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Oli-Oli-Kakaka-PuPule are HERE!!!! For Reals this Time! No Joke! pg 8! 8/15! yippee!

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Aloha Fair Ohana!
Mahalos for all the friendly words and excitement!
The more I go to events and meet you Mug folks,the more I am convinced that you will ALL want to have these 3 little babies in your home and/or bar. Holden says that these are some of the most intensely attention-to-detail never-a-dull-moment mugs ever to hit the world! Or something like that! Well, we've been getting some glaze samples in, but I don't wanna show ya til we get the PERFECT ones. These are very detailed designs, so the glaze will be important in order to properly "read/see" the design! Will post those as we approve 'em! In the meantime, i will show you the "medallion" decal art for each.
Here's the decals-simple calm and friendly little Tropical scenes-a day and a night vista for to contemplate whilst enjoying your spirited beverage. Note that as you look at these,that the decal colors will be tonal to the mug glaze colors (whatever they end up to be).I'm gonna try a color wash over one of the oval medallions,but I think, with the intensity of the front tikis, that tonal might help the mug achieve a nice balanced look(instead of the front and back competing for your eyeballs) BlahBlahBlah! Heeeeeeere they are!
First, we have "OLI-OLI"-the"much happiness" one!

and here's the mug art (in a limey-green color) to kinda show you how it will look!

Now here's "KAKAKA"-the long-breathed god of Moikeha! Anyone got anymore info on this guy,I'd love to hear from ya! Like I explained a while back,this is the middle guy-neither overtly stoked or macho energy aggro overload. In-between/contemplative/creative....this is that pause before an idea or an inspirational "blink". All you creative types know what I'm talking about, that neutral place between the void where we get our ideas! Well, I pictured that as either a volcano or a waterfall......And here they are, ladies and gents!

and here's kinda how it would look on the mug! Joy!

And last,but by far not the least of them, "PU PULE" which means "crazy,reckless,wild" kind of AGGRO. We've all seen people like this....well, they need a mug too! For this one I have chosen huts- night and day huts.....cannibal huts.....to offset the day and night of the OLI-OLI mugs!
See if you can find the subtle skulls amidst a seemingly calm village scene....

and here's how it will look on the mug...

Well that's it for now-gotta get back to my huge 4x4 footer "Pompele"
Here's the thread for that if you wanna take a peek!
Thanks for visiting and I hope this gets y'all as excited as I am! Now G'wan! Git!

hewey posted on Sun, Nov 19, 2006 5:53 PM

wow - super detailed mugs. Awesome :)

DaMN!! so wow Kinny! takes my tiki breath away....... amazing.......

Mahalos you Crazy Kids!
Well, not quite being in the mood to work on the big painting
i thought I'd try a full color option on the medallion decals....

but after finishing it, I think the tonal approach is the way to go! There's so much going on with the faces in front that i would rather have the elements compliment each other instead of vying for attention."Vying" that's a word,right? Anywhoos, looked at some more glazes and Holden's gonna check on some more satin/matte glazes in the colors we'd like. I'm pushing for a brown (typical tiki mug orange brown) turquoise/teal (looks great with the earth tones as a little "pop" -plus it won't be scary outdoor pool teal, but a deeper richer tone) and a medium to dark olive (all of them in the same tonal range-not too WHAM! and in your face, but more subdued and mellow and CLASSY in a retro kind of way). But that's my color wish list for now, subject to change if some new discovery pops onto the horizon!
Well, time for sleep! Good night dear TC Ohana! May your dreams be filled with gentle shores and fragrant warm winds....

