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Humphrey's/Bali Hai Day After Thanksgiving

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Al and Shelly, me and mine, Poly Pop and his are going to be staying at Humphrey's Half Moon Inn the day after Thanksgiving.

If anyone else is interested, book a room at Half Moon also. We're going to hit the usual places such as Bali Hai, Mort's, and a number of other sites.

Pop and I are bringing the offspring, so if you're not into whining, crying, pitching fits (and that's just me and Pop), then you may just want to join for Bali Hai etc.

We're hitting Sea World the next day, so if anyone wants to hang...


Book now!


So far, The Jab, Tikibot, Mrs Pineapple and brand new Hoity Toity HumuHumu are planning on coming as well

[ Edited by: alnshely on 2003-11-09 22:58 ]


My extended family has planned a ski trip on those dates otherwise we would have enjoyed visiting with all of you in San Diego county. Enjoy yourselves. I am sure it will be a very pleasant time. We will be thinking of you when it is 25 degrees outside and our car is snowed in.

Hopefully we can hook up with the TC folk on another visit to San Diego.


"It's All About The Tiki" that weekend. Palm Springs.
Come with us, it'll be a gas. Alwayzzz izzz.
Aloha, Mon..."Antennas to wisdom," he said of his dreads. That would be Dr. D, a pal of ours from Barbados. Awesome bodywomper too. That's "bodysurfing" translated to 'the non-ocean types' here. :)
Mrs. Boo

I got a little family get together here in town on friday afternoon, after that I'll set sail for the Bali Hai and drinks with the TC ohana.


I'll be doing T-giving with my family in Encinitas, and it looks like I'll be down for Friday as well. Z-Girl will be unable to make it, but count the Good Doctor in!

Jab-- are you really going to be there?? I don't want to have to ask every solo guy we see "Are you Dean?" again like last year...

Dr. Z, I went thru the same thing when looking for Shipwreckjoey at The Bali Hai in August. Tapped a guy on the shoulder at the bar and asked him and his girl if he was Shipwreck. They both said "WHO?" Then I had to go into a lengthy explanation of what the hell was a Shipwreckjoey. A lot of back pedaling. But they did seem genuinely interested and amused, except then it seemed like his girl was getting too interested. Be careful Doc.
Not long after that, I found the real Shipwreckjoey.

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-11-12 08:44 ]


Under no circumstances, ever, refer to Mrs. Shipwreckjoey (Mustang Sally) as Mrs. Wreck!


On 2003-11-11 23:08, Doctor Z wrote:
Jab-- are you really going to be there?? I don't want to have to ask every solo guy we see "Are you Dean?" again like last year...

That must have been a pretty funny sight! I won't leave you hanging this time. When and where are we meeting?


After we all (Z, Sabu, Al, Me, Pop et all) were pretty tanked up on rum, we drove around Shelter Island accousting all innocent bystanders with the phrase "are you Dean?".

On 2003-11-12 12:17, thejab wrote:
When and where are we meeting?

I'd have to say to Bali Hai around 6:00 or so. We'll take a head count of who's going and I'll make reservations to that effect.

If we decide it to be somewhere else, it'll be posted in plenty time.


When I was in New York in January, I was supposed to meet manic cat for the first time at the Zombie Hut in Brooklyn. Manic was running late, so her poor boyfriend had the unenviable task of mustering up the courage to ask "Are you Humuhumu?" when he spotted some solo woman who looked like a likely candidate. When I came in & asked for a Mai Tai without bothering to check the menu, but then tried to pay with a credit card, making it obvious I'd never set foot in the place, he thought it had to be me. He still sounded pretty afraid he was about to get slapped when he asked me if I was Humuhumu, though. He was very brave.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys there on Friday! Is further exploring likely to happen during the day on Friday, or on Saturday? I'm trying to figure out if I should get a room for Thursday night, too, or just drive down Friday morning.


On 2003-11-12 08:33, jungletrader wrote:
Be careful Doc.
Not long after that, I found the real Shipwreckjoey.

On 2003-11-12 09:05, Tiki_Bong wrote:

Under no circumstances, ever, refer to Mrs. Shipwreckjoey (Mustang Sally) as Mrs. Wreck!

