manna 50 miles away! It's 10 minutes to last call... a safe journey home to you all.

The OC Tiki Crawl III Kicked ASS! What a great F-ckin' time!!!

Futura Girl & CB you were missed. SCD too!

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera - so I didn't get any pics. But I did see a bunch of other cameras so lets see THOSE!


**Poly-Pop ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-03-30 09:05 ]

So what the hell did you have in that YUGE back pack of yours PP? MM and Carey, sorry y'all didn't make it, as well as Frank too. I myself had worked all damn day(14hrs) and and made it in time for Sam's. Good times.....g'times. We are all getting so tight we're gonna start naming our kid's after each other, or something?

No pics yet? I understand, heh heh, everything is in slow mo. Little bit of Advil and water will help, don't look in the mirror whatever you do. One eye down by your cheek the other up on your forehead, heh.

my brain feels like it is being squished through my eye balls!!!!!!

Mother of God! Please fu*&ing put me out of my misery now! Geez, what a night!

Enough said, back to sleepy by.


This happy lil tiki-guy would just like to say ... Wheeeeeew! It's always a sign of a bangin time with this group when the postings for the first 18-24 hours are from the ones that could not make it to the foray. A hush falls over the board...... For those of us who have managed to take a small amount of solid food and a few rambling steps towards a keyboard, Welcome back to reality, such as it is. We'uns had a great time. It was good to see you all after a couple of months away. It's always nice to come home. Bring on the TiKi Season!

Tiki Ciao


Man oh Man - this hangover is massive! Bring on the pic's - I know there are some very embarrassing ones of me & everyone else. Al, are you taking bribes to hold back some of those photos!? I HAD A BLAST - thanks to everyone involved for making the Crawl such a foggy and fond recollection!!

Holden Westland
Tiki Farm
"Purveyors of Polynesian Pop Culture"

[ Edited by: smogbreather on 2003-03-30 19:13 ]

you guys were having too much fun!. i hate working on saturdays!. it was great to see you all at sams, such nice folks!.i wish to god i could have been with you guys at billys, i could have had some real fun messing with the snotty folks!. one thing that blew me out of the water was meeting laney, WOW!!!.you single guys out there need to work on your flirting skills!. a babe with BRAINS is a rare combo. peace. TWT


Ok, so, like, they invented, like, this wind-up doll thing, serious, saw it at Kohls in the mid-west. Ya, you just, like, put liquor on it's tongue and watch it, like, go00000. Like, you have to wind it up, like, tight, then release. This "thing" was, like, flying all over the place. If you, like, take it to the edge of, like, stairs, it, like, crashes to the bottom with ease, like, no grace, but, like, with ease. I saw someone, like, in the store push, but, like, we won't name names...HOLDEN. After it, like, unwinds, it just, like, lays still. Not, like, a single movement.
Like, check this "thing" out, but, like, careful how tight you, like, wind. And, like, please avoid stairs, you'll wrinkle, like, it's clothes.

I created a sub-album in the Events Photo area for pictures of the crawl (if there are any). Feel free to add photos here:



Sabu's Drunken Slide Show & Poetry Reading

Please excuse the blurry photos. If the restaurants hadn't been swaying back and forth so violently, I could have held the camera still. As it was, I was struck violently by several walls and a floor.


The decor at the Royal Hawaiian was awesome,
You sip Lapu-Lapu and then you guffaw some.

Many totally stunning young babes were among us
Lapu Rocker cares not where the big tiki's tongue is

Sabu, his postcards tucked under one arm
Is aware that the last drink is doing him harm


Beer-drinking coeds from some local campus
Are clueless to where the big tapa lamp is

Behind every bar was a nice Leeteeg painting
(I spotted them from down on the floor after fainting)

Tiki Bong's face appears out of a fog
"Hey Sabu! How was that last Navy Grog?"


Unaware of the nude velvet hula-girl, Ben
Tries in vain to talk to a hypnotized Sven

Bong and some guy who I think is named KC
Are talking about me - they think I am crazy

Doctor Lapu toasts me and asks my condition
"Close that door!" I exclaim, "You're letting the fish in!"

Pop and Spike say "What a great party this is!"
Sabu stumbles into Sam's restroom and p... freshens up.


