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A Moment of Tiki (Episode 75: Tiki Pop)

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A Moment of Tiki episode 51 "Krypton Bar Rescue" may now be found on the YouTubes. Almost two years ago I acquired a Krypton Bar off Craig's List. A relic of the early years of the tiki revival, it was suffering from significant neglect. I wanted to see if I could bring it back to its former glory. Did I take waaaay too long to finish this project? Did I spend more money and time than the bar itself is worth? Could my effort have been better directed to other projects? Yes! Yes! and Yes! But I have never let common sense stop me before and I'm not about to start now. This is what I wrought.

A Moment of Tiki Episode 51: Krypton Bar Rescue


Sir, you are born for this! A good representation of tiki bar creating. I like your Lagoon of mystery.

Thank you, Davor! If nothing else, it gives me an excuse to avoid more responsible projects!

In my latest episode of A Moment of Tiki I tackle two things I've consciously avoided for the past six years: Working with lauhala matting and attempting a spiral pattern on wood trim. Cowardly on my part, I know. In the case of lauhala, I figured bamboo would be more durable in the outdoor environs of the Lagoon (and I suspect that was a good call) whereas with the spiral trim patterns, I was simply afraid of power-carving anything I couldn't use a straight-edge guide to assist with. Hey, we all have our hangups. To see whether I crashed and burned (there may be a little bit of burning) or pulled it off, check out the link below.

Episode 52 may be found on the YouTubes at https://youtu.be/1H89pilSpcQ



Ambitious project, but it turned out really well! As an aside, I have long been searching for one of those circular bamboo shelves you have on your wall. They used to be everywhere but not now!

The circular rattan shelves turned up in Target of all places, two, maybe three years ago. I grabbed a couple and hit them with a couple coats of amber shellac. I know other tiki folk did something similar. They're not quite as impressive as vintage ones from the 60s but as you point out, the circular shelving is one of those tiki icons and I wasn't about to turn my nose up at it because it wasn't perfect.

Good luck on your search! Hopefully you'll come across one sooner rather than later!

Yes, we also have the Target smaller repro ones here, .....but it's the thrill of having an original! I can remember admiring them as a kid already with Tiki ideas but as yet unsolidified.

[ Edited by TIKIGIKI on 2023-03-06 13:45:51 ]

From almost the very first episode of A Moment of Tiki, which premiered three years ago, folks have asked me to do an episode on music. I put it off, not because I didn't have opinions (Oh boy! Do I have opinions!) but because I knew how much work it would be. Well, in episode 53 I finally tackle that beast and hold forth on what I think constitutes good "Music for a Dark Tiki Bar."

Episode 53 may be viewed at https://youtu.be/VgCnOsQ9gYc


Very nice episode. Looking forward to part II

Thank you, run on the rideau. I'm currently working on part 2, so it shouldn't be too long of a wait!

An addendum to episode 51: Krypton Bar Rescue. Someone in New Jersey is selling a vintage Krypton bar very similar to mine that I restored--but they're also including a matching shelf, which I didn't know existed.





I know that after the initial production run Krypton ended their contract with Bosko for the carved masks for the front of the bar and started making their own. This one looks to be one of the second generation bars with the knock-off masks. I had no idea they copied the Bosko design so blatantly, nor that they had no clue as how to get the primitive Witco look. I mean, what did they use here, cheap plywood? My goodness, this replacement mask looks terrible.


This bar is in MUCH better condition overall than my bar when I got it, but even with the matching shelf (which looks like it does come with authentic Bosko masks) I have to say the $5,800 asking price is way too optimistic. Just sharing here as a data point for future reference.

Hard agree on your latest. Nothing kicks me out of the mood faster than the wrong music.

One attempt at a Tiki-claimed bar on in Hawai'i I did not even bother posting about was playing late 90s, early 00s pop-punk. And while there were certainly other sins, that was by far the worst.

Ready for a new episode of A Moment of Tiki? Episode 54 brings you part 2 of "Music for a Dark Tiki Bar" with contemporary Pacifika, surf rock and Latin big band. There's plenty here to dispel the myth that a good tiki bar playlist is limited to Martin Denny on repeat!

Episode 54 may be viewed at https://youtu.be/xEhRPNh-jNU.


Hey, Prikli! Just seeing this now, congrats on a well made podcast! Extensive info on so many topics! And kudos for the musical info, it's not easy to come by solid, concise info that doesn't come from folks outside the music scene! Forgive my assumption, but with the huge breadth of topics covered, I'm jumping to that conclusion. And thanks for the W7 shoutout, I've been on board with them since 2005!