Hello again Tiki Brothers and Sisters!
Well, after viewing the many samples,Holden and I have decided
on the final glaze for all three! The answer was in front of our
very eyes! Classic hazel brown! A standard color for mugs ,but
truly the best glaze to bring out all the crazy details on this mug!
There's just so many characters on each mug that a "No Tiki Left Behind"
amendment was drawn up for a full drinking and viewing experience!
The side medallions will be tonal colors that compliment the mugs,
to quote Mr Westland "a 70's kitchen pallette"...It will also draw from
old Sears hawaiian shirtsand vintage menus.We're thinking yellow-mustard/olive/orange
vignettes for the medallions.They feel relly nice in your hands and the
handles balance it our well.Also, for display purposes,you have a choice
of the 3 brown faces or your choice of 6 medallions to display by turning
the mug around! I am so very pleased beyond words about these being released!
I hope these mugs do well enough to encourage even more! Working
with Holden and Squid has been like a dream come true! Their expertise
and adaptability is Heroic! Well, enough Blabbing! I am proud to present
the pictures!

Here's KAKAKA and OLI OLI, Oli has the glaze we're going with.
The pink/red Kakaka was weird and unnatural,plus it "plumped" up
the details and made them more Marshmallowy! Not the hard crispier
detail it needed....
Here's KAKAKA and PUPULE,Pupule with a matte black glaze to bring
out the "crazy reckless wild" vibe its name encompasses. Unfortunately,
black glazes are better for very bold and simple designs.This would
look cool with a gold metallic glaze scumbled over the top details, but
that's more of a one-shot art mug piece approach...

And now for the back view so you can see the handles and also where
the medallion decals will go...
Heeeeeeeere's OLIOLI! Sorry so blurry!!!

Compare the detail of that with the next one, the KAKAKA mug...

See what i mean about obscuring the details and fattening him up?
Lastly, the PUPULE Black Mamba handle! Dig that crazy helmet!

All the crevices and craws and crooks get lost in a matte
black coating. But man! Does it feel good in your hands!
This is the shortest,squattest, and widest of the three,
which probably accounts for his Napoleon Complex and Bad Attitude!
We've also chosen an Official Spokesman for the OliOli mug! He will
be touring across the country in the TikiFarm Van spouting out
the Miraculous Healing power of these Mugs,as well as performing
with the TikiFarm Burlesque and Comedy Troupe.
Ladies and Gentlemen, May I introduce the Lovely and Talented.....
Bora-Boris! Official Spokesman of the OLIOLI Mug!

To tell the truth, I just shot this pic last night at the MUGOOMBA party...
When we get the other two back with the brown glaze or get the medallions
on there, I'll post some more! Thanks again for sharing the excitement of
this very cool project with us! :)

That's fantastic Ken! I can't wait to see them in person.

AMAZING, they came out really great! When and where are they up for sale?


They are real nice I like the colors as well. Can you put a picture up of all 3 next to each other if possible, thanks.

Hello old friends!
Looks like the gang's all here! Thank you all for your enthusiasm and kindness! My lame-o photos cannot come close to how supercool these look in the reals!I'm going down to the Farm end of this week,so hopefully I can take mo' shots! Hiltiki-Aloha! We aim to please here on this thread, so here's 2 shots of all three together....
I call them "Trio del Blur" part 1 and 2 respectively...

and here's a handle comparison courtesy of Shakey Jake...

Talk to you all soon! These should be ready for the public
around March sometime...No guarantees,but that's the time
we're shootin fer!
They will be available thru TikiFarm and that's all I know for now.
Please forward all your business-like questions to Holden, I'm just
the artist man and will not have the correct answer. I do know that
we're making a lot of them and that you'll squeal with delight when
holding one,only those two factors are certain...Bye!


Holden had these out at the Mugoomba party on the 30th. They look even better than the pictures can show. Truly awesome mugs! Great work LLT!

hewey posted on Mon, Jan 1, 2007 5:54 PM

awesome mugs man! :)sooo much detail

I feel privileged to have seen these. The detail is incredible. Congrats Ken!

GROG posted on Mon, Jan 1, 2007 9:52 PM

Looking good.