Tiki Bong carefully outlines to us
That it's an extra Two-hundred to clean up the bus

Back at Ben's we feast on cold eggrolls and rice
To prove that I'm sober I say everything twice


You are all a bunch of drunks.
Why did I have a headache?
And don't worry everyone, your secrets are safe with me.
Sven, sorry about the bottle!
YO, Adrian PP would you please smile it's OK now, it's all over we did ok.
Oh ya, when you get a chance can I have my blue pen back?
The Smoking Menuhunes were truly smokin.
I can't wait for a longer set.
Bongo your slide work is most impressive.
But the three-way you asked me about, shouldn't the third be a woman?
Spikemister your GEE-tar picking is like a refreshing slap in the face, if ya know what I mean.
Lapu, I think that butt just landed in Arizona.
HEY,Spike/Lapu YOUR CHICKS DON"T GET IT now they just sit and wonder what the HELL are we doing with TIKI FREAKS.
Ben"S it sure was nice of you and Mrs"S Ben"S to open up your hut to all us looneys
Can you believe we actually fit inside the Royal Hawaiian?
A lot of us got to meet Zach, the awesome guy responible for the new TIKIS outside the RH I hope we get him to join TC, he would be a very welcome edition. And I think it was early enough so we did not scare him with the TC drunk chearleading squad.
Hey Andrew, you give great BUS, a cheer for our driver please!!! And can everyone please grab your packages and remeber to take the foil off the candy before you bite down.
HEY, Bamboo Ben"S I just got a call from Malibu Barbie and she wants her jeans back.
If anyone plans another Crawl and goes anywhere in F%&@king Newport flippen stuck up Beach I for one will boycott. billy's had the most Botox sucking, silicon injected, stuck up, don't invade my little space, and please don't enjoy yourself, this is a fire hazard, f%$@cked up, bitchy COCKtail waitress attitude place I have ever been to. And will never go back to.
By the way, the blonde bimbo wants a rematch.
OK OK OK now in stark contrast/ Sam's what a relief, our garden of eden, could Jeff and the crew been nicer? I think not. Those last two stops (Sam's and Ben"S) that is the kinda thing that will last a lifetime, next time let's just crawl back and forth with no other stops.

Major Props to the Tommy Chow and the gang at Sam's Seafood! After the crappy experience at Billy's, it was great to feel welcome at Sam's - with our own Tiki Central drink, Tommy keeping the place open as long as we were there, No Hassles, No Problems!

He told me Saturday, "Tiki Central is always welcome here. We like you guys - always fun!"

I vote we elect Sam's Seafood as the Official Headquarters for the Tiki Central Hoity Toity So Cal Chapter!

**Poly-Pop ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-03-31 10:23 ]

On 2003-03-31 10:21, PolynesianPop wrote:
I vote we elect Sam's Seafood as the Official Headquarters for the Tiki Central Hoity Toity So Cal Chapter!

Right on Pop. Sam's (which was where I had my first 'legal' drink in 1981) is now, and forever will be, the 'So Cal Hoity Toity Tiki Central Official Meeting Place' (SCHTTCOMP).

I've been afraid to say anything for fear of being declared a fire hazard and being pointed to the exit. But I now realize I am safely out of Newport Beach and no longer repressed by the Orange Curtain! So, here is my rambling thoughts & thanks:

Mahalo to Bamboo Ben & the Mrs. for being great hosts to the pre and post crawl gathering, and for making me a bamboo dickhead!

Mahalo to Bong for setting it up and securing us the bus!

Mahalo to PolyPop for his cruise director efforts, keeping us well herded and on schedule!

Mahalo to the Smoking Menehunes for some awesome entertainment! (Where'd you find Shirley? She is great!)

Mahalo to Chongolio for the cool commemorative T-shirts offered!

Mahalo to Alnshely for all their support efforts!

Mahalo to Wierduncletiki for entertaining us throughout the crawl! (and Shirley too!)

Mahalo to all who contributed to the potluck feast and cocktails!

Mahalo to Andy the bus driver for putting up with us for the night!

Mahalo to everyone for making the whole evening awesome!

Bong, when is the official TC lynching of the guy who recommended Billy's as a crawl stop?