My pleasure, Mayor! Credit where credit is due as far as W7 goes--the Les Baxters, Martin Dennys and Arthur Lymans from the golden age are great, but without new blood the whole scene becomes stagnant and ossified, right? I do go out of my way to include the new with the old in my recommendations. I don't always succeed, but if new artists aren't supported there's little chance of their making more great stuff for us to enjoy!

I couldn't agree more, and you hit all the highlights of what I consider the noteworthy new groups. The one other that I would mention is the Stolen Idols. I don't know how active they've been lately, but we love their material! True Exotica!

I completely forgot about Stolen Idols for precisely the reason you mention--they aren't active. And I don't think they've been active since I've gotten into tiki, either. I need to go add them to the playlist I'm compiling...

There's just too many great artists to be comprehensive. In exotica alone I left out Robert Drasnin, Gene Rains, Frank Hunter, Tak Shindo and, well, you get the idea. Hopefully I've given folks a good starting point where they can use my suggestions to explore and discover new artists. Heck, it was only a couple of years ago that I learned Cal Tjader had put out a couple of solid exotic albums. There's always more to discover!

And now, the EPIC CONCLUSION to "Music for a Dark Tiki Bar!" Seriously, I thought this might make for one episode, 20 minutes, tops. Instead it stretched into three episodes topping out at more than 90 minutes total. That's enough for a theatrical release (although I don't know any theaters that'd be fool enough to run it).

Episode 55 of A Moment of Tiki is now live on the YouTubes at https://youtu.be/vRsUEhdHUT4


[ Edited by Prikli Pear on 2023-05-01 09:17:44 ]


Enjoying all your episodes! Thanks

Nice job on the trilogy. Thanks for listing all the artists on the youtube episodes. Very helpful and will follow through with a number of them.

if new artists aren't supported there's little chance of their making more great stuff for us to enjoy!

This! I was a community radio volunteer for 20 years, not tiki or related, focusing on newer and lesser known bands, and the attitude of "if I haven't heard of them it must suck" attitude irks me to no end, no matter what the genre. Explore a little, you might like it. Hopefully these episodes will start a journey for some.

Thanks for the kind words, rum on the rideau! Everything you say is true. Streaming is ruinous for most artists, paying not even a pittance (although the music publishers always seem to make out okay). The best thing to do is buy directly from the artists if possible, either vinyl or CDs or even digital downloads. Amazon is an option, but not the best. I know not everyone has a lot of money to blow to build up a huge collection, but even budgeting $10 a month can get you a new album via Bandcamp and the folks who worked to record it really appreciate that vote of confidence.

Thank you, arriano! I appreciate your taking the time to watch them!

Hamo posted on Sat, May 13, 2023 10:39 PM

This was an epic trilogy, Jayme. There are several artists that you mentioned throughout that I wasn't aware of and need to check out. I also appreciate your Marvel post-credit rant about Jimmy Buffet....

Episode 56 of A Moment of Tiki is now available on the YouTubes! This time out I host Duke and Lola from BossaNova Life in the Lagoon of Mystery. We discuss everything from home tiki bars to custom car culture to burlesque bingo! Good times!

A Moment of Tiki Episode 56: BossaNova Life


Ha ha! Thanks Hamo! I like much of Buffett's work (the stuff he's done the past 15 years is pretty wobbly tho) but apart from maybe a handful of deep tracks, it's all jarring in a tiki context. Sure, he's escapist but in a very different way than we strive to achieve in our tiki spaces. Tiki strives to distance itself from the real world by simulating a make-believe paradise, whilst Buffett's escapism attempts to make the real world bearable (usually by consuming copious amounts of alcohol). I mean, he's got a song called "Boat Drinks"--we're not talking craft cocktails here! ;-)

July's episode of "A Moment of Tiki" is now live on the interwebz! Have you ever wondered how to restore a set of old, neglected Witco barstools rescued off of Craig's List? If so, I've got your answer right here!

The episode may be viewed on the YouTubes at https://youtu.be/lLLkfVDODNI.


Killer score, congratulations.

Awesome! I, too, have dealt with gritty, decomposed foam seats before. It is not a fun job.

Thank you, BlackWater! Maybe one or two Witco pieces a year come up for sale in the Central Texas area, and the owners ALWAYS seem to know what they have and price accordingly. For these to just fall into my lap... boggles the mind!

I just kinda wonder whatever happened to the bar these presumably came with. The folks who sold them to me didn't know anything about a bar and I wasn't going to press the issue.

Bam Bam, right! I mean, how could something so basic and mundane become so nasty? Ugh! But at least I may have prepared the next one in line for what lies in store for one of these restoration jobs.

Nice find and restore.. Feed-n-wax to the rescue

The August episode of A Moment of Tiki is now live on the interwebz! This time I host a Dive-In Movie, which has pretty much become the signature events in the Lagoon of Mystery.