Ah, yes... I do know the 'Wrecks... After the OC III crawl, Z-Girl and I had the room next to theirs at the motel across from Bamboo Ben's store. Man, can that Mustang Sally talk!?! I kept trying to go to my room and crash, but by 3:30 or so, she was still going strong! (SWJ & Z-Girl had the sense to simply pass out much earlier...).

ps-- Sally: love ya, babe - can't wait to see you again, but where's my "Rap's Hawaii" tape, hmmmmm? No "URGH - A Music War" for your hubby until I get it back!

My Wife, Dale, and I wil be joining too on Friday at the Bali Hai...

See ya all

Excuse me Doc(as in Z),you couldn't get enough conversation that night at the "motel".And as I recollect,I brought your RAP'S HAWAII tape to Palm Springs to return it to you, and you told me,"hang onto it and I'll get it later"! Well it's later.But remember what I told you...you will never understand or appreciate this Hawaiian comedic humor unless you watch it with me or someone else from Hawaii!So until then,I will continue to be the caretaker of this legendary video!!!I guess that means you guys will have to come out to "TYPHOON TERRY'S TIKI BAR" for cocktails and some aloha. Looking forward to seeing you and the Z Girl soon! Aloha,Mustang


Let's meet at 5PM at Tom Ham's Lighthouse on Harbor Island (a 10 min. drive from Half Moon Inn). Donna Cote performs old standards on piano in the Tween' Decks Lounge from 5 on. The c. 1971 bar has a nautical atmosphere and they serve good Mai Tais (a bit better than the Bali Hai's). After a couple drinks we can head over to the Bali Hai for dinner. How's that sound?

Sigh It looks like I probably won't make this. I've been holding off on answering in case things would change, but I don't think they will & it wouldn't be a very good idea to drag my 5 month old Gran'daughter around Harbor & Shelter islands all night. I'll try to show up @ 1 thing, but unfortunately can't even promise that.


I'm bring my kids, 8 & 12 and Poly Pop's bringing his little baby girl 1, along with his boy.

Come on. Steep the young babe in the ways of Tiki debauchery!

Aloha! Count me in.
Just made Friday reservation at Humphrey's for me and my son (6).

Looks like I'll be coming down a few days early for a business meeting -- if anyone else is going to be in town earlier, feel free to gimme a holler. Also: there's a day spa in San Diego that I think is called Tiki Spa (I've got all the details on my computer, which sadly isn't hooked up to the internet yet, which makes it only slightly more useful than a houseplant). Being a girly joint, it's more nouveau Polynesian than tiki, but I'm thinking about treating myself there during my trip -- if anyone is interested in joining me, again, gimme a holler.

On 2003-11-19 22:02, Humuhumu wrote:
...Also: there's a day spa in San Diego that I think is called Tiki Spa (I've got all the details on my computer, which sadly isn't hooked up to the internet yet, which makes it only slightly more useful than a houseplant). Being a girly joint, it's more nouveau Polynesian than tiki, but I'm thinking about treating myself there during my trip -- if anyone is interested in joining me, again, gimme a holler.

Humuhumu, the Tiki Spa, or Spa Tiki, does have tikis, check here, there's a picture of a Bosco in the corner.


Being a girly joint, it's more nouveau Polynesian than tiki, but I'm thinking about treating myself there during my trip -- if anyone is interested in joining me, again, gimme a holler.

You haaaad to throw the spa "thing" in, Humu....shoot, I'd join ya, but we'll be at the Palm Springs opening. Next time. See you at La Luz this weekend. :)
Mrs. Bamboo
BTW...Welcome to California....kinda think you'll dig it!!!

Hey Humu,

We went to SPA TIKI recently and highly recommend it! Plenty 'o Tikis and great services.

Here's the lowdown and some pix from our adventure.



Lets bump this back up to the top.

I'm not going to be able to make it to this on the day after T-day, but I think we're going to the T-day Buffet @ the Bali Hai.


I'm 90% sure that Mrs. ModMana and I will be attending. So, what is the schedule? I live in SD so I'll be driving down after work on Friday (yes, unfortunately I am working that day). After reading all the posts I see that Tiki_Bong says we're meeting at Bali Hai at 6PM, but thejab says 5PM at Tom Ham's Lighthouse. Is there a definitive plan? Personally, I prefer Bali Hai at 6 (less or no driving for everyone), but I'll go with the flow. See ya there...