It was nice meeting you, Laney! It was great having a face to face chat with the feisty fox herself!

As small and noisy as the Royal Hawaiian bar is, they were very accommodating. And it was amazing seeing the bartender making over a dozen lapu lapus at once! (anyone get a pic of those lined up on the bar?)

I won't go into the whole Billy's thing, 'cause I just know one of those little blonde bitches is hiding out in the bushes waiting to attack!

And what can I say about Sam's? The place is just great! They always welcome our group with smiles!

I'll stop rambling now, as my mind is occupied with trying to figure out why my aloha shirt pocket was filled with leaves...


laney posted on Mon, Mar 31, 2003 2:20 PM

Awwww shucks, TWT thanks for all the, too sweet comments, but you must have been as drunk as the rest! It was really great to talk to many of you I haven't met before. And nice to find out that I'm the TC Bitch, or as Pup said "let's just call it feisty!" I spent the time saying "I'm nice-really, I haven't a clue why all the threads I post on get LOCKED!!!" (((now just agree with me and do as I say and it'll all be o.k.))) :wink: :wink:

Whoever made the badges rocks-I still laugh when I see it. I guess I have to give props to Hulalua for calling us "Hoity-Toity" We revel in it!

Pop, you did an amazing job! Cory has a hard enough time getting Me in the car much less 50 drunk tiki freaks! Cory also had a great time and was happy people liked the shirt he picked out-all by himself. But, somebody grabbed his ass! Bong was that you?

I have to agree with Bax that some non-TC chicks didn't get it. Especially when, mid-conversation, LuckyD got dragged off his barstool by his sideburn! I thought this was TC not the wives with knives club! :wink: Some were super cool-Mrs. Boo (although she dosen't remember) and Mrs. Wreck (sorry, the name is sooo funny)

I wish we had more time to talk and mingle (Bong was avoiding me). TWT has a good idea and I saw a sign for Sam's Show. We should all get together for a luau! A friend of a friend dances at the show on Fridays so she could help set things up. We may get a discount with a large group. After the show we could do cocktails at Dukes or Aloha Grill. Let's get this thing together! SCHTTCOMP here we come! (Sven isn't that Deutch for something?)

What a fun and nutty bunch we have!

[ Edited by: Laney on 2003-03-31 14:55 ]

TraderPup, Mahalo to YOU for the kick-ass commemorative badges!

*PolynesianPop wrote:*TraderPup, Mahalo to YOU for the kick-ass commemorative badges!

Yes, TraderPup, thanks for the NON-Tiki Crawl III version of the badge! (or as Bax calls it, the "you suck for not going" badge)

Chongolio~thanks for the shirt! You've only got a few left, right? :wink:

BambooBen~ Thanks for the TC Crawl necklace!

LuckyDesigns~ Thanks for the KikaTiki stickers! One is on my Duke Kahanamoku longboard (skateboard)!

Stentiki & Bong (and anyone else that brought food): Thanks for the pre-Crawl food! Ahhhh..Li's!

PolynesianPop~ maybe you can get together with Chongolio & Bong & Sam's Seafood to make an official Tiki Central sign for Sam's to hang at their entrance or somewhere in the bar area. Chongolio can do the the die-cut and place it on a dark/black plexiglass and make sure "TikiCentral.com" is on it somewhere. We can setup a "Hanging" ceremony if approved with Sam's. Also, how about a carved Shecky Tiki for the bar, and it will be our equivalent of "buddah" where we rub the tummy upon entering the bar. This could catch on at "TC Approved" bars all over the world!


[ Edited by: SugarCaddyDaddy on 2003-03-31 14:45 ]

I just had a disturbing yet funny thought:

Imagine if Laney was with us at Billy's?



It wasn't me that grabbed your ass, I don't touch anything that might cause my financial kingdom to crumble.

And if I was avoiding you, it was just to frustrate you as I KNOW YOU REALLY, REALLY wanted to say I was right about sushi bars!

On 2003-03-31 15:16, Traderpup wrote:
Imagine if Laney was with us at Billy's?


That would have been great. Laney would have definitely kicked ass and taken names!

On 2003-03-31 14:45, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:
PolynesianPop~ maybe you can get together with Chongolio & Bong & Sam's Seafood to make an official Tiki Central sign for Sam's to hang at their entrance or somewhere in the bar area.

