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Anyone tried the Kraken yet?

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Love the website/ad/promo concept but these gimmicks don't always come with flavor....

Here's a random review.



Interesting website. Lots about the namesake beast, but virtually nothing about the rum. This could be a bad sign.

And what is with all the spiced rum lately? Since when did rum need a gimmick?


And the three cocktail recipes it offers are a rum & Coke, rum & energy drink, and rum & ginger ale. I have a strong feeling that a lot more trouble and creativity went into the web site than the rum.

Very entertaining website :)

Swanky posted on Thu, Nov 5, 2009 9:48 AM

Free samples through the site. I think the Missus signed us up for one.

I like the look of the bottle , buy that's irreverent as well.
Swank, I can't find that free sample offer. ?


On 2009-11-05 00:01, PiPhiRho wrote:
Interesting website. Lots about the namesake beast, but virtually nothing about the rum. This could be a bad sign.

And what is with all the spiced rum lately? Since when did rum need a gimmick?

Somewhere (in the review, I think) it's mentioned that it is a product of Trinidad and/or Tobago. Gimmicks shouldn't be necessary, but they can be fun. Look at the Sailor Jerry phenom.


On 2009-11-05 08:49, arriano wrote:
And the three cocktail recipes it offers are a rum & Coke, rum & energy drink, and rum & ginger ale. I have a strong feeling that a lot more trouble and creativity went into the web site than the rum.

I think this rum, if any count, would definitely be a 'sipper', maybe a little water w/it. I don't think I would mix it.


On 2009-11-05 10:04, Unga Bunga wrote:
I like the look of the bottle , buy that's irreverent as well.
Swank, I can't find that free sample offer. ?

I didn't see the free samps either Tim. I have noticed they changed the website a bit since the first time I saw it (Mrs. Swanky sent me the link a few days ago). The free poster offer is now 'coming soon' and the book doesn't work now. Hmmmmm.

It's pretty good. Think heavy bodied Navy style rum with a flavored profile that is abundant in cherry, chocolate, molasses, and spice. As different as Kilo Kai is to rest of this Rum Nation, Krakken is set apart from all others, tastewise. It's a high-end mixer. Neat, it does not offend, though.

I'll definitely pick this up if I ever see it, just for the display value. I did that with Sailor Jerry and was pleasantly surprised! VooDoo, not so much.


Dr. Bamboo reviews it along with other spiced rums and gives it good marks:


I tried it. I like it. I usually avoid spiced rums, but hey, this one is 94 proof! So I just had to give it a shot.

BTW, the free poster and free book links are now active on their website. Get 'em while you can!

This is very enjoyable rum especially at the price point (approx. $17). This isn't the clove-y, nutmeg-y spiced rum. It reminds me a lot of Gosling's. Chocolate, leather, tobacco and huge molasses and the bottle is very cool to boot. 94 proof, island strength baby!


Like most of you guys I avoid spiced rums... I saw it at my local BevMo and compulsively bought the only bottle on the shelf. I think it is a very complex, very sip-able rum. I taste coffee, caramel, vanilla... it is good. Well worth the asking price.


I picked up a bottle of Kraken at the new Manhattan Beach BevMo last night. I was told that it had just come in that day. I tried it when I got home and I was impressed. This is quite a bit better than Sailor Jerry, which is in turn quite a bit better than Seven Tiki and Voodoo. It is sippable on its own. I also tried it in some egg nog and it was really good. You can even taste actual rum among all the flavorings.

Kraken gets the thumbs up!

Just bought a bottle last night.
I like it.
I would like to try a non-spiced version of it.
The bottle is great, it has a handle, so now I can hold on to my rum while I stumble around the house.

I just got my free book from the website in the mail today. Very very cool. It arrived in a big heavy cardboard envelope and the book was inside wrapped in tissue paper. Silver embossed lettering on a leatherette cover. Fantastic artwork and a fun read. You have got to get one before they are gone. I didn't expect allot for something free but was not expecting something like this at all. A really upscale premium. I'm impressed by this little book if you haven't guessed yet.

Finally broke down and bought a bottle.
While it's pretty good, in a rot-gut way, it became a little overbearing as a daquiri... although I think my lime was pretty crappy, too. Next time I'll cut the Kraken down a little and maybe just do 1.5oz instead of 2.
Flavor-wise, it's different from Jerry in that it's more vanilla and less cherry. I liked it straight out of the bottle, but it's gonna need some tweaking in recipes.


I was at the bar Prohibition in downtown San Diego on Friday night, and they were making "their version of a Mai Tai" with Kraken. Didn't really taste like a Mai Tai, but it wasn't a bad drink, and the Kraken seemed to give it a vanilla flavor.

I put the beast in my belly tonight, softened with a little sugar cubes. Good in coke.

Like Unga, I love the bottle. The rum itself impressed me too. I'm not a fan of spiced rum, but this one is palatable.


