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TeaKEY's critikeys (starting new p12)

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GROG posted on Fri, Mar 23, 2007 1:24 PM

Evaluation???? Dude, you and Kirby have GOT TO learn to click the spell-check button.


On 2007-03-23 13:24, GROG wrote:
Evaluation???? Dude, you and Kirby have GOT TO learn to click the spell-check button.

But spell check wouldn't have caught that since it's still a word.


Here is a critikey on the spell check, it seems to have gotten changed. It questions the word "tiki" What spell check on Tiki website would do that. I don't remember it doing stuff like that.

Squid, you good at spelling, I'm terrible. Left Handed at that.

Hey TeaKEY, the signature on your page is a tiki mug, did you design it? Do you have them for sale? Wendy


I have yet to make a mold of anything I do. I guess its still a little of the unknown that keeps me from doing that, but if I want to get a production mug out there, it may be something that I do soon. Its crazy, cause I make these sweet mugs that would be great production ones, but I just don't go there yet.

I would really like to work with Tiki Farm. I know that they are booked with mugs until late 2008 but it would be sweet to have a yes for a 2009 or 2010. Just to know. What if I got a petition with 500 people that were interested PM me. And the people could pick the one they liked from different choices. Just a thought.

That mug in my signature was the first mug I made in 2004. Its priceless to me. I think that I got, counting what my dad got me, 15+ original mugs in my possession. Thats pretty good. Not to many people can say that, and thats including the mug makers. Why, cause they sell there designed mugs to the public, and I just sold my first. That was a hard thing to do. Bitter sweet.

Thanks Wendy for your interest. Just finished a mug that I think people will like.

Hi TeaKEY, That mug is a great design. So your mugs are like the one of a kind bowls I make for Dan. It's all fun and special. I hope you get yours out. The petition idea is way cool, wish I'd thought of it! Will you be at Tiki Oasis 7? It will be our first, I'm looking forward to meeting as many tikiphiles as I can, Wendy

Oh Teakey , Teakey, Teakey, I have to ask you a few questions.

Your posts made me literally read this whole thread. That is a first for me on TC.

  1. Exactly how old are you? I think you are still pretty young.

  2. How much can you bench? :wink:

  3. Why keep comparing to and critiquing Munk Tiki and making assumptions about them. Miles and Paul are THE BEST MUG ARTISTS AROUND. PERIOD. End of discussion. Holden , myself and Paul were all in a room together at last years Oasis and I said this statement to the whole room. Asked Holden if he agreed, he did.

  4. Have you seen the Hukilau 2006 mug in person? held it in your hand? ART!!!!!!!!!!!! It made me want to be a better artist.

  5. Not a question, just my experience, let your art speak for itself. Make your talent command respect and then someone like Tiki Farm will ask YOU to do a design, not the other way around. They had to ask me a couple of times way back at the beginning of my career. I already had two of my own mug designs under my belt.

  6. Miles Thompson is one bad mutha! I will be helping him do a mug when he gives me the word. I put that in his ear years ago. He's a good friend of mine and former drinking buddy. I love that guy.

  7. Last statement. I don't think your ideas are controlling direction of the mug world. Just a coincidence. Millions of people have the exact same ideas all the time. It's the one who has a balance of thinking and doing that are successful.

Teakey, I like you cause you have balls and you speak your mind ( just don't type EVERYTHING you think ) and I'm not starting anything with you. Just taking you under my wing :D


Oh Teakey , Teakey, Teakey, I have to ask you a few questions.

Your posts made me literally read this whole thread. That is a first for me on TC. (reading is good)

Q: Exactly how old are you? I think you are still pretty young.
A: I'm a younger guy when you compare to the national tiki culture average. So are you, so is TikitOny, so is Stuckie, so is Gecko. (Look, more comparing) (:) let me add these, I'm always in a do mood when on TC)

  1. How much can you bench?

3.Q: Why keep comparing to and critiquing Munk Tiki and making assumptions about them.