Also, how about a carved Shecky Tiki for the bar, and it will be our equivalent of "buddah" where we rub the tummy upon entering the bar.

SCD, that's a great idea! We definitely have to leave our mark there - our new clubhouse, our home away from home.


[ Edited by: stentiki on 2003-04-04 10:36 ]

I think I was the only one that had a good time at Billy's. Maybe by making a beeline to the outside bar, I avoided most of the Nazi Waitresses. Just the fact that it was a new tiki bar I hadn't been to yet was good enough for me. But I really liked the design of the bars, with their Leeteegs, the tapa lamp and the tiki poles.

While I was waiting at the bar, a hot little blonde sidled up to me, touched me on the arm, and asked coyly, "Do you think you could find a table so we could order a few drinks and maybe get an appetizer?"

I haven't had an aggressive girl use a good pickup line on me for ages, so I said, "Well, I'm ordering drinks now, just tell me what you want, and I'll get us an appetizer to split."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said. "I thought you were a waiter!"

It was the Hawaiian shirt and the lei I was wearing. The "we" she had mentioned was her group of friends. I thought my friend Christian was going to laugh his ass off. I refused to be embarrassed.

"No" I said, "But I'm serious about that appetizer. What do you want?"

She ended up being a good sport and hung out with us for a short time. But then there was the challenge of getting our drinks. I agree with Traderpup - the bartenders at the Royal Hawaiian had risen magnificently to the challenge of making Lapu Lapus for fifty people at once and earned my respect - but this pretty-boy bartender at Billy's was getting pissy.

"I'm not making any more Navy Grogs" he told his audience. "They take too much work for the dollar tips I'm getting." (or something like that). But I had seen the alcohol he was putting into those Grogs, as well as the rock-candy swizzle stick and Christian and I each wanted one. We waved him a preview of our tip and he quickly repented and made us a couple. (Yeah. Laney would have kicked his college-boy ass). But the drinks were worth it. Deadly powerful.

Then two other cute girls grabbed me and sat me at a stool between them.

"You're part of that tiki group that just came in, aren't you?" One of them asked. "What other bars are you hitting?"

It turns out they were tiki fans as well and had been to both the Royal Hawaiian and Sam's before. I scribbled out the web-address for Tiki Central and told them about future events. Then I went back inside to look for the rest of our group.

It was at that time that the combined Lapu Lapu from the last bar and the Navy Grog in my hand both kicked in. Suddenly I was seeing two of everything and was unable to walk unless I was holding on to something. I was happily snapping blurry photos and sucking on my swizzle stick when I heard Polynesian Pop's conch shell horn blowing and I couldn't believe it was already time to board the bus. My "souvenir" glass tumbler with the Leeteeg logo was efficiently snatched from my hand by one of those blonde waitresses as I exited.

Sam's Seafood was much more relaxing and more my style, but like I said, I'm happy we went to Billy's as well. I'm just sad everyone else got so stomped on by the employees.

BTW - Polynesian Pop - that conch horn was an excellent touch. Reminded me fondly of my days outrigger-canoeing, when the conch was sounded at the start and end of every race.



On 2003-03-31 16:42, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
Then two other cute girls grabbed me and sat me at a stool between them.

Maybe you should change your tiki central name to Sabu the Ladies Man!

The decor at Billy's did look pretty good in the pics. But I can't believe the rudeness of the bartender! Telling you he won't make a drink for a dollar tip. Outrageous!

Next time we do this remind me to bring some visine so the bartenders will serve me!( i don't smoke pot. It was the wind and I have alergies! ya right! I swear to god! ask my wife! no booze for you! ok, go f your self asshole! get him out of my bar! F you again!!! Arghh!) Mahalos to all 50+ of you who made this happen. It was a blast! (i think?) Back to my spa filled with menudo and pedialite!


That was so much fun. Thank you to everyone who helped put the party together and create the necklaces and name badges. Super thanks to the Bamboo's for hosting the party. Bax, thank you for slapping me in the face. That was the most fun I've had in a long time.

