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Send me to Los Angeles, get a cake

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I'm running the following promotion at work & on Friendster, and I thought hey! might as well throw it up on TC, too:

As some of you may have heard, I want to move to Los Angeles. Well, Pasadena, actually. The hardest part is leaving my incredibly cool job here in Seattle.

So! I need to find an incredibly cool job down there. I'd like to stay involved in cutting-edge research (but I'll consider anything super-cool), and I'm not interested in joining up with a big company. I have an entrepreneurial background, and a smaller company or research group will be a better cultural fit for me.

If any of you happen to know of a company down there that could use my wacky but wonderful set of skills (or someone who might know someone...), please feel free to send my resume on to them. You can see it here:


If you get me an interview (even just a phone interview), I'll buy you lunch. If I land a job you connected me with, I'll bake you a cake and perform "I've Got a Gal in Kalamazoo" for you.


Michelle Whiting

I suppose that for the TC set, that lunch should be a couple of Mai Tais, and you'd probably rather have me buy you a Mystery Drink at next year's Hukilau than have to suffer through my singing and dancing. It's all negotiable.

The best tiki bar is the one that's within stumbling distance of your bed
The Humuhumu Room

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2003-07-16 13:04 ]

I have a friend who does market research for companies on the response to their TV commercials. Not cool enough?

Let me know if you'd like me to drop her a line on your behalf. She lives in Glendale and I think the gig is in Burbank so the commute from Pasadena would be no sweat.

P.S. She works her butt off but makes big bucks.


Would you like to join me as a Ne'er-do-well? The pay sucks but the hours are great!

While charming, Pasadena (and the San Gabriel Valley in general) have reached temperatures of 100 degrees this past week. Also, no good tiki bars (other than Damon's in Glendale). You may wish to reconsider your relocation.

I used to work across from a company called TokyoPop, located in LA which does graphic arts and amination. They are hiring.


Don't do market research! aaaahhhhhhh!
If you thought those of us in advertising have sold our souls to the devil, market research people have not only sold their souls, they have asked a focus group which way they should sell them, what colour they should be, and if their souls would be more saleable a new and improved lemon scent.

My suggestion is always "government finance". Pays great, every other Friday off, work is a breeze, and you can retire with up to 70% of you highest years salary for life. As in, if your highest years salary is $100,000, its a cool $70,000/yr till you croak.

Oh yeah, if you pass the 1 year probation, the only way you can get fired/layed off, is if you are actually caught in the process of killing you supervisor. Note, you must actually be caught in the process!

If you know of anything for a architectural/interior designer in the La area, I'll sweeten the deal with a couple of cupcakes!


On 2003-07-17 05:47, tikifish wrote:
Don't do market research! aaaahhhhhhh!
If you thought those of us in advertising have sold our souls to the devil, market research people have not only sold their souls, they have asked a focus group which way they should sell them, what colour they should be, and if their souls would be more saleable a new and improved lemon scent.

But thanks to the market researchers I get called a couple times a year to be in a focus group. One time I got $200 for 2 hours!

Don't think of it as selling your soul. Think of it like "there's a sucker born every minute" and "a fool and his money are soon parted". If people spend their hard earned money on something because your advertising told them too because it will make them more sexy or whatever, I say more power to you and I hope you get rich from it!

Dear TikiBong, I just wanna know how I can get one of those jobs.

broke as usual,



christiki295 - the "Where Should Humuhumu Move" argument was hashed, rehashed, and rerehashed here. I'm targeting Pasadena because that's where my current line of work is -- biological research (Caltech & related spinoffs). Plus, me likey the hottey. I'm well informed on the temperature; monitoring the weather down there has been a great motivator for me. Also, when I tell people I'm moving to the LA area, they wrinkle their nose, until I say it's actually Pasadena I'm looking at, and then they, without fail, say "Oh, Pasadena's great, you'll love it there."

CruzinTiki -- market research sounds like it falls well outside my experience area, but who knows, maybe my skills are a fit. Feel free to forward my resume to your friend and see if she has a Humuhumu-shaped hole in her organization. I'm pretty open-minded about where I go and what kind of work I do (hence the eclectic resume), the work & the coworkers just have to be really interesting. I'm not, however, interested in working my butt off for cash. I did that for a few years, and seriously burned out. Now I really wish I had my butt back. I'm a very good, productive worker, but my evenings & weekends are mine.

It's weird, but the cake promotion is actually working. I find this shocking. I was just doing it as a lark, but already a coworker I don't know super well has forwarded my resume to a lab at Caltech that looks right up my alley. And you thought cheese was powerful!

On 2003-07-17 11:44, thejab wrote:
Don't think of it as selling your soul.

Think of it as being like Larry Tate.

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