The episode may be viewed at https://youtu.be/N-zI0hWWMuY.


Episode 59 of A Moment of Tiki is now live on the YouTubes! This time out, I carve Tiki Bob! Love him or hate him, Tiki Bob was the first bespoke mascot of any tiki establishment and when the last Tiki Bob bar/restaurant closed in the 1970, Bob himself escaped into the public domain where artists and carvers have been creatively expressing their own interpretations of him ever since.

The episode "Carving Tiki Bob" may be viewed on YouTube.


[ Edited by Prikli Pear on 2023-09-04 11:31:39 ]

Episode 60 of A Moment of Tiki is now live! This time out I assist a friend with lighting needs for an upcoming tiki project. This may well be the single largest project I have undertaken.

Episode 60 may be viewed at https://youtu.be/ShI4BeH-acA?si=yByvdShx95Iftf5U


Episode 61 of A Moment of Tiki is now live on the YouTubes! This time out I restore a WHALING HARPOON I lucked into at an estate sale. Now, whaling harpoons aren't in and of themselves tiki, but thanks to Herman Melville they are certainly tiki-adjacent.

Episode 61 may be viewed at https://youtu.be/WQ-6lzoAAnE?si=8SjmG7s2un1WRctR


Episode 62 of A Moment of Tiki may be found on the YouTubes! This time out I power carve the distinctive tiki from the old Hawaiian Eye TV series... AND also include a GIVEAWAY for the holiday season! Check out the episode to find out how to enter.

Episode 62 may be viewed at https://youtu.be/b1iQaxoopso?si=ALiomQi63XzhKKo3 Ep62Thumb_TC

Happy new year! We're starting off 2024 with a brand-spankin' new installment of A Moment of Tiki. In episode 63, I up the retro cool content of the show considerably by sitting down with artist Nathanael Ross Smith, discussing his love of tiki, monster movies, noir and all things mid century and how those elements influence his work.

The episode may be viewed at https://youtu.be/OMCLa75ugo0?si=nCK9QRFnGgIy9z1a


Episode 64 of A Moment of Tiki may now be found on the YouTubes. This time out I build an iconic shell light, one of the signature pieces of tiki decor. It was a learning experience, as I'd neither worked with shells nor resin prior to this. I think (hope?) you'll like it!

The episode may be viewed at https://youtu.be/cKxDrYjlOuA?si=zF7QPW4acIkDzOIR


great timing on this one as im just starting on a shell lampshade for a hat lamp!

Well, don't I feel like a dope! I have a new episode releasing tomorrow and I forgot to share the March episode here. Sheesh. If any of you folks want to add sugarcane to your tiki landscaping, you can learn more at Episode 65: Grow Your Own Sugarcane!


Apologies for the tardy response! I hope you found it useful, ka'lenatiki! Do share your results with us!

No fooling! Episode 66 marks the four-year anniversary of A Moment of Tiki! This month I'm coming at you with "next-level fish float lights." What's next-level you may ask? Hint: I swiped the idea from an old Oceanic Arts catalog...

Episode 66 may be viewed at on the YouTubes


Episode 67 of A MOMENT OF TIKI may now be found on the YouTubes! And this time out I welcome @tiki.tum to the Lagoon for a wide-ranging conversation about animation, tiki, mug design and more. Seriously folks, this one's a heck of a lot of fun and I'm inordinately pleased with it. Let me know what you think!

Episode 67 may be found at this link.


Episode 68 of A Moment of Tiki is now live on the YouTubes! This time out I take a road trip down to San Antonio to partake in the Alamo Aloha Fiestaval. Central Texas may not be well-known for tropical vibes and Pasifika culture, but you wouldn't know it while visiting this annual two-day event.

The episode may be viewed at https://youtu.be/1Uy1e6y2GOg?si=P73zX2GWXwjz9XDU.


Looked like a fun way to spend a day.

Looked like a fun way to spend a day.

It is. It's also a good way to quickly part with a lot of $$ with all the vendors there. Lots of vintage Aloha shirts and different artists who's work would be right at home in tiki spaces.

Episode 69 of A Moment of Tiki is now live on the YouTubes! This time out I build a new tiki light--but not just any tiki light! THIS version is intentionally very simple and (perhaps more importantly) inexpensive to put together. Yes, I made this video specifically for the tiki-curious, who want to start decorating their home but may not have the budget or know-how to dive in head first.

Episode 69 may be viewed at Wastebasket Tiki Light.


It's the first Monday of the month, so that means a new episode of A Moment of Tiki! This time out I carve a tiki into a dead palm tree using all sorts of power tools including a chainsaw. A chainsaw? Oh yes. You know you want to look.

Episode 70 may be viewed at 11-Foot Tiki Carve.


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