Sorry about the Billy's stop, I kinda figured before hand that they wouldn't be to into our group. It was still a good stop, if not just to see the OA decore. We'll have to call and apologize for buying hundreds of dollars worth in Navy Grogs and ruining their night for one hour. By the way, if I'm standing in the way of a fire exit when a fire breaks out, I'll probably use that exit. Maybe next crawl, we can do Duke's or something instead of Billy's. I did have a good time at Billy's though, and the Navy Grog was super good.

It was also super cool to meet the folks that I haven't met before, even if I didn't get to talk to them for as long as I would have liked to.

I'll have pictures up soon.


[ Edited by: Luckydesigns on 2003-03-31 17:37 ]

laney posted on Mon, Mar 31, 2003 5:48 PM

Bong, no one grabbed my ass it was Cory who got his ass grabbed. Maybe it was hard for you to tell us apart by that 3rd stop but he was the 6'6 guy with the goatee, I just have the beard.

I'm sad I missed Billy's, sounds like my kind of challenge. I never make it down that way anyhow since Sid's is gone. There is nothing like pissing off a group of 50 who'll tell their friends, and their friends.....

I agree the bartender at Sam's is very nice but, I'm not a huge fan of the TC drink. This girl needs her Jack!
So when are we doing the show at Sam's?

I loved Sid's, it's a shame that place closed. Sid still owns the Blue Beet in Newport but the crowd is pretty much the same as at Billy's.


First I'd like to give big props to everyone who made this awesome event happen: mahalo to Bong and PolyPop, the guys who got this thing going, to Chongolio with the shirts, Trader Pup with the badges, to the Smokin' Menehunes and the staff at Sam's & the RH to the ever-gracious Boo's - well, the list just goes on! (Gawrsh - I just luv my TC family!) I had just an incredible time and can't wait for another! I have a feeling it's gonna be a hell of a summer... (I kinda like the idea of 'cutting out the middle-man' and just shuttling back and forth between Ben's and Sam's next time!)

However, I must comment: what's up with all the whiners? "Oohh... I've got a hangover... Oooh... my head hurts..." Aw c'mon you big babies! If you'd only taken the Good Doctor's advice and popped a 'Vitamin B/Lecithin/Aspirin' cocktail before bed, you'd have been as right as rain the next mornin', as I was! (and mind you I appeared to be the only one drinkin' the 151 at Ben's and was still up drinkin' mai tai's at 3:00am with Mustang Sally & ShipwreckJoey, long after the 'amatuers' had gone to bed...) I posted it before in the 'hangover cures' thread, but did anyone take my advice? Noooooo... So while all y'all were swearing at your misfortune and holding your aching heads all day, I was enjoying the beautiful weather and checkin' out Bosko's place in Escondido, pickin' up a sweet 5-footer! (and if you haven't seen his 'Kapu-Tiki' bar - don't. It'll just make you weep...) But as far as the hangovers go - maybe you'll take my advice next time? (I'm not 'Doctor Z' for nuthin', y'know...)

I wholeheartedly endorse the idea of makin' Sam's the 'Official SoCal TikiCentral Clubhouse', even though it's kind of a drive for me. Can we get glasses/mugs made with our TC names on 'em that we can use just at Sam's? I know other bars (National's in Torrance, for one...) have 'em that they keep right there for all the regulars. I'd love to be able to walk in, order a drink and have it served in MY OWN glass! Of course, maybe we can just have them made and bring them with us. I know they don't have a problem serving drinks in 'foreign' glasses - Jeff gave me 3 'TikiCentrals' in my 'newly acquired' "Billy's" glass (hey - I had to wash the bad mana outta that glass the best way I knew how - by the way, LuckyD: just how did you get YOURS out again? In your WHAT??) Sound like a viable idea?

Anyhow, thanks again to everyone - "Good Friends and Good Drinks" - who could ask for anything more?

MAHALO to the Ben and Vicky , my boys Pop, Bong,Puppy, and everybody else. Laney, that was me grabbing your friends booty. Oh wait,...that was Holden's bootay. I couldn't help myself. Alright, anyways I snuck on in at the last second and was glad I made it. So then me an Big Al went cruizing in my hooptie and found a dead-end street. The bus even beat us back to Ben's. Thanks for the T, Ben.

ok laney, as the official "uber frau"of tiki central, i hope i can count on you to get this sams gig into gear.i know your hands are full, but you have clout and intestinal fortitude.any help, just email me.peace to all my tiki brethren. TWT

Sabu, that was a VERY funny and well-told story--you're a terrific writer.