A: First off, this is a forum. Share and express ideas is the reason we're here. What we get more of the time is a very one sided discussion. I would love to talk about my stuff. Anything, it all adds more depth. So, Why compare to Munktiki. They are the gold standard. I'm a home hobbyist, they are established, who else would I compare too. But I don't think I do all that much. It's Munktiki not Munk Tiki and I don't think I make a bunch of assumptions but I do make guesses about, at times. Reason, I interested in them,(they are mug makers) there is no pool of info on them, other then the little I have found. Cool audio on them. You get to talk in person with them, I don't. I mostly can remember saying how they are the best ** at what they do**. I put them up so many times. One of their biggest supporter. Come to find out, Google image search them and I'll pop up first, "Hi".

(part 2)Q:Miles and Paul are THE BEST MUG ARTISTS AROUND. PERIOD. (End of discussion (:()). Holden , myself and Paul were all in a room together at last years Oasis and I said this statement to the whole room. Asked Holden if he agreed, he did.

I said they were the best at some things, not all,(cause they aren't all things) and Stuckie actually said he hated hearing best this or best that. Cool that Holden agreed, I'm not sure if he has made a mug, but he is certainly a mug making machine.

  1. Q: Have you seen the Hukilau 2006 mug in person? held it in your hand? ART!!!!!!!!!!!! It made me want to be a better artist.

Yes. No. I'm not sure if its art. I think about art more than anyone I have ever known. Art, well its not there design, so the creation of that image and reason the image exist is not Munktiki. They did a great job at reproducing it. I would be cool to have the original colors, wouldn't it? I think art isn't just the end product, but the reasons the art was made (money doesn't count for me) and the process too. The molded mug that you held in your hand, wouldn't have have any of that process, although its a part of the whole process, I understand that.
The mug that my dad made of Doug Horne's monkey, BEST TIKI MUG EVER! His reasons for making, as pure as you can get. Is it art, more so then most tiki mugs in most peoples collections. Hold that mug. I don't have to ask you if you have.

Diablo, I wished people would talk, what I love most, the mug. There isn't that many people that make. Most who do, don't post much. Anyone. Diablo, you are one of my favorite tiki artist.

Wait, where did the Miles commit come in. Just so you know, the BEST TIKI ARTIST there is. I like your mugs more than Munktiki. Harder to get too, thats even part of the appeal. But get your website up and running.

You will come back with something, maybe, or someone else. But don't discount what I wrote. But you can. Hopefully add to it. And I'm very very happy to talk with/ back

Under your wing, You know thats a punk move. You know you are showing order with that pharse, but if you do want to share tip, hints, or commits, I'm all ears. Your Oki Oki mug is one of my favorites along with TikitOny's (I wouldn't say that if it wasn't true)

Teakey, you gonna make it to Hukilau this year? If you do, we are just going to have to drink a few cold ones together and shoot the shit then.


I'm not sure if I will. Drinking with the Tiki Diablo down in balmy Florida at the Mai Kai sounds great. Just the thing I need. One of these days, it'll happen.


Wendy has enough mugs....Sheesh!

McTiki, they are Dan's mugs not mine, Wendy

On 2007-03-27 22:04, Tiki Diablo wrote:
Teakey, you gonna make it to Hukilau this year? If you do, we are just going to have to drink a few cold ones together and shoot the shit then.

You're just trying to recruit him as a bodyguard, player...

You're just trying to recruit him as a bodyguard, player...


[ Edited by: Lake Surfer cause I couldn't get the damn quote posted]

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2007-03-30 13:06 ]


Cause you know that there's a guy hungrier than you that will do the job for less than you, and you know there is a guy that will charge more than you cause he has a bigger name.

GROG posted on Mon, Apr 23, 2007 3:51 PM

On 2007-04-23 15:30, teaKEY wrote:
Cause you know that there's a guy hungrier than you that will do the job for less than you, and you know there is a guy that will charge more than you cause he has a bigger name.

What the hell are talking about? Are you answering somebody's post or what? Back away from the bong, dude.

GROG posted on Mon, Apr 23, 2007 3:53 PM


What is wrong with you? Dude gave u good adivce. Why are you digging yourself a deeper hole? This is not helping you realize your mug making dreams.