[ Edited by: GROG 2007-01-01 21:55 ]

You're pretty fine yourself Ernie! PM me :wink:

That was a bit uncomfortable....
Well, went to the Farm yesterday to mull over Pantones and Cabbages and Kings,
and whatever else is going on with Old Man Westland yesterday aaaaaaaand got
to shoot some more shots of the OLIOLI mug with a less Mai-Tai blurried hand!
Saw the Thor Shrunken Head and the Dirty Donnie one too.
Both should be Must-Haves for those of you with a HeadHunter fetish....Beautiful!
Always something Fun and Inspiring at the Farm! Well, here are the shots that
really do capture the amount of detail in these mugs!

Here's the front! This baby's pretty tall-i'll get back to you on the specifics...
Let's just say that if you drank a full mug of Holden's Mai-Tais in these
OliOli would most certainly begin to speak to you!
Here's the side....

and here's a much better front view of the back handle!

More later! Thanks for lookin!


Wow! Awsome looking mug Ken.
I'm dig'n that carved handle.

hewey posted on Sun, Jan 7, 2007 5:39 PM

Love the detail in that front on shot :) Glaze works really well on it

Thank you so much Doug!
Of course,you know the joy and elation of seeing a mug that months before was only a dream! Great feelin! The handles are pretty cool,and they give you someone to talk to after quaffing a few!!! MakedaMug just sent me shots of the final glaze on the other two! I agree with hewey...this glaze really does Squid's carving justice! Check out the details!
Here's KaKaKa and Pupule in their proper colors...

How about those handles? These feel reeeeal good in your hands-the weight-the balance-the texture! Ah! I'm in love! :)

Kahu posted on Wed, Jan 10, 2007 7:59 PM

WoW! Those are some of the most awesome and beautiful tiki mugs I have ever seen! All I can ask is, how soon can we all get one?

GROG posted on Wed, Jan 10, 2007 8:36 PM

So much detail!!! Aaaaaaaaagh!!!! GROG's eyes are bleeding. Hard to see the forest through the trees!!!!

GROG kidding.

More damned mugs GROG has to buy.

KaKaKa and Pupule in the correct color glaze just prettyful. The detail really shows up in this color glaze a real "crisp" look, just fantastic! Now to see the fire decal art? :D

Well, Biffachu (computer/design/tiki fireplace kahuna)just got the spot colors nailed for the mugs, so i thought i'd share them with you!(Lucky you!) Thank you Biff!
But first...I gots some questions to answer!
Kahu-So happy you love these! Thank you! The more of you who like these,the better the chances of more mugs in the future!These are slated to be released sometime around March...MakedaMug would know all the glorious details down to the atomic number of the composition of the glaze! (I just made that last thing up! But Holden knows his Mugs!)
Forest? Trees? Eyes Bleeding? Damn Mugs? You need a Vacation, Sir!
They should look great in your Cave!
Hello dear!
They really do looks nice!Oh! What's that? You wanna see the fired decal art? well, we just got the colors keyed in and the next photos after these pics will probably show the total complete mug with medallions and all! JOYJOYJOY!
Here's what i got from Biffachu today! Hours ago!



All perfect and beautiful! The subtle color variations makes each of the 3 a little bit different, just like their personalities!Now i gotta go get some shuteye before work! G'night!

They are even better than I was expecting! I can't wait to see these in my mug collection!

incredible what Talent.... love your palm trees...


Dammit. These are too nice not to have.

I can hear it now..."But, honey, you have enough mugs already"




Ken your mugs are gonna be the bomb!! I feel privileged working on the seperations for the scenes in each mug.
I think everyone will want this for their collections, plus they hold a lot of drink (maybe too much)
Can't wait to get all of them!!

[ Edited by: biffachu 2007-01-19 09:15 ]

On 2007-01-19 03:27, McTiki wrote:
Dammit. These are too nice not to have.

I can hear it now..."But, honey, you have enough mugs already"



Shhhit I hear that every damn day more than once... but ya know what? I Buying um!! rock on wif my hip self!