ModMana :drink:

[ Edited by: ModMana on 2003-11-25 16:24 ]

Well, all the folks that are staying at Humphrey's Half Moon Inn (Bongs, AlnShelly, Poly Pop's, Tiki Rider 5-0, et al) would like to be there by check in time - 3:00.

(I need to get to the room as soon as possible, as I require at least 3 hours of jumping from bed to bed)

We're thinking about a drink or 2 in the room, then stumble over to Bali Hai around 6:00 or so. We'll be doing our best to be on Hawaiian time that day. If anyone needs to get ahold of us, here's my cel # 714-393-3378 (please, no crank calls, unless it's phone sex).

The Jab suggested stopping by a lounge, which is cool, but I got's offsping to entertain, so we'll be hanging out and going on Al's famous Tiki tour of Shelter Island and surrounding islets.

Bong loves you all, even Chris Tiki, and hopes to see you there! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO!


Bong's plan sounds good to me. If anyone wants to meet me at Tom Ham's ('Tween Decks Lounge) on Harbor Island for a Mai Tai I'll be there at 5. Humuhumu? I'll head over to the Bali Hai around 6. See you there!

Jab will you please shoot me an Email so I can E you back. E-me at [email protected] . Thank you


What time will "Al's famous Tiki Tour" be commencing? Z-Girl and I will be down in SD all day, and aside from a trip up to Bamboo2U, we've got nothin' else planned and would just a soon hook up with you early.


If anyone who knows the grounds of the Half Moon Inn would be willing to give a quick tiki tour, we'd be very interested in seeing that as well.

My meeting was Tuesday morning, and I ended up carpooling with a colleague, so I just zipped down for a few hours & came right back that same day. I'll be driving down tomorrow a.m., so I'm passing on the Spa Tiki thing for another time -- when I go, I'll announce it with more lead time in case anyone would like to join me.

Jab - I'd love to see Tom Ham's, but I really want to get the grand Shelter Island tour, so I think I'll stay together with the rest of the Humphrey's folks. Bong - I'll call you when I get down there. I don't know when that'll be -- I'm living aloha these days.

See you guys soon!


So, is the get together at the Bali Hai open to anyone? We live in San Diego and frequent the Bali Hai often and would love to meet some fellow Tikiphiles.
Monica & Ric

On 2003-11-27 20:02, OnaTiki wrote:
So, is the get together at the Bali Hai open to anyone? We live in San Diego and frequent the Bali Hai often and would love to meet some fellow Tikiphiles.
Monica & Ric

Like I said, Bong loves you all (even you Chris Tiki!) Come on by. Humu-x-two-mu, see you there sistah!


Thanks !! Count us in. Looking forward to meeting all of you.
Moki & Ric ')

From the Lagoon Room to the the guided Tiki Tours, Humphrey's to the Bali Hai...Thanks for a great time. It was alot of fun, and pleasure to meet everyone, some for the first time and others again.
Aloha :drink:

Yes, the annual 'Go to Shelter Island the Day after Thanksgiving', was as much fun as ever (well, last year anyway).

A good grouping of known and new members were up to loud and boisterous antics at all stops.

The day began at the Lagoon Room with mixmaster Al whipping up some delicious libations.

From there, it was Interstate 5 South, to Treasure Island!

The evening began at our suite (sweet!) at Humphrey's, with Al mixing up the polynesian potions with reckless (and freckless) abandon.

Kick the Reverb Ran and his wahini Dale made their way up to the room, just in time for a Mai Tai.

After a few rounds, we walked over to the Bali Hai, in time for - More drinks.

In attendance were Al, Shelly, Bong, Madame Bong, Baby Bongs, Poly Pop and his wahini, TikiRider5-0 and his son, The Jab and his wild-ass friend Ed ("Christ on a Crutch!"), Modmana, the OnaTiki's, Humuhumu, Dr Z and his gal, Shipwreck Joey and Mrs Wrec... er Mustang Sally, and possibly some others whose identity escapes me now.

Al mixing.

Al Serving.