I tried PM-ing you a couplah weeks back, just trying to help, really! Do you ever stop to think that maybe people are trying to help you out?

Does this ring a bell?


Posted: 2007-04-07 02:55 &nbspViewed


"I think you're a great guy but a little self editing would help you out alot. Since this is a forum where you can freely critique, here are my recommendations:

Some of the things you say/assume come off as pompous even if that's not the intent. Other things that you think are some kind of little known knowledge like hand building mugs, are actually well known techniques to anyone who has ever taken a summer pottery intro. course at the YMCA/high school etc.--ie. roll clay flat, make tube around a cylinder or by hand add circle of clay for bottom, smooth, etc... There is a large segment of the population that's taken an intro level pottery course so... coils, pinch pots, etc... not really very hush-hush.

I think some of your mugs are fantastic, others are just okay. When you describe your work as priceless I know it's priceless to you, but to say that makes you sound ego-maniacal. When an artist stops being precious about their own work that is a definite sign that they have grown as an artist. Talking yourself up too much is never recommended. Being confident in yourself is recommended.

When you are an amateur it's also not recommended to critique people who are already a proven success in that field. You are burning bridges you haven't even got to yet.

I think your work is hard to adjust to as a tiki mug has traditionally been made very symmetrically. It would add symmetry to your pieces if you built them around a wheel piece or if u used a mold to obtain a true cylinder to add/subtract from.

I also think that your paintings show alot more promise than your mugs, you have REALLY good painting skills for a beginner and good painting skillz for anyone. I really like your paintings.

I hope this isn't taken the wrong way. I've been keeping it to myself as I didn't want to offend you but after seeing your replies to previous comments I felt I should offer yet another voice to those asking for a bit more thoughtful editing.

ST "

End quote-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




"Some of the things you say/assume come off as pompous even if that's not the intent. Other things that you think are some kind of little known knowledge like hand building mugs, are actually well known techniques to anyone who has ever taken a summer pottery intro. course at the YMCA/high school etc.--ie. roll clay flat, make tube around a cylinder or by hand add circle of clay for bottom, smooth, etc... There is a large segment of the population that's taken an intro level pottery course so... coils, pinch pots, etc... not really very hush-hush."

You are right, everyone taking a couple clay courses probably could make a cup. I wish I was lucky enough to take a clay course in high school or YMCA. I did have finger-painting in pre-school there. Those were the days. I could say that most, yes, most people have picked up a paint brush and painted, but most people aren't considered painters/artist. That is a true statement in my eyes. Maybe you have made a ceramic cup, but have you made a tiki mug? And have you made a mug like mine, or my father's? I can't name more than 10 people that have made a hand-built tiki mug, that I have seen. That's 10 people that could be all over the world. 10 people is not
"anyone who has ever taken a summer pottery intro". There is a different too in a painting from when you were five years old and a painting from a working painter. Hopefully a big difference.

"I think some of your mugs are fantastic, others are just okay. When you describe your work as priceless I know it's priceless to you, but to say that makes you sound ego-maniacal. When an artist stops being precious about their own work that is a definite sign that they have grown as an artist. Talking yourself up too much is never recommended. Being confident in yourself is recommended".

I say it is priceless when by definition, its not for sale. Usually a great hand made mug is special and if you don't have to sell it, you don't. I know, when I make something, its a part of me, and I don't necessarily want to give that away.

"When you are an amateur it's also not recommended to critique people who are already a proven success in that field. You are burning bridges you haven't even got to yet.'

I have only said good things about the artists that I collect. I collect all artist's production mugs.

"I think your work is hard to adjust to as a tiki mug has traditionally been made very symmetrically. It would add symmetry to your pieces if you built them around a wheel piece or if u used a mold to obtain a true cylinder to add/subtract from."

A true cylinder would not be hand made in most cases, or it wouldn't work in the application I'm working in. Did you see the Green Monkey mug. Where would symmetry or a cylinder belong in that. Its a tiki mug, but its art as well.

*"I also think that your paintings show alot more promise than your mugs, you have REALLY good painting skills for a beginner and good painting skillz for anyone. I really like your paintings."

