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new threads we need on Tiki Central

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I want to see a link to a YouTube video of Lucas Vigor posting a link to a YouTube video.

Could such a thing actually exist or would it break the Internet?


OK, I know many old timers are sarcastically venting their frustration on Bilge threads like this, that Tiki Central isn't as good as it was in the "Golden Age". (So many threads that I could have posted this on any one of dozens).

To that I say check out this discussion from over 7 years ago...


The more things change, the more they stay the same. :)

Tiki Central still seems pretty healthy to me, thank you very much. Actually if anything, Tiki is probably less "flavor of the month" today than in 2003, so you might be getting a higher quality of Tikiphile these days.


We need the The More Things Change On Tiki Central The More They Stay The Same thread.

i propose we start a TIKILEAKS thread....


Well, I think we need the Let's discuss old threads that discuss how The More Things Change On Tiki Central The More They Stay The Same thread.

aquarj posted on Wed, Feb 2, 2011 9:52 AM

Another recent suggestion: due to the pervasive comments from the "tikier than thou" crowd here on TC, it has become clear we need to centralize that line of discussion in a single thread:

Who is more tiki than whom?

Actually, I've never personally seen a single instance of anyone saying or even suggesting that someone is "tiki-er" than anyone else. But given the frequency of complaints about such posts, they must be rampant! It's the Tiki Nazis and their unquenchable lust for one-upsmanship. It has been suggested that such posts have no place on TC, but what about the feelings of the Tiki Nazis? Are we going to leave them in the cold with nowhere to talk about how great they are, and how great others aren't? No, it's only fair to hear their voices too, so the time is now, let's put all that in one thread.



I think you are reading too much in to the Tiki-er than though sentiment.

it's an unspoken (not even consciously) gone about thing.

basically just the Hoarder of tiki "stuff" gone wild.

basically it's a I need to find all the tiki stuff in the wild(thrift stores,
garage sales, swap meets) before the other tiki people do.
Or god forbid, the Hawaiiana fans get some of the precious tiki's and not really appreciate them like we do.


GROG posted on Wed, Feb 2, 2011 12:42 PM

We need a thread Tikikirby and Kirby are not the same person!, so that people don't confuse Kirby (Kevin) and Tikikirby (Aaron).

Zeta posted on Wed, Feb 2, 2011 1:08 PM

On 2010-12-26 10:52, little lost tiki wrote:
i propose we start a TIKILEAKS thread....

That was my idea!


I'm new here. My first post/registration was lost in the great hard disc fire of 2010. I can say, I find this thread and the others like it pretty funny! A lot of this is covered under the rule "no politics." I haven't run into to many Tiki-gestapo but I'll admit that I try to post damn carefully. Hell, I posted some crap in finds and was waiting for a shit storm of "you included an ol' beer can and big lots coozie picture you uncultured swine" Instead, my one response was very positive. Honest, though, I will not start a new topic until I am sure I have something meaningful to contribute 'cause damn. Anyway, I appreciate you folks. Perhaps it is because I collected comics for years that I am use to heated discussions that go in circles
. :)


Zeta posted on Tue, Feb 22, 2011 11:22 AM

Bienvenido Gabbahey! lucky you found us. As the embassador of tiki in Mexico I give you an oficial salute of Estate. You are one of us. Plus I looove the Ramones, Gabbahey is my war chant. My philosophy. Also, Love comics, Crumb, Bagge, Clowes, Kellerman, Arizaleta etc... So welcome, and do as I did, post real good tiki stuff for your first 1000 posts (lie) or so, and then you can go a little loco... It is OK to post stipid random stuff in Bilge too. Or share your Tiki art or experiences, or buy my stuff! ...

Back on topic:

I suggest the thread:

Tikileaks: Tabu threads here in TC

An index of the most worst threads here at TC...

Ok, nevermind.


So, if things were different, and tiki was as mainstream as say Starbucks is today...would you still like it?

The Tiki and Starbuck's...Recently while looking at some vintage Japanese coffee mugs at Goodwill a guy told me there are people who collect Starbuck's mugs.

"Tiki mug butts - what are they for?"



Tiki butts drive people nuts. When Shecky was introduced the fact that he had a butt crack seemed to be a favorite feature.

There was a toast we never said at the Deepest Darkest Mysterious Club that went "All the lasses love Tiki asses!"


We need more threads with subject lines that are questions.

Maybe March could be Question the Subject month?

Is this thread tiki enough?

How much mug hoarding is a bad thing?

What do you have to do to be banned from a Tiki Forum, or a Tiki Bar?



If the fez really isn't Tiki then why don't we have other hat threads on Tiki Central?

Below are some hat threads we need. Ideally each of these threads will also spin off several other threads discussing the merits of each hat style and whether it's Tiki or not.

Show Us Your Straw Boater!

Show Us Your Bowler!

Show Us Your Baseball Cap!

Show Us Your Baseball Cap That You Only Wear Backwards!

Show Us Your Weird Tan Lines On Your Forehead From Always Wearing Your Baseball Cap Backwards!

Show Us Your Baseball Cap With The Name Of A Team That Isn't A Baseball Team On it!

Show Us Your Tweed Cap!

Show Us Your Tractor Cap!

Show Us Your Cowboy Hat!

Show Us Your Giant Foam Rubber Cowboy Hat Because YOU'RE HILARIOUS!!!

Show Us Your Greek Fisherman's Cap!

Extra! Extra! Read All About it! Show Us Your Newsboy Cap!

Arrr! Read This If Ye Can Read At All, Ye Scurvy Swine! Show Us Your Newspaper Pirate Hat!

Show Us Your Porkpie!

¡Show Us Your Sombrero!

Show Us Your Nightcap! ***(Beyond Tiki)

***Show Us Your Nightcap! ***(Tiki Drinks and Food)

***Show Us Your Ironic Trucker Cap!

Show Us Your Trucker Cap That You Didn't Realize Might Be Considered Ironic!

Show Us Your Felt Crusher!

Show Us Your Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo Hat!

Show Us Your Civil War Reenactment Cap, Blue or Gray!

Show Us Yer Coonskin Cap!

Show Us You Puttin' On Your Top Hat, Tyin' Up Your White Tie!

Show Us Your Tam o' Shanter

Show Us Your Yarmulke!

Show Us Your Kolpik!

Show Us Your Hair Net!

Show Us You Doing It Without A Hairnet!

Show Us Your Knit Cap You Wear Just To Keep Your Head Warm!

Show Us Your Knit Cap You Wear Just To Make a Fashion Statement!

Show Us Your Tricorne!

Show Us Your Mortarboard!

Show Us Your Beret!

Show Us Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat!

Show Us Your Turban!

Show Us Your Pith Helmet!

Show Us Ma In Her Kerchief and You In Your Cap!

Show Us Your Beanie!

Show Us Your Fedora!

Show Us Your Volksmarch Pins On Your Tyrolean Hat!

Show Us Your Prairie Bonnet!

Show Us Your Tiara You Big Drama Queen!

There are more I didn't think of, plus there's the whole category of party hats, special hats like St Patrick's Day hats (such as green bowlers or hats made to look like pints of Guinness), rain hats, and various hats worn for work. Go ahead and start a new thread for any variation on head wear you might think of.


"show us YER coonskin cap!"


show us your underalls!

show us your TIKI JEEP!


There's a Tiki Jeep? AWESOME!!!


For the General Tiki forum...

*Wind hardy palm trees

Rain hardy palm trees

Arty farty palm trees

Palm tree finds

Palm trees in films

Palm trees on Anthony Bourdain

Show us your palm tree

Can anyone identify this palm tree?


Palm tree chop in OC

International Palm Tree Day celebration and art show - Fri April 17

What palm trees are you growing right now?

D o n the B e a c h c o m b e r's palm tree problems??

The exotica palm tree thread

The exotic palm tree thread

Have we just experienced the latest wave of a palm tree resurgence?

Palm tree music defined*



Don the Beachcomber is having palm tree problems? That's too bad.

[ Edited by: woofmutt 2012-03-28 12:59:55 when he realized the joint is Don the Beachcomber not Don the Beachcombers or Don the Beachcomber's.]

[ Edited by: woofmutt 2012-03-28 12:59 ]


On 2012-03-27 17:27, woofmutt mostly wrote:
DtB's is having palm tree problems? That's too bad.

Don't be silly. Clearly a thread titled "D o n the B e a c h c o m b e r's palm tree problems??" would be full of glowing opinions about the robust leafy beauty and supple lankiness of the palm trees there. On the other hand, palm tree purists might be more alarmed seeing a thread titled like this:

"D o n the B e a c h c o m b e r's palm tree excellence!"

If I saw that, I'd have to conclude that it must have pages of negative scuttlebutt about (hypothetical) problems with the palm trees at DtB's.



Which palm tree is the most tiki.

Is this plastic tree from Margaritaville Tiki?

If Jimmy Buffet owned a fake palm tree that I got on ebay, would it be worth more?



It's "Don the Beachcomber" Not "Don the Beachcombers" or "Don the Beachcomber's" or "Don Beach's Combover."

(Thread idea inspired by inspired by GROG.)


Some topic threads on TC take a fresh existential approach to things. Using specific terms in the thread title is rather banal, because then the reader already has a rough idea what the topic is about, and there's no mystery. So these threads bring new life to the forums that are otherwise full of just so many other threads that are overt and topically coherent. We need more topics along those lines, like f'rinstance...

*Anyone seen something before? If so, what was it?

Anyone ever been there?

Done that?

What the heck is this?


What's that pinging sound?

Where is this from?

Where should I be right now? Can I get a ride there?

Please help identify me.*

And in an offshoot of this existential style, there's another form of speculative "possible world" topics. These threads are not about subjects that are related to tiki, or even once were related to tiki. No, these are about things that might be related to tiki in some plausible alternate world. Naturally it's customary to post about interesting but non-tiki things in Beyond, but that's different. I'm talking about the innovative practice of posting about potential tiki connections in the topical or General forums! Some suggestions for more topics along these lines...

*If someone added some tikis to this house I'm selling, it could be a tiki house

If someone added some rum to this drink I'm drinking, it could be a rum drink*


aquarj were you one of the writers on "Prometheus" ? :wink:

:lol: Nice work Randy,

My 3 favorites -

• *Where should I be right now? Can I get a ride there?

• If someone added some tikis to this house I'm selling, it could be a tiki house

• If someone added some rum to this drink I'm drinking, it could be a rum drink*

Here's some new topics I'd like to see but they may already exist -

If you think my questions are annoying online, just wait until you meet me in person


If Tiki is supposed to be so much fun, why does everyone have such a short fuse?

They actually go together as a set. :)

I already posted the add Tikis to make this a Tiki house...that is so last month.

We could combine a lot of errant threads with a standard picture into...
Is this Witco?

"If Tiki is supposed to be so much fun, why does everyone have such a short fuse?"
this is how you would describe the sound of a hammer hitting a nail squarely on the head.


On 2012-06-12 19:22, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
aquarj were you one of the writers on "Prometheus" ? :wink:

Prowhotheus? That question has too much ambiguous symbolism to answer. I don't recall writing on Proyoutheus, or Proanybodytheus for that matter. But I think I'm missing the symbolic implication.

On 2012-06-12 20:03, VampiressRN wrote:
I already posted the add Tikis to make this a Tiki house...that is so last month.

Hmm, maybe that was in Beyond Tiki. If so, no offense but that's just the regular old convention. On the other hand we see more innovative threads talking about things like potential tiki party rooms in General Tiki.


Since we have been bantering on about symbolism of late
How about "What is the Symbolism of my fake Tiki?"

How about some of these threads?

"Here is my home Tiki Bar, Which I will never build!"

"Things that are not Tiki, But I want to make Tiki"

"Why am I in denial that most Witco is ugly? and it belongs in a Pimp's apartment"

"How can you call them "Hipsters" when they all look and dress the same?"

"All new bands of the last decade have stupid names!"

Beautiful stuff ATP! :lol:

I am happy to put a smile on your face Boris's
And if it helps you to forget all the people I have killed, Opps!
well it was worth it.

One more for the road: "Why does Witco look so good on a 70s Porn set?"

OK one more:

"Your children are not special,So please return the trophies & ribbons on the way out!"


See, this is the power of some good brainstorming! At least half a dozen new threads here would bring a new texture and aroma to TC. As for this one...

On 2012-06-13 14:20, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
"Why does Witco look so good on a 70s Porn set?"

That one kind of answers itself. Can anyone name something that DOESN'T look good on a 70s porn set?!?? At least assuming that we mean good as in "70s good", which pretty much means bad. But anyway the entire decade pretty much was a porn set.


Hit the nail on the head! anything can look good in a 70s Porn, because it looks so bad!
That's a Bingo.

On 2012-06-13 16:54, aquarj wrote:

Can anyone name something that DOESN'T look good on a 70s porn set?!??

Ron Jeremy

There is a show on Showtime hosted by Dave Attell devoted to the joy of 70's porn

Dave's Old Porn

Warning: Adult Content (but what did you expect with a show about porn)

Bow Chicka Wow Wow......

Bring Back 70's Bush!

On 2012-06-14 23:40, bigtikidude wrote:
Bring Back 70's Bush!

I am pretty sure your not talking about politics, Jeff.....:lol: :lol: :lol:

On 2012-06-14 23:40, bigtikidude wrote:
Bring Back 70's Bush!

Just guessing but Look down! :roll:

Oh you know Boris, you know.


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