I play it safe by always assuming I'm NOT being picked up on. Bravo for you. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I LOVE this rhyming trend amongst you Hoiti-Toitis, too. What's next? The Hoiti-Toiti Songbook, perhaps?

Thanks for the compliments, Tikivixen

I play it safe by always assuming I'm NOT being picked up on. Bravo for you. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

It's only because I'm now engaged to be married. The pressure's off because I know the flirtation isn't going to go anywhere or lead to anything but some good-natured banter. If I was still single, I'm sure I would have frozen up and not said anything at all.

Tikibelle is getting flirted with a lot more in Flagstaff too since we've been engaged. Unfortunately, with her it's all intended flirtation. I just seem to get the women mistaking me for waiters.


sabu, congrats!. may you find the joy that i have.

laney posted on Tue, Apr 1, 2003 2:24 PM

On 2003-04-01 10:55, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:

It's only because I'm now engaged to be married.

When it rains, it pours! Did I mention, you're Hot! :wink:

Ha ha, Laney

Where were you when I needed you two years ago?

A feisty fox AND a tiki tease!

Let's go share an appetizer at Billy's and roll some bartenders.



Aloha, gang!

I'm finally back from the dead and just wanted to say that we had a wild and wacky time with all the usual suspects and new TC folks we met along the way!

Thanks again to the Bongs for 'financing' the whole gig, Bamboo Ben & Mrs. Boo, for hosting and Poly Pop for keeping us in line (great idea bring the conch shell!). Also, special thanks to Trader Pup for those ever cool name tags and CD.

Lucky, despite all "hoity toitiness" at Billy's, I still think it was a great suggestion to go "behind enemy lines" and shake up the "old boy" and "hot babe" network! We could not possibly had any better entertainment and I think this kinda clash with the establishment is a healthy thing!

By the time we got to Sam's, all was a blur to me so forgive me if I didn't get to talk to some of you. I definitely felt the presence of the Chiki Tiki and I hope one day to finally meet the ellusive Two Wheelin' Tiki (this is the second time I missed you at Sam's.

Finally, let me say that the Menehunes were Smokin' -- I dig your sound! Hope to catch you playin' the patio at Billy's sometime! :wink:

See you at Tiki Oasis!



Peace, Love & Tiki!

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2003-04-04 10:38 ]

I've finially got outta bed and to my camera. Here are some pics from the crawl.

The limited edition Orange County Tiki Crawl Bus Pass

Bax and Kukui Nut

Crazy Al and Lizzy

Bong and Madam Bong

Mrs. Bamboo

Bamboo Ben

Johnny Velour and Miss Velour

The Royal Hawiian sign; Est. 1947

Monkey lamp at the Royal H. Bet you don't have one of those Laney.

Unidentified patrons by the diarhama

That's a different way to set up a pufferfish lamp

Menuhenes uke player Shirley

Kukui Nut and Shelly

Carved door mask

One of the new outside tikis

Sabu and Dr. Z with another of the new tikis

The outside of Billy's

Sven and his beautiful lady at Billy's. Look how stoked the couple behind them are that we're there.

Outside of Billy's with an OA carved tiki. Bax, Al, Poly Pop, and Dr. Z

Bax right before he slapped me in the face.

The hi-jinks of Lapu and Al

The majestic entrace of Sam's Seafood

Lapu, Al, and a breadbasket in front of the diningroom waterfall.

The bar at Sam's

Tapa lamp at Sam's

Birdhouse lamp

The huge diningroom at Sam's

Jeff the bartender next to Holden

Me across the street from Sam's

Hope you enjoyed the pictures.


[ Edited by: Luckydesigns on 2003-04-01 19:54 ]

[ Edited by: Luckydesigns on 2003-04-01 19:58 ]

Cool pics! I remember nothing!(well, bits and pieces) Thank god you didn't get us on the floor in the dining room at Sams! Our legs gave out at the same time and what a better palce to lay down for a while! (I swear it wasn't the booze!)
Mr. & Mrs. Boo

p.s. why is it taking Big Al so long to post his set? (like Holden said, maybe he's raking in the bribes!)(need a bar Al?)