Thanks that you like my paintings, Munch, Soto, and Brophy would be happy to hear.

"I hope this isn't taken the wrong way".

I guess I'm just misunderstood, but then again the best are.


i konw the konw what its means
could you explain the dialog
what do you interest in it
and i like atv and dirt bike

GROG posted on Tue, Apr 24, 2007 12:41 AM

On 2007-04-23 17:57, teaKEY wrote:
I guess I'm just misunderstood, but then again the best are.

Nope, doesn't sound POMPOUS at all.


I know, you like that little touch at the end. At least I didn't compare myself to being better than Christ.


I'm pretty sure Christ doesn't make tiki mugs.
So, yeah, you probably are better than Him.

I'd put it on my business cards if I were you.


Teakey- makes better tiki mugs than Christ. Call 555-tkey for your breaking of the bread needs and last supper buffets. :)

Now its certainly a question about Bamboo Ben verses Joseph

On 2007-04-23 17:57, teaKEY wrote:
You are right, everyone taking a couple clay courses probably could make a cup. I wish I was lucky enough to take a clay course in high school or YMCA. I did have finger-painting in pre-school there. Those were the days. I could say that most, yes, most people have picked up a paint brush and painted, but most people aren't considered painters/artist. That is a true statement in my eyes. Maybe you have made a ceramic cup, but have you made a tiki mug? And have you made a mug like mine, or my father's? I can't name more than 10 people that have made a hand-built tiki mug, that I have seen. That's 10 people that could be all over the world. 10 people is not
"anyone who has ever taken a summer pottery intro". There is a different too in a painting from when you were five years old and a painting from a working painter. Hopefully a big difference.
[end quote]

I have seen THOUSANDS of hand built mugs, they weren't all tiki mugs, but many of them were well done, and many of them by 5th-12th graders.

You don't need a couple of intro clay courses to hand build a mug, you just need one.

Yes I have hand built a mug. No it wasn't tiki. No it wasn't good enough that I'd compare myself to TikiFarm or Munktiki or Chihuli for that matter.

Yes there is a BIG difference between being a painter at 5 or a Bob Ross watching hobbyist and being a working painter. This is a difference that you should explore in ceramics or anything you wish to do as a means of employment, or if you want TikiFarm to produce one of your mug designs.

No, there is not a big difference between your work and the work of any teen or adult who has taken one intro. ceramics course.

You can hand build a nearly true cylinder and then hand build a design around it keeping the symmetry and when done sculpting remove the material for the vessel from the center, or use the cylinder to create a mold that will have a hollow center. You can hand build around a wheel thrown cylinder but you have to learn to use a wheel first.

Alot of work can be done on clay that is slowly dried while it is in various hardnesses. Respected artists have used pieces started on a wheel as a take off point for adding onto for a long time. Yes their work is still art.

You should, as recommended, use the spell check feature, even if it's not perfect.

You should stop worrying so much about the definition of "art" or whose work can be considered "art" and put that energy into creating.

You should stop talking about how great you are and put that energy into making great work.



[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2007-04-24 10:26 ]


I wanted to post this here in case you or anyone watching the trainwreck missed it.

This message was posted by teakey today in my carving thread:


Hey Sneaky

I know that in a previous post that you said you didn't mean anything more than a helpful suggestion so here is my observation of your self described "carvings"

Sorry haven't read you postings here but
Your "carvings" look like the one time my dog chewed on the leg of my parent's chair. My parent's weren't too happy with her for that. Seriously the cuts look to be done with teeth and not anything remotely sharp or for use in wood. Do you really wear that stuff around your neck or out in public???

[end quote]

And here, for your convenience, is my reply:


Thank you for the critique of my work. Even if criticism is put forward in a hostile way it's still good to listen and discern if there is some truth that you can learn from.

As you are an intelligent and mature individual I'm sure that you meant it in a friendly way and that it wasn't simply retribution for the message I posted in your "Teakey's Critiques" Collecting thread.