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2007-01-19 18:53 ]

Yeaaaahhh! I always hear that..............Probably why my first wife bounced...BUT, she is currently broke a$$ and I am livin well. If things get tough, you just sell a mug... Helluva lot easier than tryin to get $$ for purses and shoes...LOL,
Balls Out.

Ken...these are really beautiful! Can't wait to see them in 3d! Congrats on seeing it from dream, to sketch, to fruition. :)


Beauty Ken, I'm really looking forward to sipping from these great handled mugs.

Hello Kids!
First-some replies...
I would be honored if you had a set of these in your collection!
I can already hear you bugging me for a customized mug set! :lol:
Hopefully the swaying palms will lull you to sleep every so often!
Three mugs will be tough to explain to the wife....
tell her it's for a charity for a boy with mental problems!
(all true except for the "charity" part!)
I don't need to thank you...

  1. I've done that enough already
  2. you'll see in a minute....
    I can hear you hittin me up for some customs too! Sheesh!
    You mug people are insane... :lol:
    Thank you so much! You'll see them very soon in 3-D!
    Thanks for the congrats,but we should also give a big shout out to
    Holden and Squid who made it real,straight from dreamland!
    Hello beautiful! I missed you! Just hearing your name makes me smile!
    Thanks for smiling! I'll toast you long distance when these go public!
    Thank you all! I'm really glad you like them,and glad we could
    bring you something so unique and special! Now back to business.....
    well the medallion art was sent off...and now the waiting....
    But in the meantime,I am custom painting a PUPULE mug for Biffachu!
    Seeing as Mr. Biff did all the spot color seps and color adjustments and
    made them all beautiful in a little more than a week;what better way to
    thank an old friend than by giving him a PRICELESS WOIK of ART!
    He hasn't even seen these photos yet! In fact I'm gonna PM him
    after I post this!
    Well, the story behind this PUPULE was it was one of the glaze examples
    we had that was a bit too syrupy to catch all the details! So, the colorway
    of black and gold was decided,mostly because I looooves those old
    70's ashtrays with those colors.Plus it was a macho enough colorway to
    impress the man who brought us the World Famous Tiki Fireplace!
    (Stafford helped too!) Well anyways, I still have a session or two on this
    with the layers of glaze and touch-ups and whatnot, but here it is so far!
    Ladies and Gents.....PUPULE NEGRA!
    Well, that's as fancy a name as I could think of tonight....
    Here's a front on view...

    Three Quarter view...

    Here's a bit of the back...

    Here's the back,almost straight forward! I just love the guy on the handle!
    He looks like he's up to something mischievous!

    Here's a view of the name,that I placed behing the handle...

    And now for some details!

    and one last one!

    Hope you enjoyed this week in Mug Awareness! And PM Holden
    and tell him you want Ken to design at least 10 more mugs! Thanks! :)

Sometimes me no read so good, did I miss the expected release date for these AWESOME MUUUGGGSSS, somewhere in the thread?


I take it that the gold is a One of one? And where does the purple come in? Say the picture and then had to go back and read the words attached.

That mug is pupule. Looks awesome Ken.

[ Edited by: Turbogod 2007-01-25 10:45 ]

[edited to remove obscenities]

[ Edited by: hakalugi 2007-01-25 15:07 ]

Hey Daves Not Home!
The release date on these is around late April,more than likely early to mid-May. We still have to approve the side medallions once they come back-then it's on to production!
Thanks for noticing their Awesomeness! :)
You remind me of my Art Dept at work! I write a big ol' workorder for a tee, telling them all the details and providing style examples and thumbnails, and they never read them, they just look at the pictures and do whatever they want! Then they hate me for telling them to change it! Sheesh!!! :lol:
Yes Sir! It's the one we got back with the black glaze that was kind of obscuring the minute details, so I customized it for Biffachu, since he did all the spot seps and color shifts on the medallions....That's the last time I'm gonna repeat myself!
I type to inform...not for my health! :)
Oh the purple background is just a half-finished painting with palm trees! I haven't worked on it for about a year,but it made a decent backdrop!
Thanks man! It really is PUPULE! All wild and mad and stuff! Thank you!
Be nice! or I'll have to ask you to take a timeout!
Well, anyways! Thanks y'all for the nice responses and happy words!

visit http://www.kenruzic.com for Therapeutic Goodness!