Spiko AWESOME pics.
OK I am sorry about that slap
You get one free shot next time
I think I owe Lapu also, at least a smoke?
Ben, thank you for the gift for being your wife's kick stand and I think punch stand too.
Arty, my eyes are still burning after turning around to get on the bus after Butthole Billy's and seeing two more buttholes staring at me.
Laney, I don't know why you think your the "bitch" from the board? It was so nice to meet you finally and hear "I don't get what you write, but whatever" that was it, that is all I have to judge you by.
Sam's had the best tasting water of all the places we went that night, friendly too!
Did you guys see the faces of the people at the RH when we just kept filing in and filing in.
It was very cool meeting carver Zach also.
Hey, BIG Al where are you brutha, we need pics and words of wisdom
PP I still want that BLUE pen back, have you started to smile again? You did a great job, Bong chose the best man for the job. True dedication.
I want more Smokin Menuhunes, they are S M O K I N!
The only bummer about the bus was not being able to get the front half singing with the back half, we needed Mr. Microphone.
Holden, we need to start that special movie post in beyond, it should be funny as hell, we just need to limit two names per post.
Anyway I am sure I am not making sense so


The local bruddah bouncers at the Royal Hawaiian were way cool. They let all the TC'ers in ahead of a long line waiting outside. Man, Tiki does have its perks!

Mahalos to everyone involved in the making of O.C. Tiki Crawl III. Sally and I had the best time. Good grinds, good tunes & good ohana! Don't remember all the details, but after checking out the great pics posted here, some lost moments are returning. Loved meeting everyone. Hope to get together again soon.

The aloha is alive & well in O.C.

SWJ & Mustang Sal

Aloha, Gang!
Here are some photos of that fab foray! What a gang we have! And, by the way, for those of you who made me question my English skills: "weird" is indeed spelled as I write it. I before E except after C and in the cases of Anaheim and Weird. Check it out! Thanks to all for a memorable Crawl!

-WEIrd Uncle Tiki who has his recEIpt from AnahEIm

The Pre-Party at the store of Bamboo Ben

The Smokin' Menehunes

The Bus!

Bamboo Ben Blows.....The Conch

The Uke Crew at The Royal Hawaiian

The Ladies admiring the length of PiPhiRho's...

Two Wheelin', Bong, Pop Hangin' Loose at Sam's

Doctor Z shows off a fine souvenir

[ Edited by: weirduncletiki on 2003-04-02 14:08 ]

Folks, these pics are GREAT! Keep 'em coming!

I especially like the picture with Tiki T's look of astonishment at PiPhiRo's extra long...straw!!

awsome pics!. i hope i dont scowl like that all the time!, and the devil sign was intended!


Good Gravy what an adventure!
Chongolia and I just got in last night from five days of pure tiki surfin' fun. What can be said that hasn't already about the OC crawl and everyone who made it a completely classic event. Many thanks to everyone who bought a shirt and gave me compliments on the design. ( I got a few xta-xtra large left if anyone is interested)
It was a pleasure meeting and rubbing elbows with all the personalities of Tiki Central. You are all a great bunch-o- folks! I think we may have picked up a few members and now maybe some of the lurker will come out of the shadows too.
Also a big ass Mahalo to The Smokin' Menehunes, Bamboo Ben and Mrs B, P-Pop, Trader Pup and everybody else who pitched in to bring this all together. I look forward to seeing you all again and meeting more of you the next time around. Next time I will have to be on the bus floor! One more round of thanks to everybody for posting on this thread and helping me relive some of the nights merriment.
Sam's is definately a clandestine jewel in the tikis crown. I would like to see the Smokin' Menehunes and Maikai Gents up on that back stage.

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-04-03 15:05 ]

sten, next time just look for the BIGGEST hawaiian shirt around and chances are, i'll be in it!. all 6'280lbs!. and if i'm lucky, my little 4'11" 95lb wife will be at my side. dont be put off by my facial expression(people often mistake me for a bouncer!), i am always deep in thought. but inside i'm just a nice guy!.

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