The krew on the balcony. Madame Bong photographer'ing.

Baby Bong blowing the conch. And she can!

Lady Aloha and Baby Bong poolside.

Lizzete, Poly Pop and Ran.

Humuhumu, Bongaloid, and Shelly.

Grounds at Humphrey's.

Well worn tiki.

Ran & Dale.

Dinner table at Bali Hai (who thinks that the menu in Pop's hand stayed at Bali Hai?).

Ah, Christ on a Crutch!


Cool pics.

Thanks for posting and further fueling my smoldering envy for CALI Tiki romps.

[ Edited by: pablus on 2003-11-30 20:45 ]


We had a wonderful time meeting everyone! Thanks for welcoming us into the tiki fold with open arms. We are looking forward to many more adventures. If we missed saying good bye to anyone, please accept our apologies (Ric had reached his quota of Bali Hai Mai Tai's and then some) He sort of remembers going to the Casbah with Humumumu, Jab and Jab's hilarious friend, Ed....Christ on a crutch!!
Hope to see you all again soon and if anyone makes it to San Diego again. Remember the Ona Tiki lounge is always open. :tiki:

[ Edited by: OnaTiki on 2003-11-30 21:05 ]

Thanks for posting Bong, we had a great time, it was nice to meet (and re-meet) all of you in person (including brand new friends).
See ya all next time!


What a great time! Next time we'll have to stay longer.

I think I might have left a few things there -- can't seem to find my Book of Tiki...


Poly Pop...
Oh No, the book is MIA? If you can locate it via phone at the hotel or restaurant, we'll be happy to get it for you and mail it back.
I remember you saying at some point that it was in the car.
Good Luck


A great turnout! I was expecting a small group but the table had about 20 people. It was wonderful to finally meet kick-the-reverb and shipwreckjoey (who totally looked familiar over 20 years later). Did anyone get a picture of me and shipwreck together? I thought I looked like Roy Orbison until I met him!

My friend Ed (aka Heiko aka "Christ on a Crutch!") had a blast as well - he said he thought you were a great bunch of folks!

Thanks to Bong, Al and Shelly, and Pop for organizing this. I hope you can get your BOT back Pop.

See you all in March at the OC crawl!

What is all this talk I hear of Shipwreckjoey being there, I was sitting right next to TheJab and I don't remeber him being there..did he just drop by for a short time and I didn't notice? Shipwreckjoey, can you explain?
I didn't drink that much...so if you were really there, sorry I missed you Terry.


No Ran, you weren't blind, drunk or crazy. I didn't get to the Bali Hai until about 10:30. I always think it's better to show up late than not at all, sorry I missed you & Dale. Upon finding no TCers left at the B.H. I moved on to the Half Moon in search of life whereupon I ran into Poly Pop who directed me to the casa del Bong. Even though we only stayed a little over an hour or so, it was great to see everyone again. Bong, AlnShely, Doctor Z (& Z-Girl), Humuhumu, Modmana, theJab, Ed Haiku and anyone I missed, mahalo for da aloha...(and the good drinks).
SWJ, Mustang Sal & Dustin

Ok - everything is crystal clear now, thanks for explaining!



It was great seeing everyone on Shelter Island last Friday. I'm really happy that San Diego is getting a pretty good sized group of local tikiphiles! Hopefully this will continue to be an annual event. Next time we'll definitely stay over at the Half Moon Inn, what a great place. Here are a few more pics of the evening's festivities (including some from the famous Bali Hai Hidden Tiki Tour):

Most of the group (a few left early or arrived late).

Mr. Bali Hai

Great tiki just outside the doors of the bar.

Bali Hai Dock (yes, you could take your boat to the restaurant).

Dock tiki (assembled incorrectly with head on bottom).

One of the very well hidden tikis on the Bali Hai grounds.

Moai detail on entrance to Bali Hai garden.

The not-so-tiki Bali Hai sign.

Hope to see everyone again soon. Cheers!

ModMana :drink:


Still catching up on my backlog of photos... here are my photos from that weekend. There are lots and lots of shots of the tikis at Humphrey's, plus Bali Hai, Trader Morts, and the Islander at the Hanalei.



Is anybody up for Bali Hai again on the 26th?

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