[ Edited by: LITTLE LOST TIKI 2007-01-29 10:10 ]

hewey posted on Thu, Jan 25, 2007 2:24 PM

I read that title as purple mug too :)

The black and gold looks awesome!

On 2007-01-25 11:23, little lost tiki wrote:
...approve the side medallions once they come back-then it's on to production! Thanks for noticing their Awesomeness! :)

visit http://www.kenruzic.com for a Grand Old Time!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-01-25 11:52 ]

mmmmmmmmm....steak medallions


Man, if only they ALL could be like that, I'd be a happy boy! ('cuz that'd mean I could get one!)



Great minds thing alike...

My King Tiki 'Royal Gold Gold' is still on the shelf waiting a fireing........ nice to know this will look Fantastic'o!!


LLT, Just Plain AWESOME(theres that word again!)
You are a sick man with your sick detail, I Love it, Love it, Love it!

Wow Ken,

So honored to have this unique mug for my collection Ken!
These mugs are gonna rock! I hope you are gonna do a lot more, very unique
Almost like the old german steins with scenes of germany on it.

Can't wait.....

Ho'omalimali LLT there must be an entire storybook carved on that mug. Squid must have taken

vacation after carving your designs :D

Hey Gang! It's done and Biff's face said it all! I took a few shots of "PU PULE NEGRA" before I dropped him off! I added some final raised detail with gold, then sealed it a few more times and PuPule seemed quite happy to be a part of Biffachu awesome collection! Thanks Biffachu!!!! You're SuperCool! Knot! :)

Hewey! PUPULE, PURPURLE! Can't go wrong with Black and Gold! :)

Dave's not Home, Hello? They're veal medallions! During the final glaze, we put veal strips on the side and cook them onto the mug in a most remarkable way!

TikiLee, Once you see the finished three,you won't even think of customizing 'em! Like that song Everybody's Beautiful in their own way!!! The mugs WITHOUT customizing will be splendid enough! Guaranteed!
(Guarantee not valid in the Continental United States....)

Al! Your King Tiki "Royal Gold Gold" should be fired at once! A Regal piece such as that should not sit unaccompanied on a dusty shelf! Forsooth man! Go forth to thine Kiln! Sorry, I've been reading the autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini and it kinda rubbed off!
FORSOOTH! There's a lot of "thou hast besmirched my honor" kinda stuff in there!

Benz, Thank you kind Sir! If this is sick, then I don't wanna be well!

Biff....you got the mug, I don't have to talk to you!

Alohacurrent! Mahalos, Have one drink out of each mug and a story will certainly unfold! Squid didn't take that vacation,but needs to! I heard it whispered that he doesn't sleep and eats nothing but coffee and ciggies! Also,GROG did say that he had to get a new prescription! I assume that's for glasses! :)

Well,settle down class! here they are!

This MUG was a HOOT to Customize!Thanks Holden,Squid,and Biff!!!!
Can't wait to do a whole set of THREE!WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Gawk or Gack!!?

( the 2nd set of pain pils just set in!!)

Kinney poo!!


Ummm...WOW!!! That's all I can say. Just WOW!!! Again my vocabulary fails me. You are a genius my friend!

GROG posted on Sat, Feb 3, 2007 2:55 AM


Babalu posted on Sat, Feb 3, 2007 6:45 AM

Whoa!...Just bounced onto this thread for the first time. Right on work! Your detail rules! Stunning.....


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