When I look at my carvings I have to (for the most part) agree with your analysis that they look pretty much like a dog chewed chair leg.
That is one of the many reasons I'm not starting my own blog in the Collecting forum called "Sneaky's Critiques". In this blog that I'm not starting I won't compare my carvings against BenZart, BK, G-Man, Paipo, Tamapoutini and the other fine carvers here. I also won't describe myself as "One of the greats". I won't claim that any of those who cast resin pendants (Gecko maybe) should reproduce one of my carving designs on a large scale, as you've indicated TikiFarm should make one of your mugs. I won't call a much more experienced carver a Punk (unless they have a really cool Mohawk), or accuse them of making a "punk move" if they try to give me some valuable advice on the business of carving or for that matter on life. I won't call my work "priceless" and I will not lay claim to secret carving knowledge that few others possess. I think you're getting the general message here.

For my part I WILL try to use sharp tools and improve my craft in future carvings as long as I keep carving. I hope they will look better soon.



Sorry, system was crashing here and somehow my message was triple posted once it came up.

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2007-04-24 18:28 ]

Sorry, triple posted somehow due to system crash while I was posting.

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2007-04-24 18:33 ]


you certainly live up to your TC name, congrats

Teakey's thread in the early days:

Teakey's thread lately:

Teakey: Keep up the great work! As one of your long time fans, I'd have to say I really like where your work is taking you lately...You will never be the best unless you know that you can be the best, right? BTW: I do not know how much I can bench, but my upper arm measures 15.5 inches and my forearm measures 14 inches. My ego is even larger.

Bulging Muscles Buzzy Out!


I find this thread fascinating.

I keep wondering if it's a gag or something.

The art is real. The persona, unbelievable.

Helz posted on Wed, Apr 25, 2007 6:33 AM

"It is not advisable to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener."

  • Francisco Domingo Carlos Andres Sebastián d'Anconia

"My common sense is tingling"

GROG posted on Wed, Apr 25, 2007 6:50 AM

That's FUNNY you posted that Helz, because by doing that you ARE venturing an unsolicited opinion. What's even funnier was when GROG check your profile it listed your occupation as "Telling people what to do." :lol:

Helz posted on Wed, Apr 25, 2007 7:41 AM

I am both aware of the irony and prepared for the embarrassment.

What's up with the :lol: prop, Ernie?


The Sneaky tiki and his "tiki" carving dog, curse you, curse you for blowing up the track.


On 2007-04-25 09:30, TIKI-TONGA wrote:


"Opinions are like assholes; everybody has one and nobody think's that their's stinks"!

Actor Charles Durningfrom the movieHome For The Holidays




Speaking of Sh*t that stinks

DIGI 77, that is funny as hell. Really looks like it belongs in there.

And Grog's dogs. Do you even know where that thing has been?

GROG posted on Wed, Apr 25, 2007 7:01 PM

Don't hurt yourself Teakey, better leave the humor to the trained professionals. (although that hasn't stopped :lol: Kinny. :lol: )

Maybe you should try using smilies (although they don't really help Kinny).

It might help to be less sardonic with your humor as well.

Ernie! Step outside!
Let's settle this like Men!
BigWheel Race! :lol:

Helz posted on Wed, Apr 25, 2007 8:36 PM

Hey! Now, I've been Critikeyed!!


Okay gang. Let's all try to stay in tune. Ready? Here we go! teaKey, this one's for you bro'.

"Goodnight sweetheart, well it's time to go..."

or perhaps we'd all prefer this one:

"Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye"

[ Edited by: GatorRob 2007-04-26 08:36 ]


As morbidly amusing as I have found this whole thing (hey, I've nothing going on this week) I really wish you two would just knock it the f*ck off. Worse than my damned kids, at least I can still smack them.

I can sum my perspective as this: if you are going to offer a critique either make it positive or make it constructive. Otherwise shut the hell up. Nobody needs a comment like your sh!t sucks. The world has enough a-holes as it is, no need to enlist.

Reminds me of the BK vs. G-Man debacle.

squid posted on Thu, Apr 26, 2007 9:00 PM

On 2007-04-25 20:36, HelzTiki wrote:

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