Another excellent spiced rum is Old New Orleans Cajun Spice Rum from Celebration Distillery in New Orleans. It contains a little bit of cayenne pepper along with a healthy amount of cinnamon, nutmeg and clove. The rums are a combination of their white and five year. The five year is used only in the spiced rum. The New Orleans rums are generally very good. So between New Orleans and Kraken I am actually starting to change my opinion of spiced rums. They are at the top. We all know what is at the bottom.

Picked up a bottle of Kraken yesterday before I even knew there was a discussion about it here. What interested me first was the dark color of the rum itself, then the bottle, and lastly the label. Still not sure what the squid is all about, but no matter, the rum is good! Straight up for me . . with a nice, full bodied maduro cigar. Good stuff.


On 2010-01-31 16:49, SilverLine wrote:
Still not sure what the squid is all about

Kraken are legendary sea monsters of gargantuan size, said to have dwelt off the coasts of Norway and Iceland. The sheer size and fearsome appearance attributed to the beasts have made them common ocean-dwelling monsters in various fictional works (see Kraken in popular culture). The legend may actually have originated from sightings of real giant squid that are variously estimated to grow to 13–15 m (40–50 ft) in length, including the tentacles. These creatures normally live at great depths, but have been sighted at the surface and reportedly have "attacked" ships

As seen in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest!


I knew I could count on tikicentral to answer all rum questions! I saw a bottle in the store and realized I hadn't read any of the feedback. I'll get one. Love the label!


Picked up a bottle at Trader Mort's last week. They only carry one bottle at a time and I was there to get it for a friend who collects anything with a octopus on it. After seeing the bottle I decided to keep it and will have to find another one for her (yeah I suck).


Check out their page: (website doesn't work all that well, but...)
a poster "coming soon"



On 2010-02-09 11:39, amybean wrote:
Check out their page: (website doesn't work all that well, but...)
a poster "coming soon"


Maybe they're printing up more. They were available last November. What you really want though is the book. Get that if you still can.

Jut what I need, something to fill my Kraken!



Book is very cool...poster's just OK.


Any idea if they'll re-issue the book?


I like the design and everything. Even the spooky theremin kind music on the website is great.

Hmm, I'd like to try that rum. Too bad I don't think it will ever be available here...

On 2010-02-12 10:42, virani wrote:
I like the design and everything. Even the spooky theremin kind music on the website is great.

Hmm, I'd like to try that rum. Too bad I don't think it will ever be available here...

But isn't that what trips to the US are great for? Procuring rare and locally unavailable boozes!


I doubt they'll ever have it here either but it looks pretty good based on all the tiki central feedback.


Found a bottle here in Maryland; there are notes of vanilla in it and the rum it reminded me of most was Seven Tiki. Have had it straight and with Coke Zero and if you like spiced rum, both ways were pretty tasty. Have not tried to mix any cocktails with it yet.

The Kraken Rum website's locater was very useful towards procuring it. Actually found both the 750ML and 1.75 size bottles; they were running $20 and $30 respectively.



Funny your message showed up just now- am on my way back to the local supermarket where I saw a bottle the other day.
Made me think it was available everywhere. After looking around this weekend, apparently not.

Kraken appears to be available in Massachusetts now.

Swanky posted on Tue, Mar 9, 2010 3:08 PM

Picked up a bottle of Kraken the other night and shared it with a party of friends. Pretty good stuff straight. Now so spicy. Dark color made me think black strap, but the flavor was not that strong. Very smooth, slightly sweet, but not a lot. Caramel. Tasted next to Seven Tiki, Seven Tiki is VERY vanilla.

I enjoyed it a lot and so did everyone at the party. I'd get it again.


Finally found a bottle for me self here locally. Took a nip, immediately got some choco/coffee notes. Poured a shot over a scoop of vanilla ice cream ---immaculate! Enjoyed some with seltzer and lime as well. I think I like it. Something good to have on hand for sure.


Got another bottle and tried it without the distraction of a party. Too sweet. Not liking it so much. Molasses.

I like Kraken...to me it's like spiced coruba. I knabbed a giant bottle for $21.00.
The only other spiced rum we buy is Matusalem.

Kraken is a little higher proof than most dark rums (96), but it's surprisingly smooth. It had a lot of vanilla and molasses to it, and was definitely sippable. I have been put off spiced rum by Captain Morgan, but this Kraken stuff was good. I think they start with higher quality rum. I usually reach for Coruba for dark rum, but I'm looking forward to trying out The Kraken in a few drinks.

It's been out several months now, any drinks it's particularly good in?



I received a bottle of The Kraken for my birthday and it was a good gift. I agree with the others about the vanilla and molasses flavours. I personally am a fan of both spiced rum and the cherry hints of Sailor Jerry, but I do like The Kraken too. It's a cheaper rum (I do not eat bad food, why would I buy bad liquors?), and it tastes good. It is high in alcohol content, but it doesn't taste it. There's not a bad "burn" on the way down and it feels pretty smooth to me. For a Coke mixer, I still prefer the Sailor, but mixed with something a little meatier than soda, The Kraken wouldn